Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hayden Twilight

My parents and I join in shortly after, my violet blade spinning through the night as Dad’s silvers hack a trooper into three pieces and Mom’s gold impales an officer. The small Mandalorian squad backs us up.

Supreme Commander Harris

I jump back in surprise, activating the retractable helmet to cover my face. I had hoped this would go smoothly, but I guess not. I raise my blaster rifle and open fire along with my men.

Mandalore the Risen

From behind my army of Mand’ade comes a full roar. As I turn, I see a mob of men and women of all races charging with blasters, vibroswords, pipes, frying pans, and basically anything one might use as a makeshift weapon. They are all Revolution, and they are angry as hell. Cheered on by my warriors, the angry mob surges into the Republic lines, quickly overwhelming them.

As if that weren’t enough, I suddenly spot animals coming our way too: Kybucks, Anoobas, Bomas, Kath Hounds, and much more. There is even a Bull Rancor amongs the herd! I can’t help but laugh at the absurdity. “What the hell is this?!”

HJ Twilight

I ride into battle atop Huntress. “Breakout at the Galactic City Zoo!” I point towards the Republic soldiers, and Huntress responds with a mighty roar. The animals, all seeming to understand, stampede towards the enemy and causing all sorts of damage to man and machine alike.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

I slice through a pair of troopers and turn to see the Chaos that's erupted, deflecting a shot from the Supreme Commander in his mechanized combat suit. Not entirely sure what was happening, but acknowledging that we had the edge, I jet back into the fray, unleashing one of my prototype cryoban rockets into the mechanized armor to see what happens. "It's over, Supreme Commander! How about we avoid getting more lives wasted here?"

Temari Ordo

"Indeed she is." Even from here, it was becoming clear that the Republic forces were already loosing the fight and their morale was failing. If they were not told to surrender soon, it would turn into a route.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Supreme Commander Harris

“You murder our Chancellor, then try to talk to me about wasting lives? Who the hell do you think you are?”

Hayden Twilight

“We’re the Sith Hunters, and that smattered mess over there? That’s a Sith! You’re welcome, by the way.” I wink at Jerus.

Supreme Commander Harris

“What? That’s... that’s insane! Impossible!” I look at our transports, and as it turns out, the troopers were not the only passengers. Each shuttle carries a trio of humanoid SHK Droids. “I’m sorry, but if you won’t lower your weapons and come for questioning, I will have to use deadly force.” I frown under my helmet. I was fully prepared to do this peacefully. Had they not attacked first, this whole fight could have been avoided.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

Spotting the droids, I curse under my breath and use the Force to send one trio flying. "And how did surrendering and coming in for questioning end for Becca and Jakito Twilight?!" Reaching out with the Force again, I yank one of the handlers towards me and spin, slicing the man in two. "When are you going to realize that you're little more than puppets to that man?!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Supreme Commander Harris

“We serve the Republic faithfully! If that makes us puppets...” I leave the sentence unfinished as something catches my eye. Perhaps unwisely, I turn my attention away from the four Force wielding assassins and look towards the Chancellor’s body. It may have been my imagination, but I thought I saw it twitch.

Hayden Twilight

I sense the shift in the air, and turn towards Sucal as well. His body is vibrating, slowly at first, but then more rapidly and noticeably. Then comes the sounds of cracking and popping as his body jerks and twists in several directions. His broken bones are resetting themselves. “Guys!”

Darth Traya

Purple light glows from Sucal’s eyes and from his mouth. As he is lifted from the ground, he lets out an agonizing scream as his mind is awakened in a body that should be dead. Over his screams, a second voice speaks. “I am not finished with this one!”

Supreme Commander Harris

My men are equally horrified, and immediately stop attacking the Twilights. The droids stop attacking as well, having been called off my their handlers. I give Jerus a look, then I point to the raising corpse of Sucal. “Open fire!” Every soldier fires on the suspended body, but to no effect. It is protected by some sort of forcefield.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

"I don't give a damn! Hayden, Jakito, Becca, focus everything you can into breaking that shield!" I focus a powerful build up of the Force into the palms of my hands after deactivating my lightsabers. "Your time ended centuries ago, Traya! Go back to hell!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Darth Traya

“The just yet. The endgame is upon us.” Sucal’s whole body begins to glow with purple light, and the blaster shots of the troopers begin to reflect back at them. From his hands shoot jets of purple fire, forcing everybody nearby to retreat out of range.

Hayden Twilight

As my parents and I bat away reflected blaster shots and do what we can to stay clear of the flames, I can feel the air around us getting sucked towards Sucal. He... or rather Traya or Trayus was gearing up for something big. The fire also seems to be gathering closer around him, almost engulfing his body.

Instinctively, I charge forward, leaping over the walls of flame. I can hear my parents calling out to me, but I ignore them (as usual) and dive towards Sucal, spearing my blade towards his heart.

Darth Traya

The flames all contract around Sucal and, now, Hayden. The purple fire becomes a column of flame that shoots high into the night sky.

Becca Twilight

Jakito and I throw up barriers just in time to protect ourselves and the remaining Republic troopers from the fire burst. After a moment, the flames dissipate into smoke, leaving nothing but charred metal where Sucal and Hayden once stood. “No...”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

I had also thrown up a barrier to protect myself and the troopers near me and when the flames clear, I grimace. However, I wasn't convinced either of them was dead. "Well...we're back to square one..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jakito Twilight

“The hell we are.” I turn to the Supreme Commander. “You saw what just happened, right? That was your Chancellor. THAT was the guy we’ve now killed twice and still comes back, and the guy you’ve been taking orders from and who made my whole family into criminals. Seeing what you just saw, that make you feel any type of way?”

Supreme Commander Harris

“As a matter of fact, it does.” I activate my helmet comm. “Attention all Republic forces. Stand down. The battle is lost.” I look mournfully Jerus. “You do plan to call off your army, right? I don’t want to be known as the man who handed Coruscant over to the Mandalorians.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

"Well, we do have Alderaan who's supposed to be showing up, but uh...well..." My com beeps and I answer it without looking. "Jerus, go ahead."

Zar'kun Je'and

"Did someone call for back up?" In orbit, Alderaan's fleet is engaging the Mandalorian's and between the ships of Alderaan and the Republic's surviving fleet, it's now a real battle once more. "We're going to break this blockade, and then we'll be right down."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Koraline Okarr

I sit in the cockpit of the Redshifter, floating in the shadow of the Alderaan fleet. “Uhh, did someone forget to tell Mandalore we are on the same side? What the hell?”

Jakito Twilight

Looking up at the sky battle, I take out my comm and hail HJ. “Hey, kid. Time to let Ava know it’s all over. She can end hostilities. We’re all friends again... I assume.” I glance at Harris.

Supreme Commander Hariss

“Im sure whoever replaces Sucal as a chancellor will be more than willing to offer full pardons for all of you. At the very least, the Republic Military will no longer trouble any of you so long as I have anything to say about it.”

HJ Twilight

I nod my head as Jakito’s voice speaks into my ear. “Got it.” I ride Huntress over to where Ava and the others are howling victory cries and singing Mando’a songs of triumph. “Hey, Ava! Looks like the boys upstairs didn’t get the memo about the battle being over! Call them off, would ya please? The Alderaan Fleet is our ally!”

Mandalore the Risen

The warriors close to me exchange glances as they hear HJ calling to me. Beneath my helmet, my cheeks flushed red. I could tell what they were thinking; he speaks so casually to me. He gives me orders. He calls me by my birth name.

“Right...” I say, raising my flagship on my helmet. “Lydia. I commend your enthusiasm, but the day is ours. The Alderaanians are... not a threat. Allow them to land shuttles... but don’t disperse the blockade either. We aren’t leaving just yet.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Zar'kun Je'and

As the Mandalorians stop firing, I sigh. "Well, there goes the idea that Alderaan is here to liberate them...All the same, we should join the others on the surface I think."

Jerus Je'and

"And so the Great Siege of Coruscant has come to an end...I hope."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago


“I had a feeling the Mandalorians weren’t going to go for that plan. They aren’t much for surrendering, even if it’s pretend. All that matters is that the good side won in the end.”

Becca Twilight

Though I am clearly upset that Hayden and Sucal went up quite literally in smoke, I keep my mind on the present. She isn’t dead, I know. That Sucal, in some form, probably isn’t either. I walk to Jerus. “Have Zar’kun meet is at the hotel. We should all regroup there to figure out what’s next.”

Jakito Twilight

“Buuut...” I interject. “Maybe before we talk about new battles to wage, we take a little time to rest? We literally just fought a whole war in one day, after all.”

Satele Shan

I float down to the street level, Salazar Greshh slung over my shoulder. My feet barely hit the ground before I too collapse.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

Relaying the information to dad, I rush over to help Satele set the heavily armored Pureblood down and gently check Salazar for a pulse. "That was reckless, Satele. Very unbecoming of the former Grand Master."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Satele Shan

“I’ve done more reckless things then that. Just ask Theron.” I chuckle weakly, then wince in pain. “I will be alright. It’s Greshh you should worry about. His armor will keep him alive... but only just. He needs Force healing.”

Becca Twilight

“Marek taught me a few healing techniques. I can tend to him once we get back to the hotel. But... how is he alive?”

Satele Shan

“Good question, but not here. Not now.”

Jakito Twilight

“Right. Well, let’s get him on the s transport.” I help Jerus carry Salazar. “Do you think we should call Gavin and Vette? Cosen is already at the hotel nursing a concussion. They’ll all be happy to see him... won’t they?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Jerus Je'and

"I don't know. Manda'lor and Temari would know more about what exactly the Twins were doing on Dxun than anyone except the Twins. Still, they deserve to know."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Becca Twilight

“Agreed.They should know, at the very least. Whether they want to see him or not, especially looking the way he does, it’s up to them.” I help Satele to her feet and lead her towards the shuttle. “First things first, we need to get you both back to the hotel.” That jogs my memory. “Speaking of which, I want to check on Korre. She wasn’t doing great last I saw.” After a moment, I take out my commlink. “Xan? You there? How is Korre doing?” I wait for a reply, but none comes. “Xan? You there? Please respond.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Xanthippe Naberrie

Back at the hotel, I am knelt over Korre. Her hands are cold, and I can sense the life in her is fading. “Come on, girl. Don’t do this. Your stronger then that.” I try more of my healing magic, but it isn’t working. I look at the med droid hovering nearby. “What’s happening!?”

Medibot 4

“She has lost too much blood, mistress. We are attempting to infuse her now, but her condition is so far unchanging.”

Xanthippe Naberrie

“And the child?” The droid doesn’t not answer, which is answer enough in itself. “This is all Sucal’s fault... MY fault...” Korre is shivering intensely, yet when I feel her forehead, she in burning up. “No no no no.” I call on more of my magick to help, even though I fear it is of no use. “Korre, can you hear me?”


I can hear Xan, though it sounds like she is far away. I am fading in and out of reality in a sort of half dream state. I can’t tell what is real and what is not. I feel like I have been pushing for years in a never ending time loop.

A hand gently touches my cheek, and I look up through half swollen shut eyes. I smile at the pleasant face looking down at me. “It’s you...” the kind old man nods, smiling behind his white beard. “I... I’m dying, aren’t I? I can tell... I can’t feel anything anymore.”

The old man doesn’t respond. He just keeps stroking my hair.

“What do I do?” I ask. “I’m afraid. For my son... I don’t want him to die. And I... I don’t want him to grow up without a mother. He already doesn’t have a father and... He deserves the best chance.”

The old man nods, looking sympathetic. Something about his presence gives me hope, like he can somehow make things better. I don’t know if he is a doctor or what, but I’m glad he’s here. “Can you help me? Please.”

Carefully, the old man reaches out and touches my belly. Immediately, I can feel warmth spreading from his touch, and it begins to slowly spread throughout my body. “Thank you, sir... Tell me, what is your name?”

The old man leans in close to my ear and whispers his name, and it is the most beautiful name I have ever heard.

Xanthippe Naberrie

Korre suddenly jerks and gasp, and I nearly jump in surprise. A moment later, the Med droids fly in close and begin chirping to each other in binary speak. Tiny ones close to Korre’s head whisper confronting words and making soothing tones, and the ones at her feet fly into action. I look up at the monitors and am relieved to see Korre’s vitals are rising again. Before I know it, the droids are pulling away from Korre, holding a newborn child in their spoon like arms, and I let out a sob of joy.

All at once, everything has fallen silent... and it takes me a moment to realize that isn’t a good thing. The baby isn’t crying. I look from Korre, who was breathing slowly and steadily, to the droids surrounding the child. “Well? Is it...”

Medibot 4

“The child is healthy, mistress. A bit small, perhaps, but we understand Humans range in size to some degree.” The droids gently pivot, allowing Can a clear view of the newly swaddled child. He appears alert and awake,but he does not cry. The droid hovers over to Xan and offers her the child. “Congratulations, mistress. You are, as they say, a grandmother.”

Xanthippe Naberrie

I carefully take the child in my arms, making sure to support his head like I’ve heard you’re supposed to. I run my fingers through the gift of black hair atop his oblong head. In response, the child looks up at me with big amber colored eyes.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, but I was too overcome with emotion to care too much. “Look, Korre.” I whisper, leaning in to show her. “This is your son.”


I smile weakly, taking my child from Xan and laying him against my chest. “My son... I have the perfect name for him.” I lean my head close to his. “My sweet Valkorion.”

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Armond Organa

Alderaanian shuttles begin landing throughout the city. Along with the small military force, there are aid workers and medics. Though the battle had left most of the city in chaos, I hoped our presence would help start things back on the road to normalcy.

My shuttle flies down towards the Senate Tower, but pulls up at the last minute when a signal goes out warning intruders away under threat of violence. The pilot tells me in is a Revolution signal, and I sigh. "Send them a message saying who we are, and that we come in peace. The battle is over, and I am thankful for their part in winning it." The pilot transmits the message, and after a few minutes of circling the building, we are allowed to land.

As the ramp lowers and I step off with my personal guard, we are met by a red skinned Twi'lek and, to my surprise, several Mandalorians. "Greetings. You must be Gavin Greshh. And these fine warriors with you are..."

Gavin Greshh

"Temari of Clan Ordo and her elite hunters, along with Nor and Gida of Clan Saxon." I look Armond up and down. "And you must be the politician; the one sent to 'save' us all. Well... looks like we already saved ourselves."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

"Easy, Gavin. Armond Organa lead his fair share of battles against House Thul. He's as much warrior as politician. Regardless," I turn to the Alderaanian noble, "you have quite the task ahead of you. Manda'lor will not simply ask her people to give up a planet we've dreamed of reclaiming for generations."
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