Hello there, I'm Demonic Raven and you're watching Disney Channel!

Shit, wrong intro!

Hello, I'm demonic Raven and welcome to my interest check! There we go!

Now instead of fussing around with rules, my usual plot intro, other jokes and puns that I tend to make, I'm going to get straight into the plot idea and if you like it PM me and tell me about the prince you envisioned playing when reading this idea!

So the plot I have in mind is a romance story of a prince who is on the cusp of his 25th birthday, the weight of inheriting the crown upon his shoulders as his father passed away due to being poisoned. But the prince just wishes to travel the land, experiencing the wonders of the world instead of sitting on a thrown all day. Though he also worries of being killed himself after he finds a note threatening to kill him if he does not leave never to return again. So he escapes out of the castle and kingdom to a nearby village to which he finds an elven girl about 20 years old singing and dancing for coin, gifting her a few gold coins to sing his future.

She speaks of a future where she sees him as a mighty ruler though one far more worldly and experienced than he is nowm Unfortunately due to a false accusation that has kept her on the run for years the guards within the town chase after her, and as she flees he begs to come with her and so they set off on a journey together, escaping bandits, dancing in festivals, going to mystical forests and beaches of golden sand. All the while the advisor to the king takes over the kingdom and makes horrible decisions that land the kingdom in a worse and worse state for all those who aren't rich.

So the prince has a choice to turn his back on his past and start completely new or to go back to take his thrown and possibly lose the love that had developed between them throughout the journey as the court would never except an Elf as a queen.

I will be playing the elven girl whose name is to be determined. If you enjoyed and wish to discuss more details about the plot or have questions, PM me and we can talk more on there. Regardless I hope you have a wonderful day!