Heyo-eyo...I'm bored, and my writing skills aren't currently where I'd like them to be.

I'm too slow for too little, too worried over too much, and my confidence as a writer has suffered severely as a result. If you're interested in a "whichever way the winds blow" sort of exercise-focused fantasy Discord RP, hit me up, we'll work something out if we can, or part at least amicably if not ^_^). I don't intend to do this for more than a month and have no plans to solidify some mind-blowing ending, so no long-term obligations expected if you just want to do this on the side - additionally, I don't demand time-synchronized RPing, so basically we'll just post whenever we have free time...just don't take that as meaning "once a week", that's all. I don't demand more of a wordcount than what I put out, which is next to nothing (I'm working on a sentence-by-sentence basis right now), so as long as you want to become a better writer yourself we should work out fine!

That's a lotta "don't"s even given their leniency, so I Do look forward to talking or writing with you, whoever you may be! Take it Easy, meantime or otherwise.