Hello All!

NOTE: I am looking for an 18+ rper, as one of these plots is VERY mature. If you are not 18+, don't read further and please move along :3

I've been looking to do a Star Wars Type rp. I have three different ideas. One could either be almost completely smut (50/50 if my partner wants some plot), while the other two I can see being mostly plot based. So really whatever level of smut to plot ratio you want, I have something for you! I'm going to try to keep these short and simple.
I mainly play female, but can play a male as well when doubling (which two out of three of these plots does allow lol).

The plot idea that has a mostly smut ratio is a Jedi x Sith idea. This plot could either be a smut based or a 50/50 with some plot and some smut. We can discuss that in PMs as we plan. It would basically revolved around a Jedi and Sith in the time period before Order 66 happened, where the Jedi were still a main staple in the Republic. I'm thinking the Sith wants to turn the Jedi to the Dark Side and is using whatever means necessary to do so ;) So again, this could be a complete sexual matter, or it we wanted more plot, there could be other ways or more romance. Maybe some history between the Jedi and Sith. Just depends on what me and my partner would like to do and discuss. If we do go with this being mostly smut, we would need to share a kink list of gos and no-gos so we are also on the same page as far as what we will and won't do.

The second plot idea I have its basically an rp where Ben Solo (aka Kylo Ren) is paired off with the granddaughter of Obi Wan. Starting Pre TFA with them and Ben's fall to the Dark Side, her escape from the attack on Luke's other padawans, etc. And then the events that happen when they finally do meet again. It would be of course changing some things for The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker(since I came up with the idea before RoS (and maybe TLJ, I can't remember) came out, but I feel it would be interesting and my partner and I could make it work, maybe even adding in a couple other OCs to make things even more interesting, so there could be some doubling opprutunieis a little later on in the story (after Ben as turned to the dark side). . As far as Rey and the others, I would like to change Rey's background as far as her being Palpatine's granddaughter, making her someone else. X( I just didn't like they did that lol. But again, thats something more we can discuss in PMs.
This plot would be a 50/50 plot or below, in that I want either equal smut and plot, or more plot than smut.

The third plot is simple in that it is a Genderbend of the Prequels. I would like to play a female Anakin and my partner to play a male Padme. That also being said, Obi Wan would also be genderbent, so my partner could play her lol. I don't mind us adding in a couple OCs to make things interesting as well. It would start with the Phantom Menace and go on through Episode III ( we can add things in between to make things interesting or can skim through events to keep things from getting boring and rewriting the movies lol. Depending on what my partner wants. The real different comes when we get to the events after Episode III. In that I don't plan for Padme to have actually died like Anakin thought, and that Padme is raising one of the twins, while Anakin is raising the other. My partner and I can discuss and decide what we want to happen as they are raising their twin or how/when they come back together and find out the other is alive (both would think the other is dead). Lots of drama, romance, and trauma lol.
This plot would be a 50/50 plot or below, in that I want either equal smut and plot, or more plot than smut.

ANYWAYS x'D Just PM me if you are interested! I won't be responding to the thread, so messaging me is how to get in touch with me lol. I'm always up for discussing and changing up some of the plot as well! Just let me know some ideas you may have!