This is a very basic, very simple, fictional 'role play' focusing on geopolitics. It will get more complicated as time goes on, but for now we will start with something simple.

Imagine the time period is the mid-late 1800s. In this part of our fictional world, the Hazamai Tribe and the Djumananti Tribe were recently granted autonomy from their colonial overlords. However, there are some disagreements over the border of both tribes. In this region, the Hazamai and the Djumananti claim the territory on their respective sides of the Kulazan River. However, there is an issue concerning the Kulazan Delta.

THE ISSUE: The Kulazan River splits and forms a delta as it feeds into the Hazamai Sea. The newly-established countries of Hazamai and Djumananti are petitioning for ownership of the territory lying within the delta. The international community recognizes the advantages of the delta's fertility. The International Council (you, the players) must decide which tribe is granted ownership of the Kulazan Delta. This will have important consequences in the future.

Questions? Culture, religion, history, sentiments, etc - I can provide more info if necessary. Ask in this thread and I will respond when I can.

The issue is of serious concern and the International Community must decide by 12pm Wednesday Night.