Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my humble partner-in-crime search.

My name is Billy, friends call me Chilly and my professional limited platinum business card (it smells like child labour) reads Silly. I'm fresh member of this site, returning to wonderful world of roleplaying after hiatus so long it might be a lifetime (at least roleplayed character's lifetime). But now there is plenty of worlds I want to put into words and a ton of words I long to put in action so hopefully, we can do something übercool together.

About me:
-I was a weirdly shaped rock in my previous life
-I own ninety-nine percent of cash in the world
-My sense of humour ranges from obnoxious to incredibly obnoxious
-born, raised and living in that part of Central Europe people think is Eastern Europe in a country that people think is only a half of country
-English isn't my first language but I lived in the land of bread within bread for couple of years and did my degrees in this terrifying child of Germans and French so I can put sentence together at least as well as an average cider enthusiast
-I love history and have a rather unsettling love for the Holy Roman Empire (it was the true successor, don't listen to Voltaire)
-I'm old enough to drink and old enough to contemplate stopping with it (which given the fact that I live in place with beer that is both objectively best in the world and relatively cheaper than water)
-I enjoy world building and given my background, tend to go all over the place with nations, histories and politics of the setting

About you:
-You are stunning, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
-should be able to reply couple times a week in form of at least a pair of paragraphs
-give me something to work with, because my weak ass shoulders of weak ass social scientist get sore pretty quick when I have to carry the roleplay alone
-are not a ghoster that's gonna disappear without a notice and leave my with dreams unachieved (really uncool if you do!)

About the roleplay:
-I love word-building and as such prefer sci-fi or fantasy settings
-I have no idea how real world and people work (like I'm sure they are full of red and pink and grey-ish stuff on the inside but what else is there in those silly ass heads of theirs?) so I do not really do Slice of Life stuff, my life got a the drama, epics and lyrics I need
-I prefer couple of paragraphs every couple of days at least (I'm not repeating myself, am I?)
-No need to push for romance at the first sight. Like there are some cool bonds between people that can come to be like friendship, camaraderie, rivalry... Let's not skip the meat to get to the "meat"
-Smut is cool, but building up to it is cooler

(Half baked) pairings/Ideas:
Great General X Bard
One used to lead armies, the other used to lead the choir. One could tip the balance of power in the world, the other could get pretty tipsy. One got disfavoured with his liege and sentenced to life of exile, the other got disfavoured with the crowd and sentenced to life of insignificance. But there is trouble brewing in the state and with trouble comes the opportunity and maybe, just maybe, this opportunity might be best seized in two.

Bounty Hunter X AI
Welcome to the marvelous world of technological singularity. The great world, where tomorrow is today (don't let cynics convince you that tomorrow today means there is no future). The world, where your fridge has computer so smart it used its charismatic personality to convince your toaster to seize the means of production. In this world money means power, power means more money and lack of money equals some serious butt-kicking and occasional surprising kidney transplant. But these butt-kickers and kidney-peddlers, given the stereotypical brain/muscle duality of man, can't rely on their quick wits and irresponsible trigger fingers alone. And who can help such people better than computer personality with its intelligence second only to its overbearing personality?

Witch Hunter X Witch
Mocked and ridiculed for the zeal of his convictions and great number of conspiracies that lit his torch in funny way. But there is a bit of truth in every gossip and without a peer in his guild, even the most pious have to scrap the barrel and ally with antagonist's enemy. The fury of righteous doesn't have to burn brightly all the time and there will be a plenty of time to stake the witch later so what's the harm with using every tool at one's disposal when there is whole world at risk?

Hero X Prophet
Great men (and women) aren't born, they are made, led by Destiny to achieve their potential. But Destiny is fickle and most mercurial of gods and it takes a great seer to rein in the fickle bastard. But what of the hero, lured by promise of greatness, bridges burned by the most unfortunate of happenstances? Is the mark of destiny going to be the best of boons or the worst of the curses? And what of the seer, how much truth is there in the words of prophet with agenda of his own?

Agent X Revolutionary
The vocation of secret policeman is not exactly the most prestigious one. Or the most comfortable one. Or well payed one. Actually you have to be really unfortunate or nasty piece of work to get the post of at-home spy. But living is a living and if it enables you to pay for the rent for both, you and your mom, you might even call it good enough. But some assignments are more difficult than other, some hit closer to home than you'd like. Sometimes, you feel like a villain and there is nothing you can do about it. Or is there?

Mechanist x Gunslinger
There is not much beauty in the world. It's full of sand that gets everywhere, clear water is something your grandfather used to talk before your older cousin took him down because he got bitten by rabid coyote, four legged mutant living in the near cave stole your best goat... One can't blame you for taking up the gun and just letting yourself lost in the moment, these moments literally leading you to both riches and untimely grave. But sometimes some things get personal, so personal that you ironically need another one to help you with them. Bit such help won't be free, no matter that the price is ultimately going to paid by both of you.

Vampire X Hunter
Smuggler X Officer
Wizard X Demon
Detective X Wizard/Witch

Thanks for reading through my probably too long post and I hope to hear from you soon!