In a place far, far away from the commotion bred by the clash between the defenders of the light and their mortal nemesis, a certain silver-haired magician had just finished brewing a cup of tea for herself.

"I gotta say, I one-upped myself this time. This must be the best tea I had in a long while," Lilian said as she walked to an old reading chair. She left the cup on a nearby table, beside a tray of sweets and—after perusing the shelves that packed the walls around her—picked an ominous-looking book.

Before she went back to her chair, Lilian took a long look at the night sky outside the stained glass windows of the old chapel that served as the Grand Ministry's Hall, almost as if she were trying to peer off into the distance separating her from her beloved magical girls.

"Percival and the Quest for the Holy Grail, huh? Very interesting. Very interesting indeed," She said to herself in a curious tone.

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Meanwhile, the battle at the construction site raged on. The magical girls and the thralls of darkness clashed against one another in a desperate effort to rid the world of each other.

That said, some of the Pageless cared more to find ways to feast on the civilians, ignoring the threats of magical girls defending them and rushing at their prey with wild abandon.

If fighting against what seemed like an endless tide of darkness crashing upon them wasn't hard enough, the magical girls also had to deal with the Pageless that seemed to flee the battle and converged upon a helpless girl that had been forsaken by the goddess of luck.

With every moment that passed, the number of Pageless drawn to Nessie grew. Would help come in time or would her story end before it even began?