"Have I not (quoth he) good cause to weep, that being as there are an infinite number of worlds, I am not yet the lord of one?"
-On Tranquility of the Mind

What's the worst part about breaking into heaven to kill god and topple his throne? Finding out you're the last guy to break into heaven to kill god and topple his throne.

The concept is this: you play as the endgame hero from your "world." You finished the quest, beat the final boss, got all the treasure in the world. Player characters in this game have managed to go beyond that, achieving some sort of ascended state, enlightenment, or sheer scientific prowess, and have fully escaped from their own universe.

What they find is Heaven, but not what they were expecting. The place between worlds has long been populated by a thousand heroes from a thousand worlds, True Inheritors, who have made the multiverse their playground and battlefield in equal, infinite measure. Their attempts at a chaotic, squabbling multiversal society has been held in a tenuous peace, but with the disappearance of the First Inheritor, the Aeon King, the denizens of Heaven have fallen to squabbling amongst themselves for control.

This leaves you, the player, in the midst of the struggle. Are you a fresh-faced True Inheritor, blade still wet with the blood of mortal foes, ready to face new, immortal opponents? Or are you a long-reigning god of the celestial order, determined to retain order in your portioned corner of the multiverse? The options are literally limitless.

Those of you whom I will call my "recurring collaborators" will notice that this is the latest iteration of a concept I have been refining and building on. Those of you who don't know my previous work may find this somewhat bewildering, so please feel free to ask about any concepts that seem occluded to you. I would link back to older threads but I don't want to pollute a new venture with old ideas.

And as ever, please, comments, questions, concerns.