So, I had this idea, for anyone who's into that sort of thing, about an RP set on pre-crisis Earth-Two in a Post-Crisis Scenario where Both Earths One and Two remained the only realities remaining. Earth -S, home of the Marvel Family and all of their enemies and allies merged with Earth-One, allowing them to have heroes from the 1940s, while Earth-4, home of the Charlton heroes like The Question, The Blue Beetle, Captain Atom and others, merged with Earth-Two. My idea is that, much like The Huntress stopped being Batman's daughter Post-Crisis, on this version of Earth two, The Question, Vic Sage, is in fact Helena Wayne's son and, therefore, Bruce Wayne/Batman's Grandson, since he'll be the character I'd be playing in this RP. I'm sorta hoping there are at least a couple of Pre-Crisis nerds like me on the site who might be into this kinda thing, at least enough for a casual 1x1. Please reply if interested. Thx.