Rift Warriors X, the latest installment in the Rift Warriors franchise of fighting games directed by star developer Ryuichi Masada, was released in 2045, and now, in May of 2046, the first tournament even for the game is underway! Rift Warriors X, being a huge departure for the franchise in that, rather than a 2D fighting game, it is a full-dive VR game that sees fights taking place in fully-realized and interactive 3D spaces copied from the players' surroundings in real life and pasted into the virtual space, allows its players to take on aspects of their favourite characters from the series - which are all fictional characters inspired by real world warriors from throughout human history (and in some cases, the future), brought together in a dimension known as The Rift and given special powers by a being known as The Messenger - and fight directly using their own bodies instead of a controller.

As a player in this RP, you will be asked to create both the character taking part in the tournament as well as their favourite Rift Warrior from the series, which will dictate what weaponry, visual aspects, and powers your character will have when they dive into the virtual space contained in Rift Warriors X. You'll have the options of fight other players to compete with them for the tournament prize, taking part in challenges and minigames around Manhattan that make use of your character's virtual abilities, or exploring the mystery behind a group of tournament participants who seem to be able to accomplish the feats possible in the virtual world in the real world as well.

In short, I plan for this RP to have some focus on play-by-post PVP as well as an overarching narrative. If you're not really into RPing combat scenarios against other role players, you may still find something fun for you here, but I'd still suggest being prepared to engage in a little PVP just in case.

I'm making this thread as a way to seek a few extra players for this RP, which can be found in the thread linked below. This RP is a reboot of a previous isekai-style RP involving players getting pulled into the game world that didn't get very far due to its GM getting burnt out. We agreed to start it over with a slightly different premise, now making it essentially a reverse-isekai. I hope you'll check us out!
