I may be buried in work and I may be dead tired, but I had this idea and I need to share it as soon as possible, otherwise it'll leave the confines of my mind forever!

I am seeking a DM who enjoys writing DnD based stories, from low to high fantasy elements, it can be dark, gritty, lively and comedic, I am a person who adores reading and writing stories. In short about me, big fan of tabletop, have some experience with doing World of Darkness DMing. I give juicy paragraphs, both in quantity and quality, not once has it happened that I gave google docs pages worth of posts, involving my main character and other side characters to expand the world and the story. I had a character that I played for a DM and she had went through all five stages of grief, ten years of personal development and reading back what was she like at the start of the roleplay to where she ended up is astonishing to me, and I just love that feeling of accomplishment of a having a great story with such a great development inside out.

I love organic stories and character development. Whenever I play in the settings where I am a player, I let the circumstances make my character, not just me, the writer. I don't want my character to be a Mary Sue, quite the opposite. I find struggle delicious, it immerses me more and just as much as I want drama and tears, I want my characters to organically succeed.

You know, like a real person. Things will not go their way sometimes. And in a good fantasy story, rarely anything goes well for them, lol.

So I played Dragonheir: Silent Gods (DnD android game) and I had this idea for a story:

My character is a woman who is an outcast of society, a thief, a lowly mercenary, a pirate, perhaps is even a slave, prostitute or a dancer in seedy bars, her occupation is of low standing and something people would frown upon. She has no home of her own, no family to contact, nor does she know if she has any of that. As a matter of fact, my character had woken up one day and she did not remember a thing. She did not know who she was, where she came from or where she was. This could've happened recently or years ago before the beginning of the roleplay.

However, she is completely unaware that her role in the story is important: she is a someone despite living a life of a nobody. One day, she is faced with circumstances and people that will completely change her life, leading her through events of immense hardship, pain and grief, but in the meantime she will find answers, growth and people she can trust, for the first time since she is able to remember, she is no longer alone.

Now what could it be, its up for us to decide. One of my initial ideas is that she is a princess of a destroyed or conquered kingdom, last in the royal bloodline but there is just this something about her that makes her special, aside from being the last living offspring of a royal bloodline. We can take another direction, it can be something magical, religious or completely different, I am open to ideas.

So basically that's it. Very simple concept idea that we can do a lot with! Medieval fantasy, fun and enough for us to explore different possibilities. I would love to hear about any ideas regarding what her story may actually be, the world itself and all the elements that make this universe. As far as I'm concerned, we can start really simple first and work towards the bigger picture. I just need a good DM for this, someone who has fun with creating worlds and different characters.

Additional note about romance and mature content: I am an absolute sucker for romance. I love the drama, I love to have those warm fuzzy feelings, I love to groan in frustration and scream into the pillow because of it, but I also love some detailed hot and heavy content. If possible, I'd love to include those elements, however that is not the focus of it, I just love having the whole package in detail. Just to clear it up, for me romance doesn't need to happen in like 20 pages, I don't care as long as it happens naturally for the characters. I don't want it to happen unless it feels like there is chemistry, because there's no point for it otherwise. I prefer mostly FxM, but I am open for FxAny if it feels right in the story. They also don't need to be humans. They can be of different kinds of races as far as I'm concerned.

Another note: This thread was posted on friday, and I will be less available during the weekend. If I don't respond to you during the weekend, don't worry, I am just dying from responsibilities and I'm not ghosting anyone.

If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, I'm open, just shoot me a message!