Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Seth turned a little in his sleep, he hadn't had a kind of peaceful sleep since he was a kid. With Demeter by him he had a restful sleep. Soon the storm had turned into a drizzle after some time it stopped, slowly Seth's hand found hers and he laced there fingers together. The fever had stopped, still his leg throbbed they were going to have to have to get his leg checked out when they reached town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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Demeter looked at their fingers and she smiled softly. With her free hand, she kept stroking trough his hair and she waited for him to open his eyes or not. She had not slept herself yet but she didn't mind because she would stay awake until everything was okay with him. Right now, he was the one that had to heal because he was also the only one that could bring them to his home town. She just hoped that her brother wouldn't find them very soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Seth opened his eyes, the first thing that came to his eyes were Demeter. He smiled, he wouldn't sit up but still he was alert to there surroundings. "Demeter try and get some sleep I'll take over watch for you I've gotten enough rest you need to get yours to." She had to get her rest or she was riding on his horse behind him, to make sure she didn't fall out of the saddle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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''Seth... I can't rest now.. Not until you are safe and your leg has been seen by a new doctor..'' Demeter said and looked at him. She was glad to see he was smiling, but she was not gonna sleep until he was safe. She bend over to the cup with water and cleaned his face slowly with the last bit they had here. ''The storm is gone.. We could continue, but we will have to go without breaks if that is possible...'' she said and looked at him. ''Do you think you can ride?'' she asked and smiled some.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Seth nodded, "would have to put a little extra weight on my good leg, but I can ride." He slowly got to his feet, pain shot through his leg he closed his eyes for a moment letting the wave of pain pass. Then got to his horse and untied him " alright Zade were not going to have any stops this time." The horse gave a neigh, and nuzzled him, "I know your worried about me but first lets get where we're going then you can worry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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Demeter watched him and walked to his horse. "I will hold the ropes so you can get up.. Make sure you will not hurt yourself to much.." She said and was really worried. She looked at him getting in the saddle.when she was sure he sat good she gave him the ropes and walked to her horse. "Don't worry Luna, we will all be fine" she whispered and got on her own horse. "Let's go Seth... It's still early and the sky looks like it will be a very warm day" she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Seth nodded, he got Zade into a gallop heading towards his hometown. They weren't that far out, it would be a few hours ride in the least. Few hours go by, and he sees a wall of rock. It looks like any other rock nothing special about it. That was till Seth made a piece of it go down, once they were inside he made it go back up. He fell onto one knee, the pain was worse than he ever experienced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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Demeter looked at Seth as he moved the rocks, they ride into something that looked like a cave, so it did for her at least. When he had closed it again and fell to the ground she jumped of her horse and ran to him. ''Seth!'' she said and sat down next to him, laying her hands on his head and wrapping her arms around him after feeling his temperature was good. ''I knew we should not have left that cave yet...'' she said and tears welled up in her eyes. ''I am sorry Seth.. I am so sorry...'' she whispered and looked at the horses. She laid him down and walked to them.

''Zade.. right?'' she asked like the horse could answer her. He did by giving her his nose. ''Go get some people... You know the way... Take Luna with you, I know she will be save with you... I am gonna stay and protect Seth'' she said to the horse. Zade made some noise's and let his hoof slide over the ground a few times as he was telling her something. ''Go!'' she said and gave both horses a slap on their butt. They ran off in a gallop and Demeter went back to sit with Seth. ''Lets hope your town people still know you...'' she said and stroked trough his hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Zade ran for a house he new fairly well, because he remembered Seth coming here for the summer. He neighed when he was outside of the house, Justin looked outside and saw Seth's horse but no Seth. He came outside, "hey boy where's Seth?" Zade bobbed his head like he wanted Justin to get on his back, so he could get him there faster. Justin climbed on, Zade ran back toward Seth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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Luna had followed him to the town and there someone grabbed her ropes. Though when Zade ran back, she wanted to follow him again. The man that had taken her ropes, let her go again and so she followed Zade in gallop.

Demeter heard the horses come back and looked up. ''Oh thank god! Please.. He got wounded a few days ago and when... the attacker came back, we both left the hospital... He needs help... Yesterday he was having a fever too...'' she said and Justin could see that she was very worried. ''He needs help... Please...'' she said and was still stroking trough his hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Justin got off of Zade, "alright I can help I'm a friend of his I can help him, but not here ." He grabbed one of Seth's arms and hauled him up, Seth groaned in pain. "Easy there buddy I am taking a risk at moving you from this spot but we need to get moving."

They soon got to Justin's place, and Justin set Seth down on a bed in a guest room. He was soon working on Seth's wound, he got the wound cleaned and changed the bandages. He came out of the guest room and looked at Demeter "he's lucky when you got here infection was starting to set in I cleaned it out the wound should heal in a couple of weeks, you can go see him if you want but he's not awake."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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Demeter was more than happy to know he had such good friends. ''I am glad to hear that he will be better soon.. Thank you for your help..'' she said and nodded, she got up and walked to the guestroom were Seth was laying. She sat down on the chair next to his bed and laid her hand on his, softly playing with his fingers. ''Seth.. I am so sorry for causing you so much trouble... I feel very responsible for what happened with you... If I hadn't come to that town, my brother wouldn't and he wouldn't have met you... or caused you so much harm... Please... Get better soon'' she whispered and bend over, she softly kissed him on his lips and felt her own tears slide down her cheeks. She was gonna hunt for her brother and kill him, even if it would be the last thing she did.

She stood straight and walked out of the guest room. She looked at Seth's friend and smiled some. ''I can't stay.. Do you maybe have a pen and piece of paper for me? I want to write something for Seth'' she said and was trying to not get eye contact with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Justin nodded, and got them out of a drawer. Putting them on the table, "if you leave with only leaving him a note or no note he will go after you. It would be a few hours before he wakes, and the wound would be closed by that time with the stuff I put on it. Then he would get his gear and go after you, first thing he said when he found himself here was where you were. He cares for you a lot I can see that, but you can't just leave him here like this in this kind of state."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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''Then lie that I am sleeping or something.. He has to rest and heal... I caused him all this and...'' Demeter said but stopped when he said that Seth cared for her, a lot. She swallowed and looked down. ''I care for him too... But... I can't let him get more harmed... The one that did this to him... Is my brother...'' she said and sank down on the chair. ''He is on a hunt for us... But he is not a bender like Seth and I...'' she whispered and knew she was not gonna leave anymore. ''Okay... I'll stay... Seth has to heal.. properly....'' she said and then stood up again, walking back to Seth's room, sitting on the chair there and laying her hand on his hand again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Justin just listened, he knew how hard it was to explain the truth to another person. He had done it with Seth when he took down other benders to get him out of trouble. He slowly sat down with a sigh, everything Seth had done for him couldn't be repaid in full.

Seth felt Demeter's hand on his, he opened his eyes a little, "hey" his voice was weak. Still he didn't try to move he turned his head, so he could get a good look at her. He was glad that she didn't leave him, he would have thought about leaving and getting her brother on a false trail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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''Seth!'' Demeter said and for a moment she felt like tackle hugging him until in a second she remembered he was injured. She kept his hand in hers and smiled softly. ''Hey..'' she repeated softer now. She looked at their hands and then back at his face. She got a little closer with her chair and stroked some hair out of his face. ''Did I ever say that you are cute when your just waking up?'' she suddenly said and turned tomato red and then shut her lips looking away. Okay, That had caused an awkward moment between them, she knew it for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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A smile appeared on Seth's face, "coming from you it means a lot." He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, to let her know it was alright that he was alright. He thought for a moment, "you know your cute when your worried about me." He swallowed, now he just felt weird for a moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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Demeter's already red face, turned even more red when he told her she was cute when she was worried about him. ''I.. I will always worry about you... Your my friend... My only one...'' she said and looked down. She didn't know what to say and she also didn't know what to do now. She held his hand and strokes over his with her fingers. She looked back up at him and smiled some. ''Seth.. When this is all over... And.. well... My brother is gone... what are we gonna do then?'' she asked, almost whispering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Seth hadn't thought over that much, "I don't really think much of the future I just live in the present and see what the future throws at me." He knew that was true, he really didn't think about his future much unless he had to. "Demeter lets just focus on one thing then worry about the other."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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Demeter nodded and got a little closer, slowly she laid her head on his chest. She laid her arms a bit around him and hoped that he didn't mind. Suddenly she felt how tired she was but she didn't want to show him, she wanted to take care of him and be there for him if he needed something.
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