Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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Azena said
Lol who said Ellie wasn't married? If I remember, Red spoke to her with the assumption of being married and she didn't correct her :) Subtle hints haha

Eulalie doesn't know that. :p She's too self absorbed to really do much other than assume.

Jollywolfe said
My unsolicited French Lesson of the Day.M. = Monsieur : Sir / plural: MM. = MessieursMme = Madame : Madam / plural: Mmes = MesdamesMlle = Mademoiselle : Miss / plural: Mlles = MesdemoisellesIn French when you don't know whether the woman you are writing or talking to is married or not, you are supposed to call her Madame (guess this dates back to the times when a woman who was not married was considered a laissée pour compte, i.e. it was an insult just to think that maybe she was not married...). In English it is the opposite, you are supposed to say "Miss" when you don't know her marital status.

I was looking for that shorthand, I'm running off sporadic years in school that had French classes (and I graduated high school in 2002...) and apps I use to try to make myself learn the language that was my grandmother's first tongue. And I mess with Google Translate until it looks right, like changing porc to cochon which seems to be more like a word for dirty swine than just pig. Yeah, she dislikes Sawyer...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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Azena Drunken Storyteller

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I figured, but was just letting you all know. In case it mattered to anyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

And I am done. Say hi to Wonderland.

Full Name: Ashling "Ash" Linwood

Alias: Wonderland

Age: Twenty-four

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Homeland: Oxford, England

Appearance: Looking at Ash could be like looking a a gray-scale painting, her skin an unsettling porcelain and her hair a stark black in comparison. The only bright part of her appearance is her eyes, they are a startlingly clear blue, framed with drooping eyelids; sleepy eyes. Her figure is slim, and she is somewhat short for her age (much to her distress), and seems to rely more on speed and momentum than strength in a fight due to this. Her arms and legs are covered in bruises from many accidents in the work place and from her "adventures" outsides. She has dainty hands, the knuckles and joints forever darker then the rest of her skin, and her nails are stubby and grimy from gardening. Ash's face is small and round, framed with dark brown hair, her cheeks and nose faintly pink, with doll lips, and what seem to be forever tired eyes. She always seems to have a tired or bored look on her face.

Languages: English and some broken French which she learned at a young age.

Height/Weight: 5'1,124 lbs

Outfit/Armor: Ash owns various dresses of various styles, but on a job she fancies a navy blue dress with short, puffy sleeves, and a fanned-out skirt that is cut to about mid-leg. A simple white apron is worn over the dress, black-and-white stockings underneath, and black knee-high boots which are secured with a silver buckle. The dress is snug around her waist and surprisingly easy to maneuver in. Also has one-sided arm armour. Somewhat heavy, but does not hinder her speed.

Hunting Gear:
  • Vorpal Blade: A weapon given to her by Merlin, it's a rather ornate short sword adorned with a floral pattern along the blade. Apparently, it was used to slay a horrible beast long, long ago. Ash is very protective of it.

  • Pack of Cards: Weak little things, used mostly for long range attacks. They are actually quite heavy, mostly due to them hiding very sharp razors underneath. When thrown correctly, the cards will whip back around and return to the sender. Ash is still trying to get the hang of them.

  • Sweet Smelling Pouches: Filled with flowers and herbs; apparently used for Alchemy. One particular item is a rather large, colorful mushroom with many little nibbles and pinches taken out of it.

  • Likes/Dislikes:
    + Tea: Her love for tea was brought on by her mother, who would serve tea every single day at a set time. Ash could easily be bought is tea is mentioned even once in the deal, much to her own dismay.
    + Gardening: Flowers always calmed Ash down when she was in a panic, and seeing as she worked as a gardener she has a knack for it.
    + Sleeping: Or more specifically, dreaming. It doesn't take much to have Ash dream, in fact, it sometimes happens when she's awake. Her dreams are wild, colorful, some good and bad, and she can't get enough of them. Some have found her whispering to flowers or bugs, eyes closed, walking with a stagger. Sleepwalking.

    - Reading: Books without pictures were never a favorite of Ash's, in fact, she absolutely hates them.
    - People: Apart from them calling her crazy, inept, and other rather rude (and perhaps true) names, Ash always feels as though they have their own goals in mind whenever they're doing something, and that makes her very, very nervous around them. Besides, rabbits and flowers are much better conversational partners!
    - Sleeping: While some dreams can be good and well, others are gruesome and trigger-inducing. Ash's dream world could go from colorful, bright, and whimsical to infested with darkness, miasma, and blood. Sleepwalking with nightmares can be dangerous to those around Ash at the time, and some might get a fright if they wake up to find the poor girl strangling herself, smashing her head against a wall, or something else equally crazy.

    Occupation: She was a caretaker for a rather large estate. It had the most magical garden she could have ever imagined.

    Skill Set: Ashling is surprisingly good at fast-paced combat, especially with shorter weapons. She is quick, clever, and tries her best to be precise with each slice or hit. What she lacks in strength and power she makes up in speed and mind. Knows basic hand to hand combat, but finds it hard to use seeing how weak she is. Also, she has a knack for alchemy, and is known around the small community of chemists and alchemists for trying coming up with a shrinking potion and growing cake (And even now, she's still trying to work it out. They always seem to end up badly, though). Other then fighting, she is rather good at many mundane tasks, like cooking, cleaning, and gardening. Ash also has a very vivid imagination, and due to that she is a master story teller.

    Magic Abilities:
  • Slow Fall: This ability comes into play when Ash is in a tight, high situation. When falling, a flurry if wind, leaves, and butterflies will suddenly appear around her legs and slow her descent considerably. Slowly drains energy.

  • Double Jump: The wind from Slow Fall comes into play here as well; Ashling can summon two gusts to keep herself suspended momentarily in the air (only lasts for a few seconds). Uses it mostly to gain altitude. Is still trying to master this ability, so it is somewhat glitchy. Slowly drains energy.

  • Pets/Companions: A rather old, unnaturally colored, grinning cat named Vapor. The two have known each other for very long, and if Ash isn't asking herself for advice, she's asking Vapor. Apparently, Vapor talks in riddles and disappears often, but always seems to return with some new or rare sort of herb or ingredient for Ash to use.

    Personality: Ashling is a clever and quick-witted young woman, with a sharp tongue and a direct way of approaching things. She is not afraid to speak her mind and will more times then not fight for what she believes is right before truly thinking into it. Very curious towards things that seem strange and loves to go out and adventure whenever she gets a chance. Typically cynical of most people, she is overly polite and quiet around strangers, and at times even friends, unless they are doing something outright wrong or immoral in her eyes. If that is the case, then she will not hold back on insults or reprimands until she feels it is right to stop. Plagued by visions of a better (or worse) place, Ash finds normal life to be rather mundane and gray, which leads to her daydreaming when she should be working or paying attention to something. Absolutely loves riddles and poems, but hates reading for long periods of time (if there aren't pictures, she'll surely give up half away through). Easily stressed out, Ash has trouble keeping calm at times, and may run head-long into trouble without thinking if pushed to the limit. Although often showing a brave face during times of danger, and quick to debunk bullying and harsh words from others, Ash is constantly haunted by the visions of her dream land, both good and bad versions, and as such is actually a bit unstable. She's been called "crazy" by her peers for many reasons, which include sleepwalking, laughing at nothing, talking to herself, and many other nonsensical things. Due to these seemingly insane ticks of hers, she isn't the best at making and keeping friends. However, her insanity does not define her. Underneath the scared and scarred Ash is a very clever, very kind girl who will stop at nothing to help someone in need.

    Background: The Linwood household was a middle class family of three, Charles Linwood, Mary Linwood, and of course little Ashling Linwood. They were your average family, Charles worked as a hunter and sold the meats and pelts in town while Mary stayed at home and home-schooled Ashling for her body was too weak to work in the town. They lived in a comfortable cottage on the outskirts of Oxford. It was a good life. Now, Ash's... Imagination truly didn't begin to show until she was about six, when her mother and her decided to go have tea time in the garden. The garden was Ash's favorite place, it was large, filled with plenty of flowers and easy-to-tend-to crops, and thinned out towards the end of the lawn where a tiny forest sat. The two sat at a little white table, tea cups and a small plate of biscuits in front of them, and they began to tell stories and riddles.

    "Oh, have I told you the Sphinx's riddle?"

    "Yes, mummy. Plenty of times! Can I hear the one about..."

    Ash slowly stoops to a silence, eyes locked on a shape in the rose bush behind her mother. Something white and furry peeked out from behind, and then quickly vanished. The next hours were a blur, all Ash could recall from her memory was getting up and scurrying under the bush, ripping her dress and dirtying her legs, and bounding after the white shape. I've never seen such a white rabbit before! That was her prominent thought, and it was so prominent that it blocked out her mother's confused cries to come back. Her tiny legs carried her into the woods, down somewhere dark that became light, and then she woke up in her bed with a bandage wrapped tightly around her head. No one spoke of the incident. This is when Ash began to see her dream land, night after night, and when her insane sleepwalking began.
    When she turned twelve, Charles brought home a small, white kitten, which Ash immediately latched onto. It was named Vapor, and had a rather chilling face, for it always appeared to be grinning. They soon grew inseparable. On her thirteenth birthday, her father offered to give her lessons on defending herself. Everyday afterwards they would practice sword fighting and some easy survival skills, like known what berries to eat and how to climb trees. One day, while climbing a bit to high into a tree, Ash looses her balance and toppled from a very high branch. Much to the surprise of her father and her, though, she didn't plummet, instead, she floated down gently. Carried by a whirlwind of leaves and wings. After a few moments of hysteria, Charles revealed to his daughter that magic wasn't an uncommon trait in their family, and they both quickly accepted it. At the age of fifteen, Ashling became increasingly interested in Alchemy. This was bought on by both her dreams and her mother's growing sickness, and while she hates such boring tasks that require reading, she felt as though she could try and help her mother in some way. Her mind and body trained every day, working on potions, medicines, anything. While working, she failed to notice Vapor had begun to change, turning different colors as he grew, and sometimes after a long while of studying she would turn to find strange and unfamiliar plants behind her, left by the strange cat. They were put to use in her studies. She memorized the periodic table, the available herbs and ingredients, but she was, of course, a bit too late. After two years of research, trying to save her mother, it was all for naught. Mary Linwood passed away peacefully in her sleep.
    A year later, Ash still seems a bit stressed about the incident, but no longer lets it get in the way of her research or her battle training. She spent her days tending to the garden, trying her best not to get bored while studying, and job hunting. By the age of nineteen, Ash felt that she was troubling her father by staying at home, so she got up one day and decided that she was going to find her own place and job. She left Oxford with only her alchemy kit, a few books, some money, and a dream ("How cliche!"). She found work at a large estate in a neighboring town, and was allowed to stay in the servants house as a maid and gardener. She worked there until another job appeared before her, in a Guild in America. Fighting to help other people... And perhaps she can put her odd skills to use. She signed up almost instantly.

    (TL;DR: Hit her head as a kid, mum died, magic happened, and signed up for the guild instantly)

    Unique Abilities: Her knowledge of alchemy is rather helpful, seeing as she can create both basic healing elixirs and her own concoctions to aid in a fight. Perhaps her dream world could be considered an ability too, as many of her ideas come from her dreams, and it seems that she has the ability to talk to plants and animals.

    Other: "I'm not crazy!"
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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    Azena Drunken Storyteller

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Both Mischief and Liriia are accepted.

    Hmm...that gives me 5 players :/ I suppose I can create a new member as well and play with you. Balance out the teams to three and three.

    Liri, feel free to introduce her how you want. Doing some work around the guild and I can have another member interact with her? I will spoil the suprise and say that Mischief is likely having Pete stowed away on the train, so maybe she and Ash are friends and Ash got dragged along. Would give an excuse for all members to be together right now.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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    cerozer0 Starboy

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Depends in what Mischief wants to do. If you want Ash and Pete to be pals, Mischief, then shoot me a pm and we can work an relationship/intro out. If not, I have another idea. uwu
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hagura


    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    I can even out the sides! Just what side will I be on?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mischief


    Member Offline since relaunch

    I decided that it is probably best if Pete sticks around the Guild so that I can join up with the rest of the newbies. :D I don't want to mess up the train already rolling (oh ho ho cwutididthar). But if you don't mind Pete being a pain in Ash's neck she can assume that they're the best of friends LOL.

    EDIT: Oh, Azena, is it okay to manipulate the barkeep and make him say things? Is he an NPC? (For the life of me I can't even remember his name, I only remember Paul's lol).

    DOUBLE EDITS WOO: Lariia, I assumed by the history that Ash had already arrived at the Guild and that Pete knew her. If that's not A-okay, it won't be a problem to edit that little bit out. And Azena, if I can't be Woody, I AM SO SORRY. I just wanted to get something up while I have a moment and my laptop isn't dead. Please let me know if my post is okay! I won't be offended if I have to try again. (:
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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    Azena Drunken Storyteller

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Ah Hagura, I wasn't sure you were still with us. I didn't hear anything after i asked you to PM me. If you're still interested, you'd be teamed up with Mischief and Liriia, unless you all start jumping around on me. My ultimate goal for this is to have everything set up so well that I can let you guys loose and not have to manage everything so much.

    M, that's okay as long as he didn't break his character lol
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mischief


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    Oh I hope that he didn't break character. I'm going to read over your IC posts again to see if I did it right. xP
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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    cerozer0 Starboy

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Sorry if the post is a bit strange, I wasn't very focused today but at least it's done. uwu
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MountainLynx


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    wonderlandalli has been suggesting to me for some time that I drop by and make a character here. I have some ideas for a character related to some Japanese mythology, but it can be a bit tricky when much of said mythology is loosely based on real people. Either way, if you're still looking for more, I can have something together.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valeric


    Member Seen 1 mo ago

    Wow, getting lots of interest in this RP.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

    LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    that would make two groups of four. no i havent vanished just yet
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mischief


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    I just read all of the OOC posts so far, for something to do. I also noticed that the original OOC hasn't been updated with the new characters! And I would write up a reply to you, Liriia, but I have a personal disliking of do too much back-and-forth posts in a group RP. If nobody posts anything in a bit, I'll put something up.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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    @MountainLynx TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH

    I'm holding back to keep from over posting, lol! I love this character and I have so many plans for Eulalie. Waiting to let other people post.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

    LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    yea, waiting for red and huntsman to catch up in the post order
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mischief


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    Well I posted, although it was a short one. Hopefully somebody else comes along and gives their two cents tomorrow? :D
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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    Azena Drunken Storyteller

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    MountainLynx said
    wonderlandalli has been suggesting to me for some time that I drop by and make a character here. I have some ideas for a character related to some Japanese mythology, but it can be a bit tricky when much of said mythology is loosely based on real people. Either way, if you're still looking for more, I can have something together.

    That's kind of the point of this RP. We're assuming that the myths, legends, and fables are real. We're not playing them, but rather their family (ancestors, descendants). You can PM if you want to discuss some of your ideas or just put up a CS if you're pretty sure which you want to use and I'll evaluate it then.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azena
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    Azena Drunken Storyteller

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Mischief said
    I just read all of the OOC posts so far, for something to do. I also noticed that the original OOC hasn't been updated with the new characters! And I would write up a reply to you, Liriia, but I have a personal disliking of do too much back-and-forth posts in a group RP. If nobody posts anything in a bit, I'll put something up.

    Ya, I have some catching up to do when I get the chance. Problem is getting that time. Like I said, I eventually want to have the OOC so thoroughly set up that really other than me running some big plot, you all will really be free to interact and hunt as you please.

    Which, I have next week off of school and GMing my local games so I should be able to make some headway on the OOC details
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MountainLynx


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    Full Name: Kenichi Mizumoto

    Alias: Kusa (This translates to “Grass” in English, and is a word Japanese generals use to refer to the ninja under their employ).

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Homeland: Kyoto, Japan

    Appearance: Kusa seems to be, for all intents and purposes, a very average Japanese man. His hair hangs past his shoulders, though it is usually tied back as to not interfere with his vision. There is a short, very thin scar on the left side of his chin. The cut that caused it was deep enough to score bone, and the resultant indentation can still be felt underneath.

    Languages: Japanese, Chinese, Korean and English.

    Height/Weight: 5’7” 162lb

    Outfit/Armor: Typically wears relatively plain clothing, though it always includes a hooded cloak and scarf that can be pulled up over his nose, effectively concealing his identity. The cloak is large enough to conceal much of his gear, as well as several small objects, and given the frequent rain, has been treated with wax to keep the moisture out. Also, when weather permits, he wears a pair of soft leather, thin-soled boots, which separate his big toe from the rest. Though he does not wear them often, he had also brought some more traditional Japanese clothes with him to America. He would sooner blend in with the crowd.

    Hunting Gear: Will always take a katana when he knows there’s going to be a fight, though if the situation is expected to be more like a battlefield than a simple skirmish, his primary weapon will be a bisento (a heavy glaive. Think naginata with 3 times the width to the blade). In addition to this, he will typically be carrying a rope with a studded weight affixed to one end, no less than 6 bo-shuriken (throwing spikes), and a pair of shuko (climbing claws). While not a typical piece of his combat gear, he also carries a razor sharp knife, which has seen more action whittling practice blades than cutting into flesh.

    Likes: Training, learning new things, fresh fish.

    Dislikes: Rude people, sweets, having to speak Korean.

    Occupation: Drifter or Mercenary, depending on who you ask.

    Skill Set: He practices a very effective martial art. Many of the basic movements he would use for empty-handed striking also apply to some weapons. The basics for some weapons apply to other weapons. The advanced techniques, however, are extremely difficult to follow, not because they are flashy and detailed, but rather because some minor subtlety makes the difference between simply stopping an attacker, and sending them flying. He has also spent some time as an apprentice at a weapons forge in Kyoto, and knows the process of sharpening and polishing a blade.

    Magic Abilities: This area is mostly undeveloped, but there is definitely some potential there, as his luck seems uncanny. When calm, he can feel an attack coming before he can see it. Or rather, he claims he can feel the attacker’s aggression, allowing him to move out of the way before it lands, and determine the most reasonable course of action. This feeling does have its limits, however. The feeling comes just an instant before the moment of hostile action, therefore he cannot dodge something so fast as a bullet or arrow, unless he had already been in the process of moving out of the line of fire (and therefore already aware of the danger).

    Pets/Companions: None.

    Personality: Comes off as cold, and is definitely introverted. He will often have his nose in a book; the subject doesn’t matter, so long as it is non-fiction. He is particularly fond of geometry and physics, though purely in the interest of applying these principles to further his martial arts. Additionally, any books regarding local culture are quickly consumed, as he does prefer to do his best to blend in. He cares little for excesses or self-righteous behavior, and is likely to ignore the offending party until they either leave of their own accord, or he takes measures to remove them from his immediate vicinity (this typically begins with a frosty stare forged from surviving more than one sword duel). When frustrated, he will rub at the scar on his chin firmly enough to feel the thin groove that was cut into his jaw.

    Background: The descendant of a bastard child of a bastard child of some deposed Emperor, Kenichi’s blood traces all the way back to Jimmu, the first Emperor of Japan (who legends say may have been a god), even though there is no recorded lineage or family history to verify this. Before leaving Japan, he was the center of several highly improbable coincidences around his family’s household, and the more superstitious believed that he may bring misfortune to the family some day. He has survived close encounters with blades (the incident that caused his scar could have killed him, had he not lost his balance at precisely the right moment), has fallen out of a window on top of a boy who was about to assault his older sister, and fired a stray arrow that had found an underground spring in the middle of a drought, to name a few. While traveling to Kyushu, a letter reached him, stating only that his unique abilities would be needed in New England. Curious, he has decided to follow.

    Unique Abilities: He seems to be proficient enough in his martial art to be able to teach someone reasonably well. Additionally, he is rather adept at sharpening blades, to the point of having been commissioned to transform more than a handful of "European bludgeoning edges," as he calls them, into razor sharp dueling weapons (one needs currency while traveling, after all).
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