Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So what I'm thinking here is the usual; a big bad, a group of people attempting to stop said big bad. However, I'd like to tackle things in a more mature fashion. Themes of death, love, sex, poverty, racism and others will be included. It may seem like standard fantasy fair but I'm aiming for the same tone as the Witcher setting. Anyone interested?

The limited formatting features, meaning a lack of things like coloring, font, size etc make all this info harder to lay out and organise. I'll do my best for now but once the forum is fully functional again I'll be sprucing up this post and any further information.
Much appreciation to Titania for the map!

Pantheon Of Nine


Farriga is regarded as the All-mother of Enduwin. While each deity was made equal, Farriga assumed a motherly and caring position for them all. She made the first ultimate sacrifice and committed herself to protecting Enduwin. She now resides as much in the oceans as she does in Neyav, beyond the thought of most who now roam Enduwin. She is the embodiment of nurturing and healing, and is treasured amongst clerics and field doctors specifically.


The Goddess of Enduwin’s life and nature, Naduir is the progenitor of all life on Enduwin. It is her gift which allows a little bit of divine essence to linger in what are the remains of her brother. Life wasn't her idea, but it was her doing. She is the Nine which has the deepest connection to life and is the one whom observes it with the most tentative gaze.


God of Fire and rejuvenation, Lasair is the most powerful of the Gods, from a raw power point. Responsible for gifting Awth-gnúth and War to life he is revered by travelling merchants and soldiers especially. Lasair believed conflict was a natural part of evolution and progress. The God of flames was the only one brave enough to forge land in the encircling ocean. While the others spread the coasts of Enduwin, Lasair travelled far out across his All Mother, and with some of Trayig's remains forge a new land in fire. Much smaller than Enduwin, Bolecawn, provided a place of solitude for the god to think his own thoughts when needed. The island of fire, is still there today. A towering rock of volcanic activity. Lasair left much of his essence to life.


Gweeha is the meditator among the other deities. When arguments arise, her subtle airs and graces calm the situation. Capable of the softest of breezes and the strongest of storms. Along with Lasair, Gweeha left much of her essence with the life of Enduwin and its magic users. The goddess of wind still carved large tracts of land. Immensely flat land, where the whispers of her winds are still heard.


Solas is considered by most to be the All Father of Enduwin. While initially no different to any of the others. Solas established himself as a firm leader and knowledgeable consult. His saving of Farriga cemented his position as head of the group. Like The All-Mother, the All Father committed himself more to the void than to Enduwin itself. Enough of him resides in Neyav for him to function but most of him hangs in the void about Enduwin, casting brilliant light upon his beloved land for as long as possible. Every day however, Solas needs to rest and as he does plunges the land below into darkness until he rises again. Of all the deities, he is the one most guilt ridden by what happened with Dúv.


The betrayed and the betrayer. Known by many names, Dúv is most likely the most known of all deities, because he is the most feared. Children are told cautionary tales of being locked in Dúv's Tower at the heart of Ifreann if they don't do what their told. Realistically, most people believe that if they lead a bad life, the Ifreann is where they will end up. Dúv himself is immobile locked at the pinnacle of the tower. His mind races, delirious from aeons of isolation and self-torture. Loathing and spite fume from the locked God. At the base of the tower many of the denizens of Ifreann have constructed a town and a port. Many attempt to sail across the Sea of Death, thinking it is the Encircling Ocean and will carry them back to Enduwin. Many others worship the God that they now conclusively know exists, and are locked away with.


Tintrayach is one of the lesser known Gods. This is rather ironic, considering he is one of the most active in Enduwin. Only a small portion of Tintrayach passed to Neyav, most remained in the skies of Enduwin, controlling and manipulating the climate to keep things stable. For this, his siblings passed some of their essence onto him. One of his most known activities in stirring up storms in the Encircling Ocean to deter any pirate ships travelling too close to Enduwin, and preventing mistaken travelers from venturing too far out to open sea.


Oiyaer, is probably one of the most respected deities in everyday life. High in the northern reaches of Enduwin, boreal forest gives way to sweeping tundra and at the end of these white vistas is a solid wall of ice. Oiyaer is the Goddess of ice and snow and the Gatekeeper. Beyond the wall, the impassable barrier made of her essence lies the way to Neyav. Only ice separates the two planes of existence but the wall is a kilometre in height, scraping the sky. This unbreakable curtain, The Gate, has attracted more settlement than one would think a barren tundra would beckon.


Trayig, is much like Farriga, in that no clear indication remains of what he may have looked like. The god of the Desert, Trayig is the spring of all life, the well form which nature sprung. Life was his idea. Without his entire commitment to Enduwin, life would not have been created the way it was nor diversified into the multitude of species seen today. His essence lives on in every life that exists in Enduwin. Only a small portion of the great god remains in Neyav. A desert is all the remains of the initial sand which Trayig committed to life.


The Plains of Origin: White

Considered some of the most holy ground in Enduwin, to the faithful, The Plains of Origin are the original mass of Enduwin. There is little undulation in these grasslands and other than the desert they are the flattest part of Enduwin. The Plains have often served as a battle ground where tribes and nations from across Enduwin would meet in conflict. Despite the history of bloodshed, the Plains of Origin are still revered by many and are a symbol of the Pantheon to the legions of adherents.

Foraiysh Woods: Light Green

These woods are most of what Naduir left to Enduwin. The thick tree brush makes up much of central and mid-east Enduwin. Within these forests lies a bountiful variety of life. The woods are becoming a source of fuel and material as great nations rise up in Enduwin. Although certainly not in danger of disappearing, the woods are slowly shrinking.

DuFair: Dark Green

Although technically a part of the woods. DuFair is a distinct region in itself. As part of Naduir's essence it is rich in vegetation. The land gets its distinction as being the only region of land that was committed to by Farriga before the Encircling Ocean. Lasair also had a hand in this region's creation. This mix of Deities causes the thickest vegetation growth in all of Enduwin. Intense heat coupled with torrential downpours promotes growth of towering trees and ensnaring vines. Only the most adaptable live is to be found in the depths of DuFair.

Encircling Ocean: Dark Blue

The great protector, the never ending mistress of water. The Encircling Ocean is Farriga made corporal. Waters lap gently on the shores of Enduwin but further out to sea, the waters are ferocious. Great waves and relentless swell represent Farriga's endless battle with the void. Tintrayach causes minor storms closer to land to deter any would be explorers getting caught up in this monumental struggle.

Fuaere: Light Blue

Fuaere marks the boundary of greenery and ice. The southern parts have more foliage than snow whereas further north, the trees are scattered. Fuaere is said to be where Solas rests at night. During the long hours of darkness, a multicoloured luminescence appears in the skies above Fuaere. This phenomenon is said to be Solas recovering and gathering strength to bring the coming day. Fuaere features a larger variety of life than one would expect in a boreal climate.

Uacteir Balla: Blue

Home of Oiyaer and the Gate, the frozen wasteland of Uacteir Balla is the least densely populated area of Enduwin. The area however, is the modern site of most pilgrimage. The Gate is the divide between Enduwin and Neyav, between mortal and God. Uacteir Balla is home to only a few scattered towns and cities which are built vertically up upon breaks in the ice.

Zephyr Plains: Orange

Vast tracts of land carved out by Gweeha. These blank lands had sand and grass carried from the south and north, respectively by their creator. A mix of tall grasses and sandy soil, these plains take their name from the breeze of Gweeha which still blows there today, continually. While climatically nearly as hot DuFair and The Soul, Zephyr is much cooler thanks to this breeze. Wildlife here is ruthless, an exhibition of eat or be eaten.

Trayig's Soul: Brown

The Soul was a once flat uniform layer of pure sand. Over millennia and use it has worn down, not least by the creation of life. Often referred to as the Cradle, even those non-believers agree that this is where life began. Stretching from the equator to the souther coast, Trayig's Soul is still a large part of Enduwin's landscape. It is lower set than much of Enduwin and the surrounding savannahs and forests feature steep inclines into the desert. Large outcrops of rock are now exposed, due to the erosion and use of soul sand.

Ju'ra: Purple

Said to mean 'tear' in an ancient dialect, Ju'ra is the name given to the collection of islands off the West coast of Enduwin. Formed from the weeping of Tintrayach as Dúv was locked away. The storm god was upset at what things had come to pass and how one their own had acted so foul. The islands are inhabited today, and feature some of the rarest resources in Enduwin.

Bolecawn: Red

Known to many simply as the island of fire, Bolecawn is dotted with several active volcanoes. The climate itself isn't overtly hot but the presence of the volcanoes, secondary vents and geysers certainly make the island feel like a furnace. Treacherous to say the least, only the most hardened explorers venture to Lasair's haven. Often, though, those that do take the risk, are rewarded with the rich mineral deposits that the island has to offer.

Olc Cairn - The Black Mountains: Black

A mark of pure rage left on the land. The Olc Cairn, the black mountains, are the only thing which Dúv left behind. As the betrayer was banished to Ifreann he rent the land around him and heaved it up at his siblings. Scarring the land, Dúv's work remained as the other deities left. These mountains are the most inhospitable part of Enduwin, a physical representation of hate. Devoid of soil and with almost no flat land, Olc Cairn is a permanent mark on the face Enduwin. Still, that hasn't stopped some settling there.

On The Topic Of Magic

Arcania For The Mundane by Gregarious Fogs said
When quizzed on the matter of magic, most people will respond with some wish-wash such as 'Lucas down the square can make vegetables grow bigger'. When pressed further they will usually, most of them, not the dim ones mind, get to crux of the matter, the actual question. And they'll answer, they'll tell act as if I'm an idiot for asking such a seemingly obvious question. The sand of course I'm told! Yet when I ask how, what, when all I'm told is to quiet myself. It's the sand of Trayig.

However, in the past two decades of my life I have devoted countless hours, all of them in fact, to getting a deeper understanding of magic, not least of which my own. Indeed, as the common folk proclaim, it is the sand of Trayig. Or rather it was. The magical ability displayed by living beings is as a result of the original beings having been made out the very essence of the god. They were imbued with great power, sharing the power of Trayig. However, that power hasn't grown in the untold years since. Nor has it itself waned. Yet, with each successive generation, with more members of a race, the amount of magic in a single member of the race is diluted. The same power that the first men had still exists today but is spread across all men. Importantly too, the spread is not even. Best described like the waves of the ocean lapping on the shores of the Soul itself, the pattern of the distribution of magic seems to have crests and troughs, but mostly a calm steadiness.

In my own studies I have accounted for a thousand people. Nine hundred and seventy two of these displayed what I am terming 'mundane' ability. Simple things often mistakable for parlor tricks seem to be in the repertoire of most people even if they don't know or need to use them.

Of the remaining twenty eight that I have examined, twenty three exhibited well above average ability. Basic pyromancy, cloaking, water walking and enchantment were all easily accessible by these individuals. Interestingly, all of these individuals had also at some stage connected with another deity other than Trayig. They certainly were not the servants of the gods or even know to them that much. They had just reached out or been reached by a deity, by one of a vast variety of methods it seems. It usually an accidental connection due to the sand acting as a conduit. Whether they would have been as powerful without this or the new connection simply enhanced the power they had from Trayig remains unclear. I have as of yet found no correlation between heritage and magic and it would seem the continued distribution is random, or else the pattern is too large for me to understand with only a thousand subjects from a single time.

The five left unaccounted for provided some very troubling information. It would seem that these five, from the thousand, were completely devoid of any magical ability, innate, latent or otherwise. These people exhibited severe learning issues and primal behavior. Two of them, after the study, became completely unhinged.

The conclusion I have drawn from this is very very worrying. Life is magic. We only have life because of magic and when we are born we inherit a piece of that magic. It would seem that the continued dilution of sand has lead to individuals being born without any magic at all and thus almost no connection to life. The worrying part is that populations are constantly increasing and the dilution is continuing. It may be hundreds if not thousands of years, but it seems it is only a matter of time before magic starts to die and along with it, life.

Gregarious Fogs was murdered shortly after writing this, the introduction to his life's work, for being a nosey busy body who asked too many questions.

Character Sheet

Essential Information

Optional Information
Faction (If any):
Marital Status:
Magic (Mundane or Arcane):

Faction/Organization Sheet

Essential Information

Optional Information
Key Members:

These are just the sheets I came up with. If there's other things you want to include or a different format you wish to use then feel free.

Accepted Players
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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- Character Sheet -

Mid thirties
Panax is covered head to toe in black robes.

Panax is not one to beat around the bush, he says what he means when he means it. However he is not harsh of voice, much the opposite he is able to caress the ear with gentle words but there is always a bite behind them. Softly spoken death threats are his specialty and those who have not heeded them have learnt the hard way that Panax only answers to Baal.
Panax is strangely protective of his closer associates, the grunts whom he sends to pillage and wreak havoc he couldn't care less about but the few that have proven themselves to be useful he is keen to keep around. Naturally Panax is mostly protective of his master Baal, nobody is allowed to see the great necromancer and only Panax is worthy of an audience with the man when he is given his orders.
Pannax has always been waiting for the moment in his life when he truly feels great. People will fear him, they will know his name and nobody would dare cross him. It took years for him to harden both his mind and his body before that day came, constantly shot down and rejected by society he was on the verge of giving up. On one fateful day however, in he black mountains of Olc Cairn Pannax was in the right place at the right time.
He witnessed the coming of the one they call Baal. A great necromancer of untold power that had somehow clawed his way from the desolate prison that currently holds Duv below. Nobody knows how this once conjurer escaped the plane of Ifreann, but many are sure to feel his wrath as he seeks revenge against those that sent him in the first place.

Panax now acts as the mouth and second in command to Baal. He distributes the orders and takes the responsibilities for the cults actions.

Panax carries two small blades upon his person to protect himself if the rare need arises. The blades are curved and very sharp, not designed to deal killing blows instantly they cut incredibly deep, often to bone.
Panax also has a couple of leather pouches in which his keeps his supplies. Food, small implements that he finds useful and sometimes berries or other edible substances which humans would do well to stay away from.

The mouth and second in command of Baal the Necromancer.

Panax was 'blessed' by his master Baal in the form of a magic. In return for his never-ending loyalty and service Baal saw fit to bestow the power of necrosis upon Panax. With a grasp of his hand Panax is able to curse another with fast-acting necrosis, a horrifying ability that is usually only deployed for the adamant non-believers or Baal, people to be made an example of.


Panax is a linguist, nobody expects a man of such liabilities to be intelligent but he has proven himself so. Able to stir a crowd, or at least a crowd of miscreants and vagabonds Panax can make very convincing arguments be it via death threats or suitable rewards.

Whilst Panax will be the first to admit he is not nearly the most skilled fighter in Enduwin but he has experience with his selected weapons. Normally able to send other men to do his bidding the one regret Panax has is never being on the front line, whilst he understands his place and he knows the place of his men he still hungers for the primal lust of fighting.

Panax has almost grown as famous as Baal himself, one reason being his indomitable spirit. Cut beaten and scarred Panax has the endurance of an Ox and through the tails he has spun many believe him to be gifted by Baal in the form of an immortal body. This fact is untrue but sometimes it seems so when he is faced with difficult situations.

Panax is a proficient user of poisons. Often making his own concoctions he understands the natural world and the ways in which certain plants or animals defend themselves. Whilst it isn't often he gets to put his knowledge into practice Panax is always searching for someone to step out of line for him to test his new formulas on.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Apologies again for the post's hiders not working, I'm currently working on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titania


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Look forward to seeing the rest.
Mcode doesn't have underlining yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

What's the technology like in this setting?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Slightly above medieval.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Work in progress for the Big baddie Ball the Necromancer

- The Big Bad Character Sheet -

The Ender of Days
The Black Mountain Born
The Necromancer of Olc Cairn


Death and rebirth can make age hard to place, Baal seems to be in his mid thirties however

Baal has a ghostly form, he shifts around with a blue hue covering his skin in a specter like fashion. Wherever he treads the souls of those he has captured can be seen almost peeling off his skin like steam.

No-body but his most loyal servants are allowed to see Baal and as such he has become quite an Enigma, even among his own followers. All that the world knows of this Necromancer is his cruelty. Remaining soulless and hidden away from the world, Baal intends to scar the world that was created for those who sent him to Iferann in the first place, he is not a forgiving soul to say the least.

Baal was once a normal human being who tred upon the earth of Enduwin as any that walk there today, he was not a pure soul but he wasn't evil either. He had dedicated his life to the knowledge and adaptation of Magic and everything it enveloped. Being a simple human Baal was incapable of great magics and had to resort to small tricks and conjuring, something that never got the acclaim he thought he deserved for his dedication.
It was true that in the field of Magic Baal was adept, he was capable of doing things most other so called wizards couldn't even comprehend, yet his power dwindled in the wake of more prominent forces of life. He quickly learnt the connection between life and magic, age and decay. Baal was cursed in his Human form to never hold the power he had always wished for, his life was too distant to the source of life, Farriga. His inspiration was crushed with his new realization.

Baal continued with his life growing ever skeptical and envious of those who held more power than he did. Beasts of Myth to the very mayor of his town he began to slowly hate his own existence and by association everyone and everything else that reminded him of his inadequacies. It was at this point that Baal embraced the darker corners of his mind and took to enforcing his views and his beliefs on others, his party tricks turned to dangerous ruses and he began to stir things in the once quiet human realm. For his misgivings he was cast out, banished from the safety of civilization.

Baal doesn't carry any weapons as his knowledge of combat is little to non-existent. Being a spirit himself Baal has no need for sustenance and does not need to eat nor drink.

Baal is his own, he has gathered quite the following.

Baal is the first and only person to have escaped from the plane of Iferann, with his escape Baal has brought with him wrath and hatred. Being on a dead plane he has learnt the intricacies of life and the magics that had first created them from the ashes of Farriga.

Baal is an immensely powerful being, he is capable of animating corpses do to his bidding, ones that will not tire and will not fall unless to catastrophic damage.
Perhaps more prominently however, Baal has learnt the connection of life and death, the two sides of the coin as it were. As such he is capable of draining the life out of one vessel and into another, more often than not himself. Appearing as a ghostly Specter, Baal can float like the wind with the souls he has consumed visibly screaming in torment in his blue-white hue that trails his passage.

Baal is a Necromancer he has little use for effective combat technique and much prefers to rely on his magic. As such he carries no weapons and has little knowledge of hand to hand combat.

Being the only being to ever escape from Iferann Baal holds a certain sway when he wants to. He is incredibly intimidating and can crush the most endurant heart of even the most prominent heroes when the mood strikes him. Baal is aware that the only beings that can stand in his path are the gods, and they cannot reach the plane of Enduwin as he was so able to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

There may be concerns that maybe the plot wasn't outlined clearly.
It'll become clearer soon.
Myself and everblight will be handling the main antagonists.
Everyone else is free to play antagonists, protagonists or shoetradesmen of any variety.
The protagonists, willingly or not, will be forced on a crusade to stop the antagonist; so says every fantasy plot ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Martynjj


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It all checks out with me anyways!
Great to have our first character.
Feel free to add as much depth to either the clan or Thoryus himself as we go.

So the amount of content here is going to be quite large.
I am almost definitely going to have a compendium split into sections such as lore, races, factions, characters etc.
Do you guys think a thread in the gallery or a purposed wiki would be better?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Martynjj


Member Offline since relaunch

Thanks :) Ill make sure to add more depth to the background of the clan and Thoryus, i didn't want to go overload and brick wall with a huge load of text.

A wiki would be awesome, but whichever is easier for yourself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Martynjj said
Thanks :) Ill make sure to add more depth to the background of the clan and Thoryus, i didn't want to go overload and brick wall with a huge load of text.A wiki would be awesome, but whichever is easier for yourself

Text walls are fine-awesome.
Just wouldn't want the wiki to be too massive a distraction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titania


Member Offline since relaunch

Oh, drat. I like underlines. *sob*

Imo, I think a wiki is better.

(Did I scare you, Moe? Muahahaha. Sorrynotsorryfriend.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OneEyedChurro
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OneEyedChurro Pam Grier's Fro

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry this took a little longer than I thought it would.

Oh, and I'll get some sheets up for the island nation of Oro, the underwater Merfolk country, and the Tidewarden faction up soon. This one just took priority.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Titania said
Oh, drat. I like underlines. *sob*Imo, I think a wiki is better.(Did I scare you, Moe? Muahahaha. Sorrynotsorryfriend.)

Underlining is working now!
OneEyedChurro said
Sorry this took a little longer than I thought it would. Oh, and I'll get some sheets up for the island nation of Oro, the underwater Merfolk country, and the Tidewarden faction up soon. This one just took priority.

Great stuff Churro! Accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titania


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Omg. Mahz gave me a ponyyy~!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey sorry I've been silent got busy with work hope to catch up tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malevolent


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Ponies waaaat

Also slowly but surely working on my CS.

Edit: Would it be okay if my character has a normal name? You did say that this RP sort of takes place a little bit after the medieval ages, so would a normal name that was used during that time period be okay, or do we have to use some weird fantasy name?(Assuming we aren't using a special race.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Providence


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just letting you know I'm super interested - but I've been crazy busy this weekend so I won't be done with a CS till monday @_@!
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