Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I am telling you! They are perfect for this, Leras! Just look at them, really, nothing could be more perfect. We won't get another chance like this in all of our lifetimes."

"We have only have one lifetime, do not simply state 'lifetimes', Kieri. And what makes them 'perfect' for this? I do not see what you see, all I see are two bumbling fools without a higher guidance that need to be eradicated."

"They have the maaaaarks! We cannot just dispose of them, we'd get in so much trouble! Do you really want to have to do all of that ALL over again?! Bel might not be as mean as he once was, but that wont stop him from ripping off your horns this time."

Standing side by side were to total opposites. On the left was a tall, slender male. Kieri. His hair was nearly the glimmering shade of gold and ran down to just past his knees, remarkably unknotted. His eyes were a bright and a remarkable shade of crystal blue, nearly as clear as the sky he stood under. His skin was somewhat pale, but it only added to his picture perfect complexion. Though that was not this angels biggest feature, it was his wing. It was quite large and rested upon his left shoulder, feathers in perfect place, pure white and pristine. Though how Kieri currently stood, his right shoulder was nearest Leras. Leras was a good foot taller than Kieri, broader shoulders, more well defined muscle, and clawed. His skin was so dark, nearly black in even slight comparison to Kieri's paleness. His hair was cut short and unevenly, black strands falling in matted locks around a single large, curled horn that rested on the right side of his head, just behind his pointed ear. His eyes shone a dark, deep shade of red that made the shade of blood pale in comparison. There was nothing on Leras' back. No wings, no tail, nothing. But somehow, with how they stood beside each other, seemed quite close despite the obvious differences.

Kieri loosely crosses his arms over his chest, gazing over the two small orbs that floated around them both. Having met with silence from Leras he starts to talk again, elaborating more upon his thoughts. "I think we should take them now, before someone else decides it is a good idea. You grab him, I'll get her. Meet back here in a couple hundred years after they are settled?" The angel quirks a brow as the demon beside him frowns, offering a slight nod.

"How about we cut that in half to fifty, or maybe twenty years. A couple hundred seems a bit long. They are marked ones, it wont be that big of an adaption problem for them. Or maybe we wont even have to wait that long, eh?" Leras mere lets out a soft groan, a hand suddenly shooting out and grabbing onto the darker of the two orbs. "See ya', Kieri." And that was it from the demon as he promptly bursts into a small cloud of shadow. The shadow dissipated rather quickly, leaving Kieri to stand there by himself, so high within the sky. A soft sigh escapes him as he slowly reaches out and takes his own orb, lightly shaking his head before suddenly taking a jump from his unseen perch within the cross-zone... making his way down towards the human world.


"Another day, another bore." A young woman chimes loudly as she leans back in her computer chair, the old, well used chair offering a loud creak. The room around her was quite dark, though not because it was night time. Covering over the large window was what appeared to be a tarp, which had another sheet taped and nailed over it. The only light to actually be seen from anything was from her computer screen. The room itself though was quite small, with the bare necessities. A bed, dresser, computer desk. There were a few small items here or there, but nothing really stood out significantly. Her bed was unmade, but that was about it. Not even an ounce of trash around her desk, either.

The young woman in question was a short bit of a thing, barely reaching five foot two in heels. Even with the light of the computer screen, it was easy to tell she had rather smooth but pale complexion. No freckles or acne scars dotted her face, in fact, she did not even appear to have any scars. Her eyes seemed abnormally bright in the lighting, but it was clear they were some shade of blue, or possibly purple. Her hair was quite long and would have trailed down her back in dark blond strands, but it was currently all wrapped and pinned in a rather messy bun at the base of her neck. No piercings in her ears, no tattoos on any of her exposed skin. And currently, all she sat in was a rather large t-shit that could easily fit five of her.

Silently she sits at her desk, lightly tapping her fingers against the chilled wood as she stares intently at the all too familiar skype icon. It was glowing that familiar orange and had been for the past hour. But she had not been paying attention though while writing and missed the message. Something had been bothering her today in particular. She did not know why, but something felt so amiss, she had not even bothered to leave her room for anything. Not food, not to shower, not even to get a new pencil after hers had broke.

"Hrm..." She mutters softly, shaking her head before finally reaching over with her mouse and clicking on the icon. Her contacts list was quite full, but there was only one marker for who had messaged her today. Reluctantly she clicks on the tab, swiftly scanning over to see what he said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The bright orange icon pinged once more before she had clicked it,
"Hey, you there?"
"Shorty, are you alive? HELLOOOO~"
"Ohwellfineignoremeiseehowitis*Sniffle*" (Oh well fine, ignore me i see how it is. *Sniffle*)

And behind this array of short and quick messages sat a six-foot two teen looking to be around eighteen or nineteen lounged back in his small but comfortable computer chair, his neck bent at an awkward angle, resting on the top of their chair's back and his shoulder length silk-like death-black hair strewn about his face. He sighed, continually blowing several strands of black silk out of his mouth and failing horribly his first few attempts. "Life's so damn boring, i just... Ugh..." he muttered.

The room around him was just as dark as hers if not darker, though no windows adorned the wall, just phantom-like posters of various anime dotting the wall all around, the very least bit visible in this cold dark hole he called a room, due to the sun-like light from his computer screen and the bright white text box that was Skype. The blinding white light was just barely powerful enough to illuminate what was visible of his emotionless face, bare chest and the waistband of his navy blue jeans, the button and fly left wide open, a relatively small, realistic-looking snake on his boxers peaking out from within. Though, he obviously couldn't have cared less.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Suddenly a bit of a smirk would form on her lips, lightly shaking her head. "Well, I guess if I fell off of the face of the earth you would care, hm?" That is all she manages out before suddenly straightening herself up in her chair and placing her hands onto her keyboard. Her fingers flew relatively fast, clicking away with each button press. She did not even bother to peek down at the keyboard while she typed, focused to well on the words in the skype chat box. Her eyes narrowed in as she leaned forward, zoning out into her own little world.

[ "Hey, who are you calling Shorty?! D:< I am not -THAT- short, dude. Anyway, how was your day? Sorry for not being on at all today. Something like... alright, I am about to tell you something, but don't think I am fucking weird, alright?" ]

She waited a few seconds before continuing to type, sucking in a sharp breath with a light shake of her head. She was going to sound quite insane, she thought. Though she had told him some pretty freaky stuff before, it never hurt to give a bit of warning, she supposed.

[ "I spent all day in my room writing. I didn't leave to even get a new pencil when mine ran out of lead. I don't know why, either! It was really strange, I just had the strangest feeling that I couldn't leave the room, even if I wanted too. Like... something was just going to happen if I opened my door. Its not just me being paranoid this time, either. At least I think so! Urgh. Please tell me I am not going insane. =\ " ]

And with the last bit of her typing, she leans back from the screen and pulls her hands away from the keyboard. Her left shoulder hurt too, actually. Well, not so much the shoulder, but the area around her birthmark. She only ever actually saw it once, and it was oddly well defined for a birthmark, she had been told. It apparently looked quite like a feathered wing of the sorts. Once she had known that though, she never bothered to look at it again. It was where she couldn't see, why would she care...? Slowly she reaches her right hand over, lightly rubbing at her left shoulder with an apparent frown on her face, looking intently at the screen as the little pencil in the chatbox began to move.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the ring of the chat box chimed through the soundless room, he quietly re-situated himself into an upright position ever so slightly craning his neck forwards and squinting his pale blue eyes a little to read her message, not bothering to move the hair out of his face. It wasn't enough of a nuisance to put any energy into it anyway. And after a few long moments of processing her message he smirked and started to write his reply.

"You know, it's odd."
"I've had the same feeling for the last few hours. I've been just sitting here, staring at the ceiling for the last two, not really knowing what to do about it. I have this odd... Blank feeling. Like the calm before a storm. It just doesn't seem.... Right."
"And damn it woman, you've said worse before. You don't need to warn me."

After the few moments it took to write, he slid back into his more comfortable position, once again laying his neck at an awkward angle and staring at the ceiling. "Heh, would you look at that..." he muttered. "A spider..." as a spider, - that took being small to an extreme - sprawled its way down its web and out of the pitch blackness only to perch on his forehead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She quickly leans back in, eyes scanning over his words quickly. She lets out a soft sigh, tilting her head a bit as a strand of blond hair fell loose from the bun. Though she did not bother with it, shaking her head lightly before lowering her hands back onto the keyboard to type. Though as she went to type, she had to pause for a few moments, an odd, rather warm sensation suddenly hitting her back. It was enough to cause her to turn her head to see if something was there, but as she expected, it was nothing. With a frown, she turns her head back around and swiftly starts clacking away at the keys.

"You too? Weird. So weird, something must be up. I'd ask someone else on my friends list, but I am quite sure they'd think I was nuts."
"A blank feeling? You don't think it is something really big, do you?"
"And I know, but... D: I will warn you all I want."
"But anyway, I really don't like this. Its like... being watched. Its almost creepy. =\ "

With that, she leans back again, letting out a soft groan as her entire left shoulder throbbed. She was quite resistant to pain, but this was something entirely new. It took the breath out of her lungs a bit, like someone had just stabbed something into her shoulder or something. But the pain was quickly melted with a fuzzy warm feeling for a few moments before she reached her arms back up to type once again.

"my shoulder hurts too."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He didn't even lift his head this time, simply angling his head so he could look 'down' at the screen, typing with extended arms and a quiet sigh, one of his hands coming up in the middle of typing, rubbing the side of his head which was throbbing just as badly as her shoulder, the movement of hair revealing an oddly-shaped pale birthmark, fare paler than his normal flesh, being almost a deathly grey. it looked somewhat like a small misshaped horn or tail with an even tinier pale slit just a little further down and to the side from the 'horn' almost like that of a squinting eye. "Heh. Oh, how i look forward to what ever it is..." he muttered to himself, a slight hint of almost joy from the thought of having a event worth his time in his voice.

"Most likely, but i believe you. That's got to count for something, right?"
"Though, who knows what it will be, big or small. I can feel the goosebumps already."
"But, maybe you should lie down for a bit. Couldn't hurt. maybe it'll stop your shoulder from hurting for a bit or calm it down at the very least. :)"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Lay down? Probably a good idea. But my shoulder doesn't even have a valid reason to hurt... it just does. Its like someone is stabbing it repeatedly!"
"Plus, I finally got to the computer to talk to you and you are sending me away already? :0"

She grumbles softly, lightly shaking her head as she attempts to straighten herself up again. But with another throbbing stab from her left shoulder, she crunches right back over in pain. Reluctantly, she lifts a hand up to her keyboard and stops, growing still for several moments as she thinks of what to type next. Between the throbbing of her shoulder and the paranoia that was filing her mind, she slowly begins to type out her next words with one hand while she rests her chin on the small space between the keyboard and the edge of the desk.

"never got to ask this before. what is your phone number, so i can text you while laying down? =d please."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The response from his end was quick;
"I have a phone...?"
"Crud right, i have a phone..."
"Uh. I don't even remember the number honestly. and i don't really want to leave the room to get it, y'know the feeling an all. sorry."

He looked to his desk, thinking "I feel I'd miss it if i did..." Reaching around to his right patting along the top of a side-table searching for a wrinkled shirt sitting off to the side, snatching it and after a long, terrible attempt at putting it on he was successful, though it was on backwards... not that it was all that noticeable unless you really looked at him.

After achieving the most movement he's made in two hour he sits up quietly, going cross-eyed, watching as the tiny spider, who somehow managed to make it through the rumble with his shirt crawled down to the tip of his nose. "Sorry little one, I cant have you making more spiders. Send my apologies to Who ever watches this world for killing one of his creations. Though i really don't care all that much." he sighed snatching the tiny spider up from his nose, squishing it between his fingers and wiping what was left of it on his pants. "So fragile, is this thing called life..." he muttered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"you should seriously remember your own damned number. =\ "
"now i am going to be bored. ; ;"

There was nothing else that she could honestly think of replying with, so without much else to do she minimizes skype before pushing herself up from her desk with a groan. Though she understood why he wouldn't leave his room, it bothered her that she would not be able to continue contacting him, especially since she had only just been able to talk with him for a few minutes today. 'Oh well.' She muttered mentally to herself, moving around to shove the old rolling chair back into place at her desk before making her way over towards her bed. For once she actually felt a bit tired, though that was probably because of her shoulder hurting so bad suddenly. Maybe she had pulled a muscle or something while she was rolling around on the carpeted floor or something looking for her own phone a bit earlier today.

But all thoughts fled her mind as she drags her feet across the carpet over to her bed before promptly faceplanting onto its utterly soft contents. While her room might have been quite bare, her bed was a luxury. Soft satiny sheets and covered pillows, fluffy as a cloud and just all sorts of unfathomable comfyness. She rubbed her face onto the sheets, pulling her feet onto the bed with a content sigh. The moment she had laid down, her shoulder had stopped hurting nearly completely! "Well doesn't that figure." She snorts into the dark silence before rolling over and grabbing her body pillow, snuggling right up to it without even bothering with a blanket. It really did not take long for her to drift off into a rather deep slumber, unlike usual when she had a hard time falling asleep...


Suddenly appearing in the far end of her room, near the door, stood Kieri. The angel had a bit of a frown upon his lips, lightly shaking his head at the darkness he had warped into. And such a small room, too! His bright crystal blue eyes gaze around, still frowning. They only thing that actually seemed to be used in the entire place was the bed and the computer, but otherwise it was so... empty. With a groan he shakes his head before swiftly closing the space between himself and the young woman who was currently snuggled contently to her body pillow. "Soooo tiny." He mused aloud, well aware she was not going to wake up until he willed it. It was just one of the many abilities he possessed, it made dealing with mortals so much easier. Or well, 'current' mortals, was the right word. At least Kieri thought so!

Without even an ounce of hesitation, he carefully scoops her up, body pillow and all. "Now we can get out of here, meet up with Leras and the boy, then go about our way. Sorry it took so long, Neri. I know your shoulder must have been hurting something fierce. But its alright now, you know?" Kieri lets out a soft sigh, knowing he would not be met with an answer for the time being, their forms suddenly started to fade into nothing... until eventually they were gone! Leaving the rather vacant room all the more empty now that its only occupant was gone.


Leras was less than amused with the fleshbag he had to pick up, knowing that Kieri merely chose the easier target in this case. But all and all, he did not -really- mind it that badly. He had arrived at the fellows location shortly after he left Kieri's side, being able to move about in the darkness like this was quite a useful gift. To go unseen for as long as he wanted, it truly was a 'gift'. He watched the young male silently form the shadows, gaze narrowing as he watched the spider be crushed. Lightly shaking his head, Leras carefully flicks one of his fingers towards the other... it seemed like it had done nothing, at least until the spider started to reform. It took only a few seconds, likely in the blink of an eye.

The spider though had reformed into two spiders, that now merely sat on his pant leg, staring up at him expectantly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The split and regeneration of the spiders peaked his interest almost immediately. "Well... That's... Odd. But no matter i still cant have you breeding. especially with two of you now.." he muttered quietly to himself, scooping the two spiders up in his hand and yes, crushing them with his tongue, only to swallow them seconds later. "More protein anyway. So it works. heh, but not exactly a great taste." he chuckled, licking the roof of his mouth with a bit of a shudder, though quickly the look on his face returned to what was still quite interested in what caused them to 'regenerate' and on top of that, duplicate. but it also worried him causing his eyes to scan the room just in case he didn't hear someone come in. he didn't look it but after long enough in this darkness his eyes had adjusted to see like it were near the break of dawn, the light from the monitor only adding to his vision... spiders didn't just 'magically regenerate from death then split into two separate beings' and even if they could he was doubtful that it was possible in mere moments.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Leras mentally groans as he watches the young male eat the spiders. Luckily, the duplicates would vanish the moment it was into his throat. He then watched as he also scanned around the room, lightly shaking his head. He would not be able to see him unless he wanted, though as his gaze would look elsewhere, Leras would open his mouth to finally speak. His voice was a bit rough, but easily audible within the room. His form would still be well hidden within the shadows.

"Cernos. Just how badly does that mark on your face hurt? Last ones that were picked up were in quite the amount of pain, yet here you are... eating spiders. You should not -eat- spiders, do you know how angry that makes the angels? It is disgusting. Don't piss off the angels with such stupid things..." There is silence for a moment. "I mean, really. Do you know how prissy they are half of the time with things like that? It is a bit confusing though because they let us eat human flesh if we want, but the Divine forbid, don't eat a spider." A rather heavy sigh would escape Leras before his large form slowly starts to appear in the shadows, the light from the drawn not even touching him. The shadows around him... seemed to be eating it, the light.

But even in the darkness, it was easy to see Leras. He stood out like a sore thumb, standing at nearly seven foot with coal-black skin. His head was turned, but one could barely make out the dark red eye from behind the loop of his finely pointed horn that sprouted from behind his right ear. Arms were crossed over his vest covered chest, claws lightly tapping against his dark skin before speaking yet again. Unlike usual, it seemed like he had a bit to say. The two spiders that he had eaten slowly crawled onto his horn, merely gazing in the young males direction.

"At any rate, we need to be going soon. And by soon, I mean very soon. And by very soon, I mean now. Kieri is waiting for us and we don't want to keep him waiting any longer than we must. I am sure he already got his target and everything." He grumbles, head finally turning to show his crudely fanged grin. Also revealing he was missing one of his horns, on the left side of his head. Carefully he unfolds an arm, extending a hand out towards the other. "Now if you come along peacefully, we won't make him angry and will be spared a lecture on proper conduct! And maybe... just maybe, I will let you get your horns early."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He quietly turned his chair in Leras' direction, slightly quirking a brow "What is it to you? And my name isn't Cernos.i don't know what gave you that idea." there was a short pause before he continued his comments "And don't give me nothing about no angels. If they run around like the 'bible' says they do then you're probably too busy staring at them and their naked rears to care what they are saying while you do so." he waved his hand dismissively as he pushed himself up out of his chair "But i won't fight you on it all, what should i bring? anything? How long are we staying and where are we going?" he questioned as he made his way to the dresser, next to his desk and fiddled through the drawers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Leras snorts softly. "You know nothing of the angels, then. They enforced a clothing rule -thousands- of years ago, and even then no one stared." He mutters, shaking his head. "Not that I stared at Kieri or anything. Or anyone for that matter. Its all about the eye contact, Cernos, all about the eye contact. You'll learn it pretty quickly once we get out of here." Silently the demon watches as the young male moves over to the dresser, starting to fiddle around in the drawers. Though he could not help but shake his head with another snort. "And you don't need to bring anything. Where we are going, everything you could possibly need will already be there. Though I suppose before we go, is there anything else you'd like to do? You know, say goodbye to anyone, friends, family. Send some angry letters? Anything?"

Leras is silent for a few moments. "Because any contact you will have with the humans wont be for another hundred years or so. Maybe a bit less, but, everyone or anything you care for now will be gone by then." Finally a breathy sigh escapes, just eying him curiously while waiting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

There was an extremely long pause before he replied, but you could see the gears moving in hsi head and the smoke pouring out of his ears and then came a quiet "Damn it...." he spun on his heals looking Leras in the fave with a very unimpressed look "You know you have terrible timing. TERRIBLE timing. I just told the one person i want to say goodbye to, to go to bed. and my only communication option is that." he jabbed a finger towards the computer "And she is most likely too far away to hear it go off." he threw his hands in the air before waddling in circles then stopping "fine lets go. wouldn't to keep your butt-buddy waiting." he hissed the last part to himself quietly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Terrible timing is my middle name. I suppose you really should have gone and found your phone then, huh?" That is all Leras says though as the shadows of the room would suddenly become as black as the void, promptly swallowing Cernos and himself up. Though at some point he had moved close enough to have a hand upon his shoulder, so he would not drift off into the nothingness they were promptly sliding through to their location. By far though this was Leras' favorite way of transportation, no way was quite as fast, not even the angel's light-portation. To the young man, it would likely be very chilly and pitch black to the point he would not even be able to see his hand in front of his face. Luckily though, their destination was very close and within a matter of seconds they'd both reappear under the shade of a large tree.

The tree was very tall, its branches spread out far and wide. The grass they landed on was so very green... and even though the sun had just risen on earth, it was already mid-day here. Wherever here was. If he looked around, all he would see is a bright blue sky and endless seeming green grass as far as the eye can see with a few small hills here or there. There were a few clouds in the sky it seemed, in odd shapes and sizes. It was oddly quiet, but in an utterly peaceful way.

"Alright, Cernos. Here you get to meet the other marked one and you both get your orbs. Then we leave here and don't have to come back for awhile unless something happens." Leras mutters, narrowing his gaze as he looks around intently around the grassy hills to try and spot the targets. He knew they were there, but where was the question. Sucking in a sharp breath as he gazes upwards finally, peering into the thick lushness of the tree leaves. And just as he had hoped, above them on a branch sat Kieri. It took the one-winged angel only a few moments to descend from the branch with his white-silk wrapped bundle in tow in his arms.

Kieri's voice was rather soft as he spoke, clutching Neri to his chest. Though she was covered with the white silk, it was impossible for either Leras of Cernos to actually see her yet. "Quiet now, Leras. Still sleeping here." He manages out, swiftly turning his gaze towards Cernos. The angels bright blue-eyed gaze eyed him up and down, offering a faint smirk with a nod of his head... It was hard to tell if it was a good or bad thing, but with how Leras nodded, it must have been a good thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cernos shivered only slightly as they left the void "You uh,,,, might want to get a space-heater for that void. Would probably make it a more pleasant trip." he muttered, slinking down against the trunk of the tree. "So who's this other 'marked one' you were talking about? Is it captain prissy, there?" He pointed to Kieri then continued his commentary "Because that's a little disappointing." and with that went quiet, laying back against the tree with a huff. "Never -did- like sunlight" he thought to himself
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Leras lightly shakes his head, slowly reaching over and swiftly lashing a hand out to promptly pop Cernos upside the head rather roughly. "I'd be quieter. New angel's can be pretty aggressive when they wake up, especially if they are still hurting." He mumbles, peering over towards Kieri before tilting his head slightly at the angel. Kieri offers a faint smile, nodding a bit before carefully moving over towards the two.

"She is still hurting pretty badly, so I do not suggest waking her up quite yet. Unless you -really- want to deal with that." Carefully the angel would lower himself onto the grass with a content sigh, the bundle in his arms being set down lightly onto the grass, like some baby. "She is so teeny!" He says a bit loudly as the white silk sheet would begin to move a bit, a soft groan escaping its occupant. Kieri freezes for a moment as he waits, only to let out a sigh of relief as she stops moving finally. Leras quirks a brow towards his angel counterpart, leaning back against the tree with a reluctant look on his face.

"She is so going to wake up and kick your ass, Kieri." Leras teases, chuckling softly as the angel just shakes his head! Carefully he would reach a hand over, lightly tugging the sheet down from her face. And then... Ta-da! Her hair was still in a bun, though it was now quite messy and several of the strands were left to tangle around in the sheet. Her face was still rather pale, and the messy dark blonde locks of hair appeared to be getting a bit brighter as well... "And here she is, folks. Not my usual kind of pretty, but her eyes are rather stunning if I do say so myself... Even if they were only open long enough for her to rip out a few feathers." Kieri grumbles softly, shaking his head bitterly as he lightly flutters his wing. Leras merely blinks, peering over at Neri before looking back towards Cernos.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Kieri set her down Cernos pulled himself to his feet and made his way over to 'inspect' who ever this other 'marked one' was and through a yawn muttered "You know. you don't make a very convincing argument..." he rubbed his head lightly "At this moment in time, if Satan himself looked me in the eye and said, with a perfectly straight, quite angry face 'i'm going to kill you with my bare hands and make it as painful and long for you to die as possible.' i still wouldn't be all that intimidated. I might even tell him to 'bring it on'."

With that Cer would kneel down beside her quirking a brow "I've seen her somewhere... just cant put my finger on it...." he pondered aloud, reaching out a hand to poke her in the cheek repeatedly "Wakey wakey~." He has a death-wish, can you tell?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Leras merely shakes his head, watching the scene unfold intently. Poor Kieri couldn't even move away.

It took only seconds after her cheek had been poked for Neri to awaken. Her shoulder still hurt and she had little patience for the fool that was poking her cheek. Not that she saw who it was, her eyes were still closed. But a fist is quickly brought up, attempting to promptly clock Cernos right upside the head rather roughly. With the force of getting slammed into by an entire team of football players. She showed little to no restraint as she jerked upwards, following through with another punch already, even if he somehow blocked the first. As she was standing, she was still -really- short and tiny. Her hair had fallen from its bun and was now flowing down past her knees, bright purple eyes now open and staring down at him intently with an utterly angry and hurt expression. Kieri at this point had already moved himself away, now standing over by Leras just shaking his head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nightroad


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Simply put, Cernos was sent flying, his lower jaw having been made contact with and his mouth having been open, teeth clamping down and severing off the very tip of his tongue. a mangled "SON OF A *****!" chimed past his lips and could most likely be heard for miles around if anyone were to be near. "Good lord shes got one hell of a hook" he hissed, a good distance away from where he originally was.

Though. after the shock of a piece of his tongue being missing he hissed at himself for but a moment before snatching the end of his tongue up and yelling over at the two "Can eider of you re-attach dith?!" the missing fragment of his tongue only giving him slight speech issues. Well... that and the throbbing pain that was now worse than the mark on his neck. Gods, he couldn't even feel it now compared to his tongue.
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