Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oni


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Aiden stood in the deserted suburban street letting the cold night's air pass over him as he waited for the remaining residents of the street to fall into slumber before he made his move. He admired the architecture of the elegant habitats as he waited for the now lonely bedroom light to disperse and submit to the darkness that surrounded it. He had watched much change since he was living, from the clothes the mortals wore to the way they built their homes but all of these quaint details seemed trivial to him now as his observations were broken by the surrender of the window's pale glow. He crept quickly from his hiding place which had shielded him from the eyes of potential vigilant individuals and moved quickly around the side of the house.
He had followed her here, the girl. He thought of his first kill and how his tastes had become so specific since those times and how now it often took him days to find a worthy candidate to feast on but he thought also of the thrill of the chase and the sweet victory of a successful kill. He climbed the wall with great ease and let himself in through the window.

Aiden now stood slightly crouched in the dark bedroom with only the dim glow of the street lights illuminating the room. This was of no matter to him however as his vision performed excellently in the darkness. He admired the teenage girl's room and smiled, she was the perfect victim. An innocent and young woman naive to the true nature of the world outside of her own world. Aiden moved quickly to her bedside and looked down upon her before lowering himself brushing a strand of hair from her face exposing her neck. He placed two fingers on her neck it's warmth almost alien and foreign to him as he felt her pulse. He lowered his mouth to her neck and sunk his teeth deeply into her in a quick motion drawing his first drink of blood from her. He suddenly fell back in shock and horror coughing and spitting out blood. "What trickery is this?!" he coughed as he writhed in pain as though he had just drank poison and knocked over various objects in the room as he fell to the ground. He felt a sickness dawn upon him and he crawled backward feebly trying to make his escape but in vain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rogue awoke when the fangs sunk into her neck, although, she did not move, nor open her eyes. She just laid there and let him drink, and when he spat it out, she smiled. Her eyes slowly opened as she sat up to see a vampire. Her dark blue hair blew in the wind from the open window, as she watched him coughed and stumble around. She didn't like vampires too much, in fact, she didn't really like anyone. She had no friends, for a simple reason, she avoided them all. To them, she didn't exist. She was nothing, just like they were. She got out of bed, ignoring the vampire as she got herself dressed. Placing her scarf around her neck and then turned around to the vampire with a bored yawn. She watched as he would now have visions of her, of how cold she really was. He would see her past, of those she killed. He would see that she left a dying man who pleaded for mercy. He would then see her walk through a dark alley, blood dripping from her swords as she stared onto what seemed to be a shrine of some sort. Then he would come back to reality, she smiled to him, she wasn't sure what he had been through just now, what had just happened, but she couldn't care less.

"What time do you call this? It took you long enough. Anyway, there's no trickery here. Obviously I've got bad blood. I can't be assed to deal with the likes of you right now anyway. So, you can help yourself out, right?"

She yawned again and walked straight passed him. She then got onto the balcony and looked back to him, she didn't care if he tried to drink her blood, as long as he stayed out of her way, he would be fine. She then dove off the balcony and disappeared in the night. She couldn't even be seen by a vampire, it was like she just vanished. There was no trace of her whatsoever, expect the remains of her blood on the floor. Although it wasn't abnormal for her, she vanishes into the darkness frequently, where she goes is unknown, nobody knows. Where would such a young girl be going at a time like this? Nobody knows, will the secret ever be spilled? That is a question to be answered another time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oni


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Aiden managed to compose himself shortly after her departure and moved with a quick but almost clumsy speed to the balcony. She seemed to be long gone and felt he should follow suit. He lept from the balcony and quickly exited the deserted street. So many questions had been left unanswered by the mysterious girl and, for the first time began to go over the events that had transpired as he reached the urban back-streets of the city. He could not make sense of the situation and cast the thoughts from his mind, he had encountered many different creatures during his roughly two hundred years as a vampire. He felt at ease now as he leaned against the decrepit wall of the alleyway, his psychical and mental self falling into a shallow state of peace. His mental serenity did not last long however as he soon was assaulted by visions of a life unbeknown to him. There was a familiarity about the host of the vision and it wasn't difficult for Aiden even in this state to put the pieces together. He Knocked over some trash cans as he tried to contain the foreign thoughts that invaded his mind, making him experience first hand in a way that was alien to him.

He saw many faces of different people and the looks on those faces were familiar and known to him. They were victims and she their killer. She killed without feeling and with deadly precision, she was cold. Perhaps even colder than he, and she had left a strong impression on him. He brought himself back to reality and set off in swift pursuit of the girl. She may have vanished into the night but the night was something Aiden had grown accustomed to having spent his whole unlife in it and he would find her. He wanted answers, his prey had never been able to escape before even if this girl was somewhat unique. He ran with great speed through the rain trying to use what very little he knew of her to anticipate where she may have gone. His search brought him through the slumbering cities deserted points as he searched for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rogue now casually walked through the dark streets with a yawn. She cared not if the vampire followed her, she would deal with him if need be. She continued to walk until she began to leave the city. She had left many times before, she walked out of the city and continued to walk until she came to a cross road. Rogue quickly took the path to the left until she reached the lake. She then ran along a mountain, and back tracked to the right. If she were to be followed, then she would not make it easy for him. She smiled, and continued to follow the path to the right now which went along side the mountain. She continued down the long road, as she did she gave off bored yawns. She still knew that she was being followed, there was no way to stop that but she sure as hell wouldn't make it easy. She would make it challenging.

Rogue looked up to see a tree branch in range, she gave a small smile then ran and jumped on top of it. Once she was resting on the branch, she jumped up again on another branch. She now traveled from branch to branch, making no footprints at all. Nor no leaves, as the trees were dead. Rogue jumped onto the mountain, ran along it and then later jumped off again, landing softly in front of an old secret entrance which led to the back of the mountain, going underground. Unless you were knowing what to look for, it was impossible to find, especially in the dark. She placed her hand on the scanner, letting it read her fingerprints. Then she scanned her eyes. After that, she did a blood test, followed by hair sample. Lastly, she did a written password, followed by a spoken password. To top it off, she did a security pattern, and a face scanner. Then it tested her weight and height. It was a highly advanced security system. Once all that was done, she entered the dark cave, and the doors closed behind her. She entered another written and spoken password at another door and entered that one too, watching it as it closed behind her. Now, she was right where she belong, but what could she possibly be hiding in such a tight security area? Nobody knew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oni


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Aiden had had roughly two hundred years to hone his predator like tracking skills but this only carried him so far, he was led from the city to a road on the outskirts where the trail became almost untraceable. He passed the lake keeping his distance, he had never liked water. An instance with a Victorian era priest armed with only a flask of holy water over one hundred years ago had made him rather wary of water. Even the variety that had not been blessed. He moved with great speed up the mountain but he was still a significant distance behind when he reached the end of the road. No human had ever given him this much of a challenge before, he felt he should be frustrated and part of him was but the larger part enjoyed the challenge. Aiden felt perhaps he had let himself dull his skills on inferior pray. He looked around the road, the trail had ended. His eyes ran over the trees above him and then to the road beyond. She seemed to have just vanished. If he had still been mortal he would have let go a sigh but the undead were unable to do so. He stood motionless along the lonely road unsure of what his next was to be but his ambition was slowly depleting.
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