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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kiyomi Sato-Hon
Konohagakure Sensei and Hokage Apprentice

Team 2

Kiyomi looked at the big creature before sighing. Making a shadow clone, who would watch over as she would later send a message to transport the animal to another region. To another region where it wouldn't damage the local economy or people in any kind of way. That was better than to kill it here and now. Not that she had a trouble with that, but she thought it wouldn't hurt to not kill something on a mission.

With Hayate already moving, Kiyomi would catch up to him. She placed her left hand on her earphone communicator. ''Leo-kun, in case you hear this. Regroup at the village. We will head to the Leaf from there. I repeat, regroup at the village.'' She said and then nodded towards Hayate. Hopefully they could be back in Konohagakure as soon as they would be able.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Once the sound of the kunai hitting the wall reached his ears, Tora knew slightly the distance between him and the wall. It wasn't a very important knowledge, right now, but without his eyes to help him he'd need to find others way to know his location. The boy remained perfectly still, his hands moving slowly, digging under his coat as he seemignly prepared something.

The fact that he could still feel a different chakra inside of him was bothersome, because he knew that it was what was causing the genjutsu. He learned that at the academy, but he couldn't dispel it; no matter how much he tried to use his tenketsu to push off the foreigner chakra out of him, it far exceeed his own. So, he'd need to continue dealing with total blindness. Thankfully, he had a good hearing and as soon as the woman talked, he instinctively threw a pair of shuriken towards her general direction, of course it likely didn't hit her, at all, but it was just a sign that he could still hear her.

Then, some strange sound was heard. Trees. There was one exactly by his side, he reached his hand over to touch it, nodding to himself that this might prove useful. She was right after all; sitting around and waiting was like sitting and waiting to be killed. To intensify that, he could heard something directly behind him, which made him leap forward- was she attacking? No, if she wanted, she could have killed him already. He needed to stop standing this still.

Finally having completed what he had been doing under his coat, the boy tossed about five kunai from his hands, all having wire-strings attached to their handle. They were tossed forward in straight lines, but each had been aimed at a tree- Tora trying his luck in throwing them at where he could hear the trees growing. His objetive with that was unknown, but he was likely formulating a way around his lack of eyesight. Once the kunai attached to something, the boy moved between them, holding two shurikens in his left hand, while his right hand was still inside his coat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fieryfly


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eiji Emiya

High above Shiro and Kuni a tiny bird blinked and watched how the two split up and both left the path they had explicitaly been told not to leave. It blinked a second time and then let out a shrill shriek that echoed through the dense air and bounced of the trees. Both Shiro and Kuni would probably be alarmed by it as suddenly they would find their sensei standing behind both of them as if he had popped up from the ground.

Both Eiji's eyes and the eyes of his clone held a slightly disappointed look and they spoke the same words to their respective student. "I said not to leave the path if something might happen. Don't leave the path and rendevouz at the other side of the forest." The Eiji standing behind Shiro held out his arm and Ebizu landed gracefully on it, its little claws digging in the cloth of his jacket. "Let's go back to the path, shall we?" He said as he turned around and moved back the other way. "It will lead us to the place where we will train."

When they would find each other again on the path one of the EIji's would disappear with a pop, the real one remaining, still wearing that disappointed look on his face. "Let's contemplate about that." He said as he started moving. His look, however, was then quickly dismissed and forgotten when he urged the two forwards, stearing them back in the direction of Amegakure and its new training facilities. It was no use to stay disappointed, they would fare batter next time. Ebizu, perked upon Eijis head, whistled a happy tune and seemed the only bird in this forest who was not taken aback by the absolute lack of sound around him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hoshi Miwa

Watching as Tora begun formulating a plan of his own using the trees, She silently watched as he threw a couple of shurikens in her direction, which she easily dodged. While the small attack wasn't too impressive, it still made something clear to her, and that is he makes good use of his other senses. Figuing Eiji might be starting to make his way back by now, she decided it was nearly time to end this little training.

Doing a few seals, Hoshi created a very large fireball which burnt down two of the trees which had Tora's kunai stuck on them. She also marked to the jounins in the platform to begin preparing the fields that were not used. She wanted to ensure everything was fine by the time all the teams have gathered around for the opening.

Taking another look at Tora, she moved quickly, lowering her head so it would not touch the wires, and arrive run next to the young boy, holding a kunai behind his head "I am going o release the genjutsu now, and you need to jump at the very instant you see. While I understand you have a plan to bring me down, we do not have too much time, so I will spar you again in the future. Now, release." She said and did with her free hand the release sign, and Tora would quickly regain his vision as Hoshi would make her kunai touch the skin of the back of his head.
Yoshikuni Sadako

Hearing something come out of the ground behind them, Kuni instantly turned around "How did you manage to hi-" She begun to ask her sensei, already knowing it was him. And once she turned around she was it was indeed Eiji. She figured he was probably a clone, seeing the way he showed up, and soon enough Kuni did a release seal, making the clone that followed Shiro vanish and become rocks which crumbled away.

Once they arrived back at the route and begun to walk on it, Kuni looked at Shiro with annoyance. She didn't want to split up, but he went and did it anyways. She wondered if he even knew it was their test, but decided against asking him directly. Instead she looked at Eiji, who now held Ebizu "Hey Ebizu." She said and petted the bird on its back before turning her full attention to her sensei "How did you manage to hide from my clone? I mean, it looked underground, and then I had another one follow Shiro." She asked in a curious tone. If he didn't move underground, then that could've only meant "The trees. You hid on the trees." She concluded and looked at him, hoping her answer was correct.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Satoshi Jun,
Kumogakure Specialized Jounin | Team 3

Satoshi was a bit conflicted. So far none of his students made a rushing charge or what so ever. Neither did they took the 'ambush' towards him. It seemed they were either hiding and planning to surprise him. It took him a bit while, but Satoshi had enough patience. His students likely were either doing several things, cause he wasn't sure if one of them had the patience he had. Which was no shame actually.

The shadow clone of Satoshi slowly started to walk towards the direction his students were at. The real Satoshi kept close watch of what would happen, but at a safe distance. For some reason, he couldn't find trust with Kato. But that was likely no surprise with the weird swings in the mood of the boy. Cautious and keeping now and then the area in check with his sensory technique, the shadow clone noticed the positions of his three students. From their positions, he could imagine what kind of plans they could come up with. Based on their abilities. He also sensed something else, but that was likely a trap jutsu.

Sending in his shadow clone, the real Satoshi kept the safe distance and would just observe what would unfold.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hiron Hon,
Konohagakure Jounin | Team 9

Hiron looked over his shoulders. The mission was a success. Now that they were near Konohagakure, he didn't had a fast pace. Though keeping one up, he decided to brief them in. Cause they hadn't perform that flawless. Not that he had expected that, but some flaws were things he couldn't overlook.

''We're soon back. I will simply talk, so just listen up. The mission was a moderate success.'' He began, pausing for a moment. Clearly already making them aware that he had more to say. ''But still. Mia, I expected better results next time. Don't think to hold back or I am going to hold you back from missions. We both saw too many members of the team vanishing because they couldn't perform at the best. You should know better.'' Hiron told her through the earphone communicator. It was said with a clear and rather neutral tone. That was both to make clear he was serious, but not angry.

Then he went to talk about somebody else. ''Masami, you performed well too. But keep in mind to keep aware of what your foes might do. Next time, you might not want to get near the exit of what can might tear your head off with a bite.'' Hiron told her, not wasting a second to give his review about the Nara in the team.

'' Shikaroku, I think the same advice goes for you as well. Don't strain yourself too much if that means you won't be capable of helping the team.'' Hiron became silent as they could see the big walls of Konohagakure getting closer. Then he spoke again as they would see the main gates in sight.

''But you all did well. Get some rest. Tomorrow, we're going on a real mission.''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mia Inuzuka - Team 9

Mia looked over her new team mates, they were all quite skilled for genin and she was impressed with Masami a how quickly she delivered the new information in battle. Mia was beginning to believe that this new team would actually have a chance a becoming really successful. She smiled a little and looked a Hiron senesi nodding slightly to show she approved of the team.

As they were making their way back to Konohagakure, the walls slowly coming into view Hiron decided to give them feedback on the way they worked together on the two genins first mission. It seemed Mia was the first one up for scrutiny for her performance. And as she suspected he noticed her holding back a bit, and knew he would state the truth. It was okay tho as he probably would see her reasons behind it. She wasn't sure her team mates would like the fact that she held back a bit, but she would explain it to them if needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shinri Rai
Kirigakure Genin, Team 14

His diversion worked. As soon as he heard Chou shouting at him to get away, he checked the bandits. Still following him, they had no chance to do anything about the barrage of weapons that descended on them from above. Watching from a safe distance, all Rai saw was a perfect kill zone created by Chou´s attack - and it was now up to them to see that they do not leave that zone alive. Chou was diving in and was doing a pretty good job at it - between Rai´s landing on a tree and taking a few seconds to find a target, the girl already killed two of them. He then spotted Chou pointing at one that was available for Rai to strike and he did so without any signs of hesitation. Using the tree to gain as much speed as he could, he pushed himself away. He used his wakizashi this time, and as he delivered a two legged kick to the back of the man, he made him fall over to the numerous weapons scattered on the ground. For good measure, his next move was to drive his blade through his neck, ending his life.

Pulling out the blade, he raised it in time to repel a weak swung at his neck - judging from his injuries, the man was at the verge of dying. That did little to stop his assaults, but Rai decided to grant him a quick exit. At his next swing, he deflected the attack and used the opening to deliver a long, deep cut wound on the mans hand, causing him to drop the blade. Reaching to grasp his hand in pain, Rai proceeded to cut at both of his legs, causing him to fall on his knee. As soon as he fell, he stabbed the man in the chest, quickly ending the struggle. Pulling out the blade, he turned for more targets. The adrenaline he felt was overwhelming. The urge to kill was getting out of control. With a red taint in his eyes and a devilish grin on his face, he lunged at the next bandit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Masami Hyuuga
Konohagakure Genin, Team 9

Masami listened carefully to the debriefing from Hiron-Sensei as they made they way back towards Konoha. What he said to Mia shocked her a bit - seeing she was familiar with the turtle and decided to hold back was something that did not please Masami, but she remained calm and hid her thoughts under a neutral expression. It could put them into severe danger in any future missions. But, what little she knew about their teacher was that he would make sure this will not ever happen again. As for her part, he was right - coming that close to the hole that could unleash the turtle´s head was indeed foolish from Masami. Acknowledging the notes with a nod of his head, she then listened to pretty much the same words said to Shikaroku. But the last few words were what made Masami´s day - they efforts were acknowledged by their new teacher, and that is what mattered the most. They were approaching the main Konoha gate and Masami was already thinking about a way to get to know her teammates better.

" Anybody would be up for a nice cup of tea? My treat. After that, we could do some sparring or ... or just talk. Anybody up for it? How ... how about you jo-joining us, Hiron-Sensei? If-if you have time, of course."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Suzaku Uzumaki
Konohagakure ANBU
Land of Lightning

The journey from The Land of Fire to the Land of Lightning took Suzaku significantly more time than he anticipated it would take. Despite all the haste he took, he had to stop several times mostly due to the weather being unfriendly towards any travelers - nobody liked to travel with a raging thunderstorm around. He knew the Hokage was counting on him to deliver the message as swiftly as possible, but it seemed that nature wanted the exact opposite. But his journey was finally reaching its second, easier half. He was entering the territory of The Land of Lightning now, and from there The Village Hidden by Clouds was a short journey. He was looking forward to visit the village - before his promotion to an ANBU operative, he did not have many chances of seeing the other villages. And also, it would mean completing the mission. This lifted the spirits of Suzaku.

Soon, the terrain around him started to change - deserts becoming more and more prominent, with the notable formations of rocks the land was famous after. The village must be closing because he saw more and more signs of larger villages or settlements as he passed by. One part of him wanted to break off from his current path and take a look at the Unraikyo Strait, but that would be against the orders of his mission. Maybe he could ask the Hokage for a personal leave sometimes in the future. Chuckling at the thought, he continued to approach the Cloud, the documents he had to deliver safely on his belt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rika Suzu and Sakamoto Senju

MIzukage and Konohagakure ANBU meeting

By J8cob and Mr Nim

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Upon hearing the noise caused by the large fireball burning down two trees, Tora became increasingly nervous; he could hear the fireball, but couldn't feel it's hotness growing closer. He needed to know where it was aimed at... And then, he felt her presence behind him. Damn, what a great failure I am, I couldn't even locate her... Much less defend myself against her approach. The boy felt quite disappointed with himself;

"I am going to release the genjutsu now, and you need to jump at the very instant you see. While I understand you have a plan to bring me down, we do not have too much time, so I will spar you again in the future. Now, release."

Tora silently nodded as the jounin spoke, waiting until he could finally gain his vision to do what she told him to; jumping. And the boy did, together with the distinct feeling of a kunai touching against the skin of his head. What the hell? She does not trust me or something? The boy thought, questioning why she'd keep the kunai so close to him, it was... seriously scaring him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aiko Cho-Hon

Konohagakure Jounin sensei of Team 8

Aiko looked around. So far the team was doing alright. Both Koike and Mamoru were genins that showed they were experienced and knew how to act underneath her orders. No wavering nor working against her, they had managed to bring some rest in the few villages. Not that there was too much unrest to begin with. But it was an alright start. Looking from a high position, out of a tree, she decided to give another command to her genins.

''Koike, Mamoru. Gather at the gathering point. Time we head to the last location and once that is done, back home.'' Giving the command through the earphone communicator, Aiko turned her head to the west. Just one more location they had to check before they could head back to Konohagakure. Back to Kei and Aki. That caused Aiko to smile briefly before she put on a serious face.

Just a little bit to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gamer geek

Gamer geek

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kato Daiki – “Plan is a-go!”

The time to strike was now. It took what seemed to be an extremely long time for Satoshi to make his way over to them but it was finally happening. Kato’s instructor was inching his way closer and closer into the trap, Kato wanted to strike as soon as he possibly could be he also knew that timing was nearly as important as an attack in general. Satoshi was in plain view of Kato from his (Kato’s) hiding spot, the jounin was standing just mere inches in front of his earthly snare jutsu. Time seemed to slow down in Kato’s mind. He wanted this plan to work out more than anything mostly because he wanted to prove that he could be useful in formulating and executing plans and not just be known as that teen who attacked his own team.

Satoshi’s clone took one step, now centimeters away from the nearly prepared snare. It was time! Out in the short distance in the trees a small generic but very believable bird call rang. It was produced by Kato’s clone which disappeared silently after executing the call. One, the countdown was beginning. Two Kato had his game face on, his chakra already being molded the exact way he needed it to be. Three!, the countdown was complete and now the plan was ready and waiting. On three a giant burst of dirt would occur, originating from the bush that Kato was hiding in. Within milliseconds that burst would form what is known as Kato’s Dirt Swarm jutsu. It seemed that at the exact moment of the initial explosion Tahekiko sprung from the bushes, knowing exactly where his enemy was (or at least was before the fog prevents him from seeing).

Tahekiko was easily able to go for the first punch, defiantly proving that surprise attacks have their advantages. He made sure to direct his first punch at Satoshi’s gut. If Satoshi had moved he (Tahekiko) made sure to follow up the punch with an attack with a longer range, a generic roundhouse kick. Tahekiko would try his best to try and keep Satoshi in the same general area as he remembered he was. The young genin had no way of knowing for sure where Satoshi was at this moment but he would be able to go off of memory of successful hits and the memory of his enemy’s last seen position.

Kato was able to see of this unfold and it honestly brought a smile to his face. He was able to see into the fog clearly even from the bush and took notice of how well Tahekiko stayed to the plan. While all of this unfolded Kato made sure to go straight into his Earthly Snare jutsu, the extremely short distance between the moved roots and the surface making the jutsu that much quicker. Within a second the roots broke the surface and would try to go straight for Satoshi’s left foot. Kato, unlike Tahekiko, was easily able to see where Satoshi was and could easily control the roots to go where they needed to be.

The plan currently seemed to be working. Hopefully Nadra was paying attention and could judge when to step in. Kato didn’t want to give Satoshi any ideas so he refused to say anything about it but Kato hoped that if Satoshi tried to jump out of the fog that Nadra would easily be able to land a hit on him the second he did. At this point the only play for Satoshi to go was down and even that may end up being a bad option. He’d be going directly into a collection of roots just waiting to be activated and wrap around him.

Its your move Satoshi Sensei Kato thought, with a smile. At this point Kato was confident that the roots were full with enough chakra to stay active for as long as they would need to be. If they managed to wrap around Satoshi’s foot then they would still have enough jutsu in them to at least continue around his foot for a few more inches without Kato actively being there. The hidden genin (Kato) decided now was the best time to attack. Without making a sound Kato went in for Satoshi’s left knee, trying to get a direct hit in on the knee and hopefully make Satoshi’s movement impossible or at least slower. He then would try to follow up with an uppercut even if the first punch was unsuccessful.

While putting as much power into both punches was a major priority it was overshadowed by the need to avoid Tahekiko’s punches. Kato was content with the power he was able to produce with both hits all while avoiding any potential accidental friendly fire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mika Hayashi,
Kirigakure Jounin,
Team 14

Mika noticed how her students were doing. The bandits were wiped out and each student was still standing. The eyes of the woman turned to Haruhi. Okay, save it for one. But they were alive and had each blood on their hands. That thought brought back memories of the training underneath the regime of the Fourth Mizukage. Then everybody had blood on their hands. Blood of the ones that were chosen to bleed, by the past Mizukage. A light shiver ran over the back of Mika, but she showed no revelation of her thoughts. ''Thats good enough. We'll leave the corpses as a warning that those who wish to dare to turn into scum, must face Kirigakure when they are on our land. Now,''

The head of Mika turned, looking at Haruhi. The right eyebrow of Mika was slowly raised as she then seemed to be annoyed. ''One of you drag or carry her back. I don't care who do it, but if you won't be able to keep up with me, you two will be punished for it. Now, move it!'' Mika ordered with a cold voice, before turning around and about to go back to Kirigakure. On a not so slow pace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kiyomi Sato-Hon
Konohagakure Jounin and Hokage Apprentice,
Team 2

Kiyomi sighed. The first mission of Team 2 was mixed. They had found success with managing to take care of the threat, the giant crocodile. But Leo had been missing out the action. Kiyomi placed her hands behind her head as she walked towards the Hokage Office. Dressed in her Hokage Apprentice garb, Kiyomi wondered what today would bring.

Her orders to her students were to group with Team 7's sensei, Kensuke Nimatsu. After all, while she would attend to her duties as the apprentice of Hisoka, her students would group with Team 7 to ensure that they would keep going on missions and further honing their skills. Sighing, the young jounin dropped her hands and placed them in the pockets of her pants, much in the same fashion as another Hon that was close to her. With a rather calm expression, she came near the Hokage office and looked up to the building. Some thoughts were running through her head, then some memories. First of a little girl with long white hair, trying to impress and surprise a certain Hokage. Then a young girl with long black hair that wanted to keep somebody that was very dear to her close, trying to fill up her free time with him and wanting to inherit everything she could from him, as knowledge and love. Kiyomi blinked a few times with her eyes, almost thinking she could see another girl with a different color of hair walking to the Office, but the goal was unsure.

Shaking the thoughts and memories off, Kiyomi entered the building and was allowed without any problem to the door that would lead to Hisoka's office. After all, her rank was known by the guards of the Hokage Office. Being the apprentice granted her such privileges, but they weren't unlimited. Knocking on the door, Kiyomi would wait until she would be allowed to enter. Brushing a lock of hair back, behind her ear, Kiyomi had the urge to look around. Somehow she always had the idea and feeling somebody was watching her when she was in front of the door of the Hokage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rini Yoto
Amegakure Genin,
Team Samidare

So her new sensei was the Amekage?! Rini stared at him, unable to respond. What to say? Something deep and-.

Hearing the answers of her team members, she almost panicked. Their answers were so good! How could their answers be that great? Was this a set up? A genjutsu? Nervously, Rini's hands went to her shirt and grabbed the end of it. She had to come up with an answer that would surprise her sensei, one that would make her respected and loved by him. After all, he was the Amekage. So she could learn a lot of things from him. But what to say? Or how to say it?

That last question did it. She was on the verge of collapsing now. Opening her mouth, there first came no answer from it. She just stood there, with a slight open mouth, like she was either baffled or just looking stupid. Her cheeks slowly turned dark red as then an answer came out of her.

''Its making me wet.''

The answer was so simple, but then her eyes widened as she shook her head. ''No, I meant. Its making me st-st-stronger!'' Rini stuttered, not able to look up to see their expressions. Staring at her hands, Rini felt like running away. But she already knew what would happen. Next to the laughter or scolding, she would likely trip and fall on her face. She always ended up, falling. And failing. How could she think it would be different if she would become a kunoichi? ''I think the rain is what we need to endure. If the land can endure the rain, we should try it as well. Becoming stronger. I want to become.... stronger.'' The last sentence was nothing more than a whisper, filled with sad desire. Sad desire to not fear the opinion of other people.

Wanting that her own opinion would one day matter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yamakaze, Rin
Between the Grass and the Fire Country

The climate was sunny and nice- a refreshing change from the melancholic ever lasting rain of Amegakure. Rin was walking through a small pathway which led directly to a house- one that, by the looks of it, was apparently abandoned. But trustable information from a poor man being tortured for nearly four hours led her to believe that in there, a dangerous missing-nin was hiding. Whenever it was true or not, would be found out soon. Slowly, the ANBU approached the door- her hand raising as she was about to knock. But instead, she just twisted the doorknob, hearing the click which indicated it was unlocked, the door was slowly opened and she took a step forward in order to enter the house...


A small sized explosion happened directly in front of the ANBU, powerful enough to break half of her mask and send her flying about ten meters behind, rolling on the ground helplessly before collapsing. A strong, intimidating laughter was heard from the inside of the house as a man wearing a dull gray quimono walked out. He had a spiky gray hair and rather brute features, although he was somewhat attractive due to those very features, his strong jaw and particularly thin nose combination being the reason. By his side, there was two katanas; one was an average katana while the other was a bit smaller. Both had pretty well worked hilts and sheathes. Slowly, his sandals touched descended the small staircase and took the man closer to Rin's unconscious body.

"I thought ANBU were a little smarter than this!"

He smiled with confidence, however the smile slowly turned into a frown when he heard a feminine voice above him; the sight he saw was a woman sitting on a tree branch while chewing on a wheat, her mask actually on the side of her head rather than covering her face.

"The fun starts now that you went out of your hiding cave, sweetheart."

The 'corpse' disappeared within a poof of smoke- and at the same time, a larger smoke covered the man. It was a smokebomb thrown by Rin. The missing-nin quickly moved out of the smoke's range, however, there was no sight of the ANBU anywhere. He placed each of his hands on each of the katana's hilts; the right hand on the upper, bigger katana and the left hand on the smaller one. His pale-white eyes trying to see her; then, he caught a glimpse of her figure running behind some trees, quickly turning him to follow the movements, his expression serious and confident.

Then, Rin suddenly surged from behind him. Another clone? The man thought, doing an extremely fast motion of unsheathing the smaller katana and trying a vertical slash at Rin; had the woman not quickly stopped and dodged, she'd certainly receive quite the cut on her chest area. She backed up, unsheathing one of the double tantos on her back. He's fast. She admitted, side-stepping his attempt to slash her again with ease this time, quickly moving to counter-attack; her lightning chakra flowing through the tanto's blade as she drove it towards the man's neck; her attempt frustrated as he parried her attack with the larger katana, the smaller one thrusting forward to impale Rin.

While she saw the attack and side-stepped, her agility wasn't enough and she received a small cut at the very side of her body, a quiet groan escaping her as blood oozed from the newly gained wound. It wasn't too deep, luckily, so she could bear with the pain as if it was nothing. Leaping back to create some distance between her and the man, she sheathed her tanto and began to make a serie of hand-seals; which the man wasn't happy about at all. He began to sprint towards Rin, unsheathing both of his katanas. "Oh no, you aren't!" He shouted, but it was a bit too late. From Rin's hands, a sphere of Ranton chakra materialized before a thick beam was shot in a straight lane; the man easily dodged, but continued moving forward and got in a dangerously close distance to Rin, his right hand already moving to strike her with his katana. However, Rin turned on her heels and moved both of her arms in his direction; the beam followed the movement, hitting the man and sending him flying backwards.

"W-What the f-ck!" With a pained grunt, the man slowly stood up. The smaller katana felt from his hand in the process, laying on the ground. He sheathed the right one as he stood up, opening a toothy grin. Clapping his hands together, he formed four seals and then extended only his left arm forward; Rin tensed up, as if expecting an attack. She readied herself to dodge... But nothing came. The man used his right hand to raise his sleeve, revealing a serie of intricate seals covering his whole left arm. The pressed his thumb against the seal ontop of his palm, murmuring something quietly to himself.

"Ten no Shirushi, Kaihō Suru!!

He slowly dragged his thumb upwards...

"Tenjō-kai no, Kaihõ Suru!"

Rin did not want to see what the rest of the seals would do; quickly, she began to run towards the man, grabbing his smaller katana which was at the ground before- she closed the distance between the two quite quickly, moving the katana down before thrusting it up in direction of his chest. Done, he'd certainly die- there was no way he could avoid an attack at this speed from this distance... Well, that was what she expected. Surprisingly, the man simply stopped the katana with his barehands, easily taking the katana from Rin's own hands and tossing it away, bending the weapon's steel slightly in the process. Rin looked up at him, his pupils had became slitted and his whole appearance had became more feral, the fangs poking out of his mouth, his eyebrows becoming thicker and his hair longer. What... Exactly was this? How he suddenly gained the strength and the speed of...- wait, an animal. That's right...

The man tried to punch her in the middle of her face; she moved both of her hands up, blocking his punch with some difficult. This strength... If she did not block it, it could have send her unconscious. This is not even his maximum capacity, if each of those seals give him more strength... There were at least five seals. What happens if he opens every seal? Rin tried to focus on the fight, but it was impossible to not think about those seals and the strength boost. She rolled backwards- and then leaped backwards as well, trying to gather some distance. Had his strength only been amplified in close-combat? If that was the case... The ANBU quickly formed a serie of seals, inhaling some air before she opened her mouth pretty widely, expelling a sphere of Ranton chakra from her mouth.

Taking the sphere in her hand; the launched it in the direction of the man, who was running in her direction now. He glanced up at the sphere- just as it exploded into a high amount of senbon-sized projectiles, all which moved quickly in direction of the man. He tried to dodge by changing directions, but the projectiles just followed him, all piercing onto his back and arms, since he protected his head using them. Grunting as loud as it was inhumanly possible, the man removed the projectiles stuck into his left arm; dragging his thumb from the second seal to the third one. Rin's eyes went wide; What now?

"Tengokutodjigoku... Kaihõ Suru!"

Suddenly, his powerful chakra started to coat his body, sending all the projectiles from his back away. The man grew in size as well, even if slightly; enough for his kimono to fall down to his sides, revealing a powerful muscular chest which was however covered by thick fur. Not hair. Fur. His fangs grew and his nails became as sharp as claws, his eyes turned into a deep red color. Rin had been wondering what would happen if he unlocked more seals, but she could already assume that each seal gave him more... savage-like appearance traits and made him stronger. By what she could assume, though, he also became less human- less responsive and less prone to logical thinking. With this in mind, perhaps she could try to trick him into something.

... There wasn't a lot of time to think about this now, however. The raging beast came charging towards Rin and all she could do was leap towards a nearby tree, using it to leap into a one. She looked down to see the man letting forth a loud howl, showing his large, intimidating fangs. It moved closer to the tree Rin was standing in, digging it's claws onto the tree's trunk and pulling it with such immense strength; slowly, the tree began to creak and break into the powerful grip of the man-beast. Rin leaped forward, onto another tree. Surprised to see how much physical strength the man had gained. Isn't this draining his chakra resources? Can he keep it up for much longer? Damn... She tried to think of something, but there wasn't time to think so quickly. The man-beast jumped from the ground; literally matching Rin's height with a single jump, he sinked his claws onto the tree and then leaped towards Rin's direction, using it's large claws to attack her; she couldn't dodge in time and received four cuts straight onto her chest and stomach, revealing a slight part of her toned body and bosom as she felt down from the tree.

Mid-fall, she placed her hands together and did the tiger seal, quickly turning to fall on her feet rather than her back. Rin began to run quickly towards the small house where the man came from, but she was crushed as the beast felt directly ontop of her... however, she just poofed; it was a clone. The man sniffed the air, glancing in the direction that the original Rin was running towards to. "Disgusting. Running away." However... he didn't bother to follow.

Meanwhile, Rin had ran in the opposite direction, managing to escape while clutching her chest. She couldn't believe she had to flee from the battle, at all. It was.. humiliating, to say the least. Her very honor as a shinobi had been insulted but between honor and her life, she had chosen the latter. She was certain that she'd return and the next time she faced this opponent, the result would be different. Right now, there was simply no means of facing him, at all.
Rin is currently on her way back to Amegakure, she bandaged her chest and had some short rest of two hours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blandman
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Raion Torikumu
Kumogakure Genin
Team 5


Raion had completely ignored the ground's rippling as he had approached, which any other more seasoned shinobi would have recognised as their opponent preparing to do something. Instead he carried on, his wild kick thrown and was so rather understandably flabbergasted to see it hit nothing but the cool air, his movements creating a nice little breeze. His intended target was now many meters into the air. The boy, however, had failed to account for incoming explosive kunai and so the first explosion caused him to reel away whilst the second made the poor boy cover his head with both arms.

"Hey ya damn kid, watch where you're throwing those things!" he shouted out into the treeline, one hand clenched into a fist of indignation.

He then heard his new teacher's warning from above and found his eyebrow twitching slightly. Their first and only attempt at teamwork had failed, so in Raion's books that meant it was utterly pointless. Time for all out attacks of awesomeness! From him only, of course. Raion yanked his trusty sword from its resting place on his back, and held it firmly in both hands, before stepping forward. If he timed it just right, the boy theorized, he could hit Nori just before he reconnected with the ground. There was no way he could dodge when falling out of the sky! Right? RIGHT!

"Try this on for size!" he bellowed.

So with that, Raion bolted forward as Nori fell far enough, swinging his blade just as his teacher was about to reach the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chou Minori

Listening to the comment and order of Mika, Chou did not blink. She wanted them to carry that useless piece of meat that was their teammate? Seemed pointless in her eyes. Chou just jumped away, leaving Rai to do the job. She quickly begun following her sensei, noticing that Mika has moved faster than before. Feeling her eye itch, it gave her a signal that she could now use her visual kekkei genkai, which meant it was time for her to be risky.

Using chakra to boost her movement, she slowly, and with a bit of effort, approached her sensei from behind. She only needed a single touch, no matter where, and for a second, so she would get her chakra signature. Her eye turned black with the small white dot, making her sight in it completely black, except for the small mark behind her that was Haruhi. After a few more minutes, after finally reaching her sensei's side and keeping up with a bit of difficulty, she tried to touch her sensei's arm, so she would be able to get the chakra, and thus have another chakra signature memorized.
Hoshi Miwa

Seeing Tora jump away just in time, Hoshi smiled and then stopped in her tracks "Very good. That was a test to see if you can follow orders well while under pressure, and you passed successfully. And do not worry, I wouldn't have given you more than a scratch. It might've felt like the kunai was pressing, but that is merely to make it appear as if I am ready to strike. Now come here, like I said before, our training for today is done, but you can be sure I will give you a chance to properly spar me,. Right now I wish to teach you how to disspell a genjutsu, which is something we can also do outside." She said and then begun walking to the door.

Opening it, Hoshi flashed a smile to Tora "If you want to have any proper chance of fighting me, you need to either know how to disspell a genjutsu, or know how to track someone, thus be a sensor. I cannot say if you are fit to be a sensor, unfortunatly, but I can teach you how to disspell a genjutsu, and also a small little thing which may come in handy in the future." She said and waited for him to come and exit the building.
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