Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Walter Cromwell

Age: 190 (Turned at 42)

Species: Vampire

Gender: Male

Human Appearance:

Beast Appearance: Very similar to an Underworld vampire. His skin becomes gray and tough as leather, wings sprout from his back, his features become elongated and his canines grow larger as well.

Like any vampire, Walter is exceptionally good at deceiving and luring his prey. He's rather keen on picking up nuances about those he stalks, often using their desires or even fears against them. While crafty he doesn't enjoy holding advantages over others heads, having a sense of honor and fairness that perpetuated since his life as a human. He uses his tools when he must feed, but refuses to do so otherwise.

As a former military man he is prompt, direct and carries himself with a sense of pride. He has no issue with taking orders from superiors, and at the same time no issue with dealing them out as well. To a certain degree he is relatively indifferent towards the death of someone, rarely caring even. Should it be someone in his own coven however he becomes a fair bit enraged, and pity be on the person responsible for the fallen member's demise, as more often than not he'll fly into an insatiable rage.

In normal circumstances, when not feeding or in action, he is often quiet and brooding. His replies in conversations are short, as often times he has little to say or offer, being a bit lackluster in regular conversation. It may even be safe to say he often seems bored with what's going on around him, and to a degree one would be correct. He's relatively young for a vampire, but has seen a fair bit of the world. There is very little that interests him, hence why the peak of his expression is during busy events.

Brief History: Walter is a native to Scotland, Edinburgh to be precise. Born in 1640 during the reign of King Charles I he experienced quite a bit growing up. The Wars of the Three Kingdoms, a battle fought over the unification of Scotland, Ireland and England by one ruler. Taking up the bulk of his early childhood it was not uncommon to be caught in the middle of the fighting. Despite the constant conflict around them his life was fairly stable, with perhaps the exception of his father being away often. His father was blacksmith, and as such was often busy away at work, toiling to supply their local forces. The first ten years of his life then were dominated by going between helping at home and apprenticing with his father, trying to make both his home life and his family's business work.

After the war ended in 1660 Walter, at 20 years old, decided to enlist in the military, the royal navy to be precise. Having never been outside of Edinburgh let alone on a ship it was quite the culture shock for him. Given a year however he adapted, being assigned to a gunboat amongst a few dozen other men. In the span of the next few years there was relatively little action, the bulk of their time at sea being patrolling trade routes with the occasional pirate attack here and there. Nonetheless Walter enjoyed the freedom of being on the open sea, and opted to remain in the military as long as he could, not being terribly fond of his father's line of work as a blacksmith anyways. Even with other conflicts arising, such as the Glorious Revolution of 1668, he never saw any real warfare. That did not mean that his service went without danger.

In the year 1672, at 32 years of age Walter was finally shown the horrors of combat for the first time. Prior to this he and his crew, many of which had been regular faces over the years, had been lucky. With some of the best equipment in the world and exceptional training far and few between could dare challenge their might at sea. As fate would have it they made a mistake one day, taking a Spanish merchant ship and its escort, a schooner, as pirate vessels. In truth the flags had been lowered for repair, and that fact had been overlooked by the crew. Thinking the ships to be trespassing they opened fire, almost instantly sinking the merchant vessel with ease. The schooner however had avoided fire, and subsequently returned it with more cannons and speed at its disposal. Whether by a show of mercy or by running out of ammunition the assault stopped, and after scuttling the remnants of the merchant ship the schooner left. Walter and his crew had suffered greatly under the assault, losses nearing seventy five percent. The ship somehow remained afloat, though a mast lay in the sea and the deck littered with corpses and shredded material. Knowing they had to return to England and being concerned about having corpses aboard Walter and the survivors had to meticulously dump each body overboard to prevent their rotting. A few men had been unfortunate enough to not die immediately, having to be put to death by Walter as well to spare them the agony of a slow demise. A shadow of their former glory the ship limped home, its crews heads hung low in shame.

From that day on there was an unshakable, almost consuming fear of death that gripped Walter. Yet his long time of service in the crown's name refused to let him shirk his duties, and with a recent promotion to captain of his own vessel he certainly could not turn away now. Now forty years of age and a seasoned maritime traveler he returned to his duties on-board a newly furnished brig. Despite his experience, the wealth of equipment and trained crew and his superior vessel Walter was still haunting by an ever-impending demise. He was getting older, a fact that had not eluded him at all, and as the days wore on his tension only served to grow. To his men he was a strong, determined and just captain, but on the inside he was as timid as a young boy in the dark. He had to find a way to cheat death, whatever the cost.

As fate would have it he'd have his saving grace in just a few short years. With no real cause for concern amongst the seas Walter and his crew spent a fair amount of time docked in various cities around Europe. During their stay in France the crew is gathered at a local tavern, enjoying drink and song during their time off. In their merriment a woman approaches the beleaguered captain, offering him a 'good time' with a seductive smile. Never married and usually stuck with naught but other men Walter agrees, leaving the tavern with the cheers and shouts of his mates. He wasn't quite sure what to expect of this night, but what came to follow certainly wasn't in his expectations. The night in question remains hazy to this day, though the pain that beset him is as clear as day. He awoke the following day, lucid and weak from whatever had gone on the night before. He didn't feel right, he felt sick and like he was dying. Forlorn he laid in the alley he had awoken, unable to move much at all. When night fell he finally crept out, finding himself a stall with food to try and get some nourishment. It was fruit, probably spoiled, but he scarcely cared. As he ate the owner appeared, furious that his goods were being eaten by an "urchin". When Walter saw the man something overtook him, a primal and vicious desire. In a flash he was upon the owner, feeding furiously off of his blood until he was nearly a prune. It was at this moment he realized with horror what he was, that he'd become a monster. With no idea where to go he stole off into the night, refusing to accept his new reality.

(Sorry if this is SUPER long, got carried away as I wrote xD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Anima - lovely. She will be asked to join the coven in Scotland with Seraphie, my elder counsel vamp for purposes of the story. Post her up in the vamp CS link in the OP here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vena - I enjoyed that. Very well done. Please post your vamp up in our Vampires CS thread in the OP in here. Welcome. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Yay, thanks! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Potato


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Demetrius
Age: 666 (Had to XD, am willing to change it though if it's too old.)
Species: Demon
Gender: Male

Human Appearance:

Demetrius has long white hair which goes up to slightly above his stomach, and a face with sharp features. His eyes blue, and appear as though they are looking right through you, yet they’re always moving around, to see everything that’s happening around, and to assess situations. He’s 6’1 yet not very wide, and his body is toned. His build gives him a better speed, than anything else, and his strength is slightly over average for a demon. He usually wears a dark blue jacket, one that goes mid-thigh.

Beast Appearance:

Demetrius is charming and intelligent, yet very cunning at the same time. Information is his game, whether it is about how people think, how they might react in a certain situation, or their secrets, he sets out to find out these kinds of things. He never uses his information unless he has something he specifically wants. He’s also very organized, and he never does anything without an actual plan. Some might call him a genius for his intelligence, but he dislikes the term.

Brief History:
Demetrius generally lived in a very dangerous manner; he’d pretend to be human and worked with the church and hunters, retrieving as much information from them as possible. Because of this, he managed to kill many hunters, and was never found out. After a long time of doing this, and a lot of fuckery, someone finally realized it was him who kept killing the hunters, so they made his face known, and he could no longer do that. (sadface.jpg)

After that he joined the council, and due to the information he gathered while posing, and the information he gathered often, he’s thought of as the informal advisor, since he knew a lot of things others didn't, and is very good at creating plans.

(Shitty bio, I know, but I’ve been running on an hour of sleep all day and I suck at making short bios XD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Katelyn said
Anima - lovely. She will be asked to join the coven in Scotland with Seraphie, my elder counsel vamp for purposes of the story. Post her up in the vamp CS link in the OP here.

I changed the ending of the history. She'll definitely be a part of your coven. No questions asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vampiric Council Chair - Elder

Name: Seraphine Iscariot

Age: 1807 (Turned at 21)

Species: Vampire

Gender: Female

Human Appearance:

Picture when Human
Picture during Crusades

Seraphine stands 5' 8, her raven's hair is seemingly woven of silk and stops just below her belt line, long and full of soft curves its rarely found hanging, but rather pulled into a tight bun as women of the first century understood their hair to be intimate in nature. Dark sea green eyes are filled with experience and wonders of the past, but quickly turn completely black before she feeds or when her emotions are heightened. Her frame is feminine and yet lithe like a dancer in structure. She rarely smiles, but finds herself with a calm facade that exudes control and dominance no matter her audience. Her skin remains olive colored from life and her features that of middle eastern royalty.

Beast Appearance:

Dominant and direct, unfriendly and quite a commanding presence. She cares not for friends or acquaintances and would rather drain you dry than deal with you or converse over something meaningless and abstract.

Brief History:
Being born the only child to a poor family in Jericho at the turn of the century, Sera's life was a picture of continuous struggle and back breaking labor from the moment she learned to carry herself up right. Never getting access to anything more than the occasional scripture teachings by the scribes at the local synagogue, she was unable to read or write and didn't communicate very well seeing that her parents rarely spoke to her, her mother ashamed of only being able to give her husband a daughter. Their family name would die with Sera and their worth in the community had already suffered greatly because of that and their inability to conceive another child. Sera spent a lot of time in the village away from her parents, her friends becoming the only comfort she was afforded in life other than her ability to sing beautifully and create stories with her imagination that left the other kids in her village in awe.

Much to her dismay, at the age of thirteen, her father and mother pledged her to be wed to the son of Simon Iscariot, the local synagogue treasurer. Her father believed the union would bring their family not only security, but wealth and standing among the Sanhedrin as well. She was a tool to trade and a beautiful one at that, the older Judas falling desperately in love with the young girl and trying to win her heart with no avail. After a few years and no children to show for it Sera believed herself cursed and believed that she would suffer the same shame that her mother did. Willing to try anything, she begged Judas to come with her to the city center in Jericho the day a great profit would pass by for he was capable of miracles. Judas failed to believe her claims, but would follow her to the ends of the earth and as such took her. While in the crowd waiting their turn, the prophet from Nazareth called out to Judas and bid him come. Sera stood in shock, watching as her husband agreed to go and promised to return to her and return to her he did.

Only he was a different man, a broken man with betrayal and sorrow written in the lines on his face. She tried to comfort him, but he could not find peace and left one day to take his own life, his treachery to harsh to bear. She never asked what he'd done or tried to force the details from him, but on the last day they embraced she followed him quietly to the edge of Potters Field and wept as he hung himself, the earth opening up and turning the world into darkness. Little did she know as she rushed toward him to cut the rope that he'd become her greatest nightmare and the grantor of a curse so dark and deadly that heaven would no longer accept her and hell beckoned her return.

Many years after walking beside Judas as monsters of the night, the creator of the great hunters of the church finally took her beloved from the waking world and left her to rule as the eldest of her kind - alone and with the choice to make more or forever stay in silence. She vowed to avenge Judas' death and has worked hard to kill James' familial (Jesus brother - first hunter) generations until no more blood of his veins existed. Today remains one male and one female and she will be their end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Potato - fuckery... hahah - you win a prize for that. Your characters age is perfectly fine. Tricky thing. Bane's has to be oldest, but he put unknown, which means his guys have outlived dirt. Don't care about the background, but if Bane wants more we'll adjust because his demon will need to know yours.

Anima - Lovely. Thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Potato


Member Offline since relaunch

I was thinking that maybe he worked solo during all that time of deceit (Which is basically what I want my character to be; The embodiment of deceit), and he only recently joined the council. Any suggestions foe how recent? And by Bane's demon, do you mean Dagon or Mephistos?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aaaaaaand done. =)

Name: Sophie Joyeaux | Age: 101 | Species: Werewolf | Gender: Female
Lycanthropy turned what was once a rather stout and homely girl into a furry little bullet that packs a punch. Standing at just 5', Sophie's height is balanced (or counteracted, depending on how you want to look at things) by a surprisingly voluptuous body for a werewolf. She is nowhere near as lithe or wiry as most of her brethren, but she is strong for her size, and her diminutive stature makes her quick and agile. Her eyes are the same color as the streaks of violet that appear to color her hair in a certain light. Siad hair was once thin and ratty, platinum blonde and prone to unsightly matting, but after being bitten, it took on the same snow white shade as her fur. All of it is nearly untamable as Sophie herself.
Beast Appearance
Pretty Photo Credit

Ask, and Sophie will gladly tell you she's survived this long because of luck and a healthy dose of charm. It isn't that Sophie is stupid, quite. She isn't, and has never been. It's only that she's very easily excitable, far too trusting, and a bit naive. She's also quite impatient and more reckless than anyone with as many teeth and claws as she has should be. All of this has amounted to getting into trouble at every turn, including the trouble that has landed her in the realm of the semi-immortal.

Even so, she is kind, loyal, and courageous (the best way of saying foolhardy anyone can bestow on her), and would gladly give the shirt off her back to anyone who could stand to talk to her for more than a few moments before becoming overwhelmed.

Sophie was born in Paris, France, just a few hours before the signing of the Treaty of Seville. Her father, an English-born politician, moved his family to Great Britain just two years later, as an ambassador of sorts.

Sophie's life was neither blessed nor difficult, neither outstanding, nor plain. It was, however, almost soul-crushingly boring, at least to a girl who was found more frequently being scolded by her mother and older sisters for having torn another hole in her petticoats, or eating entirely too much, than, say, singing or dancing. She was fourteen when her father died, and her mother decided to move them all to the young Americas, setting out with Sophie's elder sisters, leaving young Sophie behind with a British governess and her ten-year-old brother, Jacques.

Two nights before they were meant to have joined their family by way of the Pacific, Jacques got cold feet and ran off on his own in the middle of the night. Sophie, always up for an adventure, chased after him in slippers and a nightgown. She had just decided to take a short cut through the frosted wood outside the village in which they were living, when a very large dog-thing ran up to greet her. If it ever occurred to Sophie to be frightened, she did not have the time.

When she woke again half a week later, she didn't take the time to grieve, either. It would be wrong to say Sophie was fearless. It would be fairer to say she was forever finding silver linings, and was more than delighted with a new and exciting life, though she quite grew to miss her family, as well.

Constant wandering found her joining the Scotland pack fifteen years after the turn of the century. A bone-deep charisma, inherent loyalty, luck, and a willingness to try virtually anything once advanced her quickly through the ranks, though her own fear of responsibility has kept her from attaining anything near Alpha ranking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Adrian and Felix Allistor have been posted to the Werewolf CS thread - they're mine. They're twins, nearly identical, but with subtle differences - they are the leaders/heads of the pack and the entire race of Werewolves. :3 I can repost them here, but really, it would just be redundant :p

For the record, "Pure-bred" werewolves are quite rare. It's difficult for the mother to survive the pregnancy and even hard for the children to survive growing up with lycanthropy. They are also more prone to being born as twins, triplets, or quadruplets, seeing as it's reflective of "litters" to a point and helps to make sure that at least one of them survives adolescence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Pure-bred made me think of bread. Bread usually means sandwiches, or in some cases subs. Subs mean steak and cheese, and there's this really good sub shop in town that I've been dying to go to again... Now I'm hungry.

Did I go off topic? xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

And... I'm starving.

Jumping on shortly to answer questions and create my other characters.

Please don't post your character in the cs thread I've created until you're accepted. This will help keep me straight. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Potato said
I was thinking that maybe he worked solo during all that time of deceit (Which is basically what I want my character to be; The embodiment of deceit), and he only recently joined the council. Any suggestions foe how recent? And by Bane's demon, do you mean Dagon or Mephistos?

Hey there. He wouldn't be on the council, but a member of Mephistos horde. We are grouping the characters together and Mephistos is going to be the Demon council member and you could be a member of his group that is in England with us because we are all bringing our people from there. We leaders, and our groups (you) reside in Scotland usually. Hopefully that makes sense. Now, your other option and you might need to PM Bane is that you could be with Dagon, who will play our nemesis of the RP.

DotCom - No worries at all. Hit me up when she's done and I'll review her for acceptance.

GUYS - I'm going to add a "GM Note" to the OP in here so that when you get on and get ready to write you can read the other posts in the IC, but you can also check the GM note to see anything that Scout and I need you to know for the IC. Thanks. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Simon Benheli

Age: 28

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Human Appearance:

Simon stands 6' 3 and weighs around 197lbs, his body strong and toned with muscular athleticism. His hair is kept a little longer than most might find acceptable, but the men of his family always hold tight to their original heritage from the turn of the century. His eyes are filled with compassion most day and even on occasion a holy righteousness at the injustice around him. His smile is soft and kind and there isn't a moment that you'd find judgement on his face or contempt in his demeanor.

Personality: Very staunch beliefs in the church which cause him to be rather strict in his practices and unyielding to the desires of others. On the other hand, Simon is quick to extend his hand to those in need and give love in places that it's never been nor perhaps should be. He is warm to his sister and loving to his family and church, but to the evil of the world he is one to work toward redemption whereas his little sister only wants death and retribution for those that oppose them.

Brief History: Simon is a direct descendant from James, the brother of Jesus, his father and his father before him working with the church to rid the world of evil. He was raised in the ways of the faith and at an early age sent to study the scriptures and other world religions to better prepare him for a life of spiritual battling on behalf of the Catholic Church. His younger sister was prepared in a different way than he, women not allowed to become of the cloth in their faith, but she is his partner in all he does and that he worries not about protecting her because she's capable of protecting herself which has saved them on more than one occasion.

During the time of Simon's father, the hunters were disbanded because the church felt that all supernatural evil had been put to rest in the great Purge of 1800, but the church was wrong and the descendents of James would always be trained within the confines of their homes to protect humanity. Simon has taken it upon himself since his fathers death, at the hands of a beast, to pick up the torch and use all that he's been taught to continue the fight for his family and his God. His story will began in London as he pleads before the Circle of Elders within the church for a commissioning that is blessed by God and ordained by the church at large.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well, seeing that by the tradition of the Council, most people should know each other then. If it's okay, I would let Madeline be a newcomer to the council... Though it would require someone to vouch for her, am i right? Any suggestions?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Ashtaroth (Ash)

Age: 1250

Species: Demon - Succubus

Gender: Female

Human Appearance:

Ash is the epitome of feminine beauty, everything about her small frame (5'4) giving off a sense of helplessness to draw in her prey. Her long chestnut hair is soft and alluring to touch, the very tendrils quick to come live to capture someone and draw them close. Her dark amber gaze is warm and welcoming, kind and demanding you stop and speak. Her body is picturesque, full hips and long legs. Full red lips turn into a knowing smile to let you know that you've been captured as hers.

Beast Appearance:
(Shifts into a bat-like creature, but very different than our current vamps.)

Personality: Ash is playful at heart, her own definition of evil different than most, and yet she can play devious with the best. She is quite loyal to her leader, but quick to speak her opinion as she's been around for quite sometime. She is demanding of those around her and works hard to bring the realization of her people to the human world, feeling it her responsibility to once again rebuild their hordes and repopulate hell. She's sarcastic and quick on her feet, the center of the crowd and the girl they all want to have or be.

Brief History: Ash was spawn from hell, her father Asmodeus, the great demon and an angel who didn't live through her birth. Though she's only a half breed, her father's genes were so strong that she pulled all of her genetics from him and appears as an elder demon due her way of speaking and bend to the evil of the world. After ruling in hell beside her father as the right hand of Satan's army, she took the assignment to work more in the bending of souls to the darkness and repopulating of hell. Her father was proud and she was more than willing to serve beside Dagon, his ways as extreme as hers, but his reign on earth was short lived. She stood tall and said nothing when he was stripped of his honor, her loyalty lying tightly with Mephistos or so it might seem. Having nothing to lose and everything to gain, she lives on the edge of a reality that might prove to dangerous for her to handle, but she's willing to ride the line in the wake of waiting her turn to rule.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dark Eternity said
Well, seeing that by the tradition of the Council, most people should know each other then. If it's okay, I would let Madeline be a newcomer to the council... Though it would require someone to vouch for her, am i right? Any suggestions?

Hey Dark. Madeline can be a newcomer, but she won't sit on the council. She will basically be there with Ash (my demon) and Mephistos (Bane's demon - council chair). My GM note explains (hopefully - if not, tell me) that you guys will attend, but stand along the outside of the circle as viewers. You guys cannot interact when the council begins, but you can observe. You're part of our Scotland Horde, which has me and bane and of course you. :) Which means she's Mephistos' guest and therefore accepted without question. That help?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Abigail Marx (Abby)

Age: 85 (Changed at 21)

Species: Werewolf

Gender: Female

Human Appearance:

Standing 5'6, Abby's body is built for fighting and running long distances, her muscles lean and sinewy and yet defined and ready for expression at the slightest movement. Her dark chocolate hair is long and often times allowed to flow free around her torso. She wears no makeup and cares not for things that most women would, finding herself most happy in beast form as she runs the edge of the world and enjoys all that lives and breaths around her. She has a long scar that runs down her back from a hunter attack that occurred years ago during the great purge of 1800 and has multiple piercings and tattoos. She is the essence of free spirit in her appearance and persona.

Beast Appearance:

Personality: Abby is warm and welcoming, a bit of a prankster, but someone filled with joy at another chance to live. She welcomes new members into their pack and plays mother far too often to the members and their families. She is quite withdrawn in terms of suitors, and would rather spend her time and focus on betterment and protection of the pack. She's loyal and often found listening rather than speaking, her own ideas being offered to the collective good instead of individualized recognition.

Brief History: Abigail was born the daughter of a poor farmer, her mother dying in childbirth with her and leaving her to help the family make ends meet as the only girl amongst eight brothers. She was the youngest and yet grew up the quickest, her body nothing more than skin and bones because of the lack of food and her father's willingness to feed the boys first. They would protect the family and she would die if needed to ensure the betterment of her brothers. Never making friends or having childhood moments left her broken and sickly most days, the plague of 1766 attacking her with vengeance and leaving her with deteriorating health and ashen skin. Because of her condition, her father had two of her brother's take her to the forest to leave her to die, only to have the younger of the two promise to return for her that night, but that chance never came.

As she lay dying in the forest a large wolf attacked her in her weaken state and she welcomed the warm reprieve of death only to have her last memory be of her being dragged off by the large black creature. Days later she awoke with a new body and a different life, her skin pure and replenished, her muscles reformed and health restored. A curse as it was meant turned into a new life for her, one that she was grateful for every moment after. She joined the Scotland pack with her mate just before the great purge of 1800 and in a moment of attack chose to protect Felix Allistor - the future of their pack instead of her beloved. She lost her mate, but made the conscious decision then to never look back, quickly moving her up to the second in charge with the most recent Alpha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I need another nap.. haha
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