Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Woops, double posted again... damn connection.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yes, but I meant more like "what information" ... "What was the plan."

Oh dear... I had not seen that but I do now. I'll go and talk to the person about deleting the posts. It looks like an honest mistake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hnnnn. . . . . How about it's the appraisal sight. It's where the hawker and sellers are going to get together to appraise the stock before sale the next day, and the hawker gets the info he needs to push up the sales price?

I really hope it's a mistake. . . . I'd hate to think someone was doing it to be rude. I didn't read it, but I may go do that before it's deleted. If he/she son't do it, we can talk to the mod/s.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay, pause for one sec. I normally dont go into this, but you've got me on one of your pet peeves, so now I'm going to bug you with one of mine. "Sight" is not the right word there. "Sight" is referring to the ability to see. "Site" is referring to a place. Please try to use the correct one.

So they were there to save the hawkers slaves and kill him/her?

Things like that usually are. I'm a little irked that he hasn't responded to my pm, but sometimes people really are slow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hmm... my post took in the history but didn't say that I posted... this is a test to see if it shows up in the listing now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry, I must warn you I have dyslexia so using the wrong word happens and it passes right by me if I don't go back and read what I've written beyond spell checking. I'm sorry it bugs you, and I will do my best to keep my disorder in check.

Yeah, they're there to kill the hawker and as many sellers as they can, and liberate the slaves.

Well, he/she could only come on once a day, and if that's the case, no response will come for another. . . Around 18 hours :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's fine. It's really only a minor pet peeve. I don't have dyslexia, but I am blind in one eye, and have ADHD and depression, so I kind of get something about learning problems.

Works for me. So we were starting with your character planning the attack, and perhaps discussing it with my vampire butler character? (Who is obviously going to have his own reservations about one of his own kind being captured, even if he doesnt say anything...)

Yeah, only problem is users cant delete their posts on this forum yet, so the best he/she can do is reduce it to one letter and move on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Yeah, we can start with my guy planning, and his bro coming in, making a three way convo. Since the bro will do the actual capture he can put in his two cents on the idea. *Thinks* I know you like jumping right in, so I think we got down all the absolutely necessary and can move on to characters? What do you think?

Well, we could ask a mod to delete them. I'm sure they can do it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Moving to characters sounds good. I'll have mine up here and for the others ... soonish, certainly within 24 hours. Got a lot of responses to work on.

May have to. I hate the idea of bothering the mods, but it looks like it might be necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

GAH! First guy is done, just letting you know he's not an overtly cruel man so when you're writing about your second guy keep that in mind. Here, I'll pot him up and work on his brother in a bit. . . .

Name: Alexi Vandros

Race: Human

Age: 31

Height: 6' 5”

Weight: 147lbs

Hair: Black, a little over shoulder length, strait, and normally pulled back in a ponytail. His bangs are as long as the rest of his hair and he leaves them loose, parted in the middle so they frame his face.

Eyes: A very cold shade of blue

Skin: Pale white

Build: Athletic, like a gymnast. No bulging muscles, but deceptively strong.

Clothes: He tends to wear an old red silken smoking jacket complete with a white cravat around his neck and a handkerchief in his left breast pocket. He favors dark colored comfortable cotton slacks and matching dark socks. At home he wears black leather house loafers as slippers.

Accessories: When he has need to see far he wears smallish square classes with thick black rims that complement his features, and on his left hand he wears a ring with his family's crest on it. The ring is silver with and etching of a snake and a Chinese dragon entwined on the flat part.

Powers/Skills(If Applicable): He has no powers of note, but he does have control over a large selection of very fine slaves and is an expert in handling them. He is rather skillful in business matters and never loses at negotiations.

General Personality: He's always gotten his way, and that has threatened for years to turn him into a rather arrogant man. However this also makes it frustrating for him when his confidence is mistaken for such. He has little patience for those he feels are stupid, but likes nothing more than a lively debate with a worthy partner. He is fiercely protective of his older brother and will lose his temper readily if he thinks the man is in danger. He is also very protective of his slaves, though not to their faces, keeping a calm and detached front up around them.

Background: Everything has always been handed to him on a sliver platter. After his brother supposedly threatened to bring shame to the family name, he had been disowned and Alexi had taken his place. Still loving his brother deeply, as soon as his parents were dead Alexi let him move into a small hut on the grounds. Alexi wanted him to move back into his old room, but his brother was a proud man and refused such charity. He even insists on paying rent, though not in cash because he brother wouldn't take it. Instead he took to doing favors for his brother. Alexi was well groomed for the job as head of the family and the business has flourished since he took over. When rumors of the resistance being close by caught his attention he made a decision. He wanted the leader, and nothing would stop him from obtaining that choice bit of property. Though he has secret reasons for wanting the Vampire, to most it seems as if he just wants the rarest thing out there for vanity's sake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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And here's the brother!

Name: Mois Vandros

Race: Human

Age: 34

Height: 6'1”

Weight: 150lbs

Hair: Black, classic schoolboy cut, kept slicked back most of the time.

Eyes: Vary dark deep blue

Skin: Tanned

Build: Muscular build but not bulky with thick bones.

Clothes: Spends most of his time in one suit or another, favors a red tie with a Fleur De Lis on it. High polish black shoes as work standard. At home he simply removes the jacket, tie, and shoes leaving him in a white button-up, socks, and his suit pants.

Accessories: Simple black belt where he keeps his phone clipped on his right hip. He has a torso holster holding his two primary hand guns, with a third and forth on either calf under his clothes. Over his clothes he wears a fourth holster which holds his rifle across his back.

Powers/Skills(If Applicable): He was top in his class for marksmanship and is the best sniper in his precinct and the five surrounding ones. Because of his job he's developed almost inhuman reflexes bordering on supernatural. He is very skilled in several forms of martial arts as well as kickboxing.

General Personality: Mois seems to be a very cold and calculating man, his expression rarely changing from a cool detachment and then it's normally a calculating glare. He doesn't enjoy drinking or frivolous entertainment and that makes him rather antisocial. He seems a little awkward when he has to interact with others. The only time he relaxes is with his brother. When in public with his brother he seems almost constantly embarrassed by his brothers eccentric clothing and tenancies. In private he is content and very open as long as none of the slaves are about.

Background: Mois is very secretive about his past and even has withheld from hos brother why he was removed as the heir to the company. He was a bit wild, and had several unruly friends, but after the incident he spent most of his time studying for school. Once he graduated he went strait into the academy and upon graduation was praised as the bet policeman the academy ever turned out. He was also one of the youngest. It was soon after that he also completed his sniper qualifications and received his license. After a few years on the beat he was recruited by the secret task force founded to eliminate the unnatural's rebellion and has been working for them ever since. Several times he's come close to getting a glimpse at the leader, and once he could swear he got off a shot that struck near the vampire. Unlike many of his fellows he's not all that enthusiastic about taking the rebellion down. He and his brother share a view that they are unwilling to share with the world, and as far as he's concerned, he only joined the task force to help his brother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So... Alexei isnt a cruel man... buuut, he wants to enslave the leader of the resistance? I'm not exactly sure how that works. I mean, he's already a slaveowner, and the brother is a Hunter... so part of the problem... so I'm not a big fan of either of them as it is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*Slow smile* I guess that means I'm really good at hidden motives :P I thought I may be being a little too obvious with Mois's sheet, but I guess not *Giggles* I'm feeling a little evil right now, please forgive me :P

Oh, and also, is your not being a fan mean you don't like them and I should change them?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh no! I like the characters. Very complex and interesting.

I meant more that morally, neither me nor my characters would agree with their stance on slavery. Sorry, I should have been more clear.

I've gotten a little overwhelmed with rps, so give me a day or two to get my CSs up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Should I let you in on the secret plot then so both of us can work with it right off the bat, or would you like to be surprised when my guy/s reveal it during the RP?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Unfortunately, you should probably tell me because wouldn't my butler character know about it? If not, then leave me out of the loop so I can be surprised.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The butler would not know, but he may have some suspicions. All he would know is that he's treated better by Alexi and Mois then he has ever been treated since becoming a slave, and the two of them often will smile at him when they think he's not looking. Whatever conclusions he draws from that are his own :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Anything short of ending the caste system entirely and my rebel probably won't like them. He's a little prejudiced against humans, you see. ;-P

I really will get you some CSs soon... I'm just suffering from a bout of lack of energy and terrible mood right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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*Just smiles*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TShara


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm going to pretend I don't suspect anything because I'll be able to play my characters better that way.
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