The sun had just sank behind the horizon and the night sky that hung over head was the clearest it had been in weeks. The sea was calm as the impressive Fire Nation ship cut through what little waves there were that evening. Unlike many other ships from the same nation this one was not a warship, but rather one that was owned by the illustrious Sòng noble family. It appeared the ever so wealthy Fire Nation family was on their way to yet another vacation despite the current warring state of the world. They had just finished their evening meal and seemed to be preparing themselves to turn in for the night, an overall rather peaceful and uneventful scene, but that was not to last. For just as the final member of the family extinguished the light in their room their ship was boarded. The few guards that were charged for patrolling the ship were no match of the wave of people that stormed the ship. It was only a matter of moments before the last guard was subdued and only a few moments after that when the invading forces vanished just as quickly as they appeared. At first glance it would seem that the attack was pointless, but it wouldn't be too long before it would be realized an important thing was missing, Lulu Sòng the daughter of the Sòng family.

It would be a number of hours cramped into the cargo storage room of a small ship, blind folded, and bound before the young Fire Nation noble would even hear a voice of one of her captives, and even then it wouldn't be any kind of reassuring. "Go make sure the girl is still breathing!" The grizzled voice would come from above the floor boards over Lulu's head. Minutes later the young woman would then hear the door to her room swing open and a series of slow foot steps approaching her. Her blind fold would then be removed revealing a masked individual in front of her. "Are you still alive?" The masked man would say in a low voice as his icy blue eyes scanned over the prisoner.