Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 10 mos ago

It has been a long time since the group met at the city fo Quelath and decided to take on a request from a local influent noble, who was hiring any able bodies to make the long travel to the continent of the Great Desert in order to access the old ruined city in its center. In the ruins was rumored to be an artefact of great value that would, apparently, make a great addition to the man's collection. Days later, the group left the port city of Ami'teth aboard a ship headed for the desert city...but things took a turn for the worst. Their ship came accross the wreckage of yet another trading ship...bringing the news of the ultimate fate of one of the group member's sister. Angered and determined, they took it upon themselves to chase the pirates who committed the act in hope of finding the missing Kantonian. After being attacked by one of the great sea serpents (that was supposed to live and get away, but apparently died thanks to the initiative of one fo you T_T) they themselves were wreckaged upon the shores of the Windy island, home to the savage elves, the Kel'dians. After passing some time in the dense jungles of the island to heal their wounds, as well as meeting a new dwarf friend, the group moved on. They did not go far before being anbushed by the very same pirates that attacked they're friend's ship. Their camp was not far from here, as was predicted by Marren, an ex corsair from Ari.

Captured and dragged off to the pirates camp where they were separated, the group passed one of their worst moment so far...even losing their newly found companion, who also was a dear friend. They eventually managed to escape and group up, create a prisoner uprising and finally to flee from the wretched place until they reached a small elven farming village surrounded by fields submerged in water, a particularity of the crops they grew here (rice fields). A few days passed where the group finally had some well earned rest and peace, if not for yet another newcomer who had a thing for ladies. As if a curse was placed upon them, peace did not remain. They soon received a message destined to Maria, the so to speak leader of the company, well against her will. The apparent leader of a group of mercenary camped in the surrounding jungle gave her an ultimatum; to come alone or they would raid and sack the village. Maria's friends opposed for her to go alone, and she accepted
However, the very next night...

-- -- == -- -- == -- -- == -- -- == -- --

Maria had already woke herself up a few moments earlier. They had set ''camp'' inside of the house of their most recent friend. The original plan was to wait for day light before heading outside in order to confront the bandits...but she had other plans. While the ex-knight already try to convince them she'd go alone, they refused. Further insisting would have resulted to nothing, so she faked to surrender to their judgement. When everyone was sleeping, Maria woke up and took only her sword, her armor would hjave alerted the others, and she left the house. She was determined to settle this alone, no matter the outgoing. There was no mistake about the author of the letter...it had to be her sister. The signature did not lie.This news came to Maria as a shock. It was as if a ghost came straight out of the past to haunt her, and it was a pretty accurate comparison. It was fresh outside and there were no clouds in the sky, allowing the moon to shine bright. To notice such things...could she be more tense than she forced herself to believe? Nonetheless, it took her only a few minutes before she finally left the village on her way towards the flickering torches that were visisble not too far from the jungle border.

As soon as she was a few steps away from the trees, no less than six men came out of the vegetation, armed and ready. ''I came to speak with your leader. Where is she?'' Maria demanded, actually much louder than necessary. The bandits looked at one another, her confidence and lack of apparent fear made them confused, but there was no reason to be scared. They approached her not to harm her, but simply escort her to the heart of the camp. Maria posed no resistance for now. As they were walking, Maria saw what they were up against. The group of bandits were not so numerous, but had good equipment. They probably turned mercenary and received their gear from the employer, there was no way a group of bandit originating from Cabadra could have ambushed a Cabadran military force to steal it from them, they would have been slain without doubt.

''I want to see my sister. Now.''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Negativeapex
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hahaha Takeshi laughed to himself. What a interesting turn of fate had the gods bestowed on him today. A beaten and battered group had been given into his care by loving Mythal. He had spent his time learning of their mission, their fate, and patching up their many wounds and ailments. Of course, not to even mention the fare ladies who both held dark secrets and torment in their hearts as tightly as Dithamen held to the night. "Ah dear Dirthamen, what a lovely night for you to enjoy. This night you may rule, but my beloved Sylaise has bestowed on me this wondrous full moon." He spoke to himself contently. Takeshi lay outside, resting against a small stone wall near his humble cabin. His wards lay within resting and recuperating from there long and perilous journey. And yet, such a hard decision lay ahead of you. Woe to you who are cursed by Elgar'nan, as the vengeance of fate hunts you. "They certainly do have a hard time ahead. But blessed they be if they do indeed intend to fight for this village." He sighed in doubt and worry. Shifting, Takeshi tightened his robes around him to ward off the cool breeze. "O but look at me getting all excited. I'm just an old sinful monk who enjoys looking up to the stars and resting in quite." He chided himself laughingly. Takeshi continued to gaze into that wonderful moon lit night as he drifted off into a darker, less peaceful time.

(Italisis is for his Thoughts or Low mumble/talking to self in low tone.)
(Pronounced Takashi)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marren sighed, rolling over on his rather flat straw mattress. The heat and humidity was something he was not accustomed to, being from the southern continent, and it showed, he was sweating and uncomfortable even with his coat and shirt off. The fact that the house they were in was not built to accommodate this many people did not help despite the open windows. In fact, that maybe made trying to sleep worse due to the insects chirping in the most inconvenient of times.

Marren grumbled and rolled over again in a futile attempt to get comfortable. 'Shame the damn pervert didnt have a hammock. People should use those things more often'

Getting nowhere in trying to sleep Marren sat up and walked towards the one open window in the room, which he was supposed to be sharing with their new priest friend. The latter however seemed to have disappeared going by the empty bed. The corsair though didn't really much care, he had peace of mind whenever that man was not near him. Through the window on the second floor of the priest's home he could see a small part of the village and the jungle around it.

It was a relatively small place with what he estimated were around two or three hundred inhabitants. There was no tavern, for who would it serve? And elves generally weren't up for the style of drunken revelry the people Ari were accustomed to on a daily basis. There was also a small market and a smithy, along with what Marren assumed was the residence of the local big-wig. Aside from those the village was bare, not that he expected much.

Sighing Marren put on his shirt and boots, took his cutlass and left the room. 'A walk would be nice'. Downstairs was where the rest of the party were sleeping and Marren made sure to tip-toe quietly so as to not wake them. They had all had a rough past few days and sleep was very much in demand. Once he got down there he noticed Maria was nowhere to be seen but she had left her armour, though not her sword it seemed. Considering what he was up to he assumed Maria was doing the same.

'Or maybe nature called...' Was a flashing thought before he shook it away, replacing it with an image of her in a certain red dress. 'Stay silent about that? You ask too much of a pirate madam'.

He gently opened and closed the door, careful not to alert the elf in their company as he made his way outside. Out here the world seemed much louder but the air less stuffy, the light of the moon and stars barely enough to see in front of him but Marren managed. He walked in no particular direction, following the dirt road that ran through the village as he contemplated about nothing in particular.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I can't say that I knew them well, or that they were my friends, but they were much more than strangers. They are the only ones I can tolerate. No, I didn't say that right, did I?" So'kein sighed and rubbed her brow. Her head was clouded. "Its no matter. They're all dead now. Its been so long...I left them on the beach, like a coward. It must have been two years ago now." It hurt to talk about.

The rum in her glass stared up at her, attempting to keep her company, yet it could only do so much. Her world had changed again. And on top of that, she was down to the last swallow of comfort that she usually kept tucked away in her chest for safe keeping.

So'kein looked up at her companion. "Its alright luv, don't cry over it." She patted the mans back. He sat there with one hand over his face, weeping with great sorrow. "They fought well and died well." She nodded. "A toast then." She had decided, after looking down again at the last swallow of rum. She hadn't yet known the man long enough to acquire his name. But of course, her mind had quickly supplemented one for him. "You're a good friend Bob. To friendship."

Bob wasn't doing so well. In reality, Bob was only a statute. But he had not been turned that way, in some sort of wicked spell. No, Bob had always been a statue. The reality of that fact was still, sinking in for So'kein. Considering she had already been talking with him for about an hour now, it may never quite sink in. It wouldn't be too surprising if she never realized it though, for you see, So'kein didn't exactly live within the boundaries of that odd thing called "reality."

As she raised her glass to toast, she tapped it upon the top of his head, with just enough force to shatter it as she did. The noise echoed loudly into the silence of the night. "Damn it Bob." She looked at her last bit of rum, forever lost, and then back up to Bob. Reality decided to catch up with her this time, as she started into that ever unchanging face of stone. But now that she realized she had been holding a conversation with this inanimate object for so long, she wasn't quite sure what the generally accepted behavior for ending a conversation with an inanimate object was. So, of course, she panicked. He had broken her glass after all. "How dare you!" She suddenly shouted at the statute much louder than she intended. "You owe me Bob. After all I've done for you! I never want to see you again. Stay out of my life Bob, I mean it this time." She then looked around hastily, paranoid that someone had heard her rantings. Quickly grabbing up her chest, waking Rin as she tossed him off of it, she then rushed off to find her usual spot to sleep.

Here she was, in the Kel'dian village, these people were supposed to be her family, although if only of a somewhat distant relation. Yet, she had gained no friends here, and had no place to stay. It didn't feel like home. Sure, everyone seemed welcoming, especially to someone from their own kind, but they all knew she was different. She could feel the way they looked down on her, and stared as she passed. In the actual line of time she had been staying here a few days now. Though in her own time line--she had no idea how long, or why she was here. And despite all of her tall tales, it had been nowhere near two years since she had escaped the pirate attack on the beach, and left her companions behind. It had barely been a week.

As she walked on through the night, she pulled out the busted pocket watch she still carried to gaze at it a moment. She had found it on that wrecked and ransacked ship. But somehow it felt important. "It feels like its him." She explained to Rin. "Like, his spirit is in it." She shook her head and sighed. For a moment she walked on in silence. Her mind was haunted by the one encounter she had since she had been in the village. An elder elf, he had spoken as though he knew exactly who she was. His words stuck in her mind still. Your father is not the man you thought him to be. She cursed the elder under her breath. Rin looked up at her curiously. "What I meant was, the way I feel when I hold this watch, was the same way I felt every time he came home." Wow. That was a really coherent thought. She had actually been able to describe the feeling exactly as she felt it and yet…It still doesn't make any sense. She thought to herself, her mind then filled with conflicted thoughts. This is just some random piece of junk.

"He's dead." She said aloud, her words struck the still night air as harshly as she had spoken them. A chill crawled up her spine. "He's dead."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Merrily we sailed along
Though the waves were plenty strong
Down the twisting river Lyne
Following a song...”

Marren sung the shanty into the lone darkness of the humid night. The air was thick and felt like breathing soup, the heat still ever present. He had not noticed it during their mad dash through the jungle but now, when death and danger was not breathing down his neck, he could start to feel something other than pants-wetting fear. Not that the sweltering heat, the thick and humid air or his injured arm were any good mind you, but it was better. For now.

“Mghh” Marren grumbled and rubbed his eyes as tiredness was beginning to set in. He did not know how long he had been walking for, singing songs and thinking of little things. Well, no. He was thinking about something. Namely, what that easily manipulated pirate guard had mentioned.

“The Corsair's 'aint doin' so well”

It shouldn't have bothered him as much as it did, last he left the Corsairs were doing fairly well. With his mother and Prince Aro bankrolling the group they were a formidable force. Then again, that had been around a year ago or so and he had not read any letters for the past three months from his mother or anyone else. He simply had not had the chance to visit a drop location.

“Still, they should be fine” He said to assuage that ever lingering doubt in the back of his mind.

“How dare you!” Someone shouted out of nowhere. Marren did not jump, he didnt. He simply stumbled. Upwards.

“What in the bloody hells...” He recovered and made his way towards the noise, someone was talking but now it was muffled. As he got closer and closer, nearing the village square, he could hear clearer. It was a woman's voice that much he could tell.

Rounding a corner he saw her, or barely saw her. The moonlight wasnt exactly being generous tonight. He could see she had a thick bunch of hair, quite long and had a deep colour but it was difficult to make out what from this distance. Her clothing looked to be a mix between rags and some sort of travelling wear. On her shoulder were two bright twinkles, jewellery Marren assumed.

“Oi, hey. You there” He called out to her waving his hand “Who are you?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Oi, hey. You there." The strange shadow waved to her. "Who are you?"

So'kein cussed under her breath. Someone had heard her shouting, they had probably seen her break the glass against that statue. He had probably been a statue of someone important. Damn you Bob. She shook her head and then turned to face her fate. As her eyes focused on the figure, she thought she must have seen a ghost.

"By the kindness of the goddess Sylaise..." She muttered, "Has she blessed you with a return path from the very grave?" It was him. What was his name? He was the one who wore enough jewelry to bring even her into a jealous envy of such a collection. Finally his name returned to her.

"Captain Maren!" She called, walking over towards him. Wait. Her mind caught herself. He asked who you are. "I'm not Captain Maren. You are. Are you not? You were. I believe so, less I have drank too much rum tonight. I didn't even have much left. It has been a very strange night..." She paused and tapped her nose a couple of times, as she tried to recall what she was supposed to say.

"Oh, yes. Ehm, I'm So'kein. If you remember. It has been awhile though dear, and you may just be a ghost after all." Rin--the fox--walked up to Maren and offered him a curious sniff. He too recognized the man. So'kein wondered if he was still captain. He had been one the last time she saw him. At least she thought so. Perhaps he was captain of a ghost ship by now. Creepy. Her mind flashed back to the sea-monster that had attacked their ship. They had all fought against the beast, yet he had managed to send the vile thing to the grave. Had he died then though, with the beast? She couldn't remember.

So'kein hummed at the thoughts whirling within her mind. Then she looked back up to the man. "I think...I've missed you all. Have you brought the others, or do they still rest in their graves tonight?" She was still trying to decide if the figure standing before her was real, imagined, or a ghost. Whatever he had returned as, she could use the company.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marren raised a brow. Surely he wasnt so tired as to be hallucinating, or maybe it was heatstroke? And if he was he thought he could conjure up a better image than a rambling but admittedly attractive woman. Still though, she was speaking as if she knew him and for a woman to say that to Marren it usually meant something not so good. A certain pale-skinned redhead came to mind.

“Oh...” Realisation hit him just as a curious looking black fox came close, the sparkling objects that he thought were jewels actually being its eyes. It took a moment for him to react, walking back warily.

“So'kein...” The pronunciation was butchered on his rough tongue, as most elven words tended to be “Werent you dead? What happened to you?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driananium


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Akira jumped awake. Sweat beaded on her forehead. Another forgotten dream left her heart racing and her mind awake. Probably something to do with Mylene, It seems like the type of night she'd enjoy. Suddenly the scent of lilacs overwhelmed her senses as a memory of the two of them racing through the paddocks in the moonlight flashed into her mind. A smile momentarily crossed her lips. Another memory turned bittersweet. Had I not left... Had I been there with her... I could have... she sighed I probably would have died as well. She pulled herself from her cot, which was thankfully much comfier than what the men were sleeping on, and grabbed a canteen of stale water. She splashed some onto her face, removing the sweat. My big mouth would have probably gotten me in trouble. Maybe it was a good thing I wasn't there after all. They probably would have tortured her to get at me. She tried to rationalize, and she pretended it worked, but in reality she couldn't stop beating herself up over it. She looked around at everyone else peacefully sleeping, begging to have a sleep without nightmares as they did. Only then did she realize Maria was missing. She failed to notice that Maria's armor was still there.

Afraid she'd been left behind she searched the house for her companions. Marren seemed to be missing too. They left me! Why would they do that? Do they think I'm too distraught to continue on with them? They took the priest, and left me... She headed back down the stairs into the main room. Could they have concocted a plan to meet the bandits in the middle of the night? Why wouldn't they have taken me? Am I a liability? Her thoughts ran in circles. A small movement caught her attention. Izaka, surely he's not a liability. They must have just come up with a plan. But why would Maria trust Marren. His motives are hardly reliable. Coward wasn't even going to go. Takeshi knows the lay of the land. But why Marren...

Annoyed, Akira shook Izaka awake. Knowing his cold efficiency, it was probably not her smartest move. "Maria, Marren, and the priest are gone. I think they've stupidly gone to confront the bandits on their own. If they do have a plan, I don't think we should interfere. But when things go awry as I'm sure they will, they could probably use some backup."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So'kein had to think about his question a moment. "Was I dead?" Perhaps that could explain a few things. "I don't recall being dead. I thought you were." She scratched the back of her head and tried to make sense of it. Rin curled up next to the man's feet and rested his head on the toe of his boot. The little fox knew that when his master started talking--it was usually awhile before she stopped--so he might as well get comfortable. For a moment So'kein watched the fox curiously as she tried to make sense of her mind.

She continued rambling a bit as she did: "Um, I think when the others came. Were they pirates? They didn't see me when I got away. Or had I left before they came?" Her hands absentmindedly fidgeted with the pocket watch still as she tried to remember the events that had separated her from the group. "When I left," She continued on. "I meant to come back. I was going to help. Or to try and find help, but I..." Her heart ached as she looked back on the memory.

Why did it hurt her so? Some part of her knew she had abandoned them, but she couldn't seem to bring herself to that realization. It was as if she had been lying to herself, without even realizing it. "I didn't mean to leave." Her voice shook a bit. "I don't know what happened. I thought you all had died. I thought I was too late..." Had it all been a trick? Had it been a lie? …within my own head…

Her mind yelled at her. It shamed her for being a coward. It tore her down for having left them behind. It insulted her and shouted at her the same cruel words she had been battered with so many times by her ex-husband. Her mind had gone back too far. She couldn't take it.

The watch fell to the ground as she snatched her hands up to cover her head. "Please stop shouting!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
Avatar of Izaka Sazaka

Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Blackness consumed Izaka's mind, darkness lending to the sense of calm that only rarely crossed the mercenaries' mind. His features were at a neutral rest, something unheard of in the waking hours; it was only during the unconsciousness of sleep that he could truly be at peace, the waking days brought to many hardships. When the soldier felt the touch of hands on his shoulders, his eyes darted open, mind reacting urgently; were they being attacked? For a good thirty seconds he remained alert, even as Akira explained the situation, only relaxing when he'd heard her story in it's entirety. Her concern had as much merit as it did misdirection: either she was right and things were about to take a turn for the worse or the both of them were about to lose out on precious hours of sleep. "If what you say is true, then we'd best waste no time."

Izaka rose quickly, feet shuffling to the side as his hands lay claim to discarded armor; breast-plate, vambraces, greaves and weapon were secured in something close to a minute, each finger working tirelessly in practiced motions that seemed more mechanical than human, that's all he was these days: a machine. With gear in tow, the man was just about to exit the shack, only to hesitate at the door. Chocolate hues locked upon Maria's forgotten vestments and, making a quick decision, the mercenary procured them, securing the heavy equipment to his back as best as possible, still, carrying two sets of armor was going to slow him down by some degrees.

Exiting the shack, Izaka's attention turned back to his companion and he spoke for the first time since rising from the bed. "I trust you have some notion as to their location?" He supposed Akira knew just about as much as he did about the bandits in question, but it never hurt to ask. Before the elf could answer however, the warrior's flickering eyes caught sight of some disturbance in the distance, optics narrowing as his lips curled into something of a frown. "Please stop shouting!" His ears confirmed his suspicions, eyes drawn towards the distinctive wear of the two strangers; there's no way he'd mistake Marren's run down garb. As for the female accompanying the corsair, he could not make her out, the likelihood was Maria but it was a strained guess, they'd have to approach for confirmation. Turning to his companion Izaka could only arch a brow, silently questioning her as of yet unvalidated urgency.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marren's eyes went wide as the women suddenly sank into hysteria, the odd fox that had settled on his foot now forgotten. The corsair was dumbstruck, his mind going over what the hell he should be doing in this situation while his hands were held out tentatively in front of him, unsure whether to he was going to defend himself or to comfort the woman.


“Whoa...So'kein....ah..” Marren looked around searching for anything that might help, or just subconsciously delaying, when he spotted two of his travelling companions behind him. He waved them over frantically and pointed to So'kein.

“Do something!” He whispered harshly.

He took his eyes off of them and looked around again, the cloud now choosing this time to clear up and reveal that a few windows were open and bleary eyes elves were looking out, wondering what the screaming was.

“Quickly!” He urged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Maria gazed was upon the bandits. A gaze just as menacing and determined as a cornered beast. The men that were blocking her path looked at each others wondering what to do. Their leader did give them strict orders to contain her, alive, until her friends arrived. Indeed, it seemed that this knight's sister knew her well enough, as expected. However, she did not tell them much about Maria so the men did not know exactly if she was a dangerous person or not. Most figured not. A single woman, even if she had been a knight before, what real threat could she pose? They found their answer in her intense stare now that she stood before them, sword in hand, asking to see her sister. Even then, one of them forced a laugh in order to ease the atmosphere. How could a single person cause such an ambiance among so many battle hardened men, after all?

''Hah! You want to see our leader? Well, that is why you're here actually sweetheart.'' while speaking, the man took a few steps towards Maria. Loyal to his kind, the man was obviously trying to look like a bigger deal than he really was. It was obvious to Maria that by speaking like this he tried to reassure not only his comrade but also himself. Put a terrified lamb amid'st a wolf's pack and you will see the lamb being devoured, but the same pack would surround and growl at their prey if it stood its ground while giving the wolf an equally menacing growl. Maria lived and learned to fight by placing this rule in the middle of it all; fighting while showing no emotion nor any kind of fear. It won her countless fights...for by showing no fear to a man, you inspired it in his own heart. Even then, no one moved and Maria was losing patience, a rare thing indeed. She took a step toward the closest man, the one who spoke up. He almost took a step back.

''Then step aside and let me go see her before I cut you in half.'' She said, voice as sharp as her steel. A couple of them draw weapons and a few others just let out small laughs to convince themselves that this scene was more grotesque than it really was. A lonely woman threatening the whole of them, surely there had nothing she could do. Little did they know that her whole group of friend was now on their way to assist her in this dangerous task, and not dally-dallying around the village without as much as a clue of what was happening. It was enough. Maria drew her sword and dashed on the man in front of her, who thought a good idea to draw his weapon at the last moment. In a single movement Maria broke away his guard and, after a quick flip on herself, her sword dug deep into the man's side, almost severing his spine. He fell to the ground drowning in his own blood, squealing like a dying animal. In a gruesome noise, Maria dislodges her large sword from the body and trusted it into the ground right in front of her, taunting others to refuse her demand. No one did, and Maria proceeded to the back of the camp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driananium


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Embarrassed, Akira looked at Izaka with clenched teeth and raised her shoulders as if to say "Oops!"

Placing a strand of hair behind her ear, she sulked as Marren frantically waved them over. By the gods he looks like an idiot. As they approached she realized what all the theatrics were about. So'kien? But wheres Maria? She glanced to Izaka and shrugged, gesturing toward Marren and So'kien. "Maria isn't here. I may be right yet."

"Do Something! ... Quickly" She rolled her eyes. Still upset at him, everything he said was annoying.

"So'kien dear whats wrong?" Akira grabbed the elf's tanned hands and held them in her own. "What happened?"

So'kein stood, with trembling hands still clutched over her head. She mumbled with her eyes closed, desperately trying to get the thoughts out of her mind. This was really bad. Why had he come back to haunt her so suddenly? "I do not wish to hear your words..." She mumbled, "I do not wish to hear your words..." The same words she always used to repeat like a prayer, every time she hid from her ex-husband. "Do not speak them anymore!" She suddenly looked up with wide eyes as Akira's kind voice reached her.

"Another ghost..." She mumbled. So'kein looked at her with awe. "...sister..." She said, placing a hand upon the woman's cheek as if to test out to see if she was real. Her sense suddenly returned, quite suddenly. She looked at Akira with apologetic eyes. "No, I'm sorry. Your sister she's..." Her voice grew more sorrowful. "I'm so very sorry."

Akira's face flashed sorrow for a moment before she suppressed her emotions. There were more important things to do. "Its fine. Its completely all right." She smiled a somewhat mischievous grin. "I know why your confused though. We were all ghosts. Don't you remember? You were there." Akira began gesturing wildly." You saved us all. We were surrounded by pirates with no escape! Their weapons were closing in on us when suddenly, you pulled something from that box of yours. The next thing I knew I could walk through walls! We all could! We walked right through the pirates and made our escape! We were all a little confused when whatever it was wore off. In fact," her voice became more somber "I think Maria is still a little confused. She wandered off. Have you seen her tonight?"

Chin up and a bit of a haughty expression, So'kein transformed back into her usual self. Whatever that was. Something like a performer, always putting on the next mask. "Well you are all quite welcome. Did I not tell you I was indeed a great magician." She tapped on her temple a moment and then took a bow as a disguised excuse to pick up the pocket watch from the ground. "The other one. If she left after everyone had gone in off the streets..." So'kein thought another moment. "I did not see anyone close enough to recognize it as her. It could have been anyone. I indeed saw no one, but Bob did see a figure after the crowds, go that way." She happened to point in the correct direction, for in fact, she had seen the woman earlier, without realizing it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Negativeapex
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Drow mother's scream pierced Takeshi's ears as she doubled over in the mud hopeing to escape the intense pain. Forgetting her dropped child, she wailed in anger and pain, but was silenced as Takashi pulled his spear out of her abdomen and delivered her death blow to the head. Smiling a wicked smile of satisfaction, Takashi's boot came down upon the infants' neck. He pushed through the slight resistance of it's squishy flesh and bone, hearing the crunch as it gave out under his weight and feeling the splatter of it's blood on his boot. Takashi looked around to see victims on both sides wail in death throws, seeing and feeling the heavy smog of the fires that raged, and the blood, intestines, and bodys that lay strewn about.

Another scream pierced the veil and Takeshi awoke in a sweat, his heart pounding and hands clammy. He gasped for breath as his eyes darted from side to side. Grabbing his chest with his sweaty hands he tried to calm his frantic heart. He began to remember where and who he was and issued a prayer to Dwayna. Realizing the second scream to be real, he breathed a final heavy sigh and getting up began to look for it's origin.

Takeshi finally found it's source. A certainly strange sight for the time of night it was. He approached the group, three of whom were the ones staying with him at his cabin, and here it seemed was the strange woman who had arrived a few days ago. Though unable to speak with her as of yet, the monk had heard many rumors of her and wished to talk with this troubled elf. As he approached though his heart was struck by what must have been a bolt of lightning.

He gazed upon the young maiden Akira, troubled by the sight he saw. It seemed as though the moon itself gazed down upon this young woman as to gain a glimpse of her beauty. His heart quickened it's pace as he saw her silver white hair shimmer in the moons light. Her pale blue eyes glistening as she hid the hint of a tear growing in those divine eyes. Her lips alluring, her body ravishing, and her skin pale from her trauma glowed in the moon's humble light. Takeshi swore that day that Lysis and Isis were but thorns to this rose.

Takeshi swiftly approached Akira, taking her hands in his and staring deeply into those divine pale blue eyes. Dear Akira! Will you bear my child? he asked in a hopeful voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Negativeapex
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Edward's eyes slowly blinked open and a groan issued from an unrelenting body as he tried to move. He lay there unsure of where he was, or what had happened. Edward searched his broken mind trying to find fleeing answers. So'kune hated Ed, they were friends and she hated him. He couldn't remember, Ed hadn't done anything wrong? No....no Ed doesn't want to do anything wrong. No don't hurt me daddy, I tried....I tired... Why does So'kein hate Ed? I know I'll make her something... Wait, I made her a little fox of ice. Ed smiled at this, So'ken will like it! I know she will! But Ed's fox shattered... she'll never like Ed again! Tear flowed from Edwards eyes, stinging his bruised cheeks as they rolled to the straw and mud he lay on. WHY STUPID! Ed yelled at himself. So'kjin hates you! Your a idiot! An idiot! I hate you Ed!! Why do I always mess things up? She hates me... she hates me...she hates me. This was all Edward could think about as he slipped back to unconsciousness.

Ed woke up crying. the sting of his tears hurting his bruised cheeks. The pain in his stomach grew worse. Ed was stabbed wasn't he? Ed was stabbed cause he's bad, Ed does bad things and people hurt Ed. Why does So'koon hate Ed? Ed wants to be friend but no one likes Ed. Cause Ed is stupid that's why. Ed is useless. Stupid, stupid, stupid. "WHY!" Ed screamed out and choked as he started coughing, blood spattering his face. Why, Ed cant breath, So'keien why hurt Ed? Edward franticly rolled off his back onto his side coughing and spitting up blood. Ed hurts... Ed hurts, Ed wants mommy! No Ed can't have mommy, Ed killed mommy. No, Ed would never hurt mommy. No daddy, don't don't hurt Ed! Another fit of coughing blanked Edwards mind as pain ripped through his body. Forcing himself up Edward crawled out of the shack but began shaking at what he saw.

Edward saw a camp sprawled with the body's of pirates and slaves. Crows and vultures picked at the flesh of the fallen. Edward closed his eyes and averted his gaze. No Ed isn't bad. Ed's not alone, So'kein will help me. So'keen doesn't hate Ed, Ed wants So'ken. As tears welled up again a group of heavily armed pirates who were picking through the remains of the slaughter spotted Edward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The warrior crossed his arms absently against the cold steel of his breast-plate, eyes darting easily between each figure in turn. The reunion would have been heart-felt, would have been if he actually held any sort of emotional attachment. Sure, they'd been through the grinder, but he was always careful when it came to extending any kind of psychological ties. He'd seen a lot of blood-shed in his life, a lot of friends turned enemies for the right amount of gold, it was hard to trust people when it came down to it, hard to give them credit. Still, for all his cynicism and all his stoicism, the sell-sword couldn't repress the soft upward turn at the edges of his lips, the ever so slight smile that seemed to cave beneath the need for some kind of relief; maybe he was going soft?

Still, the reunion would need to be cut sort. Taking note of Akira's insinuating eyes, he nodded in return: Maria wasn't with here, which left the possibility of her departure. It was hard to believe, from a logical standpoint that she could be so foolish as to take the enemy's goad. After all, it wasn't like once they had her in their grasps they wouldn't just turn the tables and use their dirty tricks. Even if they were good to their bargain, how could a single knight hope to match the strength of an entire mercenary band? Sure, Maria was strong, but there were practical limitations to what she could match, there was practically limitations to what they could match as a team. Reaching out, the old soldier touched lightly upon the corsair's shoulder, drawing his attention. "The lady knight isn't with you, I fear she may have taken the bait."

His words were straight to the point, an accurate summation of his internal thoughts. If Maria really had been that foolish, it meant they no longer had time for planning, they'd lost whatever element of preemption they might have once had. There was nothing left than to plunge in and save the fool-hardy woman, even if Izaka felt that it wasn't exactly in his best interest to go running through cross-bow fire to collect a single member of the team. What if she was already lost? They would be wasting time and resources, possibly stumbling towards an unnecessary battle. Speed was the key, it was the only advantage they had left. "Best we be off, now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"The lady knight isn't with you, I fear she may have taken the bait."

It took a moment for the statement to register in his head, but once it did Marren let out a groan. “Shit”

Somehow he had forgotten that whole incident with the arrow and the message and what they were supposed to be doing the next day. It was starting to come back to him now, Maria's reaction. She knew who that person was, Marren had seen how her face had darkened when she read the message, the hard set of her jaw and the steel in her eyes. A reaction that strong was bound to be personal.

He looked at the new addition to their group, the all too mysterious stranger that Marren trusted as much as the money grubbing, greedy, soulless moneylenders of Ari. “Any idea where she is?”

Just as he said that a hair tingling scream, far louder than So'kein, one that sounded painful, rang out from the jungle. It pierced the silent night and disturbed the birds who flew off, away from the noise.

“Well, no need to go looking”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A scream rang out from the trees in the distance. So'kein looked to the others. They had all become distracted just prior to the sound. Akira's attention had been pulled away by an interesting stranger, who had rather abruptly approached and asked the woman to bear his children. Strange. So'kein had thought of it. This must be the latest custom of courtship. She guessed it wasn't too strange, considering her own rather direct proposal, but it hadn't been quite so...lewd. Perhaps the man was speaking to Akira in an innocent way. Or perhaps he thought she was a woman if ill repute, whose services could be easily hired. Though as beautiful as she was, at least in So'kein's own opinion--a woman of the beauty and grace true to her elven heritage--she didn't dress or act in any way like the sorts of women in brothels. Nope, this new guy was certainly just a strange one. Of course, what could be called strange in this group?

Around the same time Akira had first approached, another new face had arrived with her. That man looked distant, but focused. He began some discussion with Marren and so So'kein was left to her own devices. She started counting. If Akira, and Captain Marren were here, plus two new faces...Maria had wandered off, and of course counting herself...

"Then what happened to dear Edward..?" She asked aloud into the silence as she accompanied the group wherever it was they had decided to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driananium


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finally, everyone else had seen the truth. Akira wasn't crazy. She wasn't making a big deal over nothing. Maria was gone, and everyone finally found the focus to go after her. Well, all but one...

"Dear Akira! Will you bear my child?" Deep breath Akira. She rolled her eyes as she turned to face the monk. Not the worst proposition I've ever received. She circled Takeshi as a wolf circles its prey. Her eyes studied his form, the lines, the scars. She stopped abruptly in front of him. "Maybe one day." She said while straightening the monk's robe. "But it won't be easy, and it definitely won't be any time soon." She pulled away and began walking in the direction So'kein had pointed and the scream had come from. "For now, one of my companions has gone missing and I'll be damned if I let another of my friends die."

Takeshi followed, as did So'kien. Soon after the entire group. Bowstring theory. Works every time. As one end pulls the other feels the force and is pulled along with it. The force between people is a funny thing.

Out of nowhere So'kein broke out. "Then what happened to dear Edward..?" Akira exchanged glances with Marren. I'm not answering that. If he wants to go into it, he's going to have to make it quick. The scent of campfires was on the air and the morning twilight revealed the bandits camp just over the next ledge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The air was still humid, he still felt hot and sweat stuck to him and didn't seem to want to get off no matter his attempts at wiping it away. This was compounded by the fact that he was bone dead tired and had little or no sleep the past few hours. Suffice to say, Marren wasn't feeling up for a rescue nor a hard fight. Nor talking for that matter.

"Then what happened to dear Edward..?" So'kein asked in the most convenient of moments. He didnt miss Akira's rather sharp glance and instead to jabbing that particular hornets nest he replied to So'kein instead.

“Dead” Came the blunt reply as they moved through the jungle with varying grace. Akira was ahead of them, determined, the undergrowth proving no obstacle. The strange new add-on to the crew was moving with matched determination but he struggled here and now. So'kein, despite her weird nature, seemed to have no problem at all. The pervert priest, despite Marren's extremely focused will hat he should, didnt fall or tumble as much as the pirate would like. Marren himself was kicking, stumbling and otherwise making a mess of himself, more ploughing through the jungle than moving through it.

Finally they came over a small ledge greeting the twilight sun. Below them in a small clearing was a camp, with very live occupants. Occupants which spotted them and proceeded to raise their weapons.

“Fuck” Marren muttered as he made for his crossbow.

His heart stopped beating for a moment when he swiped at empty air. He forgot it, leaving the thing in his room.

“Fuck!” Marren yelled as he drew his cutlass. The enemy was coming now with blade and bow, an arrow already sweeping past the Corsair's head. He was angry. Angry at having no sleep, angry at Maria for wandering off, angry at Akira for her spite, angry at the gods damned insects who pricked and stung his flesh. So, throwing caution to the wind, he threw himself down upon the oncoming enemy with a recklessness that was rare to him.
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