Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabby2614


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Alvira leant against a tree with the lingering smell of death in the air. It was so strong it made her want to throw up. Disgust was a clear sign on her face, she had known clue how the others could breath in this 'fresh' air. She brang her hand to her face and rubbed her temples. She needed to concentrate, it wasn't the middle of the day so she couldn't show feelings so casually. But.... another death. Alvira slumped down onto the floor and sat in her own thoughts. She'd probably go and investigate some people later. Whoever they were that were doing this, they were making her insane. She wouldn't let them off very lightly, putting them all at risk like that.

Victoria nodded in agreement. "French Internal Intelligence it is! So, what happened to the body? Any sings of claw marks? Red blemishes? For all we know it could have been a fatal accident. It is a circus, It has pretty rough equipment. They could have been on the tightrope and fell on the person juggling knives! Wallah! Suspicious body with strange marks." She smiled to herself, playing out the scene in her head. "But that's not exactly our thing is it.... do i get another two guesses?" She laughed to herself and bounced up off the seat. "Who knows? Maybe we can see a show! Take a break for once in our lives!" She grinned like and started to spin like a little child but then grabbed her pistol and pretended to aim.
"This might be our lucky day Phil... if it's a Supernatural that did the killing we can officially go wild" Victoria winked at him and stuffed her pistol back into her belt. "Shall we set off soon? I'll leave you to get changed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sweetsound


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Titania smiled softly as she opened the door. As soon as it closed behind her, and Fia motioned for her to sit, she slipped off her bracelet. The demon didn't even bat an eye at the complete transformation from brown hair to red, tan skin to pale that was slightly green tinted, and her features changing from the soft human quality to pointed ears and sharp angled features. "I just wished to see how you have been, Fia, and too hear your honest opinion of the events today." She waited patiently, If the fortune teller wished to share, she would share. If not, Titania did not mind.
After the small chat Titania slipped her bracelet back on and quietly walked back to her own caravan. The grass on her feet felt cool, and had already started healing at the removal of the body. Shudders went through her as she remembered the shock of earlier that day. Hunters would be upon them, and they would have to run. Run again. Gritting her teeth Titania refused to let the tears come at the thought. No, no one here would do that, no one would risk their family like that. Would they? She pondered the thought as she walked into her caravan, dropping into her hammock, and drifting off to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Phillip made a small chuckle and slightly shook his head as Victoria continued to talk. He turned around and waited for her to finish before starting. "It's our kind of job I assure you, don't worry about that," he stated, walking over to the counter and grabbing his silver dagger. "Body mutilated, multiple scratches, and there's no 'rampant beast' attraction there." Setting the dagger by his pistol Phillip turned back to Victoria. "And I suppose if we don't get caught as frauds or seen stabbing something or watched as we bury a body or we fail or we die then I guess we can see one show." A break would certainly be nice, if they were lucky they'd get a nice break. "Alright, go change I'll meet you by the car."

By the morning Phillip pulled up to the parking lot where the circus was nearby. After driving all night the hunter felt extremely tired but he would sleep later. Phillip took out his wallet and made sure everything was in order. "Right, let's get this over with." Phillip grabbed his pistol and tucked it underneath as an official would, then he placed his silver dagger on his belt. "You know what to look for, let's try to not make a mess like last time."
Hammond gave Blake a clean smile back, then pulled the imp's hand out of his pocket. "Right, let's see about that," Hammond noted, flicking the hand. The hand turned into an imp hand for a brief moment. Hammond let go and leaned against the wall. "See me tomorrow morning, and you best remember to come. You know you don't want me chasing you down, and Vladimir will be quite angry if someone's not keeping up with their glamour at this time." With that caring note, Hammond walked off and left the tent. After he was outside with no one around, Hammond pulled out several pouches from his coat. He chose a specific one out and set it down in the grass and then went back to his quarters. Trouble was going to stir, he had no doubt about that.

The next morning Hammond woke up plenty late. The amount of people he found that needed renewal was quite a large amount, and he still had several to do this morning. He couldn't wait until he didn't have this job anymore, but at least they payed him very well. Hammond stepped out of his tent, make a deep breath before walking around the perimeter again, expecting to run into several people that were due.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izkripp


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fia looked at Titania when she slipped out of her human appearance. It wasn't exactly rare to see others out of their glamour, but it was always refreshing to see them normally from time to time. Sometimes she tended to forget her companions were not human. She had lived a long time being contracted by a few humans and then killing many more and more or less she had given up on humans and supernatural creatures living together peacefully. Of course they would never be able to since one lived in fear and the other lived to consume them. "My thoughts? Well... wouldn't it be to easy if i told you the answers?" Everyone in the circus knew that Fia's abilities came with a price. Only Vladimir, who had give her shelter, obtained anything freely from her. But then again he had paid up front when he had given her a home.

After Titania had left Fia shut up her cart and closed the windows so no one could peer in. Uncovering a mirror Fia stood infront of it and pulled back her headdress. The skin of her body was starting to rot away to the point where it was falling off. She could see a portion of her jaw bone now. She would have to find a new body before the hunters arrived or they would be able to tell what she was if they saw under her robes. "How unfortunate.." She sighed. "I did like this one."

Fia fixed her head dress and stepped out of her cart into the forest. The rules were she could not harm a human, but taking a body. that was dead was another story. There had been a death, of illness, in the town. A young girl barely an adult had recently been buried. Fia easily removed the dirt from the ground to reveal the coffin the laid beneath it. She jumped down into the hole and opened the coffin to look upon the girl.l "So pretty to have died so young." She bowed her head for a moment. "Thank you for your body." With that she shed her old body and moved into the new one. Fia took great care to place her old body into the coffin and then bury it so no one would notice a change had been made.

It took her until morning to arrive back to the Circus. Just in time for the hunters to arrive. She lifted her hand calling one of her crows to come to her. She whispered its ear to let everyone know it was time for them to preform their greatest act. "Being Human". As the crow flew off Fia retreated back to her cart and locked it up. The crows would make their way around the circus tapping on windows and dropping in front of them crowing. The crows would be careful not to be noticed by the humans though. She didn't have glamour like the others and souly relied on her possessed body to pass as human. Fia hoped Hammond would remember that.

Even though she had no vital signs she could muster enough energy to 'revive' the body temporarily to give the appearance of being alive. At times like this her profession as a fortune teller and the air of being mysterious suited her and her fashion choices. She could see everyone else's future, but she could not see her own. It was both exciting and absolutely frightening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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Blake had been caught yesterday, again.. He needed to work on his lying face. Blake had awoke at his usual time of 4 a.m., still perched onto of the large set piece where he normally slept, his glamour inactive. He had a bed somewhere but the way humans slept, with cloths wrapped around their body, laying against a squishy mattress.. it was unsettling. Blake sighed, knowing he had wasted 4 hours. He didn't need to sleep, but he had discovered he got into trouble if he didn't force himself to. Could he even call it sleeping, it was more like hibernating, or a mini-coma. Blake continued with his morning routine; move people's belongings around to make them search for them, reactivate his glamour, make himself cotton candy for his breakfast (Eating, another task to add to the list of things he didn't need to do), clean some of the set pieces, and then wait for the others to wake up. Sometimes he felt childish, watching and waiting for the others, but he liked to talk to them.. Even if it was a one-sided conversation. He wasn't particularly found of the Reaper, but it was nothing personal. Death Spirits just made him uncomfortable, always had.

Blake headed to see Hammond once he knew that he would be awake. Getting his glamour renewed was quick and effortless on Blake's part, yet he still acted like a child being asked to do a chore. After that was complete, Blake went back to his chores where he was informed that they had the company that everyone was expecting. He did a quick recap, making sure he had done nothing that might lead them to suspicious. Being 97% sure, Blake began to check the lights around the circus, making sure all were in working order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasha watched as his female companion left into the woods. Though he stood silent as he watched her go, a small glimmer of sadness went through him. He sat back up in the trees rather than followed her, resting his head against the wood. It seemed nobody wanted him around most days... ah... well... maybe... yes, he should visit her. He leaped down from his branch and jogged in the direction of the Ringmasters dressing room.


Satisfied, Rosalnd smiled and watched her dearest Vladimir leave her dressing room. Internally, Medoh sighed. "Yes... he does seem... unlike himself today." She murmured, leaning back.
"If he had a heartbeat he'd have a heart attack no doubt. Should you not ... ease his pains my dear?"
"Hmph." Rosalind folded her arms. "No dice my dear Medoh." She turned to face the mirror, her lips pressed into a small frown that was just barely a pout. "But the hunger is growing. Perhaps we should target another male, or female, for the time being." At that moment Sasha entered her dressing room, and she could see his expression in the dressing room mirror. She spun around in the chair slowly. "What's wrong my pet? Do you hunger?"
Sasha shook his head, but his expression still was heavy. He looked like a puppy that had been left outside in the rain, a look only achievable by someone with at least a bit of lycan in him. Rosalind smiled and patted her lap, Medoh falling silent. He didn't care for the sappiness of the Ringmasters relationship with--in his terms--the young male. Sasha came over and kneeled down, resting his head over the dress of her lap. Rosalind gingerly stroked his silver hair, and rubbing the space between his shoulder blades. It wasn't long before the hybrid boy began to drift to sleep, causing a small smile to form on Rosalinds lips.
"Perhaps this boy...?"
"Heavens no," Rosalind chuckled. "He's almost a son to me...." Her eyes darkened then, and she licked her lips. "Let's toy with the Imp."
The next morning, from afar Rosalind watched the Imp, Blake, go about his duties. Sasha had slept on her lap that night and she had allowed him until she herself awoke this morning, finding him gone from her lap and working breakfast then, where they had exchanged pleasantries and went on with their day. She waited until Blake was on the catwalk, checking the lights, when in a plume of red and purple smoke she appeared opposite of him, sitting on the railing precariously several stories up from the ground.
"Hello Blake~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Eleana moved deeper into the forest, she realized that Sasha had not followed. She did not chose to be hurt by this, but focused on what laid beyond her instead. The noises of civil life faded behind her with each step, and the sensation of the wild night surrounded her. It did not matter what jungle, forest or desert Eleana discovered, the alluring song of the wilderness was always there. She found a clearing, just a small one between large trees. There was a family of rabbits, but their keen ears had heard Eleana approached and she watch them dash under roots and into bushes. From the safety of the darkness, a fox observed Eleana pass. The light from the dull moonlight caught in the gold unblinking eyes of a brown owl that perched among the branches. Songs of cricket and frogs linger in the air.

Among all this, Eleana finally surrenders to the temptation she had held at bay for months. She sheds her robe and what was left of her costume first, abandoning it among the weeds. The heat grew to a intense burn under her skin, it felt like the flames would lick away her human shell. There is a flash of light, and her glamor is no more. The flash scares away all of the creatures except the owl that remains watching. The phoenix that stood in Eleana's place slowly stretches out her crimson wings with her eyes glancing upward toward the heavens. Then she shoots into the air like a rocket. The long hours are spent zipping in between trees, hunting for prey by the river, and embracing the feeling of freedom from the days of old.

Within the cozy caravan, sat Eleana who at the moment was working away at a new dress. She worked in silence, but the chaotic music from Igor Stravinsky's ballet on her record player was the only sound she needed. Finally, the sew machine comes to a stop and Eleana admires her work. She had return to the camp at dawn, in her human form of course. Although, the transformation back into her shell had taken longer than the last time Eleana slipped away for a nightly flight.
She realized that the spell itself needed to be renewed by the circus doctor. But going to renew this spell always made Eleana feel a little trapped. She would surely be in a bitter mood for hours after the spell is renewed, so why should she ruin her perfect mood today? She would simply put off seeing him for as long as possible, like always.

After a few hours working on her designs, Eleana slipped on her red silk robe over night gown she wore and stepped into the fresh morning. She was curious to see what was being served for the first meal this morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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Blake turned towards the voice, smirking slightly as he came face to face with Rosalind, the demon's vessel. "Ah, Rosalind, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He bowed somewhat sarcastically before glancing up and speaking, "Or am I speaking to Medoh?" Demons were fantastic beings. Sometimes a little too malicious for Blake's taste, but he respected them none the less. Some humans claimed imps were lesser demons, put on this earth to promote chaos.. Those people were stupid. True, some weakness and traits were the same, but they were two totally different creatures. He bit his tongue, wanting to make a joke about this girl with the multiple personalities, but knew it was likely not the best idea. He waited for the explanation of the sudden appearance, glancing at where the woman was sitting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gabby2614


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After Victoria got changed she met Phillip at the car and waited through the long drive. She got out the car and winked at him.
"No promises! What's the point if we can't make a little bit of a ruckus" She loaded her pistols and tucked them safely back into her belt. As she walked towards the circus and amass of trailers she adjusted her shirt, fiddling with the buttons. "Is there anything i need to know about this circus or is it just 'ordinary'? Have you heard any rumors?" She smirked to herself, it had been way too long since she'd got a good kill. "Where should we head to first?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Hammond continued along the outside of the circus area, checking around for anything unusual. His hex he laid the night before never alerted him so he assumed everything was alright. He strolled outside of the area, looking around at the parking lot and seeing hardly any cars, all of them the vehicles they owned. Hammond stopped his patrol as he saw an unusual car stroll up and park. The two people who exited made him quickly alert. The trickster cursed and turned away, going back into maze of tents. When he was out of site Hammond picked up his pace. He needed to clear up everyone's glamours that had any kinks fast. Hammond almost ran into Eleana as she stepped out of her quarters. "Eleana, nice to see you. Do you have any idea where Blake could be? Also speaking of, how's your glamour holding up?" He inquired quickly.
Phillip looked over at Victoria as he got out of the car and smirked. "Well, if we stir up a riot, I don't think we'll be welcomed for a show afterwards," Phillip said, checking his watch. "Now, we'll be talking to the manager of the circus and also the bandmaster or something like that. From what I've researched it's just a travelling circus. You know, there's the seer and the fire eater and weird dancers and suicide guy and guy who walks on a tightrope, your usual stuff. It's been around for a while with very few accidents so I doubt it's involved with anyone in the circus itself or it's someone new." Phillip made sure all his weapons were concealed one last time before starting to walk. "Come on, I'm pretty sure it's this way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Instead of answering, Rosalind dissappeared and reappeared in a small bout of smoke right beside him, still sitting on the railing. When she spoke hers and Medohs voices mixed, and one of her eyes turned red while the other remained a chocolate brown.
"We've Taken An Interest In You." They said at once as Rosalind walked her fingers up his arm. and gently flicked his cheek in a flirtacious manner. "No Business, I promise... all pleasure." Rosalind giggled, back to her normal voice and two chocolate eyes. Then she perked up, holding up bother hands, her mouth making a small 'o' as her eyes widened, as though she just remembered something. "Ah! Actually, there is one matter of business I must ask!"

She turned to him once more, both her eyes red this time and she was up close to him all of a sudden, like a cat pouncing its prey. Her fingers hooked to the front of his shirt as she bent him backwards, over the edge of the railing. Both of them knew it wouldn't matter if he fell, he did have wings outside the glamour afterall, but it was an intimidation tactic both somewhat scary and sexual that Medoh preferred. When she spoke only his voice rang out from her feminine lips. "Do you know who is behind the recent deaths? If you lie to me..." One hand came to his cheek, her index finger forming into a claw that sharply pressed, and drew blood from Blake's cheek. "I'll know."
Sasha served up breakfast, as usual. And as always, there were different places for different fae to go when they needed something to eat. For the vampires, type AB blood, a very rare kind, was placed in blood baggies for them to grab. He did try to put out fresh, and different kinds of blood every day. Really, he did try to be thoughtful... but there were only so many kinds of blood and he wasn't exactly a blood bank and all. Salt free foods for the demonic, normal foods for those who could stomach it, and so on. He sat behind the buffet, small glasses on the bridge of his nose, reading a french cook book while he waited for the morning herd.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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Blake yelped in pain as her claw sank into the flesh of his glamour. He felt the blood run down his cheek, as he fight back the urge to lash out in response to the pain. His stomach churned slightly as he glanced down, despite the fact the distance posed no real threat to him. He didn't say this, but he his suspicions of who was responsible. "Might be hunters, who are supposed to be showing up soon. Maybe they're reinforcements" He hoped this information would get this demon off his back. Medoh and Rosalind seemed to suspect him, but why? Did they know about the fire? He tensed up at that thought, gulping slightly. He wouldn't be surprised if they did know, but he hadn't told anyone. "Are you interrogating everyone, or is this just because I'm an imp?" He smirked slightly, hoping this joke and slight accusation would distract the duo from his nervousness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Nikolai launched the knife into the dart board, the thick sound of the blade hitting the wall made Nikolai smile. The crowd cheered and he removed the blind fold and saw his knife in the dead center of the board. The crowd cheered and a woman approached Nikolai holding a bottle of whiskey, the woman put the bottle to her lips and drank then she kissed Nikolai. He was shocking momentarily then kissed her and leaned her back holding her with one arm. He grabbed another knife while kissing the woman then threw the knife into the board once again, the woman leaned her head back to look at the board and smiled. Nikolai looked down and smiled at her, she looked up and kissed him again. The crowd cheered in drunken awe and the woman stood up walked away, Nikolai watched her seductive walk and when she turned around and coiled her index finger in a 'come here' motion. He picked up the rest of his knives and held them in his left hand he set them all so the handles faced him, he grabbed one of the blades and threw it at the board, he continued throwing them until he was down to one. He poured some heavy alcohol on it and then lit it. Nikolai tossed the blade in the air waiting for it to come down he stood watching, as it came back down he watched it. Time slowed for him his instincts triggered he grabbed the tip of the blade and threw it towards the dart board. It hit the small open space between two daggers that he had thrown previously, the crowd cheered and time resumed its normal speed. Nikolai followed the woman as she led him upstairs, the minute he could no longer see the crowd she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a hard kiss. Nikolai didn't complain and kissed her back, she stopped him for a moment and looked into his eyes.

"Whats it like?" she asked. Nikolai looked confused and she explained further, "Being a blood sucker?"

Nikolai looked up instantly and her hands shot behind her back then came back into view, he saw a pair of knives. He felt one on the back of his neck and then a point in his nether region, he froze then put extended his claws and fangs. The womans smile faded and she looked extremely serious.

"You're going to die," the woman said "But first I'm going to make you hurt."

He felt her pull the lower blade backwards preparing to stab, he used this instant to headbutt her and when her other hand relaxed due to the force from the blow he took a step back, the blade scratching his neck. He felt the small about of blood on his neck and prepared to fight, she threw one of her knives at him and he let it land in his shoulder. He pulled it out and held it in his hand, he flipped it around and held it in a gauntlet position. She tossed the other one to the floor besides her and pulled some push knives from her back, she made moves for him crossing her arms in sequence in an X formation.

Nikolai leaped back ward then caught one of her arms on its down swing, she stabbed the other blade into his stomach and then kicked his other leg. He dropped to a knee and she brought her blade across his cheek, the wound healed quickly and he jumped his shoulders hit her in the stomach. She fell back onto the floor and he picked her up again, slamming her into the floor. She stabbed into his back and he got angry, he picked her up and ran down the second story hall way and towards a window. She continued stabbing into his back and he kept running, he crashed through the window and out into the second story of a barn. The pair of them tumbled over the edge of the and she landed on him, he pushed her off and ran into the shadows. She recovered after a moment and stood drawing some kind of small crossbow.

"Come on out you leech!" She shouted firing into the darkness, she had fired far to his right and he smiled. He knew he could end it like this. He ran at her side as she was reloading and jumped into the air and kicked her in the chest, she flew back multiple feat and landed among some farming tools. When he approached he realized she had been impaled by a rusty scythe the blade had entered from her lower back and now protruded from the left side of her body just below her chest. Nikolai walked over to her and took a knee he looked her in the eyes as she coughed on her own blood.

"Parasite..." she said. Nikolai looked down and saw her light a match and hold a bomb in the other hand, he quickly grabbed both before she could touch the flame to the fuse. He bit the fuse in half and walked to the barn door, he pushed it open and stood in the doorway. The moonlight shone through catching her body. Nikolai lit the fuse and threw the bomb into the barn, he heard her scream as he closed the door and walked out. He ran out of town quickly and made his way to the road that led out of town, it ran adjacent to a railroad and he continued to walk it. Eventually the day came and he continued walking his hood up covering his face from the sunlight, he continued to walk on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rosalinds blood red eyes glimmered and she smirked, pulling him back upright onto the catwalk, Medoh still speaking. "You know something. I can smell it...",
With that, Rosalind closed her eyes, giggled in her normal voice and reopened them back their natural color.
"Sorry about that," She chirped, her hands on her hips. "Now where was I...?" She glanced at Blakes now bleeding cheek... and got up close to him. She gently flicked her tongue against his cheek over the cut she had given blake, taking in some of the blood as well. While her saliva didn't have the same healing properties as Medohs, it did at least work almost as a glue to the glamour. She leaned in closer, her hand on his shoulder as she whispered in his ear.
"You should know I don't discriminate, Blaker~<3"

She trotted off. "Ah... I smell them. Those bastards are here..." She turned around to smile at him. "I'll see you around... Mr. Todd<3" She blew him a kiss and went down the catwalk.
"Ah... Visitors..." She hadn't been wrong. She went to the newcomers who'd been heading to the main circus tent. By the smell of it, hunters. Medoh grew agitated, but Rosalind didn't dare let him out."I a the RingMaster. May I help you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ice2365


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Vladimir suddenly woke up. He smelt trouble. Literally. Hunters usually had this scent of Supernatural creatures blood around them. That's just a scent that never washes away. Vladimir was stressed out beyond belief. He hadn't felt like this in a long time. He needed to warn everyone that they were here. Vladimir rose from his bed and wrenched open his door. "Quickly. Quickly!" Vladimir pushed himself sprinting to the mess hall. Vladimir went into the kitchen and found Sasha. "Sasha!" Vladimir yelled. "They're here....The Hunters Hide anything that might look out of the ordinary" Vladimir noticed a bag of blood. He grabbed it and drained the bag, making sure his spilt none on his clothing. "Hide all of these, keep the normal food out...Even the salt free stuff. I doubt they'll notice it. Inform everyone who comes in what's going on" Vladimir finished his orders, and pocketing the empty blood bag he ran out of the tent.

He needed to find Rosalind. In a matter of seconds Vladimir located Rosalind. When he arrived on the scene he was a bit shocked. Blake looked roughed up and was bleeding. He saw Rosalind a little bit ahead of Blake. "Rosalind..." Vladimir sighed. "The Hunters are here, Blake." Vladimir looked Blake up and down. "Please let Hammond know what is happening. He'll get things 'covered' up. Then, clean yourself up. You look like a mess. Also, Sorry about Rosalind...If you need anything from me to make it up to you, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here for you guys." Vladimir ran up to Rosalind. "I guess you know what's going on...We need to get these Hunters out of here...I found another body with Jean this morning. We got rid of it together, but we can't let these guys find the remains of the ashes. I know I don't need to tell you this, but Medoh, please behave yourself. I expect the Hunters are going to want to discuss the recent events with you both, so don't do anything rash." Vladimir closed his eyes shaking his head. "I just want this to go away. Vladimir felt like he was loosing his mind. "Rosalind. You understand me the best...You know I hate violence. Please, don't hurt anyone. Especially no one apart of the circus. If you need me, I'll be in my carriage." Vladimir shuffled off to his carriage. He sat down at his desk waiting for the knock at his door, in which he knew The Hunters would be calling.
Jean started his morning duties after coming back from the forest with The Manager. He checked that everything was clean backstage and in the main tent. He hated cleaning duty, but it was fine with him. He was given a home and was treated with care. Jean then went to the Mess Hall after his Morning duties. He felt someone bump into with such great force and blinding speed he fell over. Jean got up sighing. "The Manager is always in a rush." Jean looked over at Sasha who was in the Mess Hall. "Morning Chief!" Jean nodded. "How are you this morning?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasha perked up, hearing his name called and looked at Jean. If he had a tail right now it'd be wagging. "H-Hey..." He smiled timidly over his cookbook. He felt tonight the moon wouldn't be so covered, so he'd been preoccupied with his thoughts while reading on Pot Au Feu. Jean, honestly, had startled him. He watched the manager walk by in a huff and blinked. He looked back at Jean. "Is... Is everything okay?"
Then he realized the Manager had spoken to him. "Oh... excuse me..." He stood up, very tall next to Jean and began putting the blood bags and strange foods into boxes, hiding them under the table. His nose twitched at the smell of a human, and suddenly his stomach growled loudly. He frowned, touching his stomach. Oh... so... he really WOULD need to feed tonight. The thought made him a bit sad but he sat back behind the table none the less. He looked at Jean. "Do you... sometimes wish you weren't what you are?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Nixon sprang up in his bed, breathing extremely harder than normal. Where was again? Oh yeah, the circus, where he was the grand magician guy thingy. Looking down at himself, he didn't exactly fit the stereotypical performer look, but he made do. He had just joined three days ago and already people were dead. Such a wonderful time to join. Death followed him everywhere, or did he follow death and just beat it to it this time? He wasn't sure, although sometimes he was the cause of death as well. Hm, he'd have to find the answer for that one. The vampire stood up from his bed and walked to his wardrobe, which was a bit of an overstatement because right now it was just a gym bag, and grabbed his clothes for the day. Once Nixon was outside he began whistling and starting trotting around the circus, looking for something to do.

((Posting Phillip after Victoria is posted.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As if his ears were burning, Hammond happen to bump right into Eleana. She fixed a pleasant smile on her face and greets him.
"Good morning Hammond, I haven't seen Blake today. Try follow the trail of mischief, he should be at the end of it." She tried to leave it at that, but then the thought seem to pop into Hammond's head.
"How's your glamour holding up?" She pauses and shrugs. "I"m still walking, so its holding." Wasn't a lie, she was walking. Wouldn't have human legs if her glamour had faded. She tries for her escape again, only to step back to avoid Vladimir rushing by. Eleana watches him slip away into his caravan One did not to be gifted to notice the anxiety the vampire had. Her attention returns to Hammond, "Our fearless leader doesn't look so good today. Who knew a dead human could cause so much trouble."
"Who do you think was responsible anyway? "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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Blake rubbed his cheek, muttering something under his breath. He made a mental note to avoid being alone with Rosalind, to avoid prying. Suddenly Vladmir ran into the pair, noticing the injury on Blake's face. He nodded at Vladmirs instruction, smirking at the offer, "Cotton Candy, the blue kind not that pink stuff." Not expecting him to take the request seriously, Blake hurried off looking for Hammond, which reminded him that he needed his glamour renewed. It was probably too late for that now, seeing how there were more urgent matters to attend to. Blake knew how to stay out of sight if needed, but it wasn't that worn down, just a couple of failures here and there. He headed towards the tents, finding Hammond there. "Hammond, Vladmir says some hunters just arrived. He said to 'tidy' up." He turned noticing Eleana, to whom he gave a smile. "Hey Firefly!" He looked back at Hammond realizing he interrupted a conversation but being Blake, he ignored that fact.
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