Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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As Shigetoshi stroked out to the middle of the water he briefly had a ping of doubt. What if Tatsuki got mad at him and didn't find a face full of water all that amusing? Because Tatsuki's expression of shock had been very amusing. Shigetoshi looked back over his shoulder to see himself getting stalked. His grin returned full force and the game was on. Water was splashed and battles lost. But, in the end Shigetoshi gave up. He held his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay." He panted. "-give up." He leaned against the side of the spring. "I give up. You win." He repeated. The young man was tired atfer working all day then playing half the night away. Or at least what felt like half the night. He had to get up earlier than all his guests anyways to get breakfast ready and to make sure everything was in order for new and leaving guests. But before that he needed to sleep some, the need pulled on his like a physical weight.

Shigetoshi, once he was sure the war was done, hauled himself out of the water. His fingers and toes were wrinkly from the water and thankfully he was no longer up, as it were. He walked slowly over to his robe and put it on. The fabric clung to his wet skin, aided by the humidity. "Did you bring any towels?" The Innkeeper looked around trying to spot one. He, himself, hadn't brought one because he hadn't been expecting to go swimming. Tatsuki was a different matter. "Need me to get you one?" Since he had to fetch one anyways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Having himself a great time, Tatsuki plays like he hasn't played in. . . .Well, forever. His live as a human is so long ago, and after becoming a shinigami, the only playing he did was the occasional romp with child targets. But those play sessions were always tinged with sadness, knowing in the end, the child was having the last bit of fun they would ever have. He doesn't think about that now however, his focus on the young man in front of him. The young man who's also not had fun like this in quite some time. 'His duties keep him so busy. I think he should hire someone, let him relax a bit, or at least lessen the load so he doesn't work himself into an early grave'

That last thought makes the shinigami shudder and pause, earning him another face full of hot water. He shakes off the depressing thought and goes back to playing with a little growl. Eventually his companion tires and Tatsuki ceases his attack. He watches with a small smile, panting lightly from the vigorous activity, as Shigetoshi pulls himself out of the water and covers himself up. The moon on his bare flesh as he walks across the warm stone surrounding the spring seems to glow slightly and Tatsuki watches without shame. He admires the young man, in his own way, but is sure to look up into his face when he is addressed.

When asked if he needs a towel Tatsuki has a fun, but risky idea. With a warm smile he shakes his head, the heat from the spring possibly coloring his decision making. “I wanna show you a magic trick Shigetoshi-kun.” Without another word he climbs out of the water, several paces away from the younger male. Turning to face the young innkeeper he smiles a little wider. “Close your eyes, and count to five. I promise, this will be entertaining.” As soon as he's sure the human has his eyes closed Tatsuki opens a rip and steps into it, closing it swiftly. He lets out a sigh, knowing he just did something risky, but as he steps back into his own room and lays down he brushes his worry off and settles in for a good night's sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Shigetoshi couldn't help but watch as Tatsuki climbed out of the spring. Though he did turn away to give the younger man privacy and to curtail certain desires that arose. Instead he focused on what the other man had said. A magic trick? Entertaining? Shigetoshi found himself imagining things that probably would never happen. He can't help but obey when he's told to close his eyes with a small: "Okay". He didn't bother counting to five because the image of being kissed shoved it away. Did Tatsuki have soft lips, Shigetoshi wondered happily. After a long moment passed and nothing happened, a strong uncomfortable feeling started working it's way into his stomach. He opened his eyes and to his disappointment found himself alone.

Tatsuki had run away. Shigetoshi rubbed his eyes against the feeling of acute disappointment. He hadn't even heard him leave. Did he go back over the fence? He couldn't have gone through his room because Shigetoshi would have heard the door slide. The young Innkeeper hunched his shoulders against the cold night and retreated to his room. That'd teach him for assuming. He probably freaked Tatsuki out something terribly. He grabbed a towel and dried himself off then crawled into bed. Tomorrow, he vowed, he would ignore the other man to the best of his ability. He had a job to do and a pretty face wasn't going to interfere with it anymore. He was a professional.

The rest of the night passed slowly and sleeplessly. Soon enough he gave up on sleep and dressed and started on getting breakfast ready. When the preparations were complete, there was still time before the food needed to be cooked, so he began to clean with an intensity that even sent the dirt scurrying for safety.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Tatsuki wakes with a huge yawn, stretching out comfortably on the futon with cat like grace. 'Well, that soak last night was exactly what I needed it to do. I hope Shigetoshi-kun was not too spooked by me vanishing like that' He sends out his senses as he stands and begins getting ready for the day. He pauses however, confused and a little alarmed when his energy brushes across the young innkeeper. Turning he looks in Shigetoshi's direction, his brows furrowed. 'He seems tired, and a bit. . . Frustrated? Is he upset about last night? He seemed quite happy before I left. . .' Still very confused he finishes dressing.

As he leaves his room he determines that he needs to talk to the young man and find out if he did something wrong. The girls accost him in the hallway, delaying him until he mentions it's time for breakfast. They both smile and giggle, asking if he'll sit with them, and he politely declines. He really hopes if he can't speak with Shigetoshi during breakfast he’ll at least be able to slip out early and catch him alone after breakfast. As they walk down the hall to the dinning area he has to deflect several more offers until at last they make it to the room and he's able to slip off to a corner table. The girls wander over to sit with their sister and her husband, the sister shaking a finger at them for once more clinging to poor Tatsuki.

Tatsuki has a few minutes to pull himself together after that, and he takes the time to once more go over what had happened the night before. While he really wants to interact with Shigetoshi like a normal human would, he can not help but feel the strong urge to just look inside the young man and pull out the answers to his questions. At this point, it's second nature to the shinigami, and not doing it is not only difficult, but it feels weird. However when at last Shigetoshi shows up and begins serving the meal he sighs softly and just watches him work. When the young man comes to set down Tatsuki's meal he gives him a warm smile and murmurs a thanks. Before he can walk away however Tatsuki speaks up. “I would be honored if you would join me for breakfast, if you have the time of course. I know how busy this job can keep you. . .” There is nothing in his voice save for a touch of sympathy, not wanting to sound as if he's forcing the male to dine with him to keep his guest happy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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The morning lagged, if only because Shigetoshi couldn't get the night out of his mind. He cleaned until his hands and knees ached and kept going. He only stopped to finish making breakfast and to serve it. He couldn't avoid Tatsuki completely in the dining area. To do so would be rude. But it wasn't something he was looking forward to. So he hid in the kitchen for as long as he could. He set up the plates and chopsticks before everyone got up, except for the elderly couple Inoue. They were sweet enough to help him set up.

When everyone else came trickling on in, the Innkeepr busied himself with serving food. He tried not to notice Tatsuki when he came in with the unmarried Fujiwara sisters. He also tried not to feel resentment over what happened last night. After all it was his fault for expecting anything, and pressuring Tatsuki. He makes sure to serve everyone equally, which meant Tatsuki was served in the middle. Though that didn't stop Tatsuki from speaking to him.

I would be honored if you would join me for breakfast, if you have the time of course. I know how busy this job can keep you. . .

Tatsuki just sat there, all wide-eyed and innocent and more than a little condescending. Shigetoshi plunked down the bowl of rice and quickly gave over the rest of the meal before declining.

"Thank you, but I am busy." And he didn't need Tatsuki's weird sense of pity. Was he messing with Shigetoshi? The Innkeeper turned away and served the Fujiwara sisters and Mr. Yamazaki. He tried to stop thinking about Tatsuki but it wasn't going very well. When everyone was served he escaped back to the kitchen to clean up. It wasn't that messy, since he was keeping everything totally clean at the moment, but it was a reason not to go back into the dining room. At least until everyone was finished.

The Elder Inoue couple would be around for two more days. Mr. Yamazaki didn't have a time set for departure, but with his flirting with the widowed Fujiwara sister, he was bound to stay until she left. The Fujiwara sisters were going to be here four more days to finish out the week. Tatsuki also didn't set a time for his departure. May it be swift in coming. More people would be arriving soon. It was the busy season and seven guests was a low number. Usually there were anywhere from ten to twenty people staying at the Inn during the summer. Of course the season was really just starting, so it was understandable. He sighed loudly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Tatsuki is no master of human behavior, however even a blind alien could tell that there was something wrong. The look in the young innkeeper's eyes, the curt movements, all of this screamed that there is something for which the shinigami may very well have been responsible for, and for the life of him, he can not figure it out. His brows furrow in confusion and out of pure instinct his mind slips inside that of the man before him. He does not go far, catching himself quickly, however the feelings of disappointment and shame pulsate right at the forefront of his mind.

'Why would he feel such things towards me like this? Have I done something to offend him? I thought last night that we had fun, and he dismissed my trespass. . .Perhaps, after a night to think about it. . . .However, the resentment I feel is not for a wrong. He is. . . Disappointed about something. Ad ashamed of said disappointment. Perhaps my sudden leaving? Did he want me to stay?' Tatsuki refrains from diving once more into the young man's mind, instead murmuring, “I understand.” and focusing on his meal. He watches as the innkeeper swiftly vanishes out of the room, tracking his movements until he ends up in the kitchen.

'I feel I must speak with him, however he said he was busy. Though I sense that is not entirely the truth. He is avoiding me' The realization strikes Tatsuki a little harder than he thought it would and for several minutes he simply continues eating, the process slow but steady. The sister try to catch his eye, but they could have been dull wallpaper for all the attention he paid them. He is lost deep in thought, but as if snapping out of a trance he suddenly stands, making his way towards the kitchen.

He comes in to find Shigetoshi cleaning what appears to be an already clean kitchen. He does not address the innkeeper right away, instead watching him work. He stands in the doorway until he is noticed, and when that happens he offers no expression to indicate his intentions. He does not want to have a misunderstanding. Instead he just looks into the young man's eyes, trying to find a place to start, seeking something that will indicate what he did to deserve the way Shigetoshi is acting. Without using his powers, there is little he can glean this way however, s he decides to speak.

“I am sorry for anything I have done to offend you. I am no great master of social interactions, and I fear I have missed something. Some little, or not so little, hint from you that has left you upset, and I confused. I may travel a lot, but the differences in cultures has all but destroyed my understanding of subtlety, so if I have done or not done something to upset you, I fear you must tell me what it is, or I will not understand what it is, or how to fix it.” He looks to the floor, his arms crossing as he kicks one of his legs a little, scuffing his foot on the floor. “I really enjoy talking to you. Far more that I have with anyone for a long time, and I would be greatly saddened if I lose that with you over something stupid I did. . .” He lets out a light huff and looks to Shigetoshi, a faintly sad look in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Shigetoshi barely finished with his sigh when a voice from behind startled him. The young man jumped and the bowl he was washing feel to the ground. Crash. The sound was loud to his ears. The wooden bowl rolled away lopsidedly, having cracked down one side. Unusable, was the first though that went through his mind. Even if he repaired the crack the bowl would never be used for eating out of again. At least it was porcelain, which he did have a set of, or else the fate of the bowl would have been tragic. As it was, he'd have to head to town and get a replacement the next time he was there.

The entire thought lasted less than a second. He had twirled around to find himself looking at Tatsuki. The younger man scuffed his foot on the floor and continued to speak. Shigetoshi just stared, trying to process the words he was hearing. By the time the guest finished speaking everything had fallen into place. Shigetoshi couldn't help but feel disgusted with himself. He sighed and reached down to pick up the bowl from the ground. His black eyes trace the fracture running through the wood. There was no courage to be found there.

"It wasn't you." Shigetoshi said finally. He turned away from Tatsuki and tossed the bowl into the trash. "I just..." He trailed off. "I need to finish cleaning up." He said as he grabbed a tray to carry dishes on and turned to Tatsuki who was in the doorway to the dining room.

"Excuse me, please." Shigetoshi didn't look him guest in the eyes knowing this was all on him. He was the one projecting and Tatsuki was completely oblivious. Ancestors, he was pathetic, mooning over a guest at that!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Tatsuki can read the befuddlement in the man's eyes clear as day. That is easy enough to understand. His sudden appearance had startled the youngster, the dropped bowl evidence of such an assessment, however it is what he sees as he glances away, as his eyes fall to the broken dinning ware, that has the shinigami somewhere between confused and concerned. 'There is clearly more to what he is thinking than a simple deflection of blame' The man then turns away, a half finished sentence trailing off into what is obviously not the end to said sentence.

'Humans are very confusing when I can not cheat. I really want to know what is bothering him, however I am unsure if I should wait and ask again later, or if I should confront him now, when he has already clearly thinking of it. What he was about to say there, I am sure he was so close. . .' His eyes travel around the room, his strong urge to cheat racing through his veins. The, he is approaching, coming close, wanting to pass. It is the moment for his decision, he must pick his trail now or permanently leave one forever unwalked. . .

Tatsuki has confidence in many things, there not being much in this world he can not do, or at least handle. However, in this moment, that confidence wavers, and with a sigh he shifts. 'I will not give in, but I must not be forceful. I have, I pray, a touch of his confidence, however I am no close friend and such boldness as to block his path and demand an answer is out of the scope of whatever relation I have with him at this time' His eyes drop and he moves out of the way, however before Shigetoshi can get completely past the farrier of souls brings up a hand and places it against Shigetoshi's shoulder gently, halting his forward movement.

He looks deep into the young innkeepers eyes, his own expression soft, and honest. “I know there is more to what is happening between us than you are willing to speak of right now Shigetoshi-kun, but it is not my place to force the information from your lips. I have agreed to speak honestly and openly with you, and I pray that before we part ways you will sit with me and tell me what it is causing your heart such unrest.” He blinks slowly, a smile coming to his lips. “I am not easily offended, I having forgotten the last time such an emotion has crossed my heart, and I promise on those who came before in my line that no matter what you have to say to me about this, I will think no less fondly of you til the end of my days on this earth.” Having said his bit Tatsuki drops his hand back down, pressing his hands to his legs as he bows low and takes his leave of the young innkeeper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Shigetoshi cannot help but be relieved as the younger man gives away. For a long moment he thought Tatsuki was going to press the issue. The fact that he wasn't going to was a blessing. Shigetoshi couldn't, didn't, want to imagine what would happen if he was forced into telling him what he really thought. With his shady background, maybe Shigetoshi would just disappear. With that cheery thought Shigetoshi tried to slip past the object of his unrest, only to be stopped cold by his hand.

Curses, colorful and harsh, went through Shigetoshi's head. Not only because he was caught, but because of his reaction to the touch, the proximity of the younger man. When Tatsuki sought his face Shigetoshi turned his own away. If only Tatsuki knew how much there was between them. Ancestors, if he knew he wouldn't say such provocative things in such an innocent way. For instance, he wasn't going to force it past his lips? Force, lips? The Innkeeper shifted and was grateful the kimono he wore covered everything. For there was more than Tatsuki knew that he could do with his lips.

Finally the hand dropped away and left. Shigetoshi waited until he was sure Tatsuki was gone. Then he sagged against the wall and took deep breaths. Clean thoughts, He told himself. When he got himself under control he finally went out to collect the dishes and left over food. Of course the entire time he thought of lips. He snorted as he piled up dishes. Tatsuki probably had no idea just what Shigetoshi thought about.

No matter what you have to say, I will think no less fondly of you til the end of my days on this earth.

Another snort. "Right." Shigetoshi told himself. "Fond." He forcibly clacked bowls together. "Hilarious." He muttered.

"Um." A small voice interrupted him. Shigetoshi looked up to find Mrs. Inoue standing in the door. At least it wasn't Tatsuki.

The young man stood up with a faint flush and smiled. "Yes, how can I help you?"

The older woman smiled a little back. "While my husband and I were out on a walk we saw some people head this way. I thought you might want to know."

"Thank you." Shigetoshi said truthfully. "I'll get ready for them." He bowed to Mrs. Inoue before she left. Then he gathered all the dishes he could and dumped them in the kitchen. After that he made sure to change into cleaner clothes and man the counter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The shinigami makes his way through the inn to his room, closing the door softly behind him. A small wave of depression rushes over him and with a groan he falls on to his futon and buries his face in the plush pillow. 'Has it really been so long since I was human? Did I not have normal relationships in my life. Have I lost all my abilities to interact normally with human beings without relying on my powers, or have I simply come across a man so hard to read that my skills at such go practically to waste?' A low groan issues once more from his lips and he bangs the back of his head lightly but sharply with his knuckles.

“I can not really be so clueless.” He murmurs into the pillow. “I spend all my days with humans, and even if I use my power, I am still looking at them. I have learned expressions just fine, it just that. . .” His head turns to the side, a look of concentration on his face. “It is that he purposefully has made himself hard to read, as his profession dictates. . .” Sitting up slowly Tatsuki goes over all their interactions and begins wondering at all the times the young man did not seem guarded, then wonders if he was guarded in those moments, just not as much. “It seems such a waste to hide your emotions away like that. . .”

He sits in quiet contemplation for several minute before the feeling of new souls approaching catches his attention. His stomach drops as he recognizes one of them as the soul he is here to guide, but he brushes the feeling aside swiftly. 'I still have several days, and it is my job after all' Standing slowly he makes his way over to the window and throws it open. In the distance he can see a group of five approaching and he narrows his eyes to see them better. 'For males and a female, all of mid twenties, most likely of English decent. . .' He huffs lightly, his eyes sliding over his target one last time before closing the window with a soft thump.

Having nothing better to do he decides to check out the members of the group ins slightly closer quarters and slips out of his room. With unhurried steps he makes his way to the entrance area, pausing at the edge of the hallway as he spots Shigetoshi, the focus of most of his late musings, standing behind the desk at the ready. Staying to the shadow just around the corner he waits patiently. 'Someone must have warned him of the group's approach. I doubt he actually spends much time in that position. . .' Moments later the door opens and the slightly loud group walks in, laughing at something or another.

They all kind of quiet down when one of the male's shushes the rest and approaches the front desk. It is immediately evident that his Japanese is spotty at best and Tatsuki steps out of the shadows, watching the exchange openly now. He feels the urge to offer his services as a translator, the young man's Japaneses bordering on infantile, but he waits silently, resisting the urge. However he does stay within sight, should Shigetoshi get the idea on his own to ask the well traveled man if he would aid him in understanding the confusing young man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Shigetoshi pulled himself off the counter where he was resting as the doors slid open. The people who walked in were like no one he had ever seen. His mouth popped open a little at their appearance. They were dressed in the western style, which made perfect sense. They all had light hair and fair skin. The woman was the most different out of the group. She had glossy blond hair, a ample chest and she was tall! Almost as tall as the men, which put her at the same height as him. The men were all really tall. Shigetoshi didn't believe he had ever seen someone so tall.

As they entered they were talking loudly in a language he didn't know. All at once a small ball of trepidation settled into his belly. Did they speak Japanese? If not, this was going to be bad. Because he didn't speak any other languages. He didn't even know if anyone else did. One of the five, a brown haired male stepped up to the counter. He smiled and spoke. Shigetoshi did his best to smile back.

"I have no idea what you're saying, I'm sorry." Shigetoshi said when the man stopped talking. The other frowned and another man stepped up to the counter. They quickly conversed then turned back to the Innkeeper.

In the end all Shigetoshi understood was "Room" and "Money". Of course from that he knew they wanted at least one room, probably two because of the woman staying with them. Unless they all planned to stay in one room? Shigetoshi frowned, trying to think of how to approach the problem, to get them to understand him and also the other way around too.

"How many rooms?" He asked slowly. The two man looked at each other, obviously not understanding. So Shigetoshi tried again and again. By the third time they were all getting frustrated. But they muddled through and it was understood by both that they wanted two rooms. Shigetoshi sighed in relief and pulled a paper to him to write the receipt, bracing himself for the hard part. Should he ask for payment up front? He had never served any foreigners before, would they honor their part? Did they even have the right money? After all they couldn't even speak the language here.

After a few more minutes Shigetoshi was ready to bang his head on the counter, repeatedly. A fierce headache pounding behind his eyes reminded him of his lack of sleep and of food. The three of them were not getting anywhere and he didn't know what else to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Tatsuki can see the frustration growing in the young innkeeper's eyes and a part of him wants to rush over to help his 'friend'. 'However, this is his job. Perhaps I should not interfere. He is already upset with me for some unknown reason, if I slip up with his guests, I may make things worse. If I say or do the wrong thing. . .' As Shigetoshi's calm exterior begins cracking, Tatsuki can hold back no longer. Standing up a little straighter, smoothing the wrinkles out of his kimono, he steps forward and clears his throat. The young guests turn to look at him and he smile's warmly. “Pardon me, gentleman, lady, but perhaps I may offer my assistance in this matter.”

The youth look at him, the one at the counter's eyes lighting up at the perfect English. “That would be great dude!” Tatsuki refrains from rolling his eyes at the title and instead goes to stand next to the front desk, not looking at Shigetoshi least he take some issue with letting one of his guests go out of their way to help him. The shortest male, the one who had been trying before to make himself understood, smiles at his pals then nods. He looks to Tatsuki and nod. “We'd like two rooms, one medium for me and my broskies here, and one kinda smallish for Linda and her young hubby here.” Two of the boys push at another, laughing openly at him while Linda rolls her eyes at their antics.

Turning his head ever so slightly he addresses the innkeeper in Japanese. “They would like two room, one fit for three males comfortable, and a smaller one for a newly married couple.”

“Oh, hey.” His gaze returns to the group as one of the taller males, a red head, speaks up. He holds up a stack of yen and asks, “So, how much will this cost? This is kinda their honeymoon thing, so I'm footin' the bill, even if I'm the poorest one here.” His voice does not match his words, making it clear that he doesn't really mind.

Turning once more, but this time enough to look at the young man behind the desk he murmurs, “He wishes to know how much it will cost. If you would not mind a suggestion, they seem honest enough, but I would have them pay for the rooms up front, and any additional cost they may rack up while here can be added to their bill and will have to be paid before they leave.” He keeps his gaze as neutral as possible, his stomach still in small knots over the young one he is to guide being so close.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Shigetoshi was quite frankly on the verge of refusing them service when Tatsuki appeared from nowhere. The younger man talked to the foreigners in their own language. Or at least the Asian assumed it was, it sounded like it. Then again, whatever language they were speaking was really flat and nasally. Though with the way Tatsuki ignored Shigetoshi, it was apparent to the Innkeeper that the younger man wasn't too happy with him. It was probably the after effect of what had happened in the kitchen. So even when Tatsuki turned around to translate, Shigetoshi couldn't feel relief.

Shigetoshi quickly drew up a receipt and wrote down what he was told. All the while he avoided eye contact with his older guest but made sure to smile at the new ones. One of the men, the one not with the woman, smiled back, when no one was looking, in a way that made him blush. Hopefully no one really noticed the cause for it. When he was finished he gave the amount to be paid to Tatsuki and also the same information he gave all guest upon arriving.

"Let them know that there will be a sleeping kimono provided for each of them in the room, along with shoes and a day kimono. If anything doesn't fit have them let me know. Also that the cost of food is covered by the room cost." Those who helped make food had a slight discount applied at the end. Shigetoshi doubted that any of the foreigners would be able to help make any food for the guests, lack of proper communication and all.

"And if they should require anything extra to let me know." Not that he'd probably understand, but he wouldn't make Tatsuki do it without his permission. Plus it'd put a huge kink in Shigetoshi's avoidance plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Tilting his head slightly Tatsuki wonders at the young innkeepers behavior. 'It is as if he is still trying to avoid me, despite my telling him to take his time, and our close proximity. Perhaps through helping this group I will have opportunity to speak with him more upon subjects that he is more comfortable with' In the back of his mind he takes in the minor interaction between one of the young men and Tatsuki, and through his years of observation it becomes quite obvious to him that Shigetoshi may be otherwise occupied soon enough with a different kind of interpersonal interaction. 'Well, if my observations are correct, and by the young mans intentions I read there, perhaps Shigetoshi-kun will get some much needed relief'

Tatsuki fills the kids in on all the information he's is asked to relay, doing the money exchange swiftly and smoothly as if he has done it a thousand times. 'Not that I work here, however if they think I do, they will most definitely come to me with issues, giving me more reason to speak with Shigetoshi-kun' He knows that this little bit of subterfuge is bordering on dishonest, however since he never states openly that he works at the inn, Tatsuki feels his conscience is clear. Turning once more back to Shigetoshi he smiles softly. “Please, call on me whenever you need. I know how difficult dealing with foreigners can be, and while these do not seem to be trouble makers, I am sure that they are not fully aware of the customs and other such things that would make your life difficult.” His smile is honest and open.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Shigetoshi changed money and did the proper receipts and everything, even though they couldn't be read by the foreigners. The smiles the man was giving him made him warm, but having Tatsuki stand there, pretty much left him confused and unhappy. Even when the foreigners left to go to their room and Tatsuki smiled at him. He forced himself to smile back and to respond.

"It'll be fine. It's not like there's much custom to an Inn way out here." Shigetoshi straightened up the counter so he wouldn't have to look Tatsuki in the face. "Thank you for helping me." The words were hard to get out. He owned Tatsuki much more now. How much more would Shigetoshi owe him before he finally left?

With that pleasant thought in his head Shigetoshi bowed and said something about cleaning and food. He wasn't sure if it made sense but he hurried away anyways needing to escape. If Tatsuki followed or said anything else to him, he didn't hear, or want to hear. He shut himself in his room and knelt down before the picture of his parents.

"Mom, Dad. I wish you were here. I don't know what to do." Of course there was no answer, there never was. After a few minutes he stood up after bowing. The Inn wasn't going to run itself. There truly was cleaning and food to prepare. For a brief moment he remembered he had skipped breakfast, but the thought pushed aside by the thought that he needed to get lunch ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Tatsuki can tell the man before him feels very strained, even without having to resort to his powers. He keeps his expression calm as the young innkeeper squeezes out a thank you and rushes off with very little explanation. His head tilts to the side after he dips his head in a little bow as the man leaves, but as he follows his departure with his long seeing gaze he notices that the youth does not actually go to the kitchen, but instead to his bedroom. Not wanting to be rude he withdraws his gaze and instead begins walking. He's not quite sure where he's headed quite yet, but he gets the feeling that it's the right place to go. While he walks, he thinks.

'Well, he is most definitely still bothered, and I have no idea by what, but I do know that my being around him is not helping. However I also know that breaking all contact with him will make him most likely think that I am the one who is upset, so. . .I have to find a happy medium if I really want to get him to calm down and talk to me again. I think. . .Offering for him to join me at meals. . .And I am still going to be cooking dinner with him. . .Start small. Learn things. Do like the good spirits do and get to know the person I am interested in through human means' He chuckles lightly at the thought of imitating the good spirits, but as he comes to a stop and realizes where his feet took him he smiles softly, a fond looking coming to his eyes.

His eyes scan over the room quickly, checking the surrounding area as well before going to work. Using his magic it takes less than five minutes to put together a small plate of food for the innkeeper, setting it on the corner of the prep table with a little note under it with 'For Shigetoshi-kun' written on it. He looks over his work, the cool sandwich with thin sliced meat and light dressing cut into triangles and arranged around a small bowl of a mixed fruit sauce, little apple bunnies in the spaces between the slices with little dollops of peanut butter in the remaining spaces on the plate for scooping up with the apple bunnies before consumption. His head whips around and he spots Shigetoshi coming. With a warm smile he pours a cup of cold milk and sets it next to the plate, putting the jug away, before stepping through a tear, vanishing from the room just before the youth comes in.

He travels back to his room, hoping his little gesture will be taken well, and with a sigh he goes back to gazing out the window. The cool air helps to calm his thoughts, the chill bringing shivers to his skin and not for the first time he is glad of his natural tolerance for extreme weather. 'While this isn't bad at all, Alaska being far worse than this, and that is all the time, I can see many of the locals thinking me perhaps a bit mad to be sitting here, enjoying the breeze' Somewhere, a pleasant chime rings out, signaling time for lunch, and Tatsuki wonders at how lost in thought his can get, not having noticed the time passing during his idle thoughts. With a faint sigh he makes his way out into the hall, thanking the stars that the girls are nowhere to be seen, and with a warm smile seemingly permanently stuck on his lips, he makes his way to the dining area, slipping into his place at his table by the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Shigetoshi opened the sliding door to the kitchen and stopped. He blinked once, then twice. The young man wasn't sure what he was seeing was correct. He hesitantly stepped forward and the food remained where it was. It was ornate, and some of it cute. He looked around as if he could see who had done it, even though the room was empty except for him. He looked over anything a few times and no matter how much he counted, the portions were correct. He shook his head amazed. He grabbed a few dishes and started taking them out to the dining room. On his second trip he noticed one of the plates had a note under it. He picked it up and as soon as he saw his name he knew who must have done it.

But how? And why? Shigetoshi worried his lower lip as he looked at the plate of food. His stomach twisted a little. With the new revelation he didn't know if it was hunger or guilt. Everytime he though he understood Tatsuki the guest would do something totally opposite and leave him feeling so disoriented. Shigetoshi lingered over the note and plate before he tore himself away to continue to move the rest of the plates. When he was finished he rang the bell and waited.

As he waited he couldn't help but glance over at the plate, his plate, next to where Tatsuki sat yesterday. Ancestors, he was mixed up. But there was no more time to second guess himself. The first guest trickled in. He needed to make sure everyone was satisfied before he thought of himself. Or of himself and Tatsuki. Shigetoshi noticed Tatsuki slip in and almost said something, but the foreigners came in next.

The Innkeeper smiled at them and to his relief they took seats and began to eat their food. Though the same man from earlier smiled at Shigetoshi, making him blush. That man had a sinful look about him. He smiled back before he looked away. If the foreigner was really signalling what Shigetoshi thought he was signalling. But the young man quashed that line of thought. Following it had already gotten him into trouble once. He wasn't about to do it again. [/i]Ancestors, please let them leave soon.[/i] And he wasn't thinking of everyone, just two.

And then no one needed him. He cast his gaze back over to Tatsuki and the plate he laid for himself. Would it be okay? Shigetoshi almost hesitated, but his stomach made a hungry noise and the looks the other guest gave him sent him to the spot he left for himself.

"Can I sit here?" Shigetoshi felt a fool for asking, but he couldn't just make himself sit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tatsuki smiles warmly at the innkeeper, however he's not sure the youth catches it as his attention is taken by the new guests. They are a little loud at first but as the newly married young man passes his table the shinigami holds a finger over his lips when the man glances his way. He swats at the others, telling them to quiet down before throwing Tatsuki a wink. [i]'They are good kids, just a little over excited I think. He looks them over, noticing they all have already changed into their kimono, some of them have even almost got them tied right. He chuckles aloud, shaking his head as they all shove their sleeves up to eat.

As the girl picks up an apple bunny, giggling over the cuteness of it, Tatsuki reads them. Just a surface impression for now, and he smiles wider. 'I was right, they are glad to have something they recognize after their long trip' He lets out a sigh, his gaze wandering over the rest of the inn's occupants present before once more falling on Shigetoshi. His brows furrow however as he notices a blush tinting the young man's cheeks and he tilts his head tot he side, curious. However even as the questions begin tumbling through his mind he stops them. 'For now, I will let such things be. If has cause to blush, I will let him bring it up with me, I will not ask' As the innkeeper goes about his duties Tatsuki begins munching on an apple bunny, the peanut butter bringing out the flavor like nothing else can.

His eyes wander over to the plate beside his and just as he's beginning to wonder if Shigetoshi plans to have anyone sit next to him, perhaps trying to set him up with one of the sisters as an act of good faith, the object of his many thoughts recently is there. His eyes slide up, slow and calm, until at last he's looking up into the youth's eyes. He had picked up a second bunny to munch on and having just put the tip of the bunny's nose in his mouth he cuts a rather cute figure as he looks up at Shigetoshi curiously. Without a word he nods and smiles, tilting his head to the side to signal for him to take a seat before finally biting into his apple.

Shifting to make sure the young man has plenty of room he smiles at him once more and scoops up some peanut butter so he can finish his apple off quickly. He decides to stay quiet for now, save to whisper softly, “I do hope you do not mind my intrusion on your kitchen without telling you.” He smile becomes a 'forgive me?' smile as he adds, “I also pray you enjoy your meal. . .”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Thank you."

Shigetoshi took the seat relieved. The welcome was indeed welcome. He looked at the food in front of him and then at the other guests who were happily eating. He picked up one of the stylized rabbits and dipped it in the sauce. He nibbled a little at it was slightly disappointed to find it didn't taste as good as he thought it would. After that he abandoned the addition to just eat the apple slices. Not that anyone else seemed to find the fare odd. The foreigners seemed to enjoy it the most, perhaps it was something they were quite used to.

When Tatsuki whispered, the Innkeeper barely heard him. He had to shift a little and tilt his head to catch the soft words. Then he smiled. "It was fine, I just didn't expect it." What else could he say? That the fact that Tatsuki continued to make exotic food without consulting him first was hurting his honor? No, guests came first long before his pride. If Tatsuki wanted to make food, Shigetoshi wouldn't ever tell him not to. Plus it didn't seem that anyone thought that he was taking advantage of the younger man's culinary skills. The again this was only Tatsuki's second day here.

"The meal is good." Shigetoshi said keeping his smile. "Thank you." From behind Tatsuki he could see the foreigner that had smiled at him. He was smiling again. The Innkeeper quickly ate his food. No matter who smiled so prettily, as long as they were guests Shigetoshi wouldn't do anything with them. That included Tatsuki who was sending such mixed messages. He tried not to think about the willing man across the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sitting silently Tatsuki munches his food slowly, watching the man next to him. The frequent glances at the youth across the room brings about rather obvious conclusions inside the shinigami's mind, however the idea of them consummating the obvious feeling between them does not really bother Tatsuki. Well, not beyond his worry that such a relationship would cause undue stress on the already in edge innkeeper. 'I wonder if I should say something on the matter. I already said I would not address such things when it comes to his feelings about me, however this is a little different, I think'

He mulls this over for a while, smiling softly at the compliments, however when he notices the peanut butter being ignored by the youth his cocks his head curiously. 'I know the mixture may be foreign, so perhaps I should have explained it to him. As I recall, he dried dipping his apple into the sauce rather than scooping up the intended garnish' Without a second thought Tatsuki grabs one of his remaining apple bunnies and scoops up a dollop of peanut butter. Then, with a soft smile, he holds it out to Shigetoshi. “Here Shigetoshi-kun. Try this mix. I have had many positive responses to this particular combination from across the sea.” He holds it up so the youth can just take a bite, not understanding whatsoever the intimate impression this may give.
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