"Howdy, y'all!"

Harley James Whitfield




-Horseback riding
-Some marksmanship
-Knows a good amount of first aid
-Used to go on hunting and fishing trips with her dad

-Weapons & Equipment-
-1 Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum Revolver
-1 Marlin 30-30 Lever Action Rifle with a 4x32 scope
-1 Bowie Knife
-1 Canteen of water
-12 rounds .44 Magnum
-15 rounds 30-30
-2 cans of baked beans
-1 roll of gauze bandage
-1 bottle of antiseptic
-1 pair of surgical scissors

Harley's a charming southern girl with a big heart, and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty, though she is greatly traumatized by all that has occurred to her since the epidemic struck her hometown. She can be stubborn as a mule sometimes, and often times she goes with her gut feeling rather than what someone tells her to do. She is friendly with everyone she meets, but due to certain circumstances, it's hard for her to trust others. Harley's great at holding her own, but sometimes she can become scared and confused, often to the point of panicking.


Before the outbreak, life was simple for Harley. Born into a family of ranchers, she lived most her life on a fifty acre horse ranch just a few miles outside Whitesboro, Texas, where she grew up loving to ride horses, go fishing and camping at the stock pond, and go hunting with her dad on their property. She had a close knit group of friends at her school, made straight A's in most of her classes, and was just weeks away from getting her driver's license.....then it happened.

News began to spread rampantly of the outbreak, cases of the virus spreading like wildfire across the U.S. At first, Harley and her folks ignored it, thinking it was just some small epidemic and that it wasn't going to hit Whitesboro any time soon, but as the days dragged on, Harley's optimism began to fade. She would see jets and helicopters and other military vehicles storming through her quiet little town and even past the ranch. Soldiers with guns and hazmat suits were stationed at her school and scanning all of the students, some Harley never seen again. It was a nightmare becoming all too real for Harley, but she was sure the virus wouldn't hit anywhere near her home, not when she lived virtually miles away from anyone....but she was wrong.

One night, when Harley could barely sleep because of the helicopters thundering over her house, she heard her mother scream. Quickly, Harley darted from her bed and to her parents' bedroom, only to discover the horrible truth. Her father had been infected and he eviscerated her mother, nothing left of her but a gory, stomach churning mess. Her father soon took after her and chased her all through the house, finally cornering her in the living room. That was when Harley had to make....the most painful decision of her life. Right as her father pounced on her, Harley quickly grabbed her dad's revolver from the open gun safe and fired frantically six shots, blood and tissue spewing all over her. Once the gunsmoke had settled.....she witnessed what she had done. She fell to her knees dropping the gun and sobbing uncontrollably over her father's disheveled corpse. Since that horrific night, Harley's traveled away from her home, seeking other survivors or at least a place to rest safely.

She took with her a small rucksack full of some essential survival items, such as a first aid kit and rations and ammo for her guns. Most important, she took with her Riley, her favorite horse she helped raise since he was a colt, and from then on the two were inseparable....but what she took with her as well.....were the disturbing and tragic memories of that very night....the night she was forced to kill her father....

-Character Themes-

Hurt - By Johnny Cash

Hymn for the Missing - By Red