Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Argus GoeHeer
Avatar of Argus GoeHeer

Argus GoeHeer The wandering King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character format sheet:






Bio before academy:

Appearance:(this can be wrote)

The following two are optional
Friends(side characters):

Love of character's life:


Powers(requires energy or tech):


And that is the required format and any extra info you see fit. Happy adventures! :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Argus GoeHeer
Avatar of Argus GoeHeer

Argus GoeHeer The wandering King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Adyeers Ta'Lou

Age: Technically 44

Gender: Male

Species: Titutanias

Personality: Cocky, calm, sometimes unintentionally rude, intelligent, and wisecracky

Bio: Adyeers Ta'Lou is the last of his kind, yet few know it. He was adopted by the
Lou family, who are the the lords of Windclare. When he was 26 he joined the military. He became battle hardened, but retained his personality. In the military, he met most of his current friends, who are the other commanders of the D.C.O.D, including his wife, Sonia Belaflor. He met her while at a military invited ball, she was there because her father was the royal general of Mobionus 6. When he was 34, he left the military to claim his family title that his adopted sister declined in order to continue her work. Now he was Duke Adyeers Ta'lou, and he eventually married Sonia. He now maintains his state, the D.C.O.D, and his family: his wife and 7 year old daughter Jade.

Appearence: 2 horns on forehead, 3 spike-horns that almost converge on back of head. No visible ears. Scaly-like skin, lizard like eye. Grey skin with red secondary color on sides of arms and legs and on back and patches of red on chest and face. Green eye color. Two toes on each foot. Normally wears a blue glowing aparatice of tubes that connect on ecah limb, a black vest, no shirt, grey leather-like carpentar shorts and sandals. has D.C.O.D classification tatoo on left side of chest.

Friends: Everyone that isn't a "Douche-bag" according to him

Love of life: Sonia F. Belaflor/Ta'lou

Abilities: Immortality, advanced agility, intelligent, resourceful.

Powers: Shape-shift, Energy bolts and "spells", creation, Teleport, trans-dimensional gate, control event, levitate objects.

Pets: Nature Golem named Shard
Batghoul named Gobi
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Charles


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Evan Crucos (crew-cose)

Gender: If you meet him he will look female but he is male.

Species: Gartautan

Personality: Cocky, bristly, overcautious, overprotective, semi-genius, brave, leadership skills.

Bio Before Academy: He ruled the robot dimension of Gartauta all of his life (they are very smart at a young age), he was then targeted by an expert assassin and fled the dimension. He was roaming dimensions when he came across the Academy and was accepted and he decided to stay.

Love of character's life: Sylvia Hecatine

Powers(requires energy or tech): he is an illusionists only the most strong-willed people can see through his illusions (that's how he ruled so well. Everything seemed good in times of bad.) using these powers he could seem very fast or very sneaky anytime necessary, he can also fly from wings he made at 15 (again semi-genius here) by making a wing skeleton out of carbon fiber, making a skin with cloth, and plucking animals to get feathers. These wings are retractable so they sit folded on his back or spread out when he is flying.

Nickname: Attempts to stamp out all nicknames given.

Age: 19

Appearance: short, skinny AF, brown long and messy hair, Caucasian (white)

Outfit: When not in armor he wears light fitting dark green robes (to get illusions easier to make). To blend in at night and in daylight. After all what is an assassin without stealth? (Basically Assassin's Creed clothing)

Occupation(s): assassin, hero, and paper shuffler for the New King of Gargautan in an alternate dimension(Paper worker)

Pets: He has a pet dog, that can talk in English and can shapeshift into animals his own size or smaller.

Equipment: He uses many items from other dimensions, he especially loves his duel short swords his shield and his Roman Era armor that in that dimension was said to stop a tank shell in the (Not nearly that strong but pretty strong) common dimension.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charles


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wait LOL void that. I didn't see the CS format.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aqua Fire
Avatar of Aqua Fire

Aqua Fire Phoinex=Dragon Rider / Midnight=Night Fury

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Copi

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Personality: Tomboy, Loves Dragons, Makes Sells and potions

Bio before academy: Copi was born like any other child, but when she was 9 years old, she was cursed. Her father, who was the King of the lands she lived in, banished her. An Old lady, who was a nice witch, took her in, and gave her a necklace that will cure her. The necklace gave her powers to turn into a dragon, but it also slightly corrupts the user. Copi used to be a sweet, kind girl, who saved little bunnies from hunters. Now, she uses her new powers to battle others. The more the witch tried to stop her, the more she got into it. The witch taught her meditation, which helped cool her spirit. Yo-Yoing also helps. The witch also gave Copi a ferret, whose name was Kit.

Human form

Dragon Form


The following two are optional
Friends(side characters): Kit the ferret

Love of character's life:

Abilities(given): Turn into a dragon

Powers(requires energy or tech): Spells

Pet(s)[optional]: Kit the ferret
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