Alamo Scouts, Inc.

Out of Character

- Please PM Character Sheet to thread moderator prior to posting in the Characters Thread.
- Based on the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare story line using non-canonical original characters in an Atlas- or Sentinel- styled military organization.
- Alamo Scout teams operate in eight man teams with two 4-man teams capable of performing independent operations.
- Alamo Scouts' Operating Base Robertson (OB Robertson) is located about ten miles east of downtown Darwin, Australia.
- Your character is an experienced combat veteran in excellent physical condition who knows at least two languages and has spent at least three years in one of the aforementioned militaries of the world. NATO and friendly Pacific Rim nations. English is one of the known languages.
- Your character is at least 22 years of age and has acquired realistic experience and training from his/her home nation's military.
- Preferential attention is given to candidates who have experience in two or more branches of the military or a para-military law enforcement agency.
- Special cybernetic prosthetics and performance enhancement implants are available to experienced combat veterans applying for a position with the Alamo Scouts. Request for cybernetic prosthetics and performance enhancing implants can be made by Private Message to this thread's moderator (Gunther). Please include link to applicant's character sheet (CS), a description of how the limb was lost and how you would envision the prosthesis and/or implant to perform. The thread moderator will respond either, approving the prosthesis/implant as requested, approving the prosthesis/implant with specific changes or a denial of prosthesis/implant. If you receive a denial of prosthetic request, your character did not lose said limb and continues with character development accordingly. This is to limit the number of special soldiers in the team who employ special technologically advanced prosthetics or implants. It is not meant to harass or deny someone who is passionate about cybernetic enhancements but finds themselves left out by the moderator. ;)

Character Sheet

[b]Description:[/b] (include age, height, weight, tattoos, scars, and style of dress plus any other pertinent details about appearance.)
[b]Personality Profile:[/b]
[b]Military Skills/Experiences:[/b] (Schools, Operations & Training)
[b]Additional Skills/Abilities:[/b] (Include Prosthetics/implants only after receiving approval from thread moderator.)
[b]Known Languages:[/b] (English + any other pertinent language skills)
[b]Primary Weapon:[/b]
[b]Secondary Weapon:[/b]
[b]Edged weapons:[/b]

NOTE: Please delete parenthetical statements prior to posting the CS in the Characters tab.

All weapons and military equipment should be taken from the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Wikipedia. Operators are trained in all weapons available to Atlas personnel in the game's wikipedia. Operators are trained in the use of the Atlas exo-skeletal suit to enhance combat effectiveness.

Military Skills/Specialties
- Infantry (includes Mortars, TOW gunner and mechanized/motorized Infantry Specialties)
- Special Forces (minimum: Sergeant in USA & 23+ YOA)
- Navy Special Operator (SEALs)
- Marine Special Operator (MARS)
- Combat Engineer/Sapper/Navy Seabee
- Medic/Corpsman
- Forward Air Controller (FAC)
- Fire Support Specialist (FO)
- Heavy Weapons Specialist (Special Forces/SAS)
- Weapons Specialist "Gun Guy" (Special Forces/SAS)
- Information Technologist Specialist "Hacker" (Special Forces/SAS)
- Special Air Service (SAS)
- Combat Physician's Assistant (Special Forces)
- Navy Diver/Underwater Demolitions Technician (UDT)
- Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
- Cavalry Scout "heavy" (Infantry or Armor)
- Marine Force Recon (Light)

Additional Skills
- Recondo
- Ranger (Masters of Patroling)
- Airborne
- HALO High Altitude Low Opening (Airborne pre-requisite)
- HAHO High Altitude High Opening (Airborne pre-requisite)
- Air Assault
- Sniper
- Mountain Warfare
- Self Defense to include Krav Maga and Marine Corps Martial Arts Program
- Communications/Information Technologies
- SCUBA Diving

Operations are defined as deployments to combat zones. A soldier who serves either two years or any number of years up until they retire will become a veteran, but is not a combat veteran unless they are deployed to a combat zone and have experienced being shot at. Alamo Scouts, Inc. will show preferential treatment to Combat Veterans who have two Skills/Specialties.

Approved Alamo Scout Employees: