Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek couldn't help but laugh, but obviously he couldn't laugh that loud so he bit his lip trying to not laugh at her goofiness. He closed the door quietly behind them and went down the stairs until they got onto the last level. "Alright, this is a small drop after you climb down the latter." He said going down it first.

"Finally what took you guys so long?" Harry's voice was a loud whisper. Derek looked down to see the guys from this afternoon below him and a few more.

"We got double checked." Derek responded dropping to the ground. He looked up when he stood straight, and saw Cadence and a few more of her friends. "Hey." He said smiling at her then looked away. She had herself wrapped on another guys arm but it didn't seem to bother Derek. It bothered Cadence that it didn't bother him. "Come down Damien!" Derek said quietly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Diana crawled down the ladder and looked down as she approached the bottom of it. "Jesus, I don't think my insurance policy covers injuries obtained from purposefully jumping from a ladder," she pointed out with a little laugh. She hopped off and stumbled a bit upon impact, but was fine.

"Hey guys," she said, looking at the boys. She then turned to the girls and said in a silly, sly, low voice, "and hellllooo ladies." For extra affect, she winked as well. Obviously she was just playing around, though.

Diana noticed how Cadence was clinging to a new guy and glanced over at Derek to see if he was affected. Thankfully he appeared to be fine. Diana had to admit, she was surprised Cadence got a new guy so quick. She must be popular in this town, or at least likes having have a few guys into her at once. Perhaps to Cadence, guys were like some form of currency. The hotter they were, the better. The more she had, the better. She definitely liked flaunting them out in public.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Derek smiled at Diana when she looked over at him. "Let's go." He said to everyone smiling and started to leave away from the building with everyone following behind him. He saw a group of Jeeps that was parked right behind a near by food place that was a little bits away from the school they attended. He hopped into the back of a Jeep as everyone else did, starting them up and were drove away. Derek was standing up on the back holding onto the bars as the Jeep was going fast out of the town. He was excited. This decision was totally made by him, not by his parents. He loved it. This decision was totally on his own. Derek realized in that moment he didn't want to have any relationship with Cadence, he wanted to just be free like this. Why did it barely hit him? What was he going to do after he graduate high school? These thoughts scared him while he looked back sighing softly.

"Derek, why are you so quietly lately?" Harry asked tugging his leg, and stood up next to him. "Is it about Cadence or your dad?" He asked his best friend. Derek looked over hating how he knew him so well. "Well, it's fine. Try to have fun tonight." He said forcing a laugh to make Derek not to feel so awkward. Derek smiled at him, looking down at the road when they pulled up into a huge driveway in the middle of the forest, seeing a huge house with loud music and a lot of people.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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In the jeep, Diana was squished to the side of the back seat as Cadence and her new boyfriend or whatever started making out. Ew, they're not even drunk yet and they're already on the way to vomitville. She tried looking out of the window to take her mind off of what was going on between the two but she could still hear smacking sounds and little moans which was incredibly disturbing.

When they finally parked, Diana was relieved to get out of the car. Almost right away a couple nearby girls looked over. "Hey, that one's new," a redhead spoke to her blonde friend within earshot of Diana. She flinched. They were definitely talking about her.

"Go talk to him," the redhead urged. "Finally a boy you won't have to climb up on to kiss!"

The blonde laughed and nodded. "Wish me luck!"

Diana kept looking the other way, pretending she wasn't hearing the exchange going on between the girls. That didn't stop the blonde from walking over and tapping 'Damien' on the shoulder. "Hey..." she spoke with a slight slur. Her breath smelled like alcohol. She was a couple inches shorter than Diana and chubby. Her hair was in two braids. She twirled one of them around in an attempt to be seductive. Diana turned to look at her as the girl continued, "I uh.. I saw you from over there.. you're pretty cute. Wanna dance?"

Before Diana could even open her mouth to reply, the blonde was pulling her towards the house by the wrist.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Derek felt all of the people stare at him, and replied to them when they said hi or talked to him. Somehow without knowing, he got a beer in his hand but he didn't decide to question it. Harry tapped his shoulder pointing to Damien and seeing him being pulled away to the middle of the living room. Derek couldn't help but laugh. "Wow the boy already has girls throwing themselves at him." He said while the rest of the group laugh loudly. He paused when he saw the girl, one he had slept with. "Oh shit. That's the girl that gave me an STD." He said quietly trying to decided if he should go help him. Derek went over with a large group of people following him. He pushed past Damien really quick, quietly said. "Be careful with this one she has a disease." He said laughing as he walked by.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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"My name's Tabitha, by the way," the blonde girl said as she led 'Damien' to the dance floor.

May as well make the most out of pretending to be a 17 year old boy... "That's a nice name," he replied with a smile. "I'm Damien."

Tabitha smiled back and moved her hand from Damien's wrist to his hand. She kept holding it was they both started doing their own dance moves. Her hand is sweaty.

Damien was surprised when Derek quickly swung buy to inform him of the STD. She has an STD? Oh fuck. Well, whatever. It's not like I was going to bang her anyway. Wait, how does Derek know about the STD? Bringing himself out of his train of thought, he twirled Tabitha. She seemed to enjoy it because she gave a little scream and a giggle.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek was excited to see everyone he knew for a long time finally come together. He drank a few drinks, and wasn't even close to getting tipsy. He drank more and more. He knew he started to after 12 beers when he thought Cadence was pretty again. "Noo." He muttered to himself then looked around for the new kid that was in his room. Daniel? "No Damien." Derek reminded himself looking around.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Tabitha and 'Damien' kept dancing for a little while until Tabitha complained, "I'm boredddd, let's get some drinks."

Diana hesitated. Virtually the only reason she came in the first place was to remain sober and keep an eye out for her friends. "Er, no thanks," she replied. Tabitha looked up at her with an innocent pouty face.

"But Damien..." she whined.

"Sorry," Diana replied simply. She was ready to leave Tabitha and rejoin the others. "I better go now, it was nice mee-"

"Noo!" Tabitha suddenly complained loudly. She clutched Diana's hand tightly to the point where it started to hurt. "I thought we had something," she said in a softer voice, still tipsy from drinks she had earlier. Louder again, she added, "I thought you were different from the other boys! You player!"

"Listen, you're drunk, you're overreact-"

"--I don't want to hear it!" Tabitha snapped, clutching Diana's hand even tighter and dragging her to the drinks table.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek heard Tabitha as soon as she started to make a fuss, and snapped his head over to where he heard Damien and her. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the girl cry over how he was a player like everyone else. Everyone around him didn't see to mind that much attention even despite Derek pointing it out, they were drunk. He went down the porch that he was on, past the huge pool and went right to where they were. He gripped her wrist hard, not enough to break her arm but enough for Tabitha to remember who he was. "Tabitha, always the one who got too attached and opening your legs to every fucking guy who even looks at you. Go ruin some other guys night but not his." He said giving a squeeze then pushed her back into her group of friends. Derek grabbed Damien's arm and pulled him. "I don't usually get that mean to anyone but you're the first guy. She ruins parties and starts to cry. It's no fun." He said then let go of his arm when they got back to their group.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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As Derek pulled Diana away from Tabitha, she could hear her yelling after them, "Call me sometime, Damien!"

Diana just laughed and shook her head. "She never even gave me her phone number," she muttered under her breath. Looking up at Derek, she gave him a thankful smile. "Hey, thanks for rescuing me from Miss Herpes, or whatever the hell she has. I'm too nice to leave someone hanging, especially when they try calling me out in front of a crowd. Talk about being put on the spot." She grinned and rolled her eyes at the memory. "Might've ended up with herpes myself by the end of the night if you didn't swoop in and say no for me. I owe you one."

She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her basketball shorts. The nighttime air had gotten a bit more crisp and cool since when they first arrived. Diana looked up at the stars as they strolled back to the others.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek laughed when he said that he would end up with herpes himself. "Gross. Don't mention it. I think she's just a little too much for everyone. So not everyone knows how to get rid of her without being mean." He said shrugging then grab some water. "I don't think I want to drink tonight. I'm going to try and sober up some." Derek said gulping down the water fast. "Did you drink at all?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sorry about that short post I'm not home!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Say, how did you know of her STD?" Diana inquired, looking over at him. A teasing smirk crossed over her lips. "Don't tell me you contracted it from her during a drunken one night stand." She chuckled. Part of her wanted to pity the girl for having an STD, especially at such a young age. She looked to be only about 16. But at the same time, given how whiny and forceful she was after only knowing 'Damien' for a little while, she had likely been the same way with many guys in the past. She simply reaped what she had sown.

"And no, I didn't drink. When I said I was going to be 'that sober friend', I meant it," she replied. Tabitha trying to drag her to the drinks table was a close call, though. It felt weird having a girl who thought she was a guy hit on her. Sort of like espionage. Cue the Mission Impossible theme song...again. Diana smiled a bit. All of this would definitely make for an interesting story to share with her future family and friends.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Don't worry, it's ok! I understand :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Derek continued to drink his water. He knew that by drinking this it would make him a little more better since he wasnt even drunk just tipsy. And he had more control over himself than most people since he drank at such a younger age than most. He looked over at Damien. "Yeah actually I did. Fuck it was disgusting then I had to convince my brother to come help me out." He said shaking his head. "It was so fucking gross." He said then glanced up at the stars. "Well, I'm glad you're still the sober one because now you won't feel as bad that you didn't drink. I'm going to sober up to help with these guys." He said pointing to the drunk seven friends of theirs.

"Want to know a secret? I have a few tattoos. One of them is of the stars." Derek admitted that was his tipsy side talking. "It's on the front of my chest and same with the others. When you walked in today, I quickly put on a shirt so you wouldn't see. But you're really the only one that knows that now." He said looking st him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Her eyes widened. She hadn't seriously expected Derek to say he'd been with Tabitha and gotten an STD. "Oh man, that sounds terrible," she said. As he told her about his tattoos, she thought that was interesting. "Oooh. You'll have to show me them sometime." She playfully nudged him. "You're pretty damn rebellious, you know that? You have some tattoos, you sneak out, and you also drink every now and then. Not to mention that whole thing you had going on with Cadence... that was just a mess."

Even though she'd only been around for a day, Diana felt like part of the crew. She was thankful they were open to taking her in. It definitely made her first day in a new town a lot easier. She looked over and watched the other boys as they drunkenly stumbled around, a little smile on her face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek laughed quietly when Damien said sorry to him about the STD. "It's fine. The one she gave me was treatable, but I haven't slept with anyone else despite knowing that I don't have it anymore. She just killed my fun, I'm pretty sure she still has it and doesn't care to get it treated." He said then looked back at the sky, sighing softly. When he heard Damien's last statement, he stayed silent for a moment. In his mind, he debated how to respond to that but didn't want to say too much. But his tipsy side didn't really care but still didn't say too much. "I'm sad." Was all he said then glanced over at her with a serious face then changed his expression when his drunk friend, Harry came over and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Bro, do you mind if I sleep with Cadence? I think she's try to make you jealous though." Harry slurred his words looking up at him. "She's all over me and I don't care if you said no or yes." He said looking up at Derek, who raised an eyebrow. "Would I betray you if I did?" Harry asked worried.

"No dude. I don't care. Do you like her?" Derek asked wondering if he did this whole time. Harry laughed shaking his head. "Okay, well I don't care but go ahead. That means your ass is sleeping here. I kind of want to go home." Derek told him with a stern voice since Harry needed that when he was drunk.

"No, no I mean sleep sleep. I didn't mean sex with Cadence." Harry laughed standing up straight trying to hold himself up. "B-b-but yeah actually let's go home. I don't want to sleep with her, shes too skinny to cuddle." He said leaning his head on Derek's shoulder. Derek connected it in his head. He forget his best friend had never slept with anyone, was still a virgin. He really only wanted a cuddle partner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Diana giggled a bit as Harry clarified he meant sleep sleep, not sex. She, like Derek, thought he had been referring to sex. "I better be the one to drive us back," she stated. If Derek drove they'd likely be okay since he was only a tad tipsy, but it still wasn't the safest route. She didn't remain sober this whole time just to get hit on by a crazy girl and be crammed in the backseat again during the ride back.

She started wondering what the ride back would be like now that the others were drunk. Would Cadence make out with somebody again in the backseat? Probably. Would it be the same guy as earlier? Probably not. Would it be Harry? Probably not. Would it be Derek?

Diana looked over at Derek from the corner of her eyes.

Probably not.

She straightened up and turned to Derek. "Better start rallying up the kids before they have a hangover for the next three days," she said jokingly. "Who has the keys?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek looked at Damien. "I have one of the keys. One of the cars can fit all of us guys in there." He said smiling at her while handing her the keys to the car. "I think they'll be sick in the morning. But it's a good thing we don't have class tomorrow. It's Sunday, but all of the religious students wake up super early to go to their church classes, and shit. So they usually wake me up every time." Derek said giving a small shrug. Suddenly a yank on his arm pulled him away from the three's conversation. It was Cadence. "Caden-"

A loud, hard smack across his face made his cheek sting. He pulled away looking down at her confused and rested his fingertips on the hand mark on his cheek. "Why haven't you noticed me?!" Cadence screamed loudly. Everyone looked over at them. "I have done nothing but try and get your attention Derek! I am beautiful, sexy, funny, all of the guys want me, a-and I-"

"Cadence, let's not talk about this right now." Derek said quietly, not liking the crowd to look at him. He was still tipsy so he didn't have much of a balance. He leaned on a chair next to the porch steps. "Please I can talk another time-" Suddenly Cadence pushed him off of the porch, watching him fall off and onto the cement, having him hit his head on the floor. Everyone gasped watching. Harry quickly ran over to him along with the other group. Derek looked up at her with blood running down his temple.

"All you think about is yourself, and your dumb self!" Cadence said obviously drunk. "You don't care to even look at me! Derek Wilton, you will never ever be like your father or impress your father. He hates you and you know it! He will never have a good son and you'll ruin his fucking reputation." She screamed as some other girls took her away.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Diana gasped as Cadence freaked out on Derek. What a bitch. Sure, she was drunk, but things were slipping through her mouth that made Diana steam with anger. The final straw was she insulted Derek and claimed he'd never live up to his family name. Diana knew that would cut deep into Derek. She was about to intervene before some other girls rushed in and did that for her. Slipping the car keys into her pocket, she quickly rushed down the steps along with the others.

"Derek!" She exclaimed as she ran up to him.

Diana looked at him then up in the direction where Cadence was escorted away and growled quietly. If she saw her again anytime soon, she'd be more salty than a pack of McDonald's french fries.

Turning back to Derek, a flood of words spilled out of her mouth. "Oh god, I can't believe she said those things and pushed you off the porch.. even if she was drunk, she was still acting like the worlds biggest asshole. Please don't take any of what she said to heart. Tonight has just been one big mess. Are you okay? Do you need a bandage anywhere?" She looked him up and down whilst walking around him, inspecting for any wounds. It was the motherly instinct kicking in again.
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