Name: Monika Sigfried

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Appearance: Monika stands a daunting 6'4 and weighs an equally intimidating 207lbs

Mask: Monika doesn't wear a conventional mask preffering to just cover her head (excluding her eyes) with bandages. When she needs to use her mouth she just removes the bandages covering it.

Kagune Characteristics: Rinkaku. Her Kagune is comprised of 6 savage looking barbed tendrils that are effective at both stabbing and slashing at her foes, the serrated barbs often bury deep into the target making it hard for even Monika herself to remove them.

Personality: Monika is a rather simple person, knowing what she wants when she sees it. And she's not afraid to take what she wants either, be it by force or trickery (mostly force). She also has no problem with using human tools and weapons to achieve her goals. She's a very strong willed person who plays the game by her own rules, and anyone who tells her otherwise can look forward to being beaten within an inch of their life. She is highly aggressive and slightly greedy, always hungry. She has the potential to become a very nasty binge eater if she were given the chance. Her lust for food can sometimes cloud her judgement, making her act in ways she wouldn't normally.

Short backstory (optional): Monika used to serve as a weapon of sorts for the Russian military as part of a top secret death squad. She would be granted special transportation so she could get around the globe easily and all the dead bodies she could ever want. In return she would help them deal with anyone that the Russian government needed gone. She formed a slight attachment to her squad, tho her squad mates all thought her a savage monster, and rightfully so. Then one time a mission went sour and she was found out, the Russian government denied having anything to do with her and locked her out of Russia. She took this opportunity and vanished, her destination Tokyo (somewhere she had yet to do anything to). For a while she got along fine but the CCG were better then she gave them credit for, they ambushed her then detained her in ward 12.

Skills: Extremely durable, Quick regeneration, weapons expert (guns knifes), Human flambe, combat expert.