Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ainmire

Ainmire you can't go home

Member Seen 8 mos ago

It was a picturesque scene beautiful enough to make melodramatic poets weep and inspiring enough to make the common populace feel as if all of life had meaning. Magnificent mountains of dark rock scratched sharply into the pale grey horizon. Undisturbed white snow in thick patches covered most of the mountain resembling many great clouds in the earth made sky. Somewhere along the range, probably in a westward direction, there was an interesting oddity in the mountains construction. It was a place where the foundation dropped downward into a wide pit. In the depth of this pit there was a lake, frozen over for centuries without respite. To one side of the lake there was a cavern formed as much in ice as it was in rock. Here, coiled in solitude and frost, in a place where no man could was the last remaining creature of a once great race.

This creature was unlike any which could be found elsewhere in the world. To begin with he was massive in size, greater than any other beast which roamed the plains. His head was long and angular with several curved horns coming off of the place where his head meant his neck, making it look almost as if it wasn’t a single smooth piece. He had four powerful and muscular legs, the back ones resembling in shape the appearance of cats’ legs. A long tail, sleek and mobile also extended from along his accented spine. One of the most interesting things about it though was how its body was covered in glistening scales. They were like crimson gems, shimmering—and yet they were also silver. They usually seemed a mixture of the two, but the lighting and surroundings seemed to affect their hue. His sharp stained teeth and claws were tucked out of sight as he slept softly, moving only by the heave of his breathing.

A small puff of warm breath escaped in two tiny clouds from its nostrils as it shifted, obviously in discomfort. It settled again and its breath became normal, but only a moment a later itself once again incapable of sleeping and shifted several times to try and find comfort. Irked and sore it gave up trying to sleep and instead opened its eyes, inky black pools which looked nothing like what normally passed for eyes. It stood and stretched before leaving its little cavern for the pool. As soon as the cave was out of reach brilliant wings extended to their full length, causing little bits of snow to fly around. Two flaps and the soreness was easing, making the gnawing hunger in its stomach even more prominent. Rising onto hind legs the creature gave a powerful push and rose into the air. Higher and higher it went, until the hole it called home faded into the mountain.

Living in such a solitary place had its advantages, such as not having to worry about being hunted. But it also had more than a few disadvantages, such as having to travel a long distance for food. Because of this the Dragon would fly a good long while along the mountain until he came to the place where he could find mountain goats. This place was much more humane and he would’ve worried about humans, if he had not chased the last of them away long ago. No human came here anymore, some claimed it to be haunted ground, and others chose to mutter rumours of the extinct name. But humans were not what this Dragon cared about. They would not come to bother him and he would not linger long. Instead he must focus on the meal at hand. With a drop which would not be expected he swung down and picked up a goat, gouging it with his talons. After the little goat stopped moving the Dragon settled on a small cliff-like rock and began to eat it. He did this several more times before finally settling a moment as he chewed on one of the carcasses, allowing his stomach time to digest before making the journey back home. Feeling quite content the dragon snuggled his face down and closed his eyes, deciding a nap would not hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

No matter how many paintings or stories or songs he experienced about it, nothing truly compared to nature except the outdoors itself. It was impossible for any artist to capture the landscape of the dazzling snowy of the forest. It was improbable for a musician to string a melody that compared to the natural symphony created by the snow-larks and icicles dripping from the branches of tall, mint-scented trees. But that didn't stop a few brave souls from trying. The kingdom of Sarcodes was vast, and touched only a few other lands. To the southern boarder was the great enchanted wall, that separated Sarcodes from the Elven kingdom. To the west, far from the coast, were the Curdled isles, where an old civilization once lived.

Sarcodes wasn't an especially barbaric or advanced civilization, but they had much access to the magic known as alchemy, in which they used rather frequently. The snowy, dry, forested land was home to millions, and they were all under the rule of a joint royalty of three families. These three were the descendants of the many powers that previously ruled the land. The three had total power, and there were countless nobles who assisted in ruling the individual districts. It was all very neat and orderly, but it wasn't always that way. In fact, in the past, there was a major war, in which the Elven kingdom had been devastated.

Because of that, they built a wall to keep everyone else out.

It had been centuries since the war- but there was still bad blood over it. Even though the royal family believed themselves to be 'civilized', they had a very grisly tradition. In order for a child to display their maturity and be eligible for the crown, they had to slay a dragon who lived in the snowy outskirts of Sarcodes. However, in more recent times, dragons had become scarce. As such, it would be extremely hard to find one.

But prince Polaris wouldn't say the task was impossible, even if it was true. He was as strong-headed as he was talented, and as a human, that was a pretty bad quality to have. He took a deep breath of thin mountain air. As tradition went, he was by himself. There was no point in having a proof of courage with someone else's help. He was a young man of average height and dark hair, that almost seemed a grey color that fell in a semi-neat style.

Polaris, the king's second son. He was likely the most immature of his brothers, and probably the most gullible. But he hid it behind a handsome, regal appearance and a crude sense of humor only his servants know of. He had been trekking for about a month, and had no luck. Polaris hugged his fur coat closer to his body, drawing in its warmth. It was cold. Not nearly a subzero climate, but still freezing. The prince took another deep breath and waited, shifting his position lying down on the snowy ground. He... sensed something...
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