Kang Hee-Young
H.K., Hee Bear, AitchWhyKay, Aitch
Relationship Status:
Seoul, Korea

In-Depth Appearance:
Brown Hair, Pale Skin. Doe Eyes, Tattoo. A plump pout, A impish smile. Yes, these contrasting features belong to Hee-Young, one of the most peculiar looking girls in the school. Some say she is a gorgeous and cute girl and others don't even dare to look at her. Want to know more about her features? Let's look at her.
Hee-Young has a fair skin tone, but not too pale of course. With all the sunshine she gets, her skin is subtly tan, but not too tan. She wouldn't at all mind getting darker, but her mother disapproves of it. Despite having a desired a skin tone of most Asians, she is not too careful of herself and is rather careless which leads to cuts and bruises, but thankfully, her father takes care of her cuts so they won't lead to mean looking scars. She does have the subtle mole here and there, She also has a tattoo of flowers with thorns on her shoulder, she got it on a dare because of childhood friend Ahn Hae Wan.

On to the facial features, shall we?
Hee Young's face is quite exotic beside most Asians, especially because of her eyes that quite western-like, with a protruding double eyelid and a wide and cat like eye. Her eyebrows follow trend as they are natural and are straight with little to no plucking or waxing done on them. Her nose has a tall nose bridge, but with a sort of slim and child like nose being set on her face. She also has some the best lips. Byeol Ho's lips are plump pout, often seen parted a rosy peach or pink, or with slight lip color on them. She also has many unique add ons to her which lead many to believe she is careless and is seen as a rambunctious and moronic youth for this. What are the "add-ons?" Well, for starters, Hee Young's hair is naturally a dark umber brown, but has been know to use temporary hair dye to change her hair color. Do you think she is a adorkable Cutie? unconventional beauty? Or a menacing and imitating girl? Well, choice is up to you, not me.
Hee Young is also a average height most Asian women and standing at 170 cm. However, she body is mature than most girls, a lot more mature to be specific. She is abit curvy and is known to have a larger chest that is a over average than the normal girl. However, She is not at all embarrassed of her mature and can take advantage of her figure. Even though she has a full figure, she dances a lot with her peers which leads to a healthy lifestyle. On her weight, she is rather blunt about it and says directly to anyone. Weighing 54 kgs, it is quite normal for a teenage girl her age.
Exiting her silhouette and to her sense of style.
Hee Young's sense of style is eclectic and mixed, but loves casual styles and comfortable clothes. She doesn't wear tight and show skin often and wears often her "own thing." It really just makes up Hee Young, defining the her instead of them. Sometimes she be dressed like abit like Ahn Hae Wan, or go for a completely girly looking to make her mom happy.

Hee-Young is a smart, care-free and down to earth girl. she has a soft and warm exterior. however, she can can be very friendly or snarky when she chooses to, but usually that depends on what mood she's in. she can be very closed up at times as she tries her best to not let anyone besides her best friends get close to her to keep herself from getting hurt emotionally and physically. at times she has this energy inside her that oftentimes thrusts her into the spotlight - but that isn't always where she wants to be; she would rather prefer to stay low-key.

Luckily, Hee-Young knows how to relax, and is perfectly capable of switching from a passionate, driven idealist to that imaginative and enthusiastic free spirit on the dance floor, often with a suddenness that can surprise even her closest friends. being in the mix also gives her a chance to connect emotionally with others as she believes everyone should take time to recognize and express their feelings. however, she needs to be quite cautious. if she relies too much on her intuition, assume, or anticipate too much about a friend's thoughts, she can misread the signals and frustrate plans that a more straightforward approach would have made simple.

But everyone also has their bad side. when in an emotional wreck, Hee-Young can become very reckless; not considering anyone's thoughts and feelings. the first thing on her mind will be spoken, no matter how bad it is. once she's let it all out, she'll resort to blocking herself from everyone and reality. give her a couple days and she'll be back to normal.​

The Kang family has always worked for the Ahn family for as long as anyone could remember,

Habits | Oddities | Quirks;
Tends to bite my lips or chew on something, when I'm lost in thought
Rocking back and forth. I'm not always aware that I'm doing it, it's just a tic. Sometimes it's kind of soothing.
Whistle/Hum interchangeably when amused by something vague/trivial
Either not looking at a person when I am talking/listening or staring them down as I am doing so.
Usually can't remember people names, but remembers their faces so usually gives them nicknames

Reading books from the library and leaving notes in the books for others
Traveling around the city to try different places to eat
She is a night owl, so she love to party

Loud music
Chaotic spaces
Her friends
Being creative
All things spicy

Guys who don't text or call the next day
Early mornings when she hasn't slept at all
People who bully others
Wasting food
Drinks with long names
Horror movies, Which is odd because she likes horror tv shows

She has a fear of thunderstorms, usually tries to use music to drown out the sounds of thunder.
She doesn't like to be crowded or in tight dark spaces.

She likes to bake things and leave them in her neighbors mailbox for them to enjoy. She doesn't sign her name though or leave anything that could be said that she made them. She doesn't know if they really eat it, but if they do she hopes they enjoy it.

Miscellaneous: Anything you want to add? If not, delete this, please.