Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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“If you wish to save him there is a way. But, it will leave you spiritually weakened for how long I do not know,” Nadia said. She looked to Wrath who was looking at her brother with such an extreme amount of worry. “The way is for you to willingly welcome a possession. They will use your memories, and yourmagic to cast the spell to undo what has been done. But, it would also be up to the spirit to leave your body once it is inside,” Nadia said.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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Ayrie listened carefully as Nadia spoke, and when she was done she thought for a few moments before answering.

"I'll do it." She said. "If it means I'm trapped in this body with a spirit or killed, I'll do it." She looked at Asran, then back to Nadia. "He would have done it for Astoria before she hurt him. Just tell me what to do."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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“You do not need to do much besides let your mind, and soul be open.” Nadia began to chant to summon a greater light spirit. Who would be able to easily manipulate the light magic inside Ayrie’s body to do the spell that would cure Asran.

However, Asran gently touched Ayrie looking at her with weak worried eyes. “Not, worth, it... You will regret it,” he spoke weakly. His memories of Astoria betraying him still plagued his mind. How even though he’d devoted himself to doing good. There would always be doubts in peoples minds that a demon can never ever change. Which was something he’d begun to believe as well.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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Ayrie looked down at Asran as he told her it wasn't worth it and smiled. "It's worth it if it means saving you. If it means righting the wrongs of the past." she looked back to Nadia, "You're sure the one you're calling will do the deed, right? I don't want to be possessed by something that thinks it can just take my body for a joy ride without doing what we want it to."

She sat down fully and closed her eyes, opening her mind and heart to whatever might be coming. Asran had said not to do it, that it wasn't worth it, but she knew that to save him she would take most risks. What had been done to him wasn't fair, and that Astoria got a second chance at life through Ayrie meant it was Ayrie's job to fix it. She had taken that thought very seriously over the last twelve hours, as she had stayed awake talking and thinking with the priests. The balance of the universe meant that she had to fix what her past self had done, even though she didn't feel it was her who had done it.

"I'm ready." Ayrie said to Nadia.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Nadia finished the summoning the creature was slender, and bipedal with white pearlescent skin, and ruby red eyes. “This creature I trust to get the job done right. But, it can be tricky to dismiss especially after tasting or experiencing anything of this world,” she said. Then looked to the spirit, and motioned to Ayrie. “Please help her to break the curse laid upon this demon.” The spirit walked over to Ayrie, and phased into her body.

The power that flowed through Ayrie was strong almost strangling. As it took control over her, and moved her body to look over the demon. Ayrie’s hand gently brushed over Asran’s armor making it crumble away. Then touched his skin Ayrie could hear the spirit croon a little at the skin contact. Then began to chant the reversal spell on Asran’s body.

Asran grimaced in pain as the runes began to glow gold, and then began lifting off of his skin. With it’s job done it debated leaving or not.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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Ayrie kept herself from panicking as the spirit engulfed her, using her to remove the curse and then pausing once it's task was complete. She didn't plead, only sent him the mental feeling of happiness that Asran was okay, gratitude to the spirit for helping him, and then longing to be with Asran herself as it had been a very long few days.

She then sent the thought, 'What is your name? I will praise you the rest of my days.' But she did not ask it to leave, not wanting to upset it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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The spirit tilted Ayrie’s head gently. It had never really been thanked before by the one it possessed. So it was rather confused, and mentally told Ayrie. ‘I do not have a name of my own. I have nothing your world offers.’ It then turned hearing Nadia preparing a banishment spell for the spirit making it hiss angrily. Fox like ears sprun from Ayrie’s head as the spirit’s hackles went up.

Asran moved quickly dismissing the magic Nadia was casting. With his curse gone he was able to reclaim some of the sea of might he’d once possessed. “Ayrie, if you wish to truly thank the spirit. Form a contract with it, do that and it can stay here. Do the things it cannot do while in its home plane which has nothing is nothing. Just an empty white void,” he said his voice was even stronger.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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Ayrie thought about this for a moment, considering her options.

'Wait, a deal my friend. I am in your debt, and I would like to repay it.' She thought at the spirit. 'I would like for you to stay here, as my friend,' She sent it the mental image of a fennec fox following her, helping her to perform magic and defeat monsters. 'I could even help you choose a name for yourself.'

She was still feeding it feelings of gratitude, and seeing Asran's strength returning she was truly grateful to the spirit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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The spirit was surprised this human would willingly form a contract with it? No one did because its kind was considered unruly, and hard to tame. But, at hearing her words and feeling her promise. ‘I agree to become your partner. Just dn’t go regretting it now.’ It then left her body forming a sphere, and then poofed into the form of a white fennec fox with solid ruby red eyes. It looked at her expectantly waiting for her to give it a name.

“Name it, and put your magic into your words. Just like Markus has been teaching you when casting any other spell. By giving it a name it signifies it’s connection to you,” Asran said smiling.
“Asran! Ayrie’s hardly ready to handle a fairy. Let alone a Komundi,” Nadia protested. Asran glared at Nadia strongly. “You don’t get to argue elf.” Nadia’s eyes widened, and then looked down ashamed. “We will talk about our history another time. For now, Ayrie, I will help you with this one should they become hard to handle.” Then offered a wink, and a smile.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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Ayrie sighed with relief when it left her, and looked at it for several moments trying to decide on a name. Remembering the feeling when it entered her body, she made her decision and smiled. It had been like a concert, the two of them working together to help Asran. Ayrie recalling the memory of the curse and the spirit using that and her power to remove it.

"Your name is Symphony." She said, putting power behind her words and feeling a bond form between them. The fennec stood and walked over to her, settling at her side.

"Don't be too mad at Nadia." Ayrie looked at Asran and smiled, then reached out to touch his arm where the runes had been before. "I'm so thankful that worked."

She then stood up, and almost fell over as she realized her legs were numb from sitting on the floor.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Seeing Ayrie falling Asran easily caught her. “Woah there, don’t go fainting on me now. I mean I know I have that affect on ladies, but I mean come on.” He smirked as he’d made a joke that it was after checking his body now removal of the curse. Asran was no longer feeling any exhaustion as his mana was now regenerating like it used to. Though the issue was that it was regenerating a little too quickly for his shields to keep up with. So he accidentally zapped Ayrie. Thankfully it was more a small spark than a live wire going off. Asran quickly separated, and chuckled in embarrassment. “Hah, sorry,” he said rubbing the back of his head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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Feeling the shock Ayrie jumped, Symphony growled a little but made no moves, just wanted Asran to know he wouldn't tolerate him hurting Ayrie.

"Well, that's one way to get the feeling back in my legs." Ayrie joked as he let her go. She moved over to the couch and settled down, not really caring much that the room was a wreck after everything that had happened. She felt exhausted, but happy that Asran was going to be okay now. "The priests will be returning soon, they were only going grocery shopping. Though I suppose we can call them ex-priests now, as they will surely be ex-communicated for helping me."

She looked at Wrath, who was visibly relieved at Asran's restoration. Ayrie wasn't sure how she would react to her now, whether she would still hate her for all the suffering Astoria had caused him. The only thing she was truly sure of was her desire to remove the former Angel, now God, from his place in the heavens.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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“Glad to help,” Asran said smirking. Then turned to Zatovia who ran up, and hugged him. Asran was surprised, but returned the hug. “I’m glad to see your okay.” She pulled away, and then punched him hard in the face. Making ASran yelp. “AND THAT IS FOR SCARING ME! I thought you were gonna die you asshole. Don’t do that! With you gone who’s gonna keep Pride in check?” Asran rubbed at his jaw a lightly. “That reminds me. With me back up, and running he’s going to become a giant pain in the ass.” Asran looked at Ayrie, and smiled at her. “But, it’s worth it knowing I’ve got my life back. As for the priests if they want they can retire here. I’ll supply them with a comfortable living space. Besides I’m pretty sure they’d not want to be worshipping the god that made me suffer for several centuries.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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Symphony jumped onto the couch and curled up next to Ayrie, funneling mana into her to help with her exhaustion. She felt as though she could sleep for days and jump for joy at the same time.

"So long as he gives us a few days to relax, I'm okay with the trade off." Ayrie said lightly. "I feel as though I've been hit by a herd of elephants and then dragged through the streets by a crazy taxi driver. I need a few nights of decent sleep!"

She pulled the bun out of her hair and ran her hands through it to lessen the tension on her head, then put her hand on Symphony's back, lightly scratching his fur.

'That feels nice, human.' the little fox thought at her, surprising her. He looked up at her, 'Our bond makes it so that I can speak to you in thoughts, if there's ever a time you do not want me to hear you, shield me out like this.'

He showed her with power how to shield him out, then relaxed and closed his red eyes.

Ayrie looked back to Asran, sighing. "They know about the God they serve, and his role in the curse. They have not yet divulged how he ascended, if they know, and I have yet to know that information. He should never have been allowed to ascend after what he did to that city, what he did to you!"

She was angry now, and her eyes flashed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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“I don’t know as to the how either. But, now that my curse is gone. I’m gonna topple that fake god, and raze his temples to the ground. As payment for all those years of suffering,” Asran said with a snarl. There was no stopping Asran’s wrath from reigning down on those affiliated with the god. The god that had stolen nearly everything from him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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Ayrie sympathized with how he felt, though she didn't want people who were innocent followers to be harmed. She didn't say anything though, not wanting to rile him up more.

"We will get him, Asran. I'll help you however I can. First, though, is anyone else hungry?" She asked, "I'm starved. I could use a large meal and some sleep." As if to accent her statement her stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten since the previous day, and that had been a quick meal before leaving the house. Since then she had been too nervous, busy, or drugged up with pain killers after being hurt to want food.

'I would like something to eat as well, Ayrie. I've not tasted anything in a long time.' Symphony thought at her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Asran’s temper cooled as he looked to Ayrie. He was grateful for her words that she was willing to let him get back at that god. Though of course he wasn’t going to hurt innocent children. But, the adults who grew up worshiping the god were all getting eaten. As payment for his suffering. “Huh, well then I guess I’ll cook. I’m pretty hungry myself after all,” he said.

Nadia looked at Asran wanting to go too as did Wrath. As lord gluttony he’d perfected his cooking skills, and there was only a few that could match him in the world. The total of which you could easily count on your fingers. “I’m only cooking for Symphony, and Ayrie. They actually saved my ass.” The two women looked like their hearts just got shattered. Then side by side they sulked off.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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Ayrie felt bad for Wrath and Nadia, as they had helped her to know what to do, but she was also thankful for some time alone with just Asran. Her brain was fairly well fried and excess conversation with the other two women would likely make her unnecessarily awkward.

"You cook?" She asked, a bit surprised. As she thought about it though it made sense that the Lord of Gluttony also knew how to cook. She stretched her legs and got up to write a note for the priests. She didn't say where she was, only that she would be back later that night. "I'll be right back, Asran."

She went into her room, thinking she shut the door behind her but not quite catching the latch. It slowly cracked open, leaving it visible slightly to the living area. She took off her sweaty top and skirt, and took a clean cotton dress from her wardrobe to change into, then went to the small wash table she had and wiped herself down with a clean wet rag. She added a bit of rose scented perfume behind her ears and on her wrists, then pulled the purple cotton dress over her head. She brushed out her hair and slid a length of cloth over it, tying it like a headband. She wasn't trying to impress, she just wanted to feel comfortable.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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“Of course I cook. I spent the years before creating Cornopa traveling the world tasting, and learning to cook various dishes. When I got here I started perfecting them, and establishing trade routes to ensure I’d always have the spices, and meats I love.” Asran offered Ayrie a proud thumbs up. “Plus it’s a hobby of mine, along with fishing, and gardening so I don’t go bonkers. Being immortal comes with it’s own challenges.”

While Ayrie got ready Asran worked on his mana control. Having this much mana after such a long time without it was a bit of a strain. Though he remembered the feel, and finally he managed to fully control the magic that was still slowly filling his body.

When Ayrie came out he smiled at her. Then lead her to the main streets to hail a taxi. He told the driver where to go, and they drove off a long way. Eventually leaving the city eventually going up a hill, the hill, Ayrie saw an old stone statue dedicated to Astoria’s memory. Even though she’d shattered his heart he still loved her. As he’d taught him so much. Though as they passed on instinct Asran looked out the opposite window.

Finally they arrived at Asran’s home, a beautiful two story home. That had an old Victorian wooden look while also having some modern inspiration. “Well.... This is it,” he said. Then got out, and helped Ayrie out of the car.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Arreyis
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Arreyis The Crafty Dwarf

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When she saw the statue she looked at him, but he was looking away from her. She resisted the urge to say anything, instead just looking ahead. This was the farthest she had been in the city, and many things she had seen were new to her, though the statue had been a surprise.

Ayrie accepted his help to get out, looking up at the house as she did so. It was beautiful, reminding her of stories she had read as a child about children discovering wonderful mysteries.

"You have a lovely home." She said, looking back to him. Symphony jumped out of the car behind her and twirled around her legs, impatient.
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