Hidden 8 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Niccia gave a chuckle to Michaels' words as she watched the food stir in the pot slowly. "I'm glad they seem to like you." She said with a bit of a laugh, "I thought they'd get angry at me for settling with a human." She leaned her head against his shoulder as she glanced around as Bear gave the food out. "I think it has happened in the past; but Arceus has always been a bit protective of me."

Soul smiled to Bear as he placed the food down and moved to settle properly on his belly. He'd wait until the smaller Pokemon had had their fill; he could wait to eat, it wasn't a problem.
Eros looked to the bowl of food before he jumped at Lytse's voice, startled by the Cyndaquils voice and presence. He looked towards the food again and stepped towards it as he watched the little fire type eat. "I've only really had berries all my life." Eros said as he moved down to take a piece of food with his hoof and looked at it, hesitant to try and eat it.

Missy and Sparky both ran over to Harry and Saruya as a bowl was placed in front of them, both of the smaller pokemon making their was physically over the larger pokemon to try and get to their food.
"Girls, play nice." Niccia called out softly, which caused Sparky to topple off of Harry and onto her back, playing dead.
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Loksfjoer
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As the Pokémon received their meals, Michael started to fill some bowls for the humans and human-like legendaries. Andy collected his and Michael glanced around to see wmere Gavin and Frosiien were, but he didn't see the human Articuno anywhere.
"Just protective in general, or More protective of you than any of the others?" he asked as he handed her the food.

"We can try and find some berries for you if you like," Lytse offered after he nibbled on the first piece. "But this isn't bad, really. I mean, it's not like fresh berries of course, but you can taste they used real berries in this and it fills you up. He finished his first piece and moved in for a second. "They have so many variants and in this way it doesn't spoil as fast as real berries do. Humans tend to lose their connection with nature, but they're pretty smart sometimes."

"Come on, you two," Saryua told Missy and Sparky. "Time to eat, there is plenty for both of you.". Like Soul she decided to wait until the small Pokémon had enough and she would eat afterwards.
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Gavin walked over to the campfire after a while of standing off on his own before he settled down beside Michael with a bit of a sigh. He flinched when Michael handed him a bowl and gave a soft thank you, but other than that, he stayed silent.
Niccia took her food with a small smile, "Protective of me more than most of the others." She admitted as she moved to take a mouthful of food, wriggling happily at the taste of the warm food. "He's a bit iffy with the other Mythicals, but he made mew as the base of the other pokemon species. So he doesn't want that 'purity', more so power, corrupted."

"It is good. You get all the nutrients needed." Soul added with a small smile, as Eros moved to put the pallet in his mouth as he chewed quietly. He stayed quiet as he swallowed his mouthful before nodding once. Eros stayed quiet as he looked down towards the bowl of food before his tail twitched softly. "You like it, huh?" Soul added with a grin.
Eros nodded and started to eat more pallets excitedly. Soul couldn't help but smile before he looked to Lytse. "Always gets them." He added with a bit of a wink, "I had a feeling he'd end up liking it over the stuff that he would have eaten with his father."

Missy and Sparky immediately put their snouts into their bowl and started to eat quickly, Missy moving to push her head against Sparky's to try and get more food, the other little pokemon pushing back as they playfully growled at each other. Niccia looked over to Saruya with a weak smile, "I'm sorry for them." She said softly, "Sparky will play games with basically everything."
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Michael nodded to show he had listened, but it was a difficult subject to fully understand. Especially with the baby Mew that had hatched. Maybe it wasn't needed to fully understand it, as long as he got the most important things. If Arceus was afraid of Niccia being corrupted, he had to look after her. His thoughts went, against his will, to Darkrai. What if Darkrai got her? He shuddered, having been Darkrai's prisoner wasn't a pleasant memory, and certainly not a situation he wanted Niccia to endure.
He finished his food in silent thought.

Andy sat down next to Gavin, but didn't disturb his meal. He just ate in silence next to him, glancing to his Pokémon who all seemed to enjoy their meals.

"It's okay," Saruya said to Niccia. "Let them play, it will make them stronger." She watched all the small Pokémon eat to ensure they all got their fill. She looked up when Bear placed a bowl in front of her.
"We have enough, no need to wait.". He said the same to Soul as he gave him a portion for himself as well. He, the fast eater that he was, had already finished his and wandered around a bit to find something to do.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Niccia looked over to Saruya as she spoke to her, giving the Arcanine a gentle smile before she leaned against Michael softly as she finished off her food. She breathed out slowly as she closed her eyes for a moment. Today had been a lot, at least the confrontation with Necrozoma didn't turn too dangerous. She was glad she could de-escalate the things rather easily.
She was rather glad that she was able to get Eros to come with her, the poor thing deserved more than just staying around his father in a field of nothingness all day.

Gavin glanced to Andy slightly as he sat down beside him, he stayed quiet as he ate before he looked to the sky to see if he could see Frosiien anywhere, there was still no sign of her. He couldn't help but furrow his brow, but he'd go to find her if he needed to.

Soul bowed his head silently to Bear as he was given more food, moving to eat happily with a sway of his tail. He occasionally looked up to Missy and Sparky as they ate and play-fought. Harry gave a bit of a yawn as he had eaten his fill, moving to stand up so he could stretch his body out properly.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Loksfjoer
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The ever-energetic Primeape started jogging around the camp. Merlin watched him go and sighed.
"You two can't catch me!" he said when he noticed the small ones doing more playing than eating.

Netherlu joined Gavin and Andy. "Mgoof stuff," he said with his mouthful, eating of the heated up meal Michael had prepared. "You humans lack a lot of strength, but your innovation in technology and food is admirable." He glanced at the sky when Gavin did as well. "The sky is pretty, but it's too dark for me to fly. I like the sun on my feathers. I'm most stunning when the sun is orange and close to the horizon."
"I'd say my brother agrees," Andy commented. "He saw you flying once."
"It wouldn't be fair to not show myself to humans from time to time. Everyone needs some beauty in their life."
"Would you believe it that when I expressed a similar sentiment, after professor Maple said "I see you finally showed yourself again", her reaction was a glare and "get back to work"?"
Netherlu gasped and took Andy's shoulder. "She should feel blessed to have you around."
"I told her that! Then she sent her Haunter after me."
Netherlu laughed.

Michael saw Niccia close her eyes. "Tired?" he asked. "It was a busy day."
He knew he could sleep, although he wasn't sure what time it was. On the other hand, it didn't matter. He turned to Eros. "I bet you never slept outside yet. Do you think you'll manage?"
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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As Bear called out too the younger pokemon, Sparky's ears pricked up as she pulled her face away from the food before she glanced to Missy, who looked up towards Sparky. They two of them seemed to grin to each other before they both darted towards Bear quickly; Missy using her Raikou Ancestry to sprint faster than Sparky. Sparky wasn't too bothered by Missy's speed, she was more than happy just to run around again.

Gavin glanced over to Netherlu as he came over and sat beside him. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a bit of an inward breath before he tried to relax himself. "Human food is usually more superior than Pokemon-made food." He nodded in agreement before he rolled his eyes as Netherlu spoke about flight and himself again.
"I enjoy watching the stars." Gavin spoke softly, "A clear night is perfect to stare up at the moon and the stars."

Niccia nodded to Michaels' words and kept her eyes closed for now. "It's been a big day." She said gently. She stayed silent as she listened to Michael talk to Eros.
Eros paused and looked up towards the human male as he chewed on the food in his mouth for a moment. "I have slept 'outside', but never out in the wild." He said with a small nod.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Loksfjoer
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When Bear noticed the two young ones had fallen for his challenge he grinned and ran harder. With his two legs he wasn't faster than Sparky and Missy on their four legs, but he was able to stay ahead of them for a bit.

Netherlu looked up at the moon and the stars. "I like the sun better," he said. "The light, the heat, the colour. Nights are cold and dead to me. I'm not a fan."
"How does Lugia feel about the night?" Andy asked, looking from Netherlu to Gavin. "Since Arceus is big on balance, do Ho-oh and Lugia represent opposites? Water/Fire, Cold/Heat, Sun/Moon? I bet Lugia will be stunning when the silver moonlights reflects from her body."
"Oh, that last part is certainly true," Netherlu said. "If she flies over the ocean with the moon on her back, she emits a mysterious beauty that I'm sure she's not aware of." He turned to Gavin for back-up. "Right? Or have you never seen her fly in that setting?"

"We should sleep next to Saruya," Lytse said to Eros. "She big and fluffy and warm, you'll like it!"
Michael nodded to the idea, the Arcanine was great to snuggle against and she had a caring nature. "I'm going to clean the pot and the bowls we used," he said to Niccia. "If I wait until the morning it's going to be a lot harder to get it clean."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Sparky and Missy kept chasing after Bear, Sparky just a bit faster than the Poochyena. The Glitter-Bug Pokemon moved to leap onto a branch and try to tackle towards Bear playfully, narrowly missing his body but she grabbed onto his leg. Missy chuckled as she tried to push herself even more to catch up to the two of them.

Gavin listened to Netherlu and Andy for a moment, he nodded as Andy mentioned Arceus being big on balance. "It's more like Guardian of Skies, Guardian of Seas." He added with a small smile, "Since we have Lunala and Solgeleo for Sun and Moon, and as humans tend to get wrong, Lugia isn't actually a water type." He breathed out softly as he looked back to the sky before he looked over to Netherlu asked if he'd seen Lugia like that.
"Sadly I haven't seen her like that." He admitted, "Frosiien likely would have seen it, so when she gets back you can pick her brain about that." He chuckled, "Before all the stuff happened with Darkrai, I was mainly kept in a cave; Arceus being 'disgusted' with a 'human-made' pokemon." He rolled his eyes, mainly in anger.

Eros looked to Lytse and hesitated, before he gave a small nod before he looked around slowly. "Which one is Saruya?" He asked after a moment of silence, his little tail twitching slightly from his confusion.
Niccia looked up at Michael as she pulled away from him slightly and nodded, "Good idea." She said with a smile, "Did you need any help?" She asked quietly.

Soul had walked over towards the three humanoid males, settling down with them as he listened to their conversation. "Lugia is Gorgeous in the moonlight." He agreed quietly, "But seeing her as she clears off a raging storm over the seas is fantastic. The sunlight through the clouds clearing and the falling rain glimmering against her body. I'd wager she can also create rainbows around her like you can, Netherlu." The Absol laughed gently.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Loksfjoer
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With a sudden weight on his leg, Bear tripped, fell and rolled on his back. "Ah, you got me!" he exclaimed with his fists dramatically in the air. "I cannot win, I have been defeated!"

"We make educated guesses when it comes to the types of most legendary Pokémon," Andy admitted. "Only some have been proven through close encounters. Some are pretty easy to guess." He grinned. "Moltres is obviously a rock type, right?"
"Almost correct," Netherlu said with a chuckle, before turning to Gavin. "It's awful you were locked up like that. While Arceus created us, I'm willing to admit some of his views are not in line with my own. Every Pokémon should be free to go where they please, including accepting a Pokéball. No-one should be kept somewhere against their will."

"That's fine, I'll manage," Michael assured her and he started going around to collect everything that needed to be cleaned. Merlin and Anthony joined him.
"There is a stream in that direction," the Noctowl informed him, pointing with his wing.
"I'll join you," Anthony said, "I saw it too."

With the pot, bowls and spoons Michael left the others and Anthony showed him where he had to go.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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When Bear fell down, Missy leapt up onto him after her rolled onto his back and sat on his chest with a wag of her tail. "Gotcha!" Missy barked happily before Sparky let go of Bears foot and tackled Missy off of Bears chest.

Gavin didn't really laugh at Andy's joke, but Soul did. Gavin looked to Netherlu as he mentioned about him being locked up and gave a small shrug. "Arceus does these things for a reason." He said as he sighed, "He allowed the humans to lock up the Regi's out of fear. His views are a bit skewed but he's the most powerful; arguing against him would be ill-advised."
Soul frowned slightly at Gavins' words before he looked to Netherlu, "Did you have to Ask Arceus to revive the beasts?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

Niccia looked up towards Michael as he stood up and gave a small nod. "Be safe." She said gently, "If you need me, just send one of the boys back." She glanced towards Lytse and Eros as they walked over to Saruya to cuddle into her.

Frosiien had settled down at the river that Michael was going to head to, staying in her pokemon form as she moved to step into the river and started to wash her feathers.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Bear took both Pokémon under his arms, got up and jogged around holding them.

Netherlu nodded to Gavin and then turned to Soul. "Arceus does what Arceus does. I don't know for sure if it was me who did it or if Arceus helped me to resurrect the beasts, but I didn't ask. I just felt so much compassion for them and the sadness of the people who grieved them, and I felt my sacred fire burn, and that's how Entei, Suicune and Raikou came to be. My children." He turned to Gavin. "Of course I know better than to question Arceus openly, but he made me the freedom-loving beautiful bird I am, so he will have to deal with it if I disagree with locking anyone up."

Michael reached the river and saw Articuno wash herself. He walked alongside the river for a bit until he was downstream of her, so none of the filth he'd remove would flow in her direction. He started washing the dishes. He wasn't sure if watching Articuno clean herself was disrespectful or not, so he kept his eyes on what he was doing just in case.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Missy and Sparky both let out laughter as Bear picked them up and started to jog around with them. The smaller Pokemon enjoyed the Primape's excitement.

Soul nodded quietly at Netherlu's answer about the Tower Beasts. "They are lucky to have a compassionate father like you." He said with a small smile before he looked to the sky for a moment.
Gavin listened to everyone talk before he looked towards Netherlu as he spoke about questioning Arceus. "I don't advise about questioning Arceus." He said with a hollow laugh, "That's how I got given this form." He continued with a small sigh, closing his eyes, "I'm sure he has a plan, it just doesn't help that he's very secretive and leaves more questions than he answers."

Frosiien shook herself as she had finished properly cleaning herself, she had heard footsteps and she looked over towards Michael as he was cleaning. She stepped out of the river quietly, shifting to her humanoid form as she exited the water and moved to join Michael. "I hope I'm not intruding?" She asked softly.

A pair of eyes stared towards Michael and Frosiien from the trees, yellow eyes glimmering in the starlight as they stared towards the two humans, before they focused solely on Frosiien. They slunk across the shadows quietly, moving to gently touch the long dress that Frosiien was wearing, letting out an audible gasp as they touched it.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Loksfjoer
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When Bear was tired he put the two Pokémon down again and sat down. Kim joined them. "Had a good time?" she asked Sparky and Missy.

Netherlu turned to Gavin and nodded. "He can be harsh, but we all understand he has his reasons. And that it's foolish to engage in a discussion with him. Some things I say here I wouldn't say with others." He sat up straight. "Anyhow, is there desert? I heard a lot of good things about deserts."

"I didn't pack any, because deserts don't last long unrefrigerated. I promise to buy you some in the next city." Andy turned to Gavin. "You've walked around long enough, what's your favourite desert?'

Michael looked up when Frosiien joined him. "No!, not at all!" he assured her. "I'm just doing some cleaning. I saved a bowl for you if you're hungry."
When Michael heard the gasp he looked around, it didn't sound like his Pokémon and he hadn't heard anyone get close before that.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Missy immediately face-planted in front of Kim as she sat down with Bear, Sparky only leaping on top of her and made the Poochyena squeak in response. The Bite Pokemon was obviously exhausted, while the experimented Pokemon seemed to have much more energy remaining.
"THAT WAS SO FUN!" Sparky said loudly, causing Missy to flinch and push her off. "Hey! Stop being mean to me!" She grumbled, getting slapped by Missy's front paw.
"Shush. It's darkness, it's quiet time." Missy grumbled.

Gavin nodded at Netherlu's words as he spoke about their father, but he stayed silent while the Ho-Oh spoke to Andy about Dessert. When Andy turned to him and spoke to him he froze up, blinking slightly. "Oh." He started quietly, "Admitted I am... Not sure. I never really felt like trying human food, even in this form." He smiled sheepishly.

Frosiien gave a soft smile to Michael as he spoke to her. "That's very kind of you." She said softly, she was about to say something before she heard the gasp and turned towards the trees. "Who goes there!" She called out powerfully, moving to stand at her full humanoid height, if it was a pokemon, they'd still know who she really was.
"Sorry!" A voice spoke from the trees as a small figure stepped out from the trees.

They were short in stature, their green body camouflaging them against the woods behind them. Their large, bright yellow eyes glimmered towards Michael and Frosiien. "Sorry, I heard you talking and cleaning and I had to come see who you were!" The Ogerpon spoke softly, Frosiien blinked and looked towards the smaller legendary.
"You are not from here?" Frosiien asked softly, the small Pokemon shook her head quickly.
"I'm Visiting! I missed StarFall so I wanted to explore before I try and go home!"
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