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Lucien kept close to Faolan as they walked through the city, but they were now going at a much slower pace, so he was able to take in the buildings and the things around them so he could memorize them for later. He wanted to make sure he wouldn't get lost if he was allowed out on his own. The man was hopeful. He glanced up at Faolan as he spoke, letting out a small, sheepish chuckle.

"It's not too bad if it's something you've become accustomed to." For a moment, that was really all he was planning to say but.. that was not really true anymore. His experiences on the ship, seeing this new town, and meeting someone who lived a life completely opposing to his.. he couldn't help but wish he could do the same, go out and explore the world. "But.. I admit getting to see all the things I've been missing is making that harder.. I'm a little envious of you." The words had escaped him before he had been able to think twice about them.

It was strange, because normally he would have avoided mentioning anything that would suggest he hated the kind of life he lead right now. He didn't want pity, and he also didn't want people to begin to suspect that something wasn't right. After all, if one didn't like the way they were living their life, then wouldn't they just leave? It wouldn't be the first time that thought had crossed his mind but.. there was a part of him that felt insecure of doing so, of going out and facing the world alone, considering the amount of problems that had surfaced in such a small enclosed space like that ship. What other problems could follow him out into the world? He didn't know, and not knowing discouraged him.
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Faolan's eyes widened as he glanced down at Lucien and he paused in his response to process what he'd heard. Envious? Of him? Lucien didn't know what he was saying, that was clear, but still...he knew part of what Faolan had been through just by seeing the scars on his back. Details were unknown to him, of course, but it was obvious to anyone who looked at the Irishman that he had no had an easy life. Freedom for him had come at a cost.

"Oh, lad, go away out of that. I've had my fair share of scrapes. Travel is all well an' good, but stayin' home is the safer bet." He couldn't say that he was envious of Lucien, but he could see the sense in a sedentary life. Faolan moved because he had to, not because he wanted to. If he had his way, he'd own a place of his own somewhere in a field, far away from cities and people. That just wasn't in the cards for him.

"'You have to make the best of your lot.' ...Somethin' me da used to say." He said quietly, for some reason, memories of his past kept surfacing for him today.
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Lucien glanced up at Faolan briefly before he averted his gaze. He had spoken without thinking, and now he felt a little bad about it. Thinking back.. he recalled all those scars he had seen on the man back on the ship. Faolan clearly had his fair share of hardships. In his feelings of jealousy for his ability to be able to travel as he pleased, he had almost forgotten that.

"I'm sorry.. That was insensitive of me." He muttered, knowing he was probably right. His words had only discouraged him further. After all, Faolan clearly knew way more about the world than he did, and the dangers it held. Maybe if.. he dedicated some time to learning more about the way people lived and how things worked for them out there.. maybe that would help him make it out there, but he felt like that would take too much time. He had already spent twenty years of his life isolated from the world. Now that he had gotten a taste of the outside.. holding back on wanting to go out there and see it for himself was hard.

Lucien let out a sigh. "My lot huh.." He said quietly. "Continuing as I am would probably mean I'd end up becoming a priest or something of the sort.. I remember hearing the head priest back home talking about that." He didn't sound extremely excited about it. After all he didn't really follow their religion to the dot. He had his own view on things, and he didn't think the occupation suited him, but the head priest thought otherwise. After all with his ability and origin.. he would make the perfect priest in their eyes, and that way he would stay secluded from the world, and his abilities would never be discovered. The man shook his head, unsure of why he had even bothered to bring it up. Perhaps he simply wanted someone to complain to.. someone that wasn't part of the church already.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to continue to complain. I should be grateful they've taken me in here.. I probably sound like a spoiled brat.." Before he most likely would not have thought twice about it. He would have had faith in the priests and what they thought what was best for him, and went along with what they had wanted but.. it was just hard to do that now. He wished he didn't have to worry about these things.. that he had been born an ordinary human, that way he could have done with his life as he pleased. Things simply did not turn out that way. He'd just.. have to accept the way things were.
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Faolan shook his head at Lucien's response, but let him finish his thoughts before he interjected. It was never Faolan's intention to make the lad feel guilt or sorry that he had spoken. He was starting to see exactly what a life of isolation had done to the Frenchman. He felt trapped, quarantined in the name of protection. Faolan's heart was calling out to that suffering, a pain he had never known was to be trapped in one spot, fiercely protected in the way that Lucien was. In some ways, the lad was lucky, yes. He had a roof, men who cared for his well being genuinely and would protect him with everything they had, or at least that's how it seemed. It was more than most could ever ask for, but he also needed to realize that "his lot" wasn't what he was born with. Hell, Faolan's own life had changed years ago, and when he was just sixteen. He was forced to adopt his current way of living, and while there were growing pains, he knew it was something that he had to do to keep others safe. Faolan had played the protector his whole life, so he understood the priest's plight, but he also valued freedom above all else, and new it was what Lucien longer for. He could hear it in his voice.

He stopped walking and turned to Lucien, his expression different than he had shown before. His face had softened, and his eyes were locked on the Frenchman's as he spoke, a rare occurrence as Faolan hardly ever made eye contact.

"Stop apologizin' for things that ain't yer fault, lad." He began, and though his words were solid and harsh, his tone was soft, "You've got a lot of things that others wish for, sure, but there's no need for feelin' guilty. You've done the best with what you have, aye. But, you said it yourself, you're twenty goddamn years old. If you want to stay here and be a priest, do it if it'll make you happy. But if, and only if it's what you want to do. You can't spend your whole life pleasing others. Just because they want somethin' for ya' doesn't mean it's right. Your lot is what you make it...so make it something to be proud of."

It had all come flowing out of him before he realized it. And what exactly had made him go all high and mighty on the lad? He had no notion, but at least the two were alone on the street when his conscience decided to take over. It was then that he realized that he and Lucien were friends, seemingly without him ever knowing it.
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Lucien was a little taken a back by Faolan's words, even more so the expression the man currently wore. It was.. a little eye opening for him. No one had ever told him to do what he wanted to do. The things that were best for him had always been suggested by other people. From the moment he was born, he had been given no decision on how to live his own life. Taken from his mother because some policemen thought it was what was best for the newborn child, raised within the walls of a church because it kept him safe. Sent away to America to avoid becoming endangered during the war.. Every single decision he had no say in, but for the first time, someone was telling him to do whatever it was would make him happy. Perhaps that's what he had been hoping for someone to tell him this entire time. To validate the feelings of longing he had for freedom.. to assure him that what he wanted wasn't wrong.. or selfish.

The nephilim felt tears whell up in his eyes, and without a second thought, he wrapped his arms around Faolan in a tight hug. "Thank you.." He said quietly. It was after a moment of this that he realized Faolan might not be comfortable with this action, and quickly let go. He had momentarily felt a bit overwhelmed by his feeling of acceptance.

"I'm sorry it's just.. no one's ever said that to me before.." He wiped away his tears as he spoke, a little embarrassed he had allowed himself to get so emotional. It was just.. hearing something like this for the first time.. it meant a lot to him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan was taken so aback by the sudden personal contact with Lucien that he didn't know how to react. He raised his arms as if avoiding the lad, and stood still there for a moment, before awkwardly patting the Frenchman on the shoulder. He felt his cheeks becoming hot with embarrassment and his eyes darted around to make sure they were still alone. Luckily, they were.

Once Lucien let go, he realized he was holding his breath, and let it out slowly once they were apart again. It had been a long time since anyone had attempted touch in a nonviolent manner towards him, he was a little put off by it, although it wasn't entirely unwelcome...

He tried to stamp these confusing thoughts from his mind as Lucien continued to speak. Apologizing again... he thought, and almost voiced it, but when he saw the young man wiping tears from his eyes, he couldn't bring himself to scold him again. He looked around, not wanting to stare, and said quietly, "Well, I didn't mean to upset ya' or anything..."

"No, no, I'm not upset," Lucien responded, his eyes glistening in the afternoon light, "I'm...happy." He smiled up at Faolan despite the tears.

There was a moment of awkward silence, and someone walked out of the house on the opposite side of the street as them. "C'mon, we're burnin' daylight." He nodded toward the direction of the docks, and began to slowly walk that way, hoping that Lucien would follow.


Follow he did, and the two made their way to the docks. Unfortunately for Faolan, there was little in the way of work to be had for this day. He was advised to try the next dawn, and was given a couple of names to try. Down, but not out, the two returned to the house, taking the long way to see as much of town as possible.

Over the next three or four days, the three men of the household adopted a daily routine. Faolan found some odd work at the docks unloading shipments and doing short transports. The pay wasn't high, but it was better than nothing. In addition, he took a night job at a sailor's pub, which had better pay but a worse smell. He would take dead fish and rotten fruit over the bodily excretions of sailors any day.

Lucien spent most of his time at the church with Father Cyril, studying. Now that Faolan had a job, he couldn't take Lucien out with him except to run short errands. The two saw little of each other during this time, but the three of them were always together and awake for supper.

On the fourth day of their stay with the priest, Faolan had fallen asleep on the couch after his return from his dock work. This sleep was usually good, if short, but this time he found himself awakening early to the sound of Lucien and the priest talking. At first, he tried to ignore it and fall asleep again, but the subject of their conversation prevented him from finding a restful sleep...
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Lucien quickly shook his head as Faolan spoke, not wanting him to misunderstand. The man's words had truly meant a lot to him, and really had made him happy. To not make things awkward, he was quick to drop the subject, and simply allowed the conversation to end, following Faolan to the docks. Unfortunately the man wasn't able to find work today, but they made the best of their outing by trying to take in as much of the colorful town as he could, until they finally made their way home.


Over the series of the next few days, he could clearly see how hard Faolan was working, having taken on two jobs. Part of him felt bad for how little rest he would get. Whenever he was able or happened to wake up on time, the nephilim would attempt to leave him some food to take with him in the mornings for breakfast, usually beignets or a croissant sandwich, since it was one of the few things he knew how to make and prepare. He hoped it would help give him a bit more energy for his work.

Today was one of the days Lucien had stayed home instead of going to the church. He knew Faolan had returned, but he had seemed really tired today, so he decided not to bother him. He had been reading a book to pass the time when Father Cyril walked into his small room.

"Lucien, I truly admire your dedication to your studies and reading. I figure maybe now is about time I start giving you these other books that will teach you more about the life of a priest. Father Thomas told me that you had already studied some of the subjects, and you've reached a good age for beginning the process. I've spoken to the head of the catholic school here, and he said he'd allow us to home school you, so the risk of exposure is lower." He handed Lucien the books as he spoke. It took a bit for the nephilim to register Father Cyril's words as he glanced down at the books he held. Religious texts, some he had already seen before but others appeared more advanced, philosophical ones. He replayed what the priest had said in his head. Homeschooling? Priesthood? Already? Honestly the idea of being able to go to school had been more appealing to the man, but hearing he'd be home schooled instead took that potential excitement away. What was the point if he still had to stay locked in like this? He set the books to the side, his expression filled with hesitation as he tried to find the right words.

"Father Cyril I... what if.. I.. decide not to become one..?" He asked quietly. These last few days had given him more time to think about it.. and honestly the idea had become less and less appealing each time. The priest seemed surprised with this response.

"Why Lucien.. why wouldn't you? Priests are one of the closest people to God.. You.. being what you are.. and the divinity you hold.. think of how many people you could help guide to the right path. The comfort you could give them.."

It was hard for Lucien to summon the bravery to speak up against this. For a moment it made him feel selfish again, for making this decision but.. he thought of Faolan's words.. and was reminded of the encouragement he was given to do what he wanted to do.

"I.. understand that but.. I feel like I could do so much more out there. Please don't get me wrong, I am truly grateful for Father Thomas taking me in as a child and keeping me safe but.. I think I am old enough to attempt to look out for myself. I.. can't even be hurt, and I've learned a lot about how the world works.. I'd like to think I'm not as naive as before.." He trailed off, afraid to meet Father Cyril's gaze.

"Lucien.. I don't blame you for feeling like this but.. think about the dangers. There are people out there that would exploit your abilities without a second thought. That was why Father Thomas sent you away in the first place, with how tense the situation was getting in France. He didn't want to endanger you, and truly believes staying here is the best way for no one to ever find out about you. Your father entrusted them with the task of keeping you safe, and since then they've only tried to do what was best for you."

Lucien's gaze remained lowered. He couldn't even deny his words, after all on the ship he had already exposed his ability to heal to Faolan, and had gotten himself into trouble on top of that. Who knew if he would be able to keep his identity hidden if he went out there on his own but.. he didn't want to give up on that hope.

"I-I know.. I.. know that my father wanted them to keep watch over me and I appreciate that.. but I never even got to meet him, or ask what his plans were for me. In the last twenty years he never even appeared before them or me again. I don't.. resent him for it but.. because I understand why, but do you really think he wanted me to stay cloistered for my entire life? Maybe.. it was only meant to be until I could take care of myself. Is.. that really so wrong? What.. is the point of having wings if you are not able to use them to fly?" He asked quietly.

Father Cyril shook his head, letting out a heavy sigh. "You know very well what doing that would do. I'm sorry Lucien, I sympathize with you, I truly do.. but I can't let you go off on a journey by yourself with no one to look out for you or guarantee your safety. Specially not when the church in France entrusted me with your safety. I'm sorry, but I am needed back at the church, we can continue this conversation another time." The priest's voice was stern, and didn't leave room for disagreement. With that, he left the room.

Lucien was silent as he left, completely dejected. Was this really what his father had wanted for him? Did he even care to follow that? This.. wasn't the life he wanted for himself. He wanted to spread his wings and see the world.. why couldn't Father Cyril understand that? They were being unreasonably too overprotective of him, but the worry of the defiance and ungratefulness he might show if he decided to ignore their words and just leave haunted him. He simply did not know what to do anymore.
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Faolan listened to the entirety of the argument between Lucien and Father Cyril. Try though he might, he could not block their voices out. Though Lucien had commented on his sense of smell, which was indeed his best sense, he had never noticed how good Faolan's hearing was as well. Though, Faolan wasn't sure if he wanted to stop listening for himself or for Lucien. The lad may be embarrassed if he knew Faolan could hear him, but the Irishman felt a surge of pride as Lucien stood up for himself. Though his plea had been rejected by the Priest, he had at least tried. This could undoubtedly go either way. Though, Father Cyril had been right...in the real world, outside these walls, there would no on to look out for Lucien. He would be entirely alone. Although he was smart, especially for someone who had been imprisoned his whole life, he was naive, and didn't know how to defend himself. Faolan could see only two options: the Frenchman stays here with the Priest, or the Irishman takes him along when he leaves.

Made restless by these thoughts, he rolled over as the Priest walked out of the house, facing the back of the couch. It was going to be a long night.


The next two days passed relatively the same as they had since the pair had arrived. It had now been a week, and between the two jobs Faolan was working, he had managed to save enough to move along. Lucien had been quiet, kept to himself for the last few days. All three of them knew why, but the issue was not brought up or spoken of. Faolan thought it best to stay out of other people's business, but he was worried that Lucien's conversation with the priest had completely crushed his spirit. The Irishman could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice even though he spoke little.

During supper, Faolan watched Lucien push his food around on his plate. His eyes distant, and sad. Father Cyril was eating, quite vigorously, but would not look at his charge, and the two had not exchanged more than two or three words in Faolan's presence. Something had to be done, this was beginning to get uncomfortable, and Faolan wasn't leaving for another two days. So, he decided to speak up.

"I'm ehm," he cleared his throat as he continued to eat, "Leavin'." He finished, glancing up at Father Cyril. "Day after tomorrow." He turned his eyes to Lucien, but only briefly. "Thought I'd say somethin', in case you had more work that needs doing 'round here before I move along."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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The next few days had been hard for Lucien. There had been a part of him that had wanted to bring up the subject again but.. he didn't have a different argument to make, and he knew he'd be shut down just the same. It kept the man quiet, with a lack of appetite. He still managed to eat his food, as to not be wasteful, but it certainly wasn't with as much vigor as before. It was Faolan's breakage of the silence that snapped Lucien out of his thoughts.

His eyes narrowed slightly, gaze lifting to look at the Irishman. He was leaving? So soon? Sure.. he knew this time would come eventually but.. hearing him say it for himself was a big awakening. To think he had spent the last few days in dejection.. hardly speaking to anyone. The time he had wasted.. and now Faolan's departure was just around the corner. He wanted to tell him not to go, but he held his tongue. It wasn't his place to say that to him, but he felt an increasing sense of loneliness.

Once Faolan was gone, what was left for him here? The irishman was the one who had given him the courage to speak up in the first place. With him gone.. he felt like he might easily succumb to the life they wanted for him. Ending up living the life of priesthood.. It seemed that's what was on track for him already.. considering he no longer had the will to bring it up again.

Father Cyril raised his eyebrows. "Oh, I see. I will be sure to check in with the church to see if there's anything else to be done." He told him.

Lucien remained quiet, finishing his food and excusing himself. He heard Father Cyril leave after dinner, most likely to check in on any last things he had wanted Faolan to do. This left Lucien to his thoughts. If these last few days had told him anything.. it was that he knew this wasn't the kind of life he wanted. Just thinking about it made him feel miserable, and the tension in the house only made it worse. How long would that last? He felt the only way would be to agree to what the priests wanted for him, but would he do it at the cost of his freedom? No.. he didn't want to make that sacrifice. He knew it was selfish but, he just couldn't live like this anymore.

The nephilim left his small room and walked out into the livingroom where Faolan was. There was a moment of hesitation before he spoke, but he knew he had to. If.. Faolan said no to his request then he would have to figure things out on his own, but he really hoped it didn't come to that.

"Faolan.." He called out. "Would.. it be possible for you to take me with you..? When you leave?" He asked, his voice holding a sliver of hope.

"I-It's okay if you say no.. I just.. figured I'd try asking.." He didn't want to say anything more, because he didn't want to make him feel like he had to say yes. He knew Father Cyril didn't want him to go off on his own but.. he hoped that if Faolan agreed to take him with him on his journey then maybe he'd feel more inclined to allow it.

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Faolan had merely grunted at the priest's response, catching a look from Lucien as he turned his attention back to supper. He knew the boy had heard him, but what result it would bring, he was unsure of. Lucien had been nearly comatose these last couple days. Would this reignite his desire to leave? Only time would tell them that.

Faolan hadn't expected just how short that time was. He had retired from dinner to the couch and was jotting down the days events in his journal, when he felt Lucien approach him. He looked up at the Frenchman and waited until he was done speaking before closing the book in his hands and tucking it away. He shouldn't have been surprised, of course, isn't this result partially what he had expected? But for some reason, he had not thought of this possibility actively. Of course Lucien would ask this, he saw Faolan as a friend, and his escape from a life of priesthood. If Faolan had his way, he would agree to let Lucien accompany him, who was he to stand in the way of the lad's freedom? But there were...other factors to consider.

He sighed heavily, and leaned back on the couch, resting his ankle on his opposite knee. He was struggling with how to respond, not because of how to word it, but because he didn't know which way he was leaning.

Finally, he said, "Look, Lucien...I know this...it can't be easy for you. I heard you and the priest arguing before, mind you I wasn't eavesdropping, but it woke me up the other day. I know that what I said to you in the street really struck you and all...but have you thought this all the way through? All of the angles, the risks...I don't have an easy life, lad. It's a lot to take on." He met the Frenchman's eyes, sensing determination and hoping he was right. There was more he would have to explain if the two traveled together, and part of him was dreading that.
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The silence Faolan gave him made the Frenchman nervous. He hoped he wasn't going to be shut down but.. he would understand if he was. After all Faolan hadn't come here expecting to leave with someone in tow. He tensed slightly when the Irishman stated he had heard their argument. He didn't think they had been that loud but.. it seemed his hearing was better than he thought. He wondered if this meant he had further suspicions of what he might be but.. considering he hadn't brought it up or acted any differently.. not even back when he had healed him, he didn't think it was something he had to worry about. He.. trusted Faolan.

His response eased a bit of his tension, it wasn't a no, and that was enough for him to maintain his determination to go. After all, if he hadn't wanted him to deal with him, he could have just immediately shut him down. If there was anything he had learned about Faolan in their time on the ship, is that he was a fairly straightforward person.

"I.. understand that. I know that there is still a lot I don't know about the world.. and I'm sure the life that awaits me is nothing like what I've lived the past twenty years.. but that's why I want to go. I'm tired of living behind these church walls. I want to experience the world." The small amount of hesitation in his voice had begun to fade as he spoke.

"I promise I won't get in your way. I'll be sure to pay proper attention and try to help in any way I can. I don't want to be a burden to you." That was the last thing he wanted. It was difficult to tell the man that he would be okay. After all he couldn't just outright tell him that he couldn't be hurt, or that he had never caught any sort of illness in his life. There were relatively little things he had to worry about physically, but that would be too difficult to explain without completely revealing himself. While he did trust the man, he didn't feel it was something he should just say. It wouldn't be the easiest thing to believe.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan listened to everything that Lucien had to say, and he felt his hard-line softening with every word. It was clear that Lucien was ready to move beyond the walls of isolation he had grown so accustomed to. Who was Faolan to deny him the right to freedom, who was Father Cyril, or anyone for that matter? If Faolan did not agree to take Lucien with him, he may never leave, and that was not something Faolan was prepared to accept.

But it just wasn't that easy.

He sighed again, and shook his head, not in dismissal or negativity, but out of sheer lack of any argument he could make against the lad's request. All save one.

"I believe you." He said, finally, meeting the Frenchman's eyes. "And I want to help...being forced into something that isn't right for you, well...let's just say I know how that is. But...there's something..." His voice quieted at this, "There's some mitigating factors to us two traveling together that you'd need to know about and agree to before I can say yes."

He wondered vaguely if he should just tell Lucien everything, but no, now was not the time or place. They could easily be walked in on, or overheard, and it honestly wasn't the most believable tale. Still, Faolan did need to warn him about his boughts of...well, absence, before he could allow Lucien to travel with him. He also found himself wondering if his conditions would end up scaring the boy away from the idea, although he decided that if that was enough to spook him, then he wasn't ready anyway.

He decided that vagueries were best in this instance, at least until he had to tell him the details. His leg began to bounce a bit in nervousness as he spoke. He had never really explained this to anyone before...he was sure he sounded like a header, but there were things that Lucien needed to be aware of. "I have something that I need to do every month, and I can't take you along. So, you'll be alone for a couple days, maybe a week out of every 30 or so days. It's coming up on that, so this time I'm going to have to leave and come back for you here."

Despite his nervousness, he was confident that Lucien wouldn't ask for details. The lad had learned that he was private, and had respected that so far. Besides, he had his own things he was keeping to himself, so Faolan doubted that he would risk the reciprocal question if he asked. Faolan was fine not knowing, some things were better kept to one's self.
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Lucien listened as Faolan spoke. He was fine with conditions, after all he was the one that was imposing on him. It was only fair that there would be some terms for him to agree to.

"Okay.. what are they?" He took note of the movement of his leg, and wondered if he was nervous. It wasn't often he saw Faolan get like this. Lucien was not expecting that sort of condition. It was clearly vague, but he wasn't inclined to ask why he needed to do such a thing. If there was anything he had learned on the ship, is that Faolan didn't really like to talk about himself. He respected his privacy, just as Faolan respected his. There was a part of him that wondered whether things would be okay if he'd be left alone for a week but.. his alternative was to either stay, or go off on his own anyway, and he didn't really like either of those options. This was probably the best that he was going to get, and honesty being able to see the world with the first person he had considered a friend outside of the church. He was sure there was a reason why Faolan needed to do this, if that's what he was going to have to go along with to be able to go with him then, so be it.

"Okay." He agreed, pausing for a moment. "So.. you'd leave and come back in a few days to a week and we can officially be on our way?" He asked to make sure. There was a brief moment of nerves at the thought of Faolan maybe not coming back for him, but he quickly shook it off. He didn't believe that was the kind of man he was. If he planned to leave him here, then he would have just shut him down to begin with, that much he was certain of.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan nodded at Lucien's response. Wow, that had been easier than he thought. "Mmhhmm..." he grunted, "I'll try to keep it short, but it can be hard to gauge." He paused again and his leg slowly stopped bouncing. "Give you time to...talk to the Father and get everything sorted."

He glanced at the clock on the mantel. Nearly time. He stood, "I've got to get to work at the pub, I'll see you in the morning." It was settled then, as far as he was concerned. If he was able to come back for Lucien after his...errand, he would do so. If not, well, it wouldn't be his problem if he wasn't able. It would probably mean he was dead.

He kicked his bag under the couch, where it would be safely untouched, and made his way out of the front door.
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Lucien felt himself let out a small sigh of relief. He felt like a small weight had been lifted from his back. Even though.. he hadn't left yet, he still felt a little more free than he had before, because he now had that chance.

"Good luck at work!" He called out to him, a bit of that old brightness returning to his voice, something that hadn't happened since his argument with Father Cyril. That was something he wasn't looking forward to. He was sure the priest would still be against it but.. he wasn't going to back down this time. He decided it was best to wait until Faolan left to say something, as he didn't want to make the man's remaining stay awkward, and he didn't want him to get kicked out either. Lucien went back to his room, and continued to keep a bit to himself, though it was clear that his mood was not as down as before.

Father Cyril had returned from the church and had a few last minute tasks for Faolan to do. He attempted to help when he could, to give himself something to do as well. Plus if he helped out, it would allow the man to finish faster and hopefully get more rest in before he had to work again. Before Lucien knew it, the day for the man to go had arrived.

They had just finished their breakfast when Father Cyril spoke up. "So.. you said you were leaving today? I must thank you again for the help you gave us back at the church. I'm sure a lot of those things would not have gotten moved if not for you." The priest said.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan had spent the next two days work and returning, eating, then working and returning again. This was the routine he had missed whilst stuck confined to his cabin on the ship. Lucien was good company, of course, but Faolan valued the chance for alone time and physical expression. The two did not speak of their plans, nor did he overhear any more conversations between the Priest and Lucien. It seemed the lad was waiting until the opportune moment. He doubted they had had the conversation while he was working, the two seemed amicable enough, though still slightly strained, it had lessened a bit. Although, he could sense Lucien's excitement and his need for action.

Finally, the day came when he was to depart. He had picked up some supplied from the local grocer, along with some new cleaner clothes, and filled his bag as full as he could. If he ran out of food, he could always hunt and fish, though he wasn't very interested in that these days, even on the road. His bag was sitting next to the breakfast table, and he was just finishing his last swallow of beignet when the priest spoke up.

In response, he kicked the bag next to him and nodded. "Mmhhmm, all packed." There was a small pause as he reached into his pocket and placed several bills onto the table between them. "Happy to help. I don't have much left over from my supply run, but here is something for your trouble in keeping and feeding me, I do appreciate the both of your hospitality." He looked between the two men, his eyes lingering on Lucien for a moment.

After this, he got up and slung his bag over his shoulder.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Father Cyril appeared surprised at having received payment from Faolan. He hadn't really expected it, but bowed his head slightly in thanks. "It was a pleasure. I must admit it was nice to have the muscle around. I wish you safe travels on your journey." He told him.

As Faolan got up to leave, Lucien was quick to follow him out the door. The priest had remained in the kitchen, figuring he would allow the man to say his goodbyes.

There was a small moment of hesitation from Lucien as he walked outside with Faolan, but then he shook it off and gave the man a hug. Even though he knew he was coming back, it still was a little saddening to say goodbye. "I'll talk to Father Cyril while you're gone.. I didn't want to make anything awkward by bringing it up while you were still here.." He said quietly before he pulled away. He figured this way was best.

"Be careful.. I hope whatever it is you have to do gives you no trouble." Considering he wasn't really sure what that was, he figured he could at least safely say this. He didn't want to pressure him by telling him to hurry, but he could not deny he was very well looking forward to his return.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan paused as Lucien followed him out of the door. Oh, right...he supposed it was only natural for the lad to want to say goodbye. Although, he would be back in a couple of days, Lucien would be the one left waiting. He turned to hold out his hand for a handshake, but found himself already in mid-embrace with the Frenchman. Again, his body stiffened, but he allowed the hug to happen, lowering his arms once the initial surprise had passed. He patted Lucien on the back with his free hand, and let out the breath he was holding, quietly, as the contact ended.

"Awful touchy bunch, you Frenchies." He said, his mouth twitching into a half smile at the jest. He paused a moment, and laid a hand on the lad's shoulder. The hug, along with this continued contact made his face feel hot. "Don't worry about me, lad, I'll be back. Give me a week or so, maybe less." He gave Lucien's shoulder a squeeze, and without another word, turned and walked off into the morning light.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by xivyxx
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Lucien couldn't help but let out a chuckle, knowing Faolan was joking. If he had to be perfectly honest, physical contact with other people was not something he had growing up. Even though the people at the Church had cared for him, they had always kept him at a distance. Faolan was probably the first, and now second, person he had hugged, but he didn't find it necessary to share that. Instead, he joked.

"It could have been worse." He said jokingly, before stepping away. He could almost feel the lingering touch of the man on his shoulder as he had began to walk away. He tried not to feel sad, believing the man would return.

He lingered outside for a little while until Faolan was completely out of sight, before coming back inside.

It took a couple days for Lucien to be able to speak to Father Cyril. Despite his improved mood they hadn't spoken all that much. He felt a little bad honestly, but it was time for him to speak up. It had been a few days since Faolan had gone, and while he wasn't sure exactly how long he was going to take, he wanted to make sure to say something to Father Cyril before he had, to give him a bit to warm up to the idea.

"Father Cyril, I need to speak with you.." He said after knocking on the priest's door.

"...Come in.." Upon hearing that, Lucien opened the door, though he mostly remained at the door-frame. "What is it?"

The nephilim let out a small breath before he brought himself to speak. "Father Cyril, I am truly grateful for everything you and Father Thomas have done for me.. but I decided that I want to experience the world after all.." He said. Immediately the priest's eyebrows furrowed.

"Lucien we've been over this--"

"Please let me finish." Interrupting was something Lucien almost never did, but he felt like if he didn't in this situation then he wouldn't be allowed to finish. "Back before Faolan had decided to leave.. I asked him if I could go with him, and he said yes. There were some things he had to take care of beforehand but.. he's going to return.. and when he does.. I'm leaving with him.."

"Lucien you can't be serious. You hardly know the man. I admit I was a little wrong about him but.. how do you even know he is going to come back for you? He could have took you with him in the first place."

Lucien was quick to shake his head. "No.. Faolan isn't like that. If he hadn't wanted me to go, he would have told me no. I told you that back at the ship.. he helped me out a lot, and he made me realize how naive I truly am. I appreciate the shelter I was given as a child, but I think I was protected from too much. Those two weeks on the ship taught me that. I'm.. ready to face it all head on.."

Father Cyril let out a heavy sigh. "People out there lie all the time. I get he's your friend but.. what are you going to do if he finds out about you? If he tries to use you?"

"That's.. not going to happen. Faolan he.. he already knows I can heal people.. Back at the ship things happened and.. he got hurt because he helped me, I had no choice. But he didn't ask me any questions, or inquire anything about what I was, up to this day, and he didn't tell anyone either. I think even if he knew.. it would be alright. I trust him, Father Cyril. I know I'm not as experienced with people as I could be, but there's just something that tells me that I can believe in him. Even if.. I couldn't travel with him, I can't stay behind these walls anymore, I wish to go." His voice was filled with determination this time around, very well willing to defend Faolan in this situation.

The priest wasn't sure what to say at first, but it was clear he was exasperated. He reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had been shocked to hear the Irishman knew about Lucien's healing ability. There was a part of him that made him even more hesitant to let Lucien go with him, but he seemed determined this time around, and he was worried saying no might have the man going off on his own, which seemed like a worse alternative. Regardless, he wasn't even sure if Faolan would return for him. If he didn't, it was possible Lucien would be discouraged from continuing on this journey of his.

"If the man comes back, I'll have a talk with him. I promised Father Thomas I would take care of you, the least I can do is make sure you're going with good company. If I decide it's safe to travel with him, I at least want you to write to me every now and then so I know you're alright. I'm sure Father Thomas would appreciate it as well."

Lucien's expression brightened up. "Thank you!" He exclaimed, bowing his head to the priest. Father Cyril simply shoo'd him away, and he was quick to leave the room, happy that he would be allowed to go. He wasn't worried about how the conversation between Faolan and Father Cyril would go, he hoped the priest would see the same good in the man that he did. All he had to do now was wait for him to return.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FreckersFrog
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Faolan spent the first few days of travel simply walking away from town. He had bought a map the day before leaving the Priest's and plotted his way up the road, making sure to avoid any other towns. Each night, he slept under the stars in a small one-man camp, watching the moon swell with each passing night. After he had walked for two days, giving New Orleans and the surrounding populated areas a wide enough berth, he simply sat and waited.

The full moon came and went just as almost every other had. He woke up the next morning, nude, covered in filth and blood that was not his own. Luckily, he was in the middle of the wilderness, and it did not seem he was able to make his way to anywhere that he would be able to harm people. He made his way back to the place he had left his supplies and found them unmolested. Lucky for him, this had been a smooth night...well, as far as he could tell.

He spent a couple of hours cleaning himself in a nearby pool of tepid water, and donning new clothes. He was full, so he did not need to eat breakfast. Instead, he made his way back to the road and began his long walk back to Father Cyril's where Lucien awaited.

On the sixth day, Faolan arrived. He went straight to the Priest's. Dirty and weary from travel, he supposed Lucien wouldn't mind if they spent one more night there and left at the next dawn. Besides, it was nearly twilight when he arrived.

He approached the door, bag slung over his shoulder and deep bags under his eyes, and knocked firmly, but not too loud.
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