Wave Breakers

Legends passed down over the generations often speak of what life was like before the flooding. Few but the longest lived races can recollect what a sprawling field looked like. What truly made mountains so inspiring to look upon as the soared to the skies.
This world isn't even close to the way it was. 200 years of rising water changed the very planet from a green wonderland to an endless ocean, filled with unnatural mutations. With the water reclaiming the land it has forced a harsh decrease in population, eradicating the dwarves and elves to near extinction.

Humans thrive in the chaos of ocean life and adapted quickly as dock cities made from salvaged materials sprang into existence to collect wayward mariners caught in the seas grip.

Elves have lost the forested homes their ancestors cultivated. Lost beneath the absolute darkness of the unforgiving waves. The power of their gods warped flesh and bone to create the Sea Elves we know today. With their aid, humans were capable of anchoring their cities in key areas around the world, now reduced to thousands of miniscule islands or what is left of towering mountains.

200 years of development is not merely limited to life above the shifting waves. Magic has been catered exclusively to newfound needs. Water breathing, buoyancy, water walking, even the creation of soil to be used on floating barges of wood and steel protected by every sentient race.
Each city state that comes to power is entrusted to dedicate military strength to one such vessel for the good of its people, and to reinforce political partnership. War fought over food would be a disaster for everyone. Pirates do not care for others and often attack barges, rarely to any effect. These individuals are often put on a priority list for wayward mercenaries.

Mercenary crews have sprung up across the deep reaches. Acting as hired muscle to keep watch where dedicated navy ships cannot and are commissioned as protectors against the unknown and lawless parts of the sea deemed too hostile for living.
City states often anchor permanently in areas referred to as the shallows. Sometimes more than 100 feet deep, the elves anchor thick chains to the ocean floor. Their own cities crop up below the humans, a means of protection for both.


  • No God-modding
  • Respect your fellow player
  • Gm word is not law. Mistakes are made by everyone so don't be a jerk about it.
  • If you know terminology I do not, speak up. The worst that can be done is you'll just be overlooked.
  • Don't poke holes. We have giant fire spewing water snakes that can fly. Sustainable economies aren't your concern.