Looking for people interested in playing an RP I call:

The Other Side.

When our mirrors are more alive then we could possibly imagine.
Infact I’d say that we’re the dreary world in comparison to the bizarre world held beyond the glass Veil.

The idea:
In our case we’ll be confronted when the players get involved in or dragged into their own mirror.
I’d like to attempt to weave a tale of mystery, strange creatures, a different type of magic, adventure with a good splash of darkness and a pinch of horror. Hopefully we'll meet some enticing and terrifying villains along the way or maybe you'll even become one yourself.
After all, this world does alter you whether it would mean in sense of physicality, appearance or in powers.
It is a place where Stardust meets Abarat and Coraline meets the Dark Crystal.
But whatever the case, something is amiss in this world and whether you like it or not it has become part of your problem now...

Your survival is key.

You're kind of like a different kind of Alice.
Except you're not.

We'd start off with a couple of scenario's of how you get trapped in the mirror and from there we'll start, you will have to do some investigating in order to find out what occured or maybe you can try find one another. You could even go conquering, provided your bestowed alterations help you with that and try to overthrow good kings or evil tyrants as you go.

So my question to you is would you be interested?