Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Die Shize
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Die Shize The Laughing Man

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Howdy! I'm currently looking for 'fanfic roleplay' (there's a better term I'm sure) and wild west roleplay.
1x1 or small group

Itching to write in the media of Final Fantasy VII, The Last of Us and The Expanse.

Not looking to go deep on the OOC planning for roleplays set in the above established works. Just gotta decide whether to jump into a timeline that the show/game takes place in, use a different setting, an entirely different story, characters etc.

For wild west, I'm thinking the plot hook is a murder occurs in or nearby a town and our characters are in a saloon. One of us can include the murder at any point and then we advance from there. This way we can use any kind of character to get involved, doesn't have to be a lawman.

I get carried away with rambling so I'm trying to keep this brief, if admittedly vague, so hit me up with questions! I can include answers in this OP for reference.

Add me at your pleasure: Discord - 'dieshize'
Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Die Shize
Avatar of Die Shize

Die Shize The Laughing Man

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Die Shize's active threads:

The First of Us
Basics: Set during the opening events of The Last of Us video game around when Joel meets Ellie

The Expanse
Basics: Set during the opening events of The Expanse TV series
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Czelsc
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Czelsc Mad Scientist Ἀχέρων

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Still available for any of this? I'm interested in FF7 or Last of Us
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