Hidden 4 mos ago Post by meri
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@Festive Awesome, looking forward to it!
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sylvan
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Sylvan Local Cryptid

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@Festive Hi, I'm potentially interested in the Engineer role if you are still looking for folks.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Festive
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Festive "Esse aut Nōn Esse"

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Festive Hi, I'm potentially interested in the Engineer role if you are still looking for folks.

Hey! We are still looking for an engineer! Do you have any particular questions about the role or story as a whole?
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sylvan
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Sylvan Local Cryptid

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<Snipped quote by Sylvan>

Hey! We are still looking for an engineer! Do you have any particular questions about the role or story as a whole?

I've got the gist of the show based on what you posted in the OP of the IC, but I would like to know more of the tech level of the time we're being sent back from, as well as more about the engineer as a role and team member, similar to your overview of the Historian earlier, when you have a sec. Thank you!
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Festive
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Festive "Esse aut Nōn Esse"

Member Seen 3 days ago

<Snipped quote by Festive>

I've got the gist of the show based on what you posted in the OP of the IC, but I would like to know more of the tech level of the time we're being sent back from, as well as more about the engineer as a role and team member, similar to your overview of the Historian earlier, when you have a sec. Thank you!

Although much of the information pertaining to the future is purposely obscured, it can be inferred that the technology level of the future is akin to your average sci-fi story; think Blade Runner 2049 but slightly more advanced. Specific examples of future technology that is seen in the original story of the show are items such as medical nanites (A powerful and rare tool, only constructed by doctor teams, but that's a whole different topic), anti-matter storage containers, graphene communication device, and a stasis field generator. In short, the engineer plays the role of replicating advanced technology from the future when a situation calls for such technology. Although the engineer does not hold the knowledge of all the possible technology that may need to be manufactured. The Director will send instructions to the engineer through the deep web for the engineer to process and manufacture. Besides the manufacturing part of the engineer's role, they may also serve in the field as the "person in the chair" when necessary. The engineer often works in tandem with the historian, as the historian possesses the ability to store and recall heavily complex instructions sent from the Director through messengers and the engineer has the technical knowledge to fully understand and execute these instructions.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Sylvan
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Sylvan Local Cryptid

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@Festive OK I actually really like the sound of that, I'm in if you'll have me! Engineer sounds like a lot of fun to write.

EDIT: Is there a link to the OOC somewhere that I missed?
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Festive
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Festive "Esse aut Nōn Esse"

Member Seen 3 days ago

One piece of information my dumb-self forgot to include in the synopsis is this:

Messengers are a vital part of the story, they serve as temporary hosts for the Director for the quick delivery of messages outside of the deep web. Adults cannot be used as messengers in the story; a fully developed adult brain is not able to withstand the shock of having a consciousness temporarily embedded into it, ultimately ending in the death of the messenger. The Director will typically use children as messengers, as their brains are malleable enough to be able to withstand the shock.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Festive
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Festive "Esse aut Nōn Esse"

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Festive OK I actually really like the sound of that, I'm in if you'll have me! Engineer sounds like a lot of fun to write.

EDIT: Is there a link to the OOC somewhere that I missed?

I added it to the top of the first page.
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