Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-.- damnit
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gothic Corset

Helloooooo? Good day miss Corset, it's me, Charles, from DEMON Corp? This is just a friendly reminder that your account balance is currently at 0, and that's both Hell coins and earth cash. Since you've been leeching of company resources for 1 month now as you suffered from existential dread in your sad little apartment and all that. On behalf of DEMON Corp I'd strongly encourage you to report for work since we will cut electricity and incinerate anything that may be in your refrigerator once this message ends for dramatic purposes and we will throw you out tomorrow if you can't foot the bill. Have a nice day!

With this there was a flash of light coming from the kitchen as the refrigerator burned to cinders and the lights died out. What a fantastic morning indeed for Gothic Corset. At this moment she was residing in an average condo downtown which had been 'given' to her by DEMON Corp at her arrival as Charles had hastily explained the situation and given her a brochure. In typical demon fashion however if you didn't ask very specifically for the specifics you were told none. The need to pay rant was indeed new from 8h01 this morning.

J Keet
The night had been fun for J Keet, a woman that had seen him violently exorcise the ghost of a landlord that couldn't pay his medical bills since the rents were always tardy had invited her in her home since she believed it was haunted as she could hear sounds at nights. Things had quickly escalated when she mentioned that it was only from her room she could hear the ghost and that she wished Keet would join her in her bed as to comfort her. What had to happen happened but hey, it was consensual. In front Keet was the woman. Well, at least there was no ghost and now the lady could sleep easy. As he turned around however, he came face to face with Beardman as he smoked a cigarette. He pulled the cig out and sent some smoke out of his noze.

"You owe me 17 coins in long distance call. I guess why you did it is explained by the new Bike in front of this woman's house?"

Yes, in front of this woman's house. How did he enter? How did he even find him?! Max opened a random drawer from the woman's room furniture and taping his cigarette on the side a bit, ashes falling inside. He closed the drawer back.

"I also checked your account, just because I can, and noticed that you're at 42 coins... That makes 25 with the 17 coins you owe me, which I took the liberty to deduce. You've been here for 2 months and you're here to work your ass off to get back in heaven you punk angel and next thing I know you're in some chick's bed, burning all your money for a damn bike?!"

This visibly awakened the woman who screamed seeing Max.


Max frowned at the word 'Hell'.

"That's none of your business little lady."

"What are you doing in my house you creep!? I'll call the cops!"

Max took another long breath of nicotine before answering.

"I only answer to divine law, bitch."

Silk Gloves

"A coffee refill please, miss Gloves."

Exomis the Corruptor handed out his empty cup, made of dark hellish cold iron (It was wondrous how someone could drink of the razor sharp edges without cutting away his lips) with demonic runes roughly translating to #1 Annihilator of Souls, to Silk. On the side of the conference room was a coffee machine with 'Juda 13,000' painted in blood on it. It was in the same style as the cub but somewhat cleaned, it was German made after all, 'With the burning power of a thousand jew' and all that. When it activated, Charles interrupted his presentation as the machine whistled and cranked, a thick cloud of steam coming out as the Hellish coffee came out of the machine with the screams of millions of tortured souls. The Boss liked his coffee with extra misery.

"Please Charles, continue."

"Thank you sir. So, as I was saying. In conclusion, this move to invest heavily in cattle production in China and then, through a legal loophole, export to Canada and then on use the free exchange agreement to send this beef in Europe should cause havoc in European beef production, which is too uncompetitive and in general create further problems for European economy, increasing misery on farmers by 33%, as much as 2% in Europe as a whole with the extra benefit of frustrating neighboring India about Chinese slaughter of their so called 'Divine Animal'. Sin increase projections vary but we're optimistic at a global 1.5%, hate toward the Chinese, the Canadians, the statesmen and so forth should be notable as well. If the KeystoneXL Pipeline project is approved by our bribed officials in Washington then we will overwhelmingly go pass our quota for this year. Canada won't be a problem as Prime Minister Stephen Harper already sold his souls to us last year. This will be all for this quarter report."

The powerpoint projection came at an end and Exomis closed a binder in front of him.

"Good, good. I'd also like you to make a suicide projection and make a document about the most terrible stories as they come in for me to laugh at later. Next in the meeting is something about... Chinese ghosts? If I remember correctly?"

Charles nodded and went to find the "Wtfjumpingzombies?.word" document. Another powerpoint.

"We got recently confirmation from our geological study team that in the old mine east of the city that a great number of... Chinese Jumping Undead have awoken from their resting place. My research suggest that they are ghosts from dead chinks that blew themselves up with nitroglycerine during the 19th century at the construction of the transcontinental railroad and the mining operations. Although odd, remain the possibility of a large amount of mayhem and chaos. Remains the fact that of course to report this the geologists survived their encounter due to some uh... 'Somekind of old Asian wise man, mister Miyagi style, that kept the creepy chinks from sucking their life force like they did with George'. A spirit, by all likelihood."

Exomis took a sip of his demonic coffee. For a moment it seemed the coffee was defying the laws of physics to get away from the Archdemon, taking a vaguely humanoid form, but it was futile.

"Good. Miss Gloves, you're up to kill this spirit and... Charles, you did message miss Corset this morning?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, you'll take miss Corset with you, this will be her first job for us. Considering this... Mister Miyagi spirit is holding a horde of ghosts, even if minor, must mean it is a relatively powerful entity."

Charles raised an eyebrow.

"Sir, considering Gothic Corset as free will, perhaps she will not report for duty?"

Exomis had a small laugh and a smile.

"Oh Charles... it isn't because people have free will that they use it."

There was a silence. Charles was about to break it but Exomis raised his hand.

A few seconds later there was a knock on the door.

"You may enter, Miss Corset."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gloves had been standing by the side of Exomis the entire time that Charles had been giving his presentation, the shades she was wearing were not fitting for the indoors but it allowed her to nap a little while the whole boring thing was going on. She had to stay on her toes since Exomis could ask anything of her at any moment and he did as well, though it was only coffee.

Waking up with a small start Golves grabbed the mug "Right away sir" Like a flash she came up right next to the machine... This thing was like driving a tank, so many levers. Pulling on the combination she had learned during her time here the machine sputtered into life with a loud whistle and crank of the gears inside, a thick cloud of steam coming out as the Hellish coffee came out of the machine with the screams of millions of tortured souls. When over Gloves came out of the steam with a sigh before handing over the coffee. "Here you go sir" With that it was back to the presentation... Dammit.

However, soon came a really interesting topic on the subject of ghosts, not only that but foreign ghosts at that! Lifting up her shades she was paying attention closely now with a smile slowly coming across her face, which went into a full on smirk when Exomis said she would deal with the ghost. "Thank you sir, I wont disappoint you" She said as she tightened her gloves. though her smile lowered a bit when she heard there was a new girl, but either way it finally got her out of the office. "Sir, will we be able to make use of a company vehicle to get there?" Well she lived in hope they would be able too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

J Keet just sighed as Beardman chewed him out "listen man, she was just scared and needed someone to comfort her. I never even got up to bat...that does work right? I mean, I know people use bases in baseball as a metaphor how close they are to sex, so 'never even got up to bat' should mean that I never even tried that...right? Bah, it doesn't matter, I was just trying to be nice, I was planing on leaving once she fell asleep and leaving behind some kind of note to comfort her. I never planed for this to get sexual. She was attacked by a pretty violent Ghost, so she's still shaken up"

Then, turning back to the women, he said "don't worry about Beardman here. He's more annoying then anything else. And he's only here for me, so you don't need to worry. Anyway, try to take care. If you have any other Ghost problems, call me" he gave her a piece of paper with his home number on it "and just for future refrence; pretty much all Ghosts are like the one you saw tonight; they aren't stealthy or quiet. If there's a Ghost nearby, then everyone will know about it." Then he dragged Beardman out of her room "really? Scaring a poor human who just survived her first Ghost attack? It didn't cost you or me an thing to make her feel a little safer, so what the hell man!? Why is it that a fallen angel like me has more compassion then someone who runs a soup kitchen?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Her answering machine woke her, in an attempt to ignore the world she rolled over pulling her pillow over her head. It was only after the fire alarm goes off did she determine the point of the message...And as if to inform her this was no bad dream the sprinkler system goes off!
"What the F*ck Mothering hell!" She exclaimed! Bolting out of the her room she stands in the hall her hair the only thing covering her beautiful skin. "Wait work?! But I was supposed to find the meaning of life. What the Hell is a hell coin?!"
The sound of a throat clearing, drew her attention. A little "guy" He lacks any real manly qualities probably a teenager. His face seemed to be gaining a red glow, what was he embarrassed about, she's the one standing nude in t....Nude...NUDE!
Instantly she vanished back into the now pool of a room. Gothic emerged once more wearing her attire, Something between a Commander, a Ringleader, and a stripper. "I must apologize for my future actions. But it is the only reaction I can logically come up with to punish you for the sin of looking upon the perfection of my form without my consent." The guy cocked a brow unsure of what to make of what she was saying, his confusion would only grow as the crimson woman reached into her hat...."Its in here somewhere, just a moment." She proceeded to turn her hat upside down and shake it.

SLAM! CLANK! SCreeeChhhHHH! "Bye Bye byeeee!" Thud!

The poor guy stared in awe as various impossible devices fell from the small top-hat. His jaw practically hit the floor as Gothic's upper torso disappeared within it! A muffled cry of victory as she seemed to find her tool of choice, she pulls herself free of the hat holding a jar! "I am in a hurry so this will have to do..." Setting it down in front of guy, the hat began to Eat the devices that had been dumped prior?!?

With nothing more said she began walking unfolding the massive brochure, looking for some clue to where work is.

The building was far nicer than what she had been expecting, the motif wasn't exactly her favorite but hey everyone likes a different iron maiden. The building staff all seemed to know her already...it was rather ego inflating, she was important enough to know! Though the only answer she seemed to get was a finger point to the direction she should be heading. Finally after this perilous adventure she reached a rather impressive set of doors.

"You may enter, Miss Corset."

Now that was impressive. As she entered, she took of her hat and gave a rather enthusiastic bow. A swarm of hell hornets flew into the hat from no where?! A singular large one tailed the swarm carrying a very familiar jar. "Gothic Corset, at your mercy. But before we begin, who's flesh am I to flay for the pleasurable shower I was forced to take this morning?" A submissive threat, just one of her many skills.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Charles spoke first.

"Before anyone says anything to answer Miss Corset, I'd like to remind everyone that it is forbidden by DEMON Corp to injure, maim or kill any of its employees within the office."

Exomis smiled and rolled his eyes.

"It was Charles."

Charles took a comically large side step away from Corset. Exomis continued.

"In any case... As I explained to Miss Gloves, Ghosts, damned that have yet to reach hell as their hate holds too much ties to this world if you aren't aware of the definition, are held up in the mountains east of here by some kind of Chinese wise guy. As Demons it is our duty to help these poor souls to accomplish their purpose, meaning creating as much misery in their vengeance as possible so they may go in hell to be punished for eternity for their sin. And by our duty I mean yours and that of Miss Gloves. I read your Dossier and I know why you're here, that you're looking for answers and all that. You might even find them but your primary purpose is gathering 1,000,001 coins to satisfy whatever archdemon sent you here, which you can do by killing spirits at random or by working for me. Both will require vast amount of work and in general will make you hate this place so much you'll do everything to go back to hell and thus make you work that much harder. A good system, wouldn't you agree? Make this unbearably bad for a shorter period of time or excruciatingly sickening over a longer one, we at DEMON Corp like to keep our employees motivated...

In any case, because you are both simple demon and because I find it funny to see demons try their shot at this 'Democracy' business, you are both partner and there shan't be any commanding officer in this business. And also, yes Miss Corset, I will allow you to BORROW the company SUV... If anything happen to it, it will be deducted on your current and future pay. You will be rewarded 100 Coins, 5,000 earthly cash, what allows you to buy things in the human world Miss Gloves, and whatever coins to may loot from the void of the spirits you have annihilated in your mission. Of course failure will be punished in both monetary and physical penalties. Whatever happens at the end of the day I will be happy, but as failure annoys me considerably and that torture doesn't provide the amount of happiness it once did eons ago, I strongly advise you not to fail. That will be all."

Before anything could be said, the room seemed to move around Corset and Silk although they felt no momentum. Seconds later they were in the hallway and the doors to the meeting room closed violently in front of the two demons. There was a flash of hellflames and a sound of intense agony as a demonic keyring materialized and began to float in front of them. Distance door lock and engine start-up, sweet.


Some more smoke came out of Beardman's nose and mouth as he sighed and began to walk out of the home, signaling to J Keet to follow him outside. As Keet turned he could feel the woman hug him from behind and slip a piece of paper in his pocket, she whispered 'Call me later' and kissed him on the cheek.

"In the last 2 hours you've satisfied a 3rd tier need on the Maslow hierarchy of one person. Me I've through my business provided basic survival to at least 100 individuals and still counting as I fulfilled the need of 7 charity worker to feel good about themselves for helping others. Maybe if you used that money to get a degree in macroeconomics and maybe philosophy instead of buying a god damn bike then you'd understand how to make real change. But then again that would imply to do something else but sit on your ass, have sex and kill ghosts once in a while to get Earth Cash. Can't really blame you though, God made this system in the middle ages so while killing ghosts and helping only a few people could make a difference back then, times have change, but the church and religion, do not. So I guess that I'll just do what the big boss tells me to and help you in your futile task to gain coins so you can go back up there and I can stop having to babysit you."

He smoked some more before throwing his cigarette on the ground next to his car, a run down decade old Hyundai, and stepping on it.

"Now listen up, a little bird, and by that I mean a drunk and traumatized geologist, told me that he had been attacked by a bunch of creepy jumping gooks while exploring a mountain site. Since I actually have a general culture in human matters unlike a certain person I know, I remember that this site was the location where they tried to make the transcontinental railway 2 centuries ago. Didn't work and a few hundred Chinese workers dying of bad conditions and nitroglycerine later they changed the route. There was a lot of ghosts but they didn't kill everyone and they don't leave the place because of some Mister Miyagi kind of spirit being there. Still, angry ghosts held in one place just because of one spirit isn't good on the long term, plus, you need the coins. So get your ass out there and deal with this. It's East of the city so just take the interstate and Turn left at Sunny mountains. Maybe I'll make some god damn cake tonight when you return, good luck and everything."

On this, Beardman entered his shitty car.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

J Keet was honestly surprised that he got that woman's number, was she really that lonely? He's have to make sure to see her again, he didn't like the idea of someone being all alone like that. Oh well, that was something for later. Right now he had a nest of Ghosts to take out. Hopping on his bike, J Keet made his way to the area. He'd get rid of the Ghosts, maybe try to help out that poor Spirit, and get chewed out by Beardman again. What wouldn't happen was Beardman actually making that cake, J Keet knew; the cake was a lie. It wasn't (too) long before he arrived at the site. Hopping off his bike, J Keet walked in "wonder where those Ghosts are?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Silk & Corset Collaboration

After being thrown out of the meeting room Gloves just stared at the keys for a moment before snatching them out of the air, her other hand coming back to fix her hair as it had gone a little wild due to the sudden exit from the room, which she was thankful for. "Right then, shall we leave? I can't wait to get out of this place" Though she still found it honestly better than hell despite what the archdemon said. "Oh right, I am Silk Gloves. You can just call me Silk though."
As the entire explanation was practically forced into her ears, Corset just cocked a brow. Right as she oppened her mouth to ask a question, the room seem to practically throw her out!

"Right then, shall we leave? I can't wait to get out of this place"

Wait what?! Her partner, seemed all to fine with this turn of events! Is this how things are done here?! No rhyme or reason just as they say?! Where is the sense of purpose what is the meaning?! WHAT WAS HER PARTNER'S NAME?!

"Oh right, I am Silk Gloves. You can just call me Silk though."
Corset stared at Silk troubled for a moment, could she read her mind? No matter, she thought and tipped her jerked her head making her hair whip back into form before she tipped her top hat to once again greet As the entire explanation was practically forced into her ears, Corset just cocked a brow. Right as she oppened her mouth to ask a question, the room seem to practically throw her out!

"Right then, shall we leave? I can't wait to get out of this place"

Wait what?! Her partner, seemed all to fine with this turn of events! Is this how things are done here?! No rhyme or reason just as they say?! Where is the sense of purpose what is the meaning?! WHAT WAS HER PARTNER'S NAME?!

"Oh right, I am Silk Gloves. You can just call me Silk though."
Corset stared at Silk troubled for a moment, could she read her mind? No matter, she thought and tipped her jerked her head making her hair whip back into form before she tipped her top hat to once again greet " Well Silk, I would like to be called Corset, as Gothic just sounds unflattering and Ms.Corset makes me sound like a high school math teacher." Corset smirked at her new found partner looking her over noticing her fashion choice, particularly the shades. "You'll forgive my impertinence If I ask why you have sunglasses indoors, it seems a tad out of place."
Silk was already making her way down the hall, pressing the button to the elevator on that floor. Just as she did Corset told her own name, though Silk knew it from the meeting just now, and asked her about the shades that she was wearing. "Ah these?" She side pushing them up to rest on the top of her head, the rims of the shades catching her horns so they stayed up there. At that moment the elevator screeched to a halt, the smoke the brakes made exiting out the opening doors.

"I wear them so I can get some sleep around here, as honestly it is not as bad as they make it out to be, mainly because you are either useful at the time or they forget about you." She was just a field agent and secretary. Entering the elevator she waited for Corest before pressing the button on the elevator, the breaks letting go and they were sent spiraling down towards the basement parking lot... Silk was unnaturally calm during all this and had a expression of 'seen it, done it'
As the doors opened the terrified Corset shakily enters the screaming metal death-trap. "Q-quite right? Per-perhaps we should make sure that I really have some idea whats going on. I am kinda being thrown straight under the water, and as everyone knows if you don't let the rag dry the pain doesn't set in..."

She notices her hat is shifted into a bowler cap, incognito? Right humans dress strange. "Do we not need to acquire more Intel on the environment? And wait do we not have a driver? Are WE EXPECTED TO DRIVE!?!!? This is beneath us!" The idea of driving, it was just terrible! Next she was going to be expected to do her own finances. her growing anxieties help her overcome the fright of the deathvator, "Have you not considered the slippery slope your on, if they know you can drive, they may ask you to make tea, OR worse...food. Such disgusting things in a raw form...." she visibly shudders
"Yes we are expected to drive for ourselves. Also bend your knees." She said at the moment the deathvator came to a crashing stop at the bottom, its bent doors opening up to allow the demonesses out of it and into the parking lot, and of course being demons they could handle it, more so with the hand stitched padded floor that cushioned their fall. After stepping out of the smoking metal rubble, which was not being pulled back up into the shaft when they both got off, Silk looked around for the SUV.

"Also, you will be expected to do that. Since you are the newest here you are now the one that has to make the tea and coffee for the rest of us" She sounded somewhat happy about that. "Ahhh, here it is." The thing was practically a massive truck! However, it was suitable for their needs that much was for sure, Silk was the one getting into the drivers seat and starting up the engine. "Hurry along now dear, we don't want to be late"
"B-but" Corset started to interject, but silk was far to distracted with the vehicle to hear the cries of her newly appointed partner. Her hat seemed to share in her dismay as it hides in her coat, clearly unhappy with the situation. She grumbled a tad more as she climbed in the massive gas chugging monster. Once within it she flipped her jacket inside out and though it did not close over her corset, it did mimic the one silk was wearing quite nicely. Now the hat clear of her head, A large horn seemed to be jutting out of her hair, rather Draconian. (She was quite proud of it.)
"Later for what, and I am only good at making Earl gray Miss Silk, And trust me, you do not want me to make Crimson rose. The room may become quite cross if they choke down a thorn..." Corset already resigning herself to her current situation, when in Rome......
"Don't worry, I did not know when I got here either. Blew up the office a few times with the coffee machine as well." Flipping down her shades Silk adjusted the mirror above her before gripping the steering wheel tightly "I suggest you hold on tightly." With a hell beast like roar the SUV came to life, and with one mighty stomp and gear shift, the thing blasted its way out of the front entrance of the parking area, breaking the warning barrier for the 5ith time this month.

It was not a long ride at all, more so when Silk ignored most of the more conventional routes through traffic, such as just rolling over some of the other cars. Poking her head out she looked down below as she did so. "I hope this doesn't scratch the paint..." She commented before continuing. By time they got there they came to a sliding stop, knocking over some kind of bike in the process, though Silk ignored it. "This looks like the place alright. Come along Corset, we have work to do."
As the roller-coaster began Corset had thought it kind of nice, but upon her suggestion to hold on tightly....She was lucky to catch her red because the acceleration almost left her a drained of everything. Corset's eyes water and gritted her teeth as the ride was terrifying, the sounds of crushing metal fracturing stone and the screams of pedestrians! She could barely look over at Silk, who seemed to be relaxed and compelty okay with the situation brought a chilled sense of what Corset's future held...

Corset watched wide eyed as Silk's driving finally ended, also debating internally if she was either reckless or bad at this driving, Her mouth went agape to ask a question but Silk was already getting out of the car. "R-Right!." She got out of the car grabbing her now scared white mimicking a fedora. Her legs however failed making her face plant, a huge fall.... "I want to go back to hell now...."
"Oh stop complaining dear, you will soon find this place agreeable."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

J Keet

Welp, it was a cave alright. Probably only indication that it was the right one was the Chinese writings on a rock next to the entrance... oh and the dead body of a human who seemed drained of all his life energy was probably also a good indication as well. As Keet stepped forward, a somewhat deep, but distinctively asian voice came from the dept.

"OoooOOOOOOOoooo! Flee this cursed place while you can gweilo! "

"Yeah, get out of here capitalist trash, we don't need you here!"

"Why you talking? I am making spooky voices now, shut up!"

"Don't tell me what to do loyalist scumbag!"

"That's no way to talk to elder! Apologize now!"




"What would your mother say!? Arrogant brat!"


"You dare to smack ancient in face?!"

"Did not."

"I saw you!"

"No you didn't!"


*Louder Smack*

*Combat sounds, you get it.*

This went on with chinese sentences here and there.

When J Keet arrived all that could be seen in a large cavern was two dudes in the middle of it next to a torch fighting one another.

"I Master of ancient arts jackass, you no can beat me!"

Said a visibly older spirit in silk robes and with a long braid of hair going down to his knee and a fuu manchu moustache. His opponent, a young ghost in a working outfit with a flat cap with a red star on it, replied.

"Try defending against tools of the people, asshole!"

From the shadows the ghost took a pickaxe and threw it at the spirit who dodged. It landed on the rock wall under J Keet. There was a small tremor and he felt the ground fall beneath his feet. It wasn't the worst of fall but he found himself in the dark.

"Ouch, watch it gweilo!"

After a few seconds the voice under J Keet had finished speaking, the room began to lit with an eery light. All around J Keet, ghosts... hundreds of them!

There was a silence as they all turned toward him...

"Hello, can we talk to you about our lord and savior, Confucius?"

All at once, they raised their arms before them, like stereotypical zombies and began to... jump toward him. Small jumps... then faster ones... then OMGWTFBBQ HOW CAN PEOPLE JUMP SO FUCKING FAST!!!!!1!!

G & C

The entrance was silent other than a few insults coming once in a while along with sounds of fighting between two individuals. Still, Chinese writing, guy with his life energy being sucked out... That was the place.

Halfway inside the tunel, the commotion was stopped for a few seconds before all hell broke loose and the sound of a massive fight came to their ear.

As they came closer, a voice was heard before all others, it seemed old and foreign.

"Ok, ok, stop, ouch, I said STOP! By the Emperor everyone hold it for a moment!"

They came on a small balcony above a central room lit with the evil glow of ghosts. At the center of the sea of ghosts was a ghost, a spirit and... some guy.

"Who are you?"

The ghost turned toward the spirit.

"You senile? It's the intruder of earlier! The one you FAILED to scare off! I told you, you have shitty spooky voice, I should have done the scarring!"

"Shut up for a second! You, you no die like other Gweilos that came here yesterday. What you want? We kind of busy!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gloves was the first into the cave, having gotten use to the dead bodies she would always find around the office by this point, though the cave itself was filthy, certainly not fit for someone such as her, or her partner for that matter. However they had a job to carry out and she intended to do just that, as it came with a nice big paycheck! "New TV here I come" With a evil grin Silk tightened her gloves and continued towards the voices.

When she came across the scene Silk was stunned to see what was happening, heck by the looks of it the ghosts did not even need her help but why was there more than one other ghost and not to mention a human standing there with them? "Well, well. It seems this will be easier than I expected, a easy paycheck heheh."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Corset did not share her co-workers optimism. Or energy. Or desire to actually do this at all. Begrudgingly she followed along, attempting to prevent any more trip-ups and or face plants. "Silk....Why are we in a cave that looks like something from the old testament?" Her question was answered instead by the voices of what could have been muppets? Totally had to be those evil little deceivers she had seen when she first arrived. Just remembering the embarrassment brought a sneer to her face!

She had far more pep in her step, the idea she may be able to maul the owners of the adorable talking animals...was dashed upon catching up to silk. "Tch, these are not talking animals...." While hushed it was still audible, but Silks statement of an easy paycheck overwhelmed it. Silk in fact seemed happy to find such things. "Is this not bad? It is so pathetic it can not take a form to startle us, or even better this is an act of rebellion!" Her eyes seemed to sparkle, such ecstasy across her face. "Oh how I love it when they resist." She looks at silk hoping, praying she would be allowed to torture something. "Do I get to use rope at least, a nine-tailed rope! I promise the wounds will become with tinge-o-malice but the shallowness of them guarantees a slow and oh so painful corruption over the course of about a week!" She had turned towards the voice, as if informing it of its oncoming fate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

Well this was...odd, to say the least. Oh well, at least these ghosts didn't seem as violent as most usually were. Maybe he could talk them down. "Um...excuse me. I hope I'm not coming at a bad time, but I'm here about the disturbances you've all been causing. Normally, most ghosts are far more violent and irrational then you all seem to be, so I'm usually forced to put them down the hard way. This time however, I'm hoping we can all talk this out calmly and maturely. I'm sure we can come to some sort of understanding. So if we could all just calm down and talk, that would be just great" J Keet said to the mass of ghosts
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The spirit calmly nodded and smiled.

"Wise words."

The ghost rolled his eyes.

"Should I perhaps bring a table, some chairs and tea?"

The spirit nodded again.

"Yes, this would be great."

The ghost fixed the spirit with hate.

"THIS WAS SARCASM! You talk and you talk! You've been talking for the last 50 years! Half a century and talking solved nothing! It isn't the time for talking anymore! It's time to act, to move and make a great leap forward! We the proletarians do not need western imperialists or remnants of the old order to tell us what to do, we know better!"

There was overwhelming support from the ghosts as they advanced on the spirit and J Keet.

"DO NOT DISOBEY ME! You all swore an oath to your emperor!"

The ghosts fell back in line, a look of deception on their faces. The spirit sighed and turned toward the communist ghost and J Keet.

"Perhaps a mediator between the two parties in this very long debate would be what we need to settle this matter. Indeed, I feel that is three should sit like proper civilized persons and talk."

There was a voice that came somewhere from the crowd. 'What about theeese guys?' Both ghost and spirit raised their head up above as everyone turned at the demons.

"By the heavens old man! How bad can someone get at scaring people away! Now not only do we have some jackass walking in but we've got 2 other girls following! Friends of yours, capitalist pig?"

So said the ghost as he turned toward J keet. The old spirit however kept fixating the new comers. After a second, he slowly deployed his arms in the air and moved in feet in a position to gain more balance. He finished his move after a few more seconds, assuming a combat stance and fixating the demon girls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Looking over to Corset and her lust for a little torture, made Silk smile but the more she heared the ghosts talk the most she felt that they could do this in such a way that would allow them to drive the ghosts into doing their earthly deeds while keeping their hands untarnished by forcing them to see the 'light' "Well, we could. However allow me to convince them as they seem oh so confused." A evil grin crossed her face as she stood forwards

Silk saw the spirit enter a battle stance, but talking sounded rather interesting. With a great big smile she spread out her arms and spoke "Comrades! I have come here to help you defeat these capitalist pigs that would defy you your revenge." Of course this was only one way of doing things, if she had to she had another plan that would tame these wild ghosts. A good does of demonic energy could work wonders~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The posturing, does the spirit dare to think he worthy?! Corset's hat growled but maintained its rather smooth disguise, but the lady herself was struggling with the concept of not punishing such an act of arrogance! Just as the demon was about to attack the little verminratsh*teatinf*ckmothering, her more experienced partner stepped forward with a marvelous character. Corset found herself smirking before joining into this facade.

"Indeed! What she said!" Corset slides to the side of her partner whispering trying to make sure she had the appearance of absolute determination as well. "So I take it you have some sort of plan Silk...One that doesn't involve the eloquent screams of souls?" A twinge of disappointment on her words, but aside from that. She was going to attempt to follow along.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

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"N-no" J Keet answered, genuinely surprised. "I hope they aren't lost. I have no idea what a couple of girls would be doing her otherwise. I...I guess it's not too big a deal. They'll see the ghosts and get scared off. You guys aren't very violent, so I'm not too worried about them getting hurt." He said "anyway, back to business. I've heard the basics; that you were all hired as railroad workers, and that after your death the railroad company decided on changing the path. However, I want to hear your side of the story"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Corset's concealed eye glows blue! It begins to chime! "His level of purity is over 9000!" the perplexed demoness strikes a pose, her finger may as well have been a knife! The accusation. "He is an idiot! This level of innocence can mean only one thing!" She cocks a coi smile, whispering in gloves ear. "Total sub!"
Just as quickly as she had struck her pose she drew a whip from her hat, along with some fuzzy cuffs. "Can I play with him! Little boys have such delightful screams! Er and oh yeah hes a democratic bitch." She snaps back into character hiding the props behind her back....*clink* the cuffs fell to the floor.
"Sorry....I got excited. Its my first day...DONT JUDGE ME!"
Retreating back behind gloves, she hopes she didn't botch her senior partners plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The old man spoke.

"The Emperor had a deal with America, Chinese workers would do their roads of rails and in exchange the emperor would be compensated and should these men die, they would be sent back to China. However, the Americans didn't follow their part of the deal and the bodies are still burried in here..."

He gave a sidelook to the communist, not turning away from the demons.

"And then there's this guy. Came here in the 70's to promote communism and found himself killed by some CEO's hitman. Thinks he's hot shit and that the workers that died here should get vengeance on the americans by killing a lot of people and destroying stuff. He's lucky he's chinese, because then I would not hesitate to kill him... Speaking of which, if this woman will support this dissidence... I didn't swear an oath to keep HER alive!"

The red commie ghost had a laugh and it seemed he brightened and became slightly... bigger.

"You old fart! You're loosing control! You can't stop the will of the people and maybe an outsider was all that was needed! Comrades! Forward to victory!"

While the gain in size of the communist was marginal, the old man quickly gained massive amount of size and visibly, of strength as he radiated shades of blue only matched by the white in his eyes, mouth and that spotted his body.

"I AM NOT AN OLD FART! AND I AM NOT LOOSING CONTROL! Like the emperor I stand mighty and eternal to guide his people to their roots! The chinese Empire can never fall!"

The Commie punched him in the face.

"Jackass, you can't hit me back because I'm chinese! I'm as good as victorious! Plus, the chinese Empire already fell to the glorious revolution decades ago, live in your time!"

"LIAR! The emperor can never fall! And do not forget, maybe I can't kill you, but I can still discipline you!"

A powerful slam of the spirit's hand sent the ghost flying to land on the wall next to the ladies. He quickly got up and moved before them, taking a posture and commanding them as if they were to obey him.

"Follow your leader comrades, follow me! Kill him and all these ghosts shall know true freedom and together we shall lead a revolution! And why not, let's kill the kid as well, entitled american swine! I bet you listen to Justin Bieber too!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

"But I'm not american!" J Keet protested "I was born in heaven and then kicked out for not being a prefect little angel. Also, I have no idea who Justin Bieber is. Does he have a talk show or something?" He added "I hate to be the one to tell you all this; but you'll never truly get your revenge here. The people who did this to you are long dead, and killing innocent bystanders either. Even if they could tell you were killing other people to get back at them, I doubt they would care, hell...they might even find it amusing. Remember; these are the people who were too uncaring to send your bodies back home to be buried. Tell me, does that sound like the kind of people who would care if you slaughtered a whole bunch of people not in anyway connected to them?"

Just then, his mind registered what the strange demon said "wait...what? Sub? Did...did she just call me subtitles? I'm...I'm not sure how I feel about that"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Glove's listened to corset for a moment, but her attention remained on the group of ghosts which were honestly pretty weak in her eyes, but she hoped there was something more to them than simply what she saw here, otherwise they would not cause as much destruction as they wanted. Only corsets little dominatrix like freak out snapped her attention back, raising a eye brow before giving a small cough.

"I think it is a little late for that... Either way, you may if this all goes well."

When the ghost was smacked across the room Silk raised her boot, only to shove him at the moment that he stated he was the leader. "All are equal comrade, I just so happen to be more equal than you." Waiting for a moment she listened to the boys words before smirking away evilly, her eyes cast under the shadow of her hair. "Well, he is right in some respects... You see the men that killed you are in fact dead, however that also means that your emperor is dead. Long gone from this world resting in peace, because he cares not for you..." Before the older ghost had a chance to speak she stood forwards past the commie "If he cared why is his ghost not here? No, even better... Why did he not use all of his power to retrieve his most loyal of subjects from the hands of these people? Of course the people of today have not even done anything."

The evil smirk turned into a full on grin as she continued to try and manipulate them "You have every right to be upset... In fact I am wondering why you, wise one, are not the most upset... Your loyalty was betrayed, and you are afraid to see the truth~"
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