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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Danny! Please! Wake up! Wake up!" Mirabella cried over her friend and new found lover as he layed on the floor, staring blankly up at her with frightening grey eyes. She took his glasses, one of the lenses cracked, off his face, checking his head, and screaming a terrified shriek when she touched his head where the bucket had hit. They had killed him. The only person who ever understood her, who had tried to help her, who had loved her, was gone. She clutched his glasses in her hand and the blood soaked girl stood up, her angry and piercing blue eyes glowing ever so slightly as they fell upon the crowd. The sweet, shy, awkward little Mira was gone in that moment. The old Mira was not conscious, nor aware of what was going on.This was someone completely different.The lights above her cracked and exploded over everyone, making them scream.

They had reasons to scream yes, because they would soon loose their lives. Every single one of those unforgivable scum would soon be begging for mercy, just as she had so many times. But, just as mercy was never shown to neither she or Danny, she would not show it to them. She killed them all. Some were held down mentally to the floor while their classmates trampled over them in attempt to get to the locked doors, while others were crushed between the bleachers trying to escape. Some where caught on fire. Some were thrown against walls and tables. Once the more disposable ones(over one hundred students) were out of the way, she moved onto the few whom had caused her and Danny the most pain through out their years. A group of just twenty people. She took her time with these. The ones who had just been the lackeys she mentally choked until they fell to the floor lifeless. The leaders though, oh she had fun with them. She levitated broken shards of glass and slowly cut them, every inch of their skin, and when she grew tired of ones screams, she would slit their throat and move on to the next one.

The very last one trembled there. This was the most hated one. A pretty little bitch who had made her life miserable. The one who had taken the video of her and laughed, only to later post it on the internet for everyone to see.The one who had planned the prank that had killed her beloved Danny. This girl had ruined her life. The girl looked up at her, begging her for her life to be spared, "Mirabella! Y-you don't want to do this! You'll regret this! All of this! For the rest of your life!"

"And what about Danny's life? WHAT ABOUT HIS LIFE!? YOU THINK HE'LL REGRET THIS?!" Mira's face suddenly grew darker as she stood over the girl, "Oh yes, that's right. He won't have a chance to. Because you killed him." With a snarl she swiped her hand through the air and a sickening crack sounded as the girls neck was broken. With her last victim out of the way, Mira left. She ran home. She found her mother had broken out of the closet, and unable to find her, went to wash the horrid blood from her skin. She filled the tub and stripped down, slipping in. The blood filled her tuba and looking down at her arms, still wet with the blood that had not only been poured over her, but the blood of the people she had killed, the emotional and scarred Mira suddenly snapped back into place and she began screaming.

The screams that escaped her filled her bedroom and woke her up, the young blonde woman siting up in her bed quickly, hysterical, biting down hard on her arm to muffle her screams and cries of fear at the painful memories that haunted her dreams. She laid back, sobbing and yelling into her pillow, trying to tell herself that what happened was all in the past. That it wasn't even her. That had been Mirabella. She wasn't Mirabella anymore. She was Annabella. Anna wouldn't do anything like that. Anna was a new person. Anna hadn't killed anyone. She hadn't killed anyone. No that was Mira who had done the deed. But even then, all the lights about her bedroom flickered widely and busted, things about her room, including her bed levitating.

She took deep breaths, clawing at her pillow, ripping them by accident with her finger nails in attempt to clam and sooth herself. When her mind was at least somewhat at ease, everything floating in the air dropped, her bed making a rather loud sound when it hit the floor. Her down stairs neighbors of course banged on their ceiling as if to tell her to shut up, thinking she was just playing around watching a scary movie or fooling around in bed, as they did every time she had one of her meltdowns. She couldn't blame them. It couldn't be easy living in the same building as a freak such as herself. She was just thankful no one had asked too many questions about this. She had seemed to muffle her screams, cries, and loud noises enough where people didn't think too much of them. After all, she was a young college student. Surely she was just a crazy adolescent who was just having a bit of college fun. Or so they thought anyway.

Carefully rising from her bed, she went to take a quick shower to calm her nerves and after that, as well as getting a quick glass of water, went back to bed, though she didn't sleep. She couldn't, for fear of being bombarded by more unwanted memories.


Anna got up early the next morning, figuring if she hadn't fallen asleep by then she probably wouldn't, and took to getting ready for college. She only had one class today. Her classes were pretty much spread out. She had one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, another on Wednesdays, and three on Mondays and Fridays. She had Saturdays and Sundays off. It was good and less stressful that way. She first got dressed in the outfit she had picked out last night before heading bed, then threw her hair up, and lastly grabbed a biscuit and headed out the door, eating as she walked. She of course, had to walk to school, not exactly having the money to get a car in the past three months she had been in this town, but she was slowly working her way toward that goal. Until then, walking to school and work would just have to do. She sighed finishing her biscuit as she made it to the elevator and pressed the button, patiently waiting for it to come up and the doors to open.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hmmm? Wha-what is that noise?" the groggy voice of Justin asked. Sitting up slowly the owner of the voice groped around for the source of the sound.
"Justin shut off the alarm already." another voice called out.
Snapping to attention Justin looked around, he wasn't in his apartment and he was still in his clothes from last night. Then he remembered that he had ended up crashing at Matt's after his friend had insisted they do something the night before. Finally grabbing his phone he turned off the alarm and set it back down and rolled over.
Immediately he sat back up. What time did his phone say it was? Picking up his phone again he looked at the time. "Oh no," he muttered to himself as he stood. Jamming the phone in his pocket and yanking his shoes on he stumbled out the door yelling a quick goodbye to a slumbering Matt.

Hurrying down the stairs from Matt's dorm Justin raced away from campus towards his apartment. Swerving around students he sprinted as quick as he could. He had to hurry, if he could just get his laptop and get back to campus in time for his first class he would be fine. Justin looked down at his shirt as his feet slammed into the sidewalk. The shirt was coated in grime and he had no idea why, but he also didn't have time to question it.

Rounding the corner he smashed through his buildings front doors and into the elevator. Justin took the moment to catch his breath as the elevator ascended to his floor. The moment the doors opened he barreled out and almost into another tenant. With a quick spin he made it past her and to his door. Shoving the key into the lock he turned to the girl, "Could you hold the elevator please?" he asked as he opened the door to his apartment.

Stepping inside he looked about his apartment. Rushing towards his closet he grabbed a new shirt while yanking the other off. Sliding the new shirt on he walked out of the apartment making sure to grab his laptop on the way out. Pulling his keys from the door he turned hoping to find the girl patiently holding the elevator for him, he really didn't feel like running anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anna was getting a little aggravated. The elevator was taking so long to come up to the floor and she was never a very patient person. She shifted her weight from one side to the other and in fixing the strap of her backpack suddenly couldn't remember if she had placed her essay for her college language arts class in her back pack or not. Turning slightly without taking her backpack fully off, she unzipped it and began rummaging through it and just as she sighed in relief, pulling the essay out to make sure all the pages were there, when the elevator doors opened and a boy came out very quickly, scaring her and making her jump and drop her papers, the lights above flickering ever so slightly but thankfully not busting. She took a deep breath and nervously bent down to pick up her papers, watching as he ran to his room and called for her to hold the elevator for him.

Once she had all the papers in hand, she put them in order and in a neat stack. She moved shyly into the elevator, brushing a stray strand of blond hair from her face as she stood there and had a hand on the opening of the doors to keep them from closing. Soon he was there in the elevator with her and she pressed the down button, letting the doors close. She glanced over at him for a moment, studying the relieved boy, as well as his handsome face, not even realizing she was staring at him until his eyes met hers for a split second, making her quickly avert her gaze to look straight ahead of her, that same all nervous look coming to her face once more.

She was more than relieved when the elevator dinged, signaling they were on the 1st floor. She quickly made her way out of the elevator, keeping her head down as she walked. It was a good thirty minute walk to the college and the slow elevator had already made her a few minutes off schedule. She quickened her pace a little as she walked out of the building and moved to walk down the sidewalk, going in the direction of the university.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Standing in the elevator Justin tried to recall the previous events from last night. It was only when he felt the girl's gaze upon him that he was broken from his attempts at recollection. He let his eyes lock with hers for a moment, and was about to say something when she averted her gaze an all to revealing look of nervousness settling upon her face.

Instead of looking away though Justin let his eyes study her. His eyes took it in the finely assembled ensemble of clothing, her hair, and lastly her face more importnantly the look upon it. While many people wore a nervous face, that would make others anxious as well, her's merely made him feel the need to soothe her. Attempting to act on this need he began to piece together the words to do so when the elevator doors opened and the girl quickly made her exit.

Sighing disappointedly he disembarked from the elevator and slowly made his way out of the building. Hitting the sidewalk he began his trek to school. Looking at the people in front of him he noticed the girl headed in the same direction. 'Of course', he thought to himself,' I've seen her on campus before, now that I think of it, why haven't I tried to talk to her before? Oh well, I can remedy that now, if I didn't and Matt found out I would never hear the end of it.'

Quickening his pace he managed to catch up to the girl, synching his pace to her's he just walked for a moment before addressing her. "Hey, um thanks for holding the elevator," he said sheepishly, "I appreciate it. Also, sorry about the papers, I probably should have helped pick those up, but I was in a bit of a hurry." Scrathing the back of his head Justin chuckled nervously as he finished speaking, only to tack on a short introduction, "Oh, I'm Justin by the way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When Anna heard foot steps following her quickly out of the building, she was about to quicken her pace when the boy from earlier spoke to her, asking her if she needed a ride. She stopped walking and turned slightly, looking at him for a quick moment, her blonde hair slightly hanging in her face, before she nervously glanced away from him. She really shouldn't be talking to a boy she barely even knew . There was such a big risk of something slipping out that she definitely didn't want slipping. She shifted her weight nervously again from one foot to the other before she carefully spoke, her voice quiet, "I-it was no problem." She knew this was a bad idea. A really bad idea, "My name's Anna..."

She began walking toward the college again, knowing if she didn't keep moving she would be late. What if something happened while she was walking with this boy? What if her powers, for any reason, got out of control while she was with him? She had purposely avoided people, especially people like him, for such reasons. He reminded her too much of her past. Too much of Danny. Danny had been a lot like his boy. Shy. A awkward cuteness to him. She had loved that about Danny. And being around someone who acted as Danny had wasn't helping to conceal her powers at all.

She nervously readjusted her backpack on her back, her medium length straight blonde hair acting as a curtain between she and the boy walking next to her, as if she were trying to hide from him. Well, technically she was trying to hide from him, but surely he didn't know that. She bit down on her bottom lip as they went along, her body tense and unsure about what might happen. She was relieved they didn't live too far away from the school because very soon it came into view, "I....I have to get to class now. Good bye." She rushed into the university and to her class, letting out the breath she had been holding, proud of herself that she had lasted that long speaking and walking with someone like that. Maybe she was making some progress after all. But just because she had lasted that long this time, didn't mean anything. She couldn't make a abit out of walking with him and talking to him even.

He really was a nice guy. But nice guys were the ones to always get hurt. And she didn't want to hurt anyone ever again. She walked down the hallways, keeping her head down as she moved and trying to avoid bumping into anyone in the crowd of the hallways and people trying to get to their classes. She lucky made it to her class on time. It was a boring and a quick class. But, luckily was her only class for the day.

And hour and thirty minutes later, Anna walked out of her language class and sighed as she walked down the hallway, ready to walk back to her apartment. Though, she only get about halfway there when something caught her eye. A cafe and in the window was a really good looking piece of chocolate cake. She considered it for a moment before she walked into the cafe, ordering both a piece of the cake and a cup of coffee. She sat down and within ten minutes her order was brought to her and she said a small thank you to the waitress before eating quietly, sipping on her coffee silently, glancing about at all the people in the cafe. They all looked so happy. Most of them were couples, while others were just there with friends.

It was then that a conversation came to her ears.

"Geez look at her. Who comes to a place like this alone?"

"Haha, what a freak."

It was a couple, sitting a few tables down from her. They probably didn't think she could hear, but she had. When she heard their chairs squeak as the two got up to leave, Anna turned her gaze on them and suddenly a chair pulled out, tripping the two of them so they fell to the floor. She gasped, looking around frighteningly. People laughed, obviously thinking the two hadn't been watching and hadn't seen the chair there. No one had seemed to seen the chair pull out on its own, but the scared Anna, as she hadn't meant for her powers to do that Her hand clenching around the fork, she looked down, trying to calm herself as she sat there, afraid to even move at that moment, much less try to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Walking towards campus together their conversation fell silent after introductions. Justin let his mind drift, 'Anna... that's a pleasant name, now maybe striking up a converstaion in the hall wouldn't be extremely awkward.' Inwardly scoffing at his own thought Justin just thought, 'Yeah, a conversation in which I'm involved not being awkward, fat chance. Especially when said hypothetical conversation would be with one of the opposite gender.'

Looking over at the girl, he noticed her apparently lost in thought. She seemed rather nervous still and Justin was pretty sure that he wasn't helping. Her hair was acting as a buffer between the two as she continued to look down. He was trying to think of something else to say when he noticed her biting her lower lip, and his thoughts scattered and were replaced only by his thoughts on how cute she was. As he was letting his thoughts drift he barely heard Anna say something about class before rushing away.

Justin watched her take off towards her class in an obvious hurry. "Crap! That's what we could have talked about. Classes, majors and all that other stuff," he uttered quietly in defeat. Then in a single moment his life came crashing down around him, "Class!" With that word Justin tore off towards the other side of the school, towards his psychology class.

Somehow he managed to arrive and take a seat just before the professor entered. Sighing in relief, Justin slid lower in his seat and turned his laptop on. He was now content to wait out the two hour class taking notes and listening somewhat to the professor.

Class ended and Justin walked out after letting the majority of the others students exit. Walking towards his next and last class of the day, he heard a voice call his name. 'Oh no! I've got to run. I have to get away!' he screamed in his mind, yet stayed planted firmly in spot.

"Hey, so you did make it to your class," Matt exclaimed jovially.

"Yes, I did."

"Sooo, that means you can come hang out with me as I live life like a true college student."

"No. I have class, plus I don't feel like being pulled into one of your insane adventures," Justin replied with a sigh.

"Hey they are not insane, and anyways you already have a syllabus for this semester right?"

"One they are insane I should know I'm a psychology major and two I still like to attend the actual class."

"But you need to attend my class, you know the one where I teach how to actually converse with people of the opposite gender," Matt threw back with a laugh.

"Woah, I actually had a conversation with a girl earlier thank you very much," replied an irritated Justin.

Grabbing him in a headlock and ruffling his hair Matt just reponded with, "Awwww they grow up so fast," then began to drag Justin away, "Anyways we are now going to this nice little cafe I found and you shall tell me everything." Being pulled along Justin's protests were ignored as he tried to stammer out an excuse. Matt just looked down at him, "Don't even try to use work as an excuse I saw your schedule and you don't have to work until Friday."

Sighing Justin just gave up and allowed his friend to drag him towards their destination. Only saying, "You know I'm not convinced you are actually attending college. I don't even know what your major is or any of your classes for that matter." To which Matt just laughed as he continued to pull his friend along.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anna took deep breaths, trying to calm herself as her nervous blue eyes glanced around the small cafe. No one had seemed to notice the connection between the couple tripping over the chair and herself. No one had even noticed the chair pull out when no one had touched it. That seemed to help calm her just by a little bit, but she was still nervous about this situation and how bad it could have been. What if someone had seen the chair move on its own? What if someone had heard the couple talk about her and seen her look at them ride as the chair pulled out? Would they have suspected it to be her? It was a possibility. And it was a possibility she couldn't risk. She had to be more careful about her powers if she wanted to continue to live this new life of hers and stay hidden from her past.

She released the breath she had been holding when the confused couple walked out and took a slow sip of her coffee, trying to calm herself. Once she was sure she could leave the cafe without causing any suspicion or without making her powers come out again, she carefully stood up, coffee in hand and walked to the door, not exactly paying attention to what she was doing, more worried about the others in the cafe, and that's when she ran smack into someone, her coffee spilling right over the both of them.

Gasping, she looked up wide eyes to see it was none other than the boy from earlier. The one who lived next door to her in her apartment building. She stumbled over her words, unsure what to say, the lights in the cafe flickering a moment. Her eyes glanced u[ and she mumbled a quick and quiet, "I-I'm sorry." She moved around him and dashed out the door, almost running down the side walk toward the apartment buildings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Walking into the cafe, Justin bumped into someone on their way out and they spilled their coffee on them both. Looking down he was shocked to see none other than the girl from earlier that morning, Anna. before he could apologize though she beat him to it and rushed out the door. Justin just followed her with his eyes as she took off down the street.

"Hey you okay man?"

"Hmmm? What? Oh... yeah I'm fine Matt," Justin replied in a daze.

Matt just walked past him through the door he had been holding open, "You sure? You just got coated in hot coffee."

Glancing down at his shirt Justin noticed it was slightly steaming. "Yeah I'm fine it doesn't burn or anything. Let's just grab our drinks."

Laughing Matt just said, "Sure and then you can tell me about the girl from this morning."

Approaching the counter Justin chuckled awkwardly, "Actually, uh... you just saw her."

"Wait. Are you telling me that you actually talked to the cute blonde who just spilt her coffee on you?" Matt inquired surprised.

"Yeah. Hey do you mind if we talk about it later, I need to head home and change."

Nodding, Matt agreed, "Sure we can talk tomorrow."

Justin sighed, "Thanks," and then to the worker behind the counter he asked, "Can I get a small coffee black, and do you remember what that blonde girl just left was drinking, if so I'd like one of those too." The guy nodded and went about the order.

"Wait a minute, Justin are you blowing me off to talk to that chick?"

Smiling slightly Justin turned to look at Matt, "No. Just thought I'd reimburse her for the sample."

"Hey your orders done," the worker called to Justin. Justin payed for the drinks and turned to leave.

"See ya, Matt," he called out as he left.

"Yeah, yeah whatever man."

Walking down the street towards the apartment building with the two drinks Justin began to ponder how to go about giving her the drink. 'Maybe I should try a funny approach, I could pretend to go to spill it on her. Nevermind that's just being a jerk. Whatever, I'll just apologize for not looking where I was going and hand her the coffee as a sign of my apology.' With the way he would do it settled Justin walked into the building, drinking his coffee. Entering the elevator he pushed the button for his floor and waited. When the doors opened he walked nervously to her door. 'I really hope she is home or else I just wasted money on an extra drink.' Knocking gently on the door he waited and hoped she'd answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anna went as quickly as she could to her apartment and slammed her door shut, trying to catch her breath and calm down. Th lights all about her apartment flickered and off, items on the shelves shaking, threatening to fly off and throw themselves across the room. Curling up there against her closed door, she buried her face in her hands, closing her eyes tightly. She stayed in that position for a few minutes before she felt her powers slowly stop seeping through.

When she was sure she was calm enough, she slowly stood up and sighed as she looked down at her shirt to see it had a large brown spot on it from where she spilt the coffee over the boy and herself. Frowning she got a pair of shorts and tanktop from her room and went to her bathroom, getting a quick shower to wash the small of coffee from herself before drying off and putting the shorts and tanktop on.

She had just walked out from her bathroom when she hard a knock on her apartment door. She froze, her eyes wide. No one EVER came to her apartment. It made her nervous and she considered not answering it, but then felt it might cause more suspension if she did that so she slowly walked to the dog and cautiously opened it up, her hair still curly and damp hanging her over her shoulders and her bright blue eyes blinked wide eyed and surprised to see it was the boy again, his shirt still spotted with the coffee she had poured over him by accident. Immediately she gave him a apologetic look, speaking quickly, "I am soooo sorry. I hadn't meant to do that. I was in a rush and not watching where I was going. I-I...." Feeling herself stumbling over her words she paused to take a breath and brushed her long hair from her face, "Are you okay? It didn't burn you, did it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After a moment the door to the apartment opened. Standing in the door way was Anna in a tanktop and shorts, her hair wet and her eyes wide. Immediately she began to apologize and asked if he was alright. It took Justin a moment to reply, in fact for a moment he didn't think he could he was stunned. She was apologizing to him for something he was pretty sure was his fault.

Chuckling awkwardly under his breath Justin replied, "I'm fine, and there isn't any need to apologize to me. Actually, I-I came here to apologize to you. I should have been watching where I was going instead of getting distracted by my friend." Looking her over he asked, "You didn't get burnt did you? I would feel horrible if you did."

Standing there in an awkward silence for a moment he remembered the extra coffe still in his hand. Extending the cup towards her Justin stammered, "Oh, um... I got you another coffee, since I caused you to spill yours. It should be the same, I asked the barista to give one of whatever you had. I mean... I guess, I figured you might like to have another since you know, didn't really get to finish the other, so uh yeah here. I guess I'll be going now." he finished lamely avoiding making eye contact, hoping to spare himself some embarrassment. Justin didn't want to really see what she thought of his rambling attempt at an apology.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anna was surprised when he claimed it was his fault for what happened. In reality she knew it was her fault, for trying get out of the cafe so fast. But not wanting to keep their apologies going on for a long time she didn't say otherwise. She just smiled softly at him and shook her head, "No I didn't get burned. I smelt like coffee but that went away after a quick shower." She just hoped he didn't get burned from it either. The coffee hadn't just been made but it had still been rather hot.

There was an awkward silence and she absent mindedly rocked back and forth on her heels, biting her bottom lip slightly, trying to think of something to saw but before she even had a thought he stumbled over his words and held another coffee out to her, saying he got it for her because she had spilt hers. She tentatively took it into her hands and watched as he refused to make eye contact and watched as he went to rush off.

He reminded her so much of Danny. Danny had been shy and awkward like that. It was why she and Danny had been so close, because she was the same way. Watching him go to walk away she stepped forward hesitantly, speaking quickly yet quietly, "U-uh....thank you. M-maybe we can go to the coffee shop next time together? Or somewhere else if you don't want to go there? I mean...y-you don't have to. I just...just thought I'd ask ..." She said stumbling over her words, her pale cheeks turning a bright red.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As he went to walk away Justin heard Anna ask him if he wanted to get coffee together sometime. The way she stumbled over the words a bit didn't really register in his head though, instead his thought process was more along the lines of, 'Wait, wait a minute. Is she saying what I think she is? No, probably... probably not, she probably just wants to hang out as friends. Not that I have any problems with that! She does seem interesting.' Reaching a conclusion he turned to look at her.

"Y-yeah, I'd like that. Umm... how about Saturday at the cafe, you know if you want. I'm free anytime after ten thirty. Before that I have a class. Or if you wanted I guess we could grab a cup early in the morning Saturday. Th-though I'm cool with about any day you have free," Justin hurriedly replied with a small lopsided smile.

Standing there looking at her, he could feel his cheeks heat a little as he proposed the possible plans. Oblivious to Anna's own blush, he just thought about the fact that he was happy she was even willing to actually talk to him, by this point and time most women just gave up on him and all his stammering awkwardness. His smile getting a bit broader, Justin allowed himself to indugle in the idea of it all being an "actual" date.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anna's smiled slightly when he agreed to it, offering up a day. She nodded lightly, "Yes. Saturday sounds great." She took a light sip of her coffee, smiling still, "I'll meet you at the coffee shop at 10:30." She stated and waved goodbye to him before walking into her apartment and closing the door behind her. It was only then that the reality of what she had agreed to began to sink it. She had just agreed to a date. Not only that, she had been the one to propose the date! After all that happened with Danny....how could she be so stupid? She frowned deeply, sliding down to sit against her door. Was it too late to cancel? No that would just seem strange. The only thing she could do was go through with it and hope everything went okay until she could get home. Taking a deep breath, she stood up and moved to her bedroom, ready to take a good long nap.


When Saturday came, Anna was a mess. She didn't know what to do with herself. She must have tried on every outfit in her closet before deciding on one. It was simple. A grey sweater, jeans, boots, and a red scarf. She even put on a little bit of make up, which was rare for her. After some debating, she knelled down, prying the floor boards from beside her bed up enough to pull out a small wooden box. This box held her past. Held everything about the old her. About Mira. She was no longer Mira. She was Anna. But it still hurt every time she opened this box. Within it layed Danny; glasses, her bloodied prom crown, the cell phone of the girl who had taken the video of her in the locker room, and her mother's cross necklace. Reaching inside, she carefully lifted out her mother's cross necklace before slipping it over her neck to wear. It would be a reminder. Stay in control. Conceal her emotions and don't him see her powers.

Sighing she stood up and walked out of her apartment, leaving the opened box on her bed in her room for now, and heading toward the cafe. She walked in a little late. Five past ten thirty. But he didn't seem to be there yet. She could assume though he as on his way here if his class ended at ten thirty. She quietly sat at one of the tables to wait, looking around nervously as she did.

(her outfit)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the door shut, Justin's mind was already racing. Thoughts tore through his head, well not thoughts more like incoherent fragments of thought. With a maelstrom of incoherency tearing around his head he walked into his apartment. Sitting down, Justin began to proccess the entire conversation he had just had. Thinking to himself, 'Okay first establish the order of events. Let's see, bumped into each other, brought her coffee, apologized, and then set up a date fo Saturday at 10:30. Wait! A date? How did that happen? Wh-whatever I'm not going to complain.' With his thoughts and recent events organized Justin strecthed out on his bed and just let the day replay through his head, until he fell asleep.
Saturday morning Justin rolled out of bed and onto his feet. For some reason he couldn't place he was relatively excited for the events of the day. Then it returned to him the thing that had been dominating his thoughts since it first was arranged, the date. The excited energy immediately turned into a wave of nerves as he got ready for class. Dressed in a pair of black jeans, plain red shirt, and his beat up black converses Justin headed out of his apartment making sure to grab his laptop bag and his jacket before exiting. Justin just hoped that his nervousness would resolve itself during his two hour lecture.

After class Justin hurried off towards the coffee shop. His bag flopping aginst his thigh, threatening to throw off the jacket he had draped over the bag. Slowing as he got closer to the shop, he looked at his phone checking the time. It was 10:38, he was eight minutes late. Making his way into the store he looked about for Anna. Spotting her sitting at a table looking about, he approached the table slowly. Pulling his seat out he place his bag on the back and sat down.
"I'm sorry for being late," Justin said apologeticly while looking down at the table. Then glancing up he asked, "Have you ordered yet?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

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Anna looked up when Justin sat at the table and smiled shaking her head, "No, it's no problem. I actually just got here a few minutes ago myself. I figured you would be a little late anyway what with you have classes today and all." She brushed her long blond hair from her face , "I haven't ordered yet. I wanted to wait until you got here." It wasn't even a second later the waitress came over and asked them what they wanted to order. She just ordered her usual and as soon as Justin told his own order, the waitress hurried ff to give it to the person behind the counter. It was silent and somewhat awkward for a moment. She had never been one for talking too much, and she had a feeling he was the same.

She bit down on her bottom lip again, a habit of hers when she was nervous and trying to think of something to say, glancing away from him for a moment before she finally thought of something and looked back to him, "So, um....What are you majoring in? I'm majoring in art myself and minoring in music." Well, that seemed like a good way to start a conversation off. Obviously they went to the same University, so why not talk about what they were majoring in? Or even just what classes he was taking if he hadn't decided a major yet. Simple enough.

The waitress came over with their drinks and Anna thanked her softly before she took a sip of her coffee and looked back at him, waiting for his answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

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After placing their orders there was an awkward spot of silence. 'What to talk about? I don't want to sound stupid or anything.' Mulling it over in his head Justin let his mind go through possible choices, 'Lets see... ummm music? No. Movies? No. Hobbies. Maybe. Classes? Yes that'll work!' However, before he could ask, Anna spoke.

Taking a moment to respond, he just let the fact that they had both settled on the same topic sit in his head, it was sort of amusing. Answering he replied, "Art and music that's cool, I enjoy the fine arts, it allows for an exploration into the human mind in a blissfull medium. I am double majoring in psychology and criminal justice. I want to be a psych analyst, which according to my friends and family is hilarious, because I apparently can't pick on most social cues." Chuckling awkwardly at the last part Justin cursed himself in his head, 'Really! I just had to let her know how socially odd I am. It may already be apparent, but I didn't have to basically come out and say it.' Opting to try to forget this line of thought he just grabbed his coffee that had arrived at some point during his answer or thinking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

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Hearing about what he was majoring in made her slightly uncomfortable. But not because he was talking about how socially awkward he was(which she actually really like about him). The reason it made her so nervous was because they both had to do so much with her life. She knew mentally she had something wrong with her. She wasn't dumb or even a manic. Just...mentally she was unstable. Crying hits, horrible nightmares that left her screaming, easy agitated and frightened. And that didn't all help that she was now, technically a murderer. She had massacred her whole senior class. She was a mentally unstable criminal, and she honestly wondered how much of being around her it would take to figure out something wasn't right with her. She really hoped it didn't get that far. She like this boy, he was sweet, and she really didn't want to hurt him if she could help it. Whether it be on accident, or to keep her secret hidden.

Carefully playing with her mother's cross necklace that hung around her neck, she averted her gaze, "A psych analysis? That's interesting." She took a slow sip of her coffee and looked back to him now, her bright blue eyes looking into his, "I don't think you're socially inapt. You and I seem to be talking just fine. At least, I think so anyway." She grew quiet, and the more nervous she got, the tighter she was wind her mother's necklace around her fingers, "But....then again....I'm not exactly the most social person either." She confessed in a almost whisper, an unsure look on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

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Watching Anna as she spoke, Justin noticed her fiddling with the cross around her neck. It seemed like she was nervous, and the more she talked the tighter she wound the necklace around her fingers. Noting how unsure she looke when she finished speaking, during which she admitted that she wasn't extremely social either. Justin inwardly sighed for a moment he thought her nervousness was caused by him (well in a way it was, but it wasn't entirely his fault). 'Now all I have to do is come up with something to break any tension that might be left, but how?' he pondered.

Taking a drink of his coffee, and looked at her with a slight smile. "Thanks, I don't think I'm too socially awkward. Besides you're right we are talking fine aren't we?" Justin responded. "Anyways as far as not being the most social, who cares? I mean after all I'm sure most of this people have more to worry about then being socially inept." indicating towards the people around them, then continued, "Therefore, I got to say I think we are alright, nothing to get nervous about or anthing," Justin finished with a small (hopefully) reassuring smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anna looked up and listened to Justin as he spoke, saying there was really nothing to get nervous about. It was just them two talking and no one around them were really paying attention to them. And while talking to him made her a little her nervous, he didn't realize, and would hopefully never realize, her nervousness wasn't from talking to him. It was of maybe being found out. This was the most she had even spoken to anyone since the incident. And for it to me someone majoring in something that could get her caught, well, it didn't calm her down at all. Suddenly realizing by now she had wound her necklace so tightly around her fingers that it was practically cutting off the circulation in them, she let go of the necklace and let it drop back into place.

Taking a deep breath, she did her best to try and smile back at him, though had a hard time doing so, "Yes, I suppose you're right....I'm just naturally a nervous person I guess." She confessed and as she sat there, she could feel her anxiety building and knew it was never good for her to be inside a building when she was stressed or anxious. Bad things happened when she was. Standing up, she looked at him, "How about we go to the park down the street? It would be less crowded there." She walked with him tot he door her coffee still in hand and as they walked out, the lights in the cafe flickered before few of them busted, showing a few people in glass. She gasped in surprise before looking at him, "Well...its a good thing we got out of there, huh? This town has a lot of electricity problems."

She couldn't exactly say it was who had caused it. It happened in the apartment building too, whens he was having her nightmares and such. She couldn't help it. Couldn't stop it. It just happened. It wasn't her fault. It never was her fault. It all traced back to those people. The people who had tortured her to the point of doing those horrible things. It was their fault. Not hers. That's the way it would always be.

Smiling she walked down the street toward the park and looked at him, "So, what made you decide to talk to me anyway, if you're as anti-social as you say, I would think talking to a girl would be even worse, right? I mean, I know I get the same way around boys so....I'm blabbering again, aren't I?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The moment that she mentioned going to the park, Justin could feel himself begin to smile as he nodded to the idea. He had to admit that he was pretty happy with how things were goig so far, nothing bad had happened yet and Anna didn't seem too bothered (at least not because of him). Following her out of the cafe and down the street, he agreed to her comment about the city's electricity problem with a small nod.

When she asked him as to why he talked to her, he was silent for a moment as they walked. Justin wasn't completely sure himself. With a small chuckle he replied, "You may be blabbering a bit, but hey it's a reasonable question. To be honest I'm not completely sure myself, I mean at first it was merely to say thanks for the elevator. When we bumped into each other at the cafe, I legitimately thought it was my fault, so I wanted to apologize." Looking over at her as they walked he realized the same question applied to her a bit as well. "So I got ask, why did you suggest getting coffee together?"
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