Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vladimir followed Neija for an hour until they came to the angel's castle as Neija busted through the shield and then slither inside to start fighting angels and he hopped off his horse placing his hand on Neija's hand "Listen girl" he whispered to the snake "Please go home" he knew the snake would have to listen to him "I will bring Luner home but I want you safe to return to the castle" he said walking up the walkway of the castle and made his way inside "Grandpa stop" he said running over to Luner standing inside of them. Archangel Michael was his grandfather the one who had given him the angelic sword that he cherished slowly he pulled the angel sword out "Listen Luner might be a demon but I love her with all of my heart and she has dedicated her life for the betterment of mankind just like you" he said standing in front of her protectively.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The archangel glares at him darkly looking at Luner that hissed at him slightly backing away behind Vlad blinking as her side was burned. Michael gave a regretting look "I can't turn down gods commands" he said advancing forward his holy fire sword appearing in his hand. Luner blinked "this is crazy I mean who cares if I'm a demon?! What have I don't that's demonic" she demands. Micheal eyes flare "silence " he snapped looking at Vlad "Step aside Vlad" said darkly eyes glowing darkly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"No, no I'm not stepping aside grandfather" Vladimir said standing his ground this once "This will end one of two ways. One you leave this alone and we all go our own way. Two you and I fight and I do something I never wanted to do. Or three you kill me first because I will die to protect the woman I love and that will make you an innocent killer which'll have your archangel status ripped from you for killing an innocent. So what will it be grandfather you decide" he said wrapping his arms around Luner's waist in a protect manner as he leaned over and kissed her lovingly "Whatever happens now darling we go through this together as a couple because I know I couldn't live another day without you by my side. I lost you for two years and for two years I felt dead inside but once you showed back up all that changed and I finally felt like the best part of me has returned" Vladimir confessed to Luner with a smile on his face as he drew his sword though ready to fight at any moment if his grandfather attacked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Luner smiles at him and kissed him deeply smiling gently and held his hand "I'm not leaving you alone not anymore" she promised and waited but Micheal looked at them as if they where weirdest things alive "How can you love a demon?" he asked confused on the whole matter. He had trained Vlad to not trust demon yet it seemed that Vlad was in love with one. Luner smiles and walked over slowly with Vlad and said "because Micheal Not all demons want the human race to suffer. I am the queen of demons and I will make sure of it. I vow that no demon that under me shall attack a human being" she said. Micheal snorted and folded his arms glareing but vanishes and they where just alone in the dungeon area. Luner sighed with relife but winced at the agony in her side that was burned "well that was an awful meeting with the angels' she mutters slowly in pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Good because I'll never leave your side either Luner you are my everything" Vladimir said smiling as she looked at Michael "Because grandfather Luner is the sweetest, most kind hearted and loving woman that I have ever met whether it be demon or human and I have fallen for her harder than I ever could've a human being" he said looking at his grandfather with honest eyes as he heard Luner speaking to him. As his grandfather left however he walked with Luner to the small bench and he placed her on the bench slightly before pulling her shirt up slowly seeing the burns on her side and he looked into Luner's eyes "Don't worry darling we'll get you healed up and ready to fight once again only this time we'll be ready as a couple to fight anyone that comes at us with the intent to harm us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Luner smiles as the burn was deep but smiles nodding slowly "I know we will get me all patched up. Always fight along side my general " she smiles gently eyes glistened with love and joy. She closed her eyes slightly smelled the air "four angels down the hall armed ready to attack" warns her lover slowly smiling gently. The breeze passing them by. She fallowed Vlad out the angels stared at them but didn't attack and Luner gets on the horse after Vlad holding his waist as they rode back falling asleep, head on his back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vladimir smiled as he said "Yes we will get you all patched up. But in my eyes you'll always be general Luner you did more good for the kingdom than I could ever do for them" he said smiling as he looked at her "And if there are angels waiting to attack us then we'll fight through them if we have to" he said taking her hand in his lovingly and walked down the hall with his hand on his sword that was hanging off of his hip in it's sheath but while they walked down the hallway they got past the angels in the hallway without having to fight so immediately they went outside and went to Vladimir's horse. "You know Neija broke the barrier around this place which allowed me inside and she got hurt as well" he said but as he looked back to where Luner was and noticed that she was asleep which made him chuckle lightly. Once they got to the castle he slowed down and moved to get off the horse keeping Luner in her position before grabbing her and holding her in his arms. After he had her safely in his arms he carried her to the bedroom they'd be sharing and placed her in bed before covering her up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nejia slithered over slowly smiling and was healed and coils up near Luner as she was placed on the bed and snuggled on her hip smiling gently. Luner smiles as she held onto Vlad's arm like a child not wanting to let go as if he detered all her nightmares. She was smiling and peaceful eyes shut gently and breathing normal. Her wound didn't heal like her friends but they would heal in time. She slept for an hour before waking up and slowly looking around. She noticed she was back in her bed and vlad with her and smiles gently. "I might have been a great general but anyone can be vlad it just takes time" she muses gently "which we have all the tim ein the world" she muses gently a twinkle in her eyes of her old self of loving and peaceful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vladimir goes about doing his normal routine as Neija and Luner slept on the bed. He continued on until right before Luner woke up. Once Luner woke up he was shirtless sweat glistened off of his muscular and toned body as he did push-up's and he only stopped when he heard Luner start talking to him "Yes anyone can be a great general that I agree with" he said as he went back to doing push-up's "But not everyone can be the greatest general in the history of a kingdom. I mean Luner you were smart, beautiful and powerful. Your strategies and accomplishments over the last...Well however long you were here as general are absolutely top of the line no one no matter how hard they try could ever live up to your legendary status as General which is why I am stepping down to let you have your job back" Vladimir said as he finished doing push-up's "But you owe me a story of your history since I told you mine last night" Vladimir said walking over to her and kissing her lovingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Vlad I'm not being a general again its now your time to be one. You wanted the job so when you got it its yours" she museed and kissed him back slowly "alright well Najia can help, I warn you though in my flash backs you are unable to be seen so do not yell or try attacking anything. Najia if you please" said. The snake eyes glow and the room shifted ibto a throneroom palace, a long time ago.

"get up Luner" snapped Darkmeth who towered over a ball of blood and scartches, it was a much younger Luner, crying and curled up. Luner had her eyes closed and wailing."leave me alone, it hurts" she wails. Darkmeth snarled and kicked her in the side "fine you piece of dirt, since you keep disobeying fifty lashes" he snapped as a guard came in with a long sharp barbed whip. She got lashed everywhere on her back, blood streaming down the young girls body like a river. Darkmeth snorted and walked past her "stupid child" he snorted and walked out leaving Luner to lay in her own blood, crying. She struggled to stand not wanting to lay there huffing and snarled at Darkmeth "I'm not weak" she snapped bravely even though thse wounds could kill her if she was a normal person. Darkmeth turned around and back handed her harshly and Luner was knocked out cold. Bleeding and hurt, two hellhounds came forth and dragged the girl away to her room.

The Flashback changed to a different time Luner was two years older

Luner climbed out the window of the palace, she had enough of this. She wanted to leave and knew there was agreat punishment for leaving the demons , which was death. She landed on the ground softly skilled like a cat making no sound. She walked toward the city limits singing a song softly to herself a lulubye. After geting out of the kingdom she was attacked by people, but this time she fought back with sharp kicks and amazing fighting style. The people backed away and the Queen came forward smiling gently, the queen was much younger maybe just 21 years old and smiles "My dear Child are you lost? Shame on you my guards for attacking her" she stares at the bleeding and panting guards. Luner bowed her head "I am sorry" she said politely. The queen smiles "come little one lets get you cleaned up, I am sure that we wil find a place for you." she smiles leading her toward the kingdom.

When the flashback ended Vlad would be in the room and Luner was sitting up on the bed looking down slowly. She had her eyes closed three tears falling down her face. "I was never loved by my father, he hated me with a passion. I just wanted to make him happy. I got whipped if I made him a blasted pie I mean how could that be so wrong" she cried gently head in her knees.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

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"Yes I did want the job that is obvious I mean who in the world doesn't want to be the top ranking general in the kings army but most people want to know that they are the most qualified person for the job and to be honest darling i'm not the most qualified for the position because you are back darling and everyone knows that you're the greatest warrior in the history of this entire kingdom. I'm sure that even the King and Queen will agree with me" Vladimir said smiling as he looked at Luner happily. Though as the flashbacks came about he watched as Darkmeth beat the hell out of Luner and it broke Vladimir's heart completely seeing the woman that he was in love with being hurt as bad as she was being hurt. Though then another flashback started and he watched as Luner escaped the demonic kingdom and made her way to the kingdom that she worked for, for many years as general and that made him happy until the flashback ended and he saw she was crying so he walked over to her and wiped her eyes with his hand lovingly "No you weren't loved by your father but your mother, the queen, king and I have loved you and will always love you all in different ways. Not to mention Neija loves you as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Luner closed her eyes gently and nodded slowly her two legs turned into snake part once more and sighed deeply and then wrapped it around Vladmire "me and Nejia never always got along, I mean when I first met her she hated me a lot, she was darkmeths pet snake but I could talk to her and treated her nicely and she was thankful and fallowed me home that day. She doesn't always trust me " she grinned as nejia hissed and lunged up onto the rafter and hissed at her an insult. She smirks at the snake "You love me" she said smiling before tucking her head under Vlad's head slowly. She closed her eyes "I might be the best but I'm not the smartest i'll tell you that, I have made awful mistakes cost the kingdom many people. I was hated for a while because I didn't care for the people that had me, it changed though when I saved a boy from three wolves and I knew how to do my job better and ever since then I helped better" she said slowly "it takes time to be great and you can you just got to try and stick with it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

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Vladimir smiled as he looked at Luner watching as she changed back into her demonic form of half snake, half human smiling as she wrapped herself around him "Well you and Neija might no have always gotten along and she might have been Darkmeth's pet at one time but now darling Neija loves you even if sometimes you guys argue since you can speak snake. You two are like sisters and I know right now that if anyone were to come and try to hurt you she would make sure that would never happen" Vladimir then wrapped his arms around her waist and held her to him as he felt protective of the woman who he was madly in love with "Everyone makes mistakes and sometimes we regret those mistakes for the rest of our lives. Others we use to become a better person. While other mistakes can help us that is a part of life but no matter what you say Luner I will always believe that I am not the right choice as general because I know you're a better general than I am."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She smiled happily and snuggled close to him in his embrace happily "You know what the best memory I have is ? meeting you is my best memory over all others." she smiled happily looking at him slowly eyes glow happily. She hears giggling and looked at the door "oh my friends " he grinned, the three thieves ran in and grinned "well you made it back alive" they said. She smiled "yeah I did, it took a while but I am, So be gone before I put you in jail" she grinned teasingly. the thieves grinned and left happily. She sighed happily "so tell me something Vlad, whats your best memory"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vladimir smiled as he listened to Luner tell him that the best memory that she had was meeting him and it brought tears of happiness to his eyes as he listened to what she said and he was about to say something whenever he heard a voice coming from the doorway and turned his attention to see who was there only to see three thieves standing at the door and he laughed. He had became good friends with these men since Luner had left since he wanted to be closer to Luner and the best way he thought to do that was to become friends with her friends. Slowly he watched as Luner and the thieves joked around with each other but once the thieves left. Once again Vladimir pulled Luner into his arms staring into her eyes as he thought about her question long and hard "There have been so many good memories but if I had to pick my favorite and best memory in my entire life then I would have to agree with you a hundred percent about my best memory in my life. My best memory is the day we met because that led to us both finding our true love. Not to mention we got that troublemaker Neija to love as well" Vladimir said the last part teasingly and smiled at Neija "I'm kidding girl just so you know" he said before leaning in to kiss her lovingly "But you must think I'm a young man and have a long life ahead of me and I have a lot more love to give to you darling."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The snake hissed in offense and snickered slightly slithered out of the room. Luner looked at the warrior smiling gently and eyes glow slightly "Oh your going to have to keep that promise My love" she grinned gently kissing him deeply still curled around him happily. She closed her eyes and felt something touch her hip and opened an eye "don't poke my hip" she teased eye glowing with joy and love to be with vlad and be safe and not have to worry about anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vladimir laughed as he listened to Neija hissing at him before slithering off out of the room and he looked at Luner with a smile “I love that girl with all my heart but boy she’s got an attitude problem” he said teasingly before pulling Luner to him so they were mere inches from each other “It is a promise that I intend to keep with all my heart and while we’re talking about promises. I do believe that I promised you the dance of your life downstairs and we couldn’t finish because of the rain. So how about you and I go down to the ballroom and we dance to the beat of our own tune since there technically will not be any music playing down there” Vladimir said honestly since he just truly loved being around Luner at all times which was good for him since he would be around her at all times since they were now a couple. “Oh now that is just cold” he said teasingly as he heard her not to poke his hip “I thought you might enjoy me poking your hip after all we’ve been through.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Luner looked at him slowly but laughed "yeah we trying to work on those habits but she tends not to listen to my lessons. Oh a dance sure why not" she asked smiling kissing his nose teasingly before she fallowed him out to the hallway and to the ballroom. She thinks of any good dancing music and grinned "hit it" she said snapping her finger and a song called cup of life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mysterion
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mysterion Savior of the Night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vladimir smiled as he looked at Luner "Well maybe you should work harder" he said teasingly as his arms wrapped around Luner's waist once more before saying "I'm absolutely pleased to hear that you have accepted my offer of another dance you see darling I truly want to dance with you once more because that was the happiest that I have been in a very long time so if it were possible I would do nothing but dance around this dance floor with you" that was when Vladimir heard Luner say hit it and at first he was confused until the sound of beautiful music began wafting through the air "You know I'm definitely gonna have to get used to dating a woman with mystical and mysterious powers" he said teasingly as he began dancing with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HadesAngel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She chuckled "well you better get used to it easily" grins gently and dances with him easily keeping up with him smiling. She closed her eyes head on his chest "you know something. Vlad you have a heart of gold" she muses gently eyes closed gently looking up at him smirking gently. As they danced she sniffed the air "ok you guys come on stop hiding" she said. The king and queen some maids and other people poked their heads out of their hiding spots "so when you guys getting married ?" A maid asked. Luner blushed "well first someone has to propose " she said as she still danced with vlad.
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