Through the skeletal guarded gateways of slumber,
Through the macabre and twisted halls of dream,
Lost amidst the vast corridors of wonder,
The histories of worlds whirl and dance for the Dreaming Queen,
Her every movement casting time and space asunder.

The Dreamers have walked the worlds at the beginning,
When the vast stars in the sky began to flame,
Their sightless eyes cast upon a multiverse slowly spinning,
Witnessing the newly born planets birthing strain,
Their passage through cosmic horrors a mere whisper without name.

Riding over the vast cosmic seas unrelenting,
Under far distant storm filled skies,
That multi-colored arches of lighting are rending,
With grave born voices that wail their lamenting cries,
The whispered shadowed Dreamers, out of the cosmic birth arise.

Here among the eternal sleepers, the dreamers, the watchers of fate, the dead rise and wake. Feeble from their death, the shock to their body a staggering blow as they rise again to a state of life.

They cannot fight here, for this is the realm of the Dreamers. Before them in the vast disjointed walkways and corridors are a multitude of doors that lead to the worlds of life and substance. Where the waker wishes to go they may, simply open a door and you shall open a gate to a new world, a new place where your body shall be reborn. Whole and substantial, ready to live again.

This is where you go when you die in the Nexus Multiverse. You are reborn naked and feebly weak from the experience. You can choose any location to return in, except the one you died at. Whether or not your remember the death and waking up in the Shadowed Halls of Dreams is up to you.