Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After Allen had laid his wife down he got her hooked up to an I.V. and spoke with her for a moment before he decided he should make sure his friends were alright, "I will be back...You'll be okay Ellen..." And with that he took off through the air like a Warhead, When he started getting close he saw his friends surrounded by agents, he knew there look he had dealt with them many time before and so he didn't feel bad for punching the ground and making a mini crater where he had landed, "Hello everyone..." He was heated to super heat having seen the darts take out two of his friends, "I thought it was made clear on the beach when we landed...That we can handle ourselves." The living Nuke seemed not amused by the Agents around them, "Or is there a reason you attacked my friends? Cause as far as I can tell that looked like an invasion of citizen rights..." Allen smirked pretty brightly, "Explain yourself...Unless you think you can take me in by force?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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The female agent stared at Allen defiantly keeping her tranq gun pointed at Jack, she held a regular M9 pistol pointed at Al. "Mr.Willows, threaten us all you want but we clearly have you at a disadvantage. If you want strike me down, feel free.: She cocked the M9 and returned it to Al heads head. "But I swear to you before you even have the chance I will put a bullet through his head! My men will kill all your friends without a moments notice, even this girl in Mr.Spades arms. So I ask you Mr.Willows, are you prepared to have their blood on your hands?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allen eyes turned cold as hell, "Yes...Part of Science is sacrifice...Because the moment that gun fired the world as you know it would end," He smirked, "I've been studying myself for a while now and my conclusion is that if I went off at full power it would level everything from Mexico to Canada...Everything every life every single living cell would burn in nuclear fire..." He floated there, "Now I'm not saying we won't come peacefully...What I want are answers..." He eyed her with his glowing eyes like death himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Allen, stop...we should just follow them. Sky needs to rest and fighting with such conditions will only make things worse..." Jack interrupted the conversation between the two.

He stepped forward still holding Sky in his arms. He pointed at the beast with his eyebrows, while looking at Allen, telling him to pick it up and take it with them. He moved towards Al, let Sky in the ground for a moment, carried Al on his back and then picking her up again. The weight of the two was too hard on Jack, especially considering that he had no time to rest since they escaped the Vitus' ship, but he wouldn't let the kids in someone else's hands.

"I surrender...lead the way!" he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allen landed and started letting himself cool until he could pick up the beast which he threw onto his shoulder, "I don't surrender but for now...I'll cooperate." He looked at her and made sure could see his eyes, "I told a Vitus scientist once that I would be the bane of his entire race...Don't make the mistake he made and give me a reason to be less than human..."Allen's eyes were cold still like he was looking into the eyes of the devil herself, "Because if that happened...Things would change forever."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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The agent holstered her guns and pointed them to a heavily armored vehicle. "All of you head in there." She stared into Allen's eyesas she walked past him. "You're nowhere near as terrifying as you think you are Mr.Willows."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

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Jack headed to the vechicle indicated by the young lady slowly, because of the excessive weight of Al and Sky. He placed them as comfortably as he should on his shoulders and held both of them tightly so they wouldn't bump into anything while travelling. He assumed that the Allen incident was enough for the government to label them as threats and that it was the reason they appeared again so soon. Allen's latest actions and his latest statements were enough to make him think the same.

"We are too powerful ourselves...We need plans against us so we can be contained in case we turn rogue..." was the thought that stuck on Jack's mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sky's eyes slid open slowly, adjusting to the bright sunlight beating down upon her. She looked around thoughtfully at the meadow she had awoken in, unable to recall how she had arrived. The grass was a lush green, dotted by many flowers of different shapes and colors, their sweet scent filling her nose. It was peaceful, relaxing, and wrong. There were no sounds of crickets in the grass or animal calls in the forest surrounding her meadow pasture. The shadow of a bird passed overhead, startling her out of her daze. Looking down at herself she found clothes she did not recognize, a dress she never bought and feet surprisingly clean for being barefoot. It felt wrong and right at the same time, her eyes squeezing shut in her confusion. You always were the cry baby. Sky looked around, frightened by the sudden voice when there was not a single living creature in sight. Slowly her eyes trailed up to where the bird's shadow had passed not too long before, the glare of the sun blocking any view of the sky above her. By the time the stinging had subsided the girl had landed before her. It was like looking into a carnival mirror, one meant to twist the soul into something dark and disturbing. They wore the same dress but hers was dirtier somehow, and her eyes held a black to them that frightened Sky. The most magnificent piece about the strange girl, however, was the large black wings sprouting from her back, obviously as powerful as they were beautiful. Sky was so captivated by the girl's frightening beauty that she didn't notice the ground crumbling beneath her. The girl grabbed her hand and kept her afloat as the meadow fell into an endless void, black completely surrounding the pair as they floated face to face. You're weak and pathetic. Can't even fly on your own two wings. Sky glanced back at a pair of white wings that she hadn't noticed before, confused by the other girl's words. You were powerful once, you were feared. Look at you now, holding on for dear life. Something flashed behind the wicked girl's eyes as she opened her hand and let Sky fall from her grasp. As she fell screaming, she could hear a familiar laugh above her never fading no matter how far she had travelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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[Timeskip, Government Holding Facility: "The Cage"]
Al awoke groggily just like he did on the Vitus ship. This waking up in strange places thing was starting to become a very bad habit. Looking around he realized the room he was was all white save for a one-way on the far side of the room. The last thing he remembered was being confronted by the cops and then suddenly nothing. Whatever happened he would break out of here and find the others just like when he broke out of the Vitus tube. "I'll burn my way outta here!" The fire continued for a few minutes but suddenly vents from the ceiling began to suck all of the oxygen out of the room. The fire died out instantly and Al fell to his knees coughing and struggling to breath. A clicking noise signaled the vent to start dispensing the oxygen into the room again.

"Please don't try that again. My superiors won't be happy with me If i kill you." A voice came through a speaker he hadn't even noticed before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jack felt his head heavy, as he woke up in a white cell, wearing clothes different from the ones he was wearing on the cemetary.

"I must have slept in the van...Be it either due to fatigue or some drug they used on me, the result is the same. I am inside a cell, with only a door being my way out. Not like I am going to stay here for long. I have to check out on the others." he thought and touched the nearby wall so it could explode.

To his surprise, the wall remained intact, nothing happening by touching it. Jack tried the same with the door and even with his clothes, but the result was the same.

"Everything inside the cell must be made from organic matter that I can not set it to explode, even my clothes. Whoever captured us, has certainly done his homework. I bet our captors must also have hidden cameras in the cell and record our every move. So, if we are helpless, but alive, they need us. But for what?" Jack thought.

He walked around for a bit, trying to find a way out, but he could not come up with anything, unless he knew the demands of their captors. He sat on the floor and waited patiently for what was about to come.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It felt like she had been falling forever before the other her appeared beside her, wings folded to allow her to fall at the same speed. You can't do it, can you? The girl frowned and uncrossed her arms. We can try again later. Try not to get yourself into too much trouble this time. Before Sky could react, the other girl had pulled back her hand and thrust it through her chest.

Sky's body jerked as she awoke with a start, flipping off of the bed she had been laying on. Rubbing her forehead, Sky tried to shake the ringing from her ears only to discover it wasn't her ears at all. There were a couple of speakers throughout the room playing a loop of noise that was starting to get on her nerves. Covering her ears with her hands she sat on the floor pouting. "Where the hell am I and what is that horrible sound?" She hissed to herself, wishing to see someone familiar. Sky was wearing clothes that weren't her own in a room she had never seen before, all a little too much for after a recent escape from the Vitus ship. Her eyes widened as she realized that she couldn't remember anything after their small group had reached the shore. She had been exhausted and fell asleep, so she had no idea how she had managed to get into this white room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allen sat up slowly and breathed in deeply, he had expected no less from the government, "You people are still just as paranoid as the last time I worked with you all." He knew for a fact that he was in a room lined to hold in a nuclear explosion, "Is all this really necessary? I did say i would play nice...." He made a small white ball of energy in his hand and started spinning it around, "So what happened to special agent Carson? He no longer assigned to our case?" Allen smirked a bit, "Our is he perhaps no longer with the agency?" He made motions as if he were hanging himself and pretending to be dead, "Isn't that how you all usually handle things?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jason woke up with his arms and tied behind hm in the corner if the cell. His punishment for lashing out violently against the government. However, what they did not know was his strength, the boy broke the the bonds holding him easily enough and looked around the room. "I'll kill these bastards." He growled
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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A voice came over the intercoms built into each of the rooms, this voice was that of the female agent who had brought them in. " You would be right Mr.Willows unfortunately agent Carson is no longer with us." Her tone was dripping venom. "And it's all your fault!" She calmed herself before speaking again. "Agent Carson was assigned to your case, he was convinced that you could be trusted to look after yourselves and he convinced us the same, that is until your little incident Mr. Willows that nearly wiped out an entire city and made a whole area uninhabitable because of the radiation you left. Carson assured you would not be detrimental, he staked his life on it because he trusted you, Allen Willows and because of that trust he's dead So Mr. Willows do you have some little joke now?"

Al tensed when her heard her. He didn't necessarily trust Carson when he first met him anyway but he couldn't help but feel bad now that he was dead.

The girl spoke through the intercom again. "You are all too dangerous to simply let run free, as you friend Dr.Willows has proven, as of this moment you are all government property."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allen dropped to his knees, sorrow burning in his eyes in the form of tears streaming down his face, "No...that's...Its my fault not theirs!!!" His whole body started glowing bright red, "He was my friend..." Allen grabbed his head and let out a roar of pure pain, "Your superiors did this witch!!!" Allen's body started glowing a new colour, Bright purple, Allen knelt down in pain, "Agent...something is wrong..." His body started giving of explosive power before stopping all together, Allen looked down into his hand he was holding the what looked like a sword made of the same purple energy he was giving off, "My abilities are expanding...Agent...I need a lab...I won't try to escape I won't try to hurt anyone...but I need to study the development of my and my team...These powers still might be terminal for us...You really want a mass death? Might put you in the same place as Carson..." His voice was filled with just as much Venom as her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jack patiently heard the female agent speaking, but could not listen to what was happening to Allen. Instead he focused on the agent's words about them, which were the thoughts he had on their way to the government facility they were. He decided to not say a word and instead started tapping his index on the floor. At first it seemed like incoprehensible sound, but one of the agents could understand that he was using Morse code. He learned that when he needed to co-operate with a partner in a card game. The message was saying:

"I understand your concerns...please let me speak to the one in charge privately."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Dangerous? What part about me looks dangerous?" Sky spat out in aggravation. "Look I feel bad that this Carson guy is dead and all, but how the hell does that make it my fault. It's not like I did anything dangerous. I've been asleep since we escaped from those Vitus creeps so why am I being locked up like some criminal. Let me go!" She growled, slamming her shoulder into the door. If there was one thing she didn't take well, it was being locked up in a cage, not to mention the sound they were playing in her room was starting to drive her crazy. "Shut that thing off already, it's torture to listen to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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The agent laughed. "Wouldn't I end up like Carson if I listened to you? Besides like I just told you , you are all government property and therefore expendable, your deaths are inconsequential to me. " She pressed the comm in her ear and received a message from another agent and sighed. "You can stop that tapping, Mr. Spade the man in charge wants to speak to you all right now." She tapped the comm again and connected to the the respective overseers of the group. "Prep the prisoners for movement, Stone wants to see them." The overseers nodded and began to send men and tools required to move them while also neutralizing them.
The overseer monitoring Al was tense at the agents words, since Al hadn't moved since another to break free from his prison. They had known he was weaker to oxygen loss as a result of his powers but they thought they had monitored a safe level to keep him contained. The heat sensor they had used in Al's room showed that his body was now cold. The overseer was definitely going to be demoted for letting him die on his watch. He had warned the boy not to try yet he did it anyway. He stood up from his chair and moved down to the roll which now held Al's body, at the very least they could use perform an autopsy in the corpse to find out the secret to the Vitus methods. He stepped in and slowly reached out to grab Al's arm when suddenly his jackets sleeve burst into flames.

Al jumped up and shoved the overseer down, who was now busy trying to put out his flaming jacket. "I can't believe you actually fell for that!" Al had lowered his body temperature and played dead in hopes they might open his cell and it worked like a charm. He wasted no time in bolting out the door and locking the overseer inside. Once he was in the hall he saw a group of men carrying what looked like a helmet that blocked all outside view and sound. Once they saw him however they did the smart thing, dropped it and ran in the opposite direction, not even thinking about drawing the pistols at their waist; maybe they figured it wasn't worth the pain he was pretty much a walking Napalm strike after all. He chuckled and continued into the room holding one of his friends. The overseer was already gone, and an alarm blaring told him exactly where he went. He sighed before looking through the window and seeing Sky/Jade on the other side. He burned through the door to the cell. "So you up for another prison break?"

(Basically I've reasoned that Al, Spade, Sky, and Jason's cells are all relatively near each other. Since Jack is basically the unofficial leader they would keep his cell farther away from theirs. Allen is in the same boat since he's the one seen as the biggest threat.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jason sat in his roiiom as he heard the words from the lady. He looked up at the man in front of him, watching him to ensure he didn't move. "And you're all offically dead." Jason growled before jumping up and hitting the man, knocking his knife into the air. Which flipped then came down towards Jason, using his enchnaced reflexes and speed the boy turned and had it cut the restraints on his cuffs. Then he grabbed it and spun again, slamming his knife into the throat of the man and killing him. Before walking to the door. "Care to let me out?" He asked calmly.

(If anybody has played FEAR 3, you'll get where I borrowed the killing the guard sequence from)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sky covered her ears with her palms, leaning her back up against the wall. The noise was driving her just as crazy as the situation. She couldn't recall doing anything bad so she didn't understand why she was being held responsible for something this stranger did. Apparently it didn't take long for things to turn violent just as it had when the group awoke on the Vitus aircraft. The upset didn't become apparent to Sky, however, until Al busted a whole through the door to her cell. Despite being in discomfort Sky hesitated, unsure if she could trust this stranger to help her. Not wanting to be in the strange room anymore, Sky rushed to his side and instantly felt better once away from the white noise. "Thanks for the help I guess. Do you know what has these guys all freaked out? They're treating us like we're some band of criminals, what did you guys do while I was out?" She asked, eyes scanning the area for more trouble. Sky didn't think that she was strong enough to fight off army guys, but if she had a pyromaniac helping her out she'd probably survive a little longer.
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