Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Al struggled to pick himself of the ground again and every single inch of his body resisted him, but he still managed somehow. The two of them were hurt bad but Jack's head wound worried him, and with the ship now going under he didn't want to leave him. Especially since they didn't know if there were any Vitus survivors or not. "You don't look like your in the shape to be rescuing somebody. You sure you want to do this?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jack was moved by Al's concern. He was used to the "every man for himself" world he grew up with and never expected kindness from another person, even more from a stranger. However he was firm to his decision.

"In poker you usually go with the highest odds...So, two lives for the sake of all the others is the best way to go...Tactics, remember? Besides, I don't plan to kick the bucket just yet!" Jack replied, while wiping more blood from his eye.

He walked to the opposite direction the others headed before. He would like to run through the spaceship to find Allen, but he was not able to in his condition. He knew that he probably didn't have enough time, so he needed luck to find Allen, but luck was part of his character, so he was willing to take the chance. He turned his head to Al while walking off.

"Just a favor...Don't let anybody die...Including you!" he said and then added "By the way, thanks for the concern, Al!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lexicon looked around From her point on the ground she could tell they were sinking. "No the console locked down before the crash. I might be able to unlock doors. But i think that will be all." Her head was bleeding where she smashed into the console in the crash. She touched and got ready to move forward towards a door in the room which after getting open flooded the chamber with water from a hull breach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sky picked up her pace, running down the corridor until she found the boys from earlier. "What happened, are you guys okay?" She asked, looking at the blood then looking around. "Um, is it just me or are you one short?" As far as she could remember she left three people behind, but only two were standing in front of her. "Where is he?" Her eyes kept trailing back up to the blood, filled with concern. "You going to be able to see like that? Head wounds bleed like a bitch."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John sighed as the water flooded the chamber. "Shit this isn't good," he said, stating the blatantly obvious. "How are we supposed to get out of this hell hole?" he asked, wading through the water over to the console.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allen was dreaming a pleasant dream about Helen, but no matter how pleasant the dream one must wake up sooner or later. Allen woke up hard and forced himself to shoot up towards the surface the water nearly claiming his lungs. Allen burst through the surface to see the ship beginning to capsize in the water, "Damn!" Allen started flying around the ship and under the water looking for the main point of hull breach, after a few moments he found it and instantly started welding it back together with his nuclear energy, Allen knew this wouldn't stop the ship from sinking but it would slow it down some and give his friends time to escape. Allen took a moment and looked for the blast doors and started melting through them to get in to his friends, "You have to be alive...we survived all that the crash cant have killed you!" Allen pushed himself almost blacking out trying to melt through the blast doors...but the ship was shielded on the outside and it was a serious challenge for Allen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jack paused his walk for a moment, as he heard Sky's voice. He turned around once more, only to see that the young girl came back to them. She seemed to have loosened up a bit, at least as much as someone could loosen up in an invading alien race's spaceship, and he was glad for that.

"I swear I've been in a better shape before and so is Al I guess, as for the other one, I am heading out to find him right n...curses!"

His sentence was interrupted by more blood in his eye. He once again wiped it and continued.

"I will find our other friend. Meanwhile, you and Al escape from the ship with the others,princess! I will catch up to you as soon as I find him!" he said and once again slowly moved ahead, until he heard a faint sound.

"That kind of sound...It can't be! There is water inside the ship already?" Jack thought.

He tried to walk as fast as he could with his worn up body while saying:

"You two must hurry and join the others! If I can hear it, princess, then you can too! Water is flooding the ship! Escape before it goes to the bottom of the ocean!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sky shook her head with a grimace. "As cliché as it sounds, I'm not leaving anyone behind. You helped me, I'm here to return the favor. I don't particularly like being indebted to others." She looked nervous towards the sound of the water and sighed. "About how tall do you think he is? Shorter than a Vitus right?" Now that she thought about it, she couldn't quite remember his face anymore. Hadn't been paying much attention in the heat of the fight anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((Double post))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Al grinned at Sky's refusal to leave Jack alone. "Lucky for you Jack I am a man of my word. I'll go make sure everyone else is alright." He turned and ran in the direction Sky came from before. Before disappearing from view he turned around. "Jack you follow your own advice! Don't either of you die, because I promise I'm coming back!" With Sky watching his back, he was sure Jack would be fine.

The sound of the water pushing through the ship got louder and small amounts were starting to shoot from leaks in the hall he was in."Shit!" avoiding the water as best he could he continued on his way to the bridge. The situation he found when he got there was definitely complicated,as the entire bridge was taking on water fast. He thought about punching through the wall, but he didn't know how deep in the water this part of the ship was and could end up drowning the lot of them inside. "So I came to help you guys out, but I'm not sure how useful making fires would be around all this water?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I guess that I can't convince you to change your mind...Fine, let's go princess!" Jack said and headed for the passageway opposite of the bridge.

He noticed the leaks in the walls, deducing that it would limit his powers since he had to be careful not to destroy any of his surroundings if he didn't want to become fish food. However, his primary concern was Allen's well being. Trying to figure out his location, however, gave him a hard time. The spaceship was like a maze and he could be everywhere. He also had to protect Sky from any possible enemy, so he couldn't rush his way through it...Not like he could anyway, with no stamina left whatsover. Then he stopped and turned to Sky, saying:

"Excuse me for burdening you,princess, but, is it possible to find our friend with your enhanced sense of hearing and approximately find his location?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sky thought about it a moment, remembering how hard it had been to follow the sound to the group earlier. Slowly she nodded though doubt plagued her. "It should be possible, but with all of the water that we're taking on, it might mess it up." She approached the side of the wall carefully and placed her palms flat against it, leaning in and pressing her ear to the wall as well. The group back at the bridge sounded like they were alright for the time being but perhaps not for long. Sky tuned them out and listened farther, following the sound vibrations through the surrounding areas then farther out. One sound caught her by surprise, not the sound of trying to escape but of someone trying to break in. She pushed away from the wall with a confused look. "I wasn't able to find him, but I heard something strange that I can't quite understand. Someone from the outside is trying to break into the ship rather than away from. Think it could be Vitus reinforcements already?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpyGlass


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rowan stood up, yanking the hood back in place. He formed his baton pieces around his right hand in a block shape, looking around. Noticing the ship's condition and Sky running past, he tried to run after. "Hold up. Hold up. What was and -is- all of this?" He shouted, continuing to run down and to the bridge. A simple thought crossed Rowan's mind. (What was it like for me before this experience?) This thought was simply stamped out, as he continued his current pace, eyes ahead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jack carefully listened to Sky explaining her new discovery. He examined all the possibilities he could think of and tried to figure out the best one, just like he was doing when playing poker. Analysis was one of Jack's strong points after all. He thought:

"The Vitus bringing reinforcements...no, it is unlikely that this is the case. There is no reason for them to break their ship apart to kill us...Their numbers and technology would be enough to do so when we emerge from the ship. Besides, since Sky came back and did not mention anything, we certainly managed to take over the bridge, so I doubt the Vitus sent a distress signal. The ship crashing in the water could tip them off to send an exploration team, but it is impossible to approach so soon without being noticed...If they are on another ship, we would have heard it. Could it be help? They couldn't have come that fast either...The only thing left is to check out what is going on. With any luck it could be our friend, though the chances are slim."

Soon after recollecting his thoughts, Jack said to Sky:

"I don't think it is the Vitus, it's highly unprobable. Would you please lead the way there, princess?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sky nodded once more. "Yeah, I think I can do that. Are you strong enough to fight? Leave out the fact that you can't see, I can do that for you. I just need you to cover me while I figure my way around this place. Now that we've hit the water there are a lot of noises that I have to sort through in order to find my way there. It's going to take a ton of concentration to tune those out and still keep watch all while finding one specific point in a strange place." She shifted from foot to foot, a nervous habit she had never been able to break. Hearing something behind her she spun around, jumping slightly as she had forgotten the new guy from the control room. "Sorry, did you say something?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpyGlass


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rowan shuddered, looking directly at Sky. "Err... what -is- this? What happened?" He tried to keep it cool, but his tone of voice was still frantic and anxiety-laced. He held up his right hand, contained in a wooden box. "And... this?" He sighed, then looking around. "Eh...eh....err..." His eyes flickered around as he tried to make sense of what was all going on, and yet it was a battle he was losing. He shuddered again, the hand's case all falling apart into little wooden cubes at his feet. "This can't be real..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sky's eyes dropped to the floor then back up to Rowan. "Do you remember your past at all?" She asked tentatively, thinking back on her own with a shudder. "The invasion, the rumors... We're apart of it now, dragged in against our will. They've done something unforgivable." Her tone had started to shift again, reverting back to what it had been when Jack had first found her. "They've ruined our lives, taken things away from us we can never get back. Once they realize we've gotten loose they'll be back for us so the way I see it we have two choices. Sit back and let them toy with us like lab rats or fight while we still can. I've made my choice, every single Vitus scum that I see will perish. What will you do?" A creepy grin slowly crept its way onto her face as she spoke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Before Jack could answer Sky's question, someone else ran towards them, calling for them, or only Sky as it seemed. He decided to stay silent and not answer to her, so she could speak uninterrupted with the new person that they met, since he seemed shaken up by the whole Vitus experience, much like Sky was when he met her. And who would blame them? They were still young people, who might not have reached adulthood yet for all he knew. Such cruelty would be enough to render even some of the more strong-willed people insane, much less young people, full of innocence. So, letting them speak would be the best for them to keep their cool. Their age seemed close, so they could talk about many things they would have in common in their pre-Vitus life.

"At least I won't have to worry about the kids getting bored..." Jack jokingly thought.

The conversation apparently have a rather smooth flow, until Sky was explaining what their situation was to Rowan. Then, Jack noticed the change in tone in Sky's voice, a tone he was, unfortunately familiar with. As soon as Sky finished her explanation, Jack turned around to see Sky with a sadistic grin. He ran to them and hugged them with their faces against his body, covering them. The sudden move made blood once again leak through his right eye, going down his face and finally drained by the collar of his shirt.

"Damn, it's too deep..." he thought.

He ignored his wound and said:

"Listen, both of you. I know the situation is too much to handle, but it applies to all of us. We can't escape this place if we are psyched-out! So, kid (reffering to Rowan), I will let you go if you try to calm down and, princess, I will let you go only if you tell me you are back to normal and this grin you had dissappeared!"

He then added in a more gentle tone:

"I will get you both out of here, so don't be afraid..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allen screamed pushing himself as hot as he could get to melt through the shields and save his new friends, for all he knew his wife was dead henwasnt about to let his new friends die as well, "I won't let you take them from me!!!" Allen was screaming to the sky, in truth he was screaming this to god, the Vitus, and anyone else who was able to hear his rage. Allen closed his eyes something was happening in him...something was changing rapidly, "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Pain nothing but horrid pain twisted through his body as his skin turned to pure nuclear energy and what had once been the form of Allen was now what looked like a person made out of pure nuclear energy, "W-what...I don't understand..." Allen forced himself to focus on this ship. As he heated even more the shields started to crack unevenly and spread as he forced super heated energy through the ships wall. After what seemed like forever Allen forced himself inside only to come face to face with the remaining militia on the ship preparing to go take down Allen's friends, they had specific weapons suited to each persons powers liquid nitrogen for Al, EMP for the smart girl, and other weapons built to contain them all. "GOD DAMN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!" Allen had their attention now and he wanted them to stay focused on him, "YOU ALIENS ARE INTELLIGENT SO I KNOW YOU CAN UNDERSTAND ME...I'M GOING TO KILL EVERY VITUS ON OR NEAR MY PLANET...AND WHEN IM DONE WITH THAT IM GONNA WIPE OUT YOUR HOME PLANET DOWN TO THE LAST LIVING THING!!!" Suddenly a beam hit his stomach, Allen let out a scream of pain as he sunk to his knees...what happened next is unpleasant. Allen let out an ear splitting roar as he got back up, the Vitus wasn't fast enough to get in another shot Allen had melted his gun in a blink. Allen started flooding the room with radiation and the Vitus started trying to escape Allen simply melted the door shut. The Vitus were breaking out their skin starting to boil and blister Allen watched in amusement as they screamed out in pain trying to get away, a sick smile crossed Allen's face, "I will never stop." After a few minutes the Vitus were dead and Allen had taken all the radiation back into himself, "I have to find my friends."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Witb watdr rushi.g in she got a crazy idea. She swam back to the console and hooked back in breaking down the security barrier. An AI voice transmitted through the entire ship. "Be warned all airlocks are opening. All airlocks are opening." And with that she began one by one flooding the ship by opening exterior airlocks.
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