Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Despite everything, the forcible yanking as though she were a discarded toy being fought upon by rambunctious children, the sheer roughness of these few burly women washing and styling her hair and damn near scraping the dirt off her fair skin, tinted a bit of a pink by their thorough scrubbing, and of course the hidden mischievousness of her new servant Ginger, or rather Crystal's partner in crime on possibly further jovial pranks and mishaps to come for the knight, Irina had to admit with a soft, minute smile curling her lips as she glanced at her reflection in the vanity mirror, she did look quite lovely in a dress. For a woman who spent most of her life in a drab, dingy suit of brushed steel armor, Irina wasn't much educated when it came to the fashion of nobility and royalty, but the beautiful shade of burgundy red satin with dazzling silver embroidery and a jeweled belt to match, it really contrasted well against the almost polar and ice blue colors of her eyes and her hair, bringing attention to them more it seemed to the knight, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing mind you. Even a rough woman as she could be as beautiful as a noblewoman, though it took a bit of polishing. "Well...it's not really my forte, but...I do like the color." She gave a slight twirl of herself in the mirror, the elegant red dress dancing about her legs as she smiled even more, her eyes sparkling with such delight. Never before has she worn a dress so beautiful, and quite odd how...relaxing it felt. Then again, she wasn't being barred down with so many plates of heavy steel, which of course to her was a great relief. However.....relief yet again turned to apprehension, once Irina caught a familiar set of glowing amethyst in mid-twirl.

"Princess!" She yelped, stumbling backwards with awkward surprise toward's Crystal's uninvited intrusion and her little chirp about the knight looking quite dazzling in her dress, a bout of cheerful laughter following from the other women, which made Irina's flustered cheeks easily match her dress fabric's warm hues of burgundy and scarlet. Where did she come from all of a sudden? How did she even get into the room without Irina noticing. The woman had the eyes of a hawk, for Goddess' sake, but for someone as crafty as Lady Crystal...it was to be expected no less for her to slip by her protector...unnoticed. And just as it seemed Crystal had admired Irina in the wonderful dress, the same could be said to Irina's reaction to the Princess' lovely choice of attire. It was an overdose of violets, of lavenders and amethyst that flooded into the woman's crystaline blue eyes, almost like stars in the heavens above as they gazed upon the lovely Crystal, how those very purple shades just accented her so well, glowing marvelously against her hair white as the purest winter snow, and her fair, radiant complexion....but damned be Irina if she was going to let the Princess' devilishly angelic good looks sway a woman wronged from scolding her, and.....dammit there it went again. Ugh...I swear she must have some sorcery upon me, for whenever I look upon her with anger...it just fades.... What is wrong with me? But even if she still kept her rancor, her undying rage towards Crystal, there would be no excuse to chide the girl before her very peers, for fear it may deeply mortify the girl into again hating Irina.

Aside, she could hear the Princess and her servant Ginger's muffled giggling and their devious whispers, unable to deduce what they were saying, but from the tone of their gleeful snickers of deviousness and the oft sinister smiles they shot towards the eh....rather refined woman, Irina could tell again these two were up to no good. While they resumed their muted gossiping, gruffly the woman cleared her throat, so as to break up their further plotting shenanigans and garner their attention, "Well then, M'lady, shall we be off? Also, where is my longsword? I may need it." At this, the petite Ginger chimed in, "Lady Irina-" Wait a second. Did she just call Irina Lady? Well of course she was a lady, but a knight, mattering not of gender, should always be called Sir. "I'm terribly sorry, but you cannot take your blade to the opera. The theater has a strict no weapons policy, and it would seem brash of you to carry a sword in the midst of the noble Sirs and Ladies." But...but how in the hell could she be a protector to Crystal without her sword? Also, if this opera was being produced for the nobility of the kingdoms, who is to say there wouldn't be trouble afoot, especially with Princess Crystal in attendance. Not to mention...a certain sinister someone was sure to possibly appear to them during the nightly performance. Strangely enough to me, alot of this reeks of Varros' stench. Tonight, I shall be on guard....but still I should let M'lady enjoy herself. Still, if trouble should arise, what would I fight with? Bare hands can't do much when they're quartered by a bastard sword." Hmmm...perhaps there was a way she could sneak in a blade. Not a large one, but at least one to prove a good defense before a hasty retreat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

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"She is beautiful indeed, but not in the traditional way...That's for sure." Ginger chimed in, leaning closer to The Princess so that Irina couldn't hear, though it seemed she intended for the opposite to happen. Ginger was a shady one.
"Nonsense! I'll have to be the one doing all of the protecting tonight once those men get a look at her..." Crystal responded, her devilish grin now replaced by a more sincere smile. Could it be that she really did like Irina, and wasn't just saying it to make her knight feel better? The subtle hint of worry in her voice would have you believe so.
"Yes, well. It's not like she'd be interested in those men, M'lady..." Gingers words had many meanings, all which left The Princess confused.
Crystal blinked innocently, seriously trying to figure out what that little maid meant. That Ginger always had a way of just knowing things. It was kind of annoying at first to Crystal, but overtime she grew to appreciate it about the girl. "Wha-?" Was all Crystal managed to get out before Irina intruded upon their conversation to ask about her sword, though Crystal knew by the way she cleared her voice beforehand that she didn't like them talking behind her back. It was only a ploy to separate them. Of course ginger was quick to explain the rules of the Alegasia theater to Irina, and naturally her knight would have a problem with it. "You won't need it, Irina. No one is allowed weapons in the theater except the doormen, so don't worry. We'll be safe!" Crystal spoke confidently, like she knew this for a fact and that Irina had no reason to doubt her.

The Princess twirled around skillfully just once so that her dress fanned out at her feet, and then looped her arm through Irina's. Mmm, she smells delightful... Crystal hugged Irina's arm close to her body and leaned on her comfortably. "We can leave shortly, don't be hasty, dear." She said softly, closing her eyes momentarily in her blissful moment. The maids smiled at the sight and then dismissed themselves. Crystal opened her eyes at the sound of the door closing and frowned a bit. She wished Ginger would have stayed to chat. I suppose she has other things to do... Really, she just wanted to ask her why she thought Irina wouldn't be interested in any of the men.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Two things were upon the mind of Irina as she stood there listening in, eavesdropping you would say, upon the two petite girls speaking quietly of the knightly woman in their midst, before she broke up the casual snickers and the conversing with a gruff clearing of her throat. The first was of course her natural, almost instinctive concerns over if this beautiful and sure to be eventful night was going to go off without a hitch, or if Lord Varros would dare to show his sinister face to Irina yet again, only this time without anything to stop the bastard from enacting his terrible atrocities Irina was dead certain he had planned for Crystal and for her. The second however....was more of an off-topic and rather....more of a personal matter to the woman without regards to her duty as a Royal Attendant. Irina...she pondered upon Crystal's earlier words, how the lovely Princess stated she....liked the woman of armor. It brought many a inquiry to the woman about this girl, as what did she mean by like. Well of course it meant she may have no further quarrel with Irina, at least that's what she thought, but usually when a person tells someone they like them, nearly half the time, they....no...no that's preposterous! Irina, yes she was upon more friendlier terms with Crystal, and even she would admit having an eye for beauty that the Princess.....she was the fairest and most dazzling of women she had ever met, beautiful in every whimsical way, but to say her thoughts towards the Princess....were that? No...of course not.

But it came as a surprise that when she overheard Ginger speak of a sense of distaste in men from Irina, the knight's face grew instantly hot, an uncomfortable heat scorching her with mortification. True, even if she paraded about as one of the men in her armor, she really had no taste for the opposite sex at all, but perchance that was due to her being...wronged by so many of them, excluding her father of course. Twas men who treated Irina as a sword they could toss away, twas men that laughed in her face with such ill glee when telling her she would never be a knight as long as she lived, and....twas men.....who took away her father....... Since her journeys began, she's always had a sort of...drawing towards women, but not in that way certainly. More of just...getting along with them easier than she would with men, and was it a crime, a terrible transgression for a woman to admire another's beauty? Still....Irina had to wonder about the Princess, especially when the girl wrapped her arm so tight around hers and leaned in ever closely, resting her head upon the woman's arm, and closing her eyes in what Irina saw as....rapture... The same could be said of the woman, just as the Princess' scent fell upon her nose and she took in the wonderful aroma of lavender. Ahh...such a relaxing and lovely fragrance..... The maids and wenches smiled to the two of them beaming brightly. In their eyes, the young lasses must've seemed as closely knit....perchance....a couple..... "Well...." With a soft smile of her own, Irina whispered after the maids had departed from her chamber, leaving Irina and the Princess Crystal to their own. "I suppose we could wait a few minutes or so, but we don't want to be late, do we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

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"It's more attractive when you're late, but not so late that the festivities have already started. Just so that everyone can see you when you arrive." Crystal closed her eyes with a dreamy sigh, a smirk working it's way onto her lips. "I suppose you could say that I like to make an appearance from time to time." She said softly, winking at Irina before gently pulling on her arm to lead her towards the door. Crystal smoothly unwrapped her arm from around Irina's, but not before giving her bicep a subtle squeeze and blushing. She's a lot stronger than she looks... Her suspicions were correct, but she had to wonder how Irina managed to be so firm while also keeping such a soft appearance in that dress. Had the female knight not saved her life, Crystal would probably think Irina was a joke as well... Now, She was happy to have a monopoly on such a warrior. Clearly those men didn't know what they were missing out on! Crystal opened the door to the hallway, assuming Irina was following close behind...but not too close, because Crystal was feeling a little odd.

"I know! We should have some wine before we leave...Hmm, even though they do serve the Royal Family wine at these events." Crystal stopped in the hallway, tapping her fingertips against her arm as she contemplated what to do. "A little wine never hurt anyone!" She cheered all of sudden and then skipped forward, not once checking to see what Irina was up to. Of course she had forgotten that she spilled wine all over Irina's lap last night due to drinking way too much. Sadly, the Princess does not know how to hold her alcohol and often embarrasses herself and others when she drinks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

No idea whatsoever Irina had as to how these gatherings and festivities of the nobles of Alegasia usually played out, only racking her head more at the Princess' mention of it was more stylishly acceptable to be late for these sort of occasions, but not too late that one misses the beginning merriment, just so others could see you make a grand appearance, and according to Crystal, she liked to make quite the appearance. In more ways than one. Irina jested to herself, a bit of a giggle on the inside. The Princess was indeed one of the most fascinating of girls Irina had ever laid eyes upon. Charming on the outside, and despite her recent streak of deceptions and foul plays upon Irina, the lass' personality was rather decadent and charming as well, of course when she wasn't pulling the knight through mortifying situations such as nearly giving the woman a heart attack when she assumed Crystal was missing, only to discover her secret passage, and of course...the bath mishap. Despite the dread of it though, there was a part of Irina that....almost looked forward to the next shenanigan the white-haired beauty would pull upon her. Consider it her ambition to see a challenge through, and Crystal...she was definitely the challenge, proving that only just in the few hours Irina shared with her.

A tad disheartened though was the knight as the Princess released her arm, but not before giving a bit of a squeeze to her forearm. W-what is she doing? Irina wondered, her thin eyebrow raising in suspicion. Was the Princess...checking her muscles? Well....she must be surprised as many. A small chuckle she gave. Most who knew of or seen her well toned physique, they could tell the woman was certainly strong, but not ripped and bulging all over with muscles, still able to keep a refined and feminine figure. One of her many peculiar traits she assumed. Closely, but not too closely, Irina followed behind the Princess into the hallway, still ever present vapors of calming lavender emanating from her lady's fair skin. I swear to the Goddess....that must be how paradise smells... She sighed, closing her eyes a moment in her own bliss, taking in the wonderful scent yet again, losing herself in the very moment, before being brought from it by the Princess' chime of wine. Wine? Yes wine sounded lovely, but this early? And as Irina could tell from last night's feast and the faux pas with Crystal's chalice of chilled white cider upon Irina's lap, any sort of liquor and Crystal....just didn't mingle properly.

So perhaps it was best to hold out on the wine before the event, Irina thought, cautiously trailing behind the excited and ecstatic young lass as always, until they passed quite the jovial face, "By the Goddess, is that you Sir Irina?" The King, he was rather astounded at the sight of his noble servant, not clad in heavy armor and dust, as was the accustom of Irina, but a gown, an elegantly flowing red gown. "My my. For a brave and noble knight, you certainly do make the most refined noble lady. Why I would believe you to be a Princess as well, Sir Irina." With a hearty chuckle, the old man smiled brightly and tipped his crown in courtesy to the woman. Irina, in return, practiced her best curtsey to Crystal's father, an equally joyous smile upon her face, "Gratitude for the compliment, Your Majesty. Tell me, will you be attending the opera as well?" The King replied, of course seeming to be disheartened a bit, but not losing his jovial spirit, "Oh me? Heavens no, Sir Irina. I am much too old to be attending such, as these occasions are mainly for the youthful of Royalty, and I have some very important matters to attend to here at my home. My two guardsmen, Sir Pindel and Sir Versetti, have confessed to attempting to steal my Royal Mead, which led to today's earlier mishap with the barrel as they have told me, and so...I have punished them justly."

"Aye, but certainly not with death, Your Majesty." Irina chimed in with an edge of concern. True, the nitwits did deserve a just punishment for attempting, but miserably failing at thievery to the Royal Family, but death....death seemed to Irina too harsh of a sentence for trying to nab a few drops of sweet mead. Luckily, the King had spared the half-brained, or in Irina's opinion no-brained guardsmen the headsman's axe, "Yes, while theft is a most capital of offenses against the Royal Family, I decided to be lenient to the two. After all, they were only thirsty and I couldn't blame them, but as King, it is my just authority by the Goddess to deal a punishment, and so....I thought of a more....how do you say, constructive sentence."
"CLEANING THE STABLES?!!! HAS THE KING LOST HIS HEAD ALREADY?!!!!" From the stables of the courtyard, the ranting and raving of the fat guard Pindel could be heard echoing raucously across the thin evening air, amidst a displeased neigh from an obviously angry Argo. "I had to smell rotten cabbage all day!! The last thing I need to smell is horse-" But before that sentence of verbal abuse could even be completed, here came a rather well deserve stamp to his wide bottom from Argo's steel shoed hoof. "Oof! Why you li'l bugger you!! I'm gonna-!" And yet another interruption from his scrawny, lanky sidekick, "Pindel, don't hurt the horse. She's only mad cause you were yellin' at her." The thin one proclaimed with a bit of a dopey grin to the horse. "She is a He, you dimwitted talking string bean!" Pindel retorted though, shaking his head in dismay of his chum's...lack of intelligence, to put it lightly. "Hmph! Honestly, cleaning after the lady knight's steed and the Princess' fat wilderbeast of a hare? I'd rather take the headsman's axe any day than this!" He grumbled to himself, shoveling away the muck and the grime, when suddenly....the fat man was out cold, struck in the back of his head yet again.....by an obsidian black gauntlet. Quickly, Argo bolted up with a fearsome snarl and a high pitched neigh of distress, sensing indeed foul play was afoot in the stables, but to him, a hand was reached out, pale and sinister with a dark red aura engulfing every finger, and a whisper of, "Sleep....." Bleary and heavy eyed now was the muscular Clydesdale, cowering back from the hand and gently....being lulled into a peaceful slumber by the hand's dark magic....the hand belonging to no other.....than Varros....

Removing his hood from his ghastly dark cloak, he turned to his assistant, his knight, clad in armor as black as the abyss. "Good work. Twas not much of a challenge dispatching these buffoons again. Humors me the old codger would rely on such idiocy to be his honored knights." Such insults he spattered of the King. "Now...you know your mission, my warrior. Go to the Princess' chamber and find it. Tear the room asunder if you must, but harm you not the King or his brave knights. I do not want evidence of my presence upon this castle, and the last thing Narsil needs in her dying hour....is another damn war. I must be leaving now, for I have an opera to attend to." The knight, a towering beast of black looming over the slightly shorter Varros, fell to its knee before the haunting figure, even himself afraid of the horrific power this warlock possessed. Varros turned from the knight, stepping away from the courtyard, a sinister snicker and a sneer curling his devious lips.... "As do my...esteemed guests...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Crystal continued skipping and chasseing down the beautiful white and gold halls of the castle as Irina and Father got all chummy with each other. She never once looked back to see if Irina was following, and didn't think to stop and wait for her lady knight. It actually kind of excited her to know that Irina would have to come chasing for her once she realized The Princess was gone...again. She was kind of sadistic in that sense, especially because Irina seemed to put up with everything Crystal threw her way. It was like a game of cat and mouse, except Irina was more like a newborn kitty with a tiny meow when she finally caught the mouse. Crystal giggled to herself as she pictured Irina with kitty ears and a tail trying to catch a white mouse, but constantly failing even when the mouse was right in front of her. Oh well, it's not like she purposely left Irina behind this time...

Finally, she arrived in the castle kitchen. It wasn't too far from where she left Irina, just a couple of turns and a door down. The Princess was confident that the kitty would sniff her out.

I don't know why Father doesn't like me to drink... She was genuinely confused by her father's strict orders to not drink without his consent. I'm a perfectly responsible individual. Crystal walked through the kitchen and grabbed an already opened bottle of a sparkling white wine from the wine rack, the same from last night. Looking around, she frowned to see that Irina still hadn't made an appearance. It only made sense that Irina would want to be friend's with her boss, so Crystal shrugged it off and poured herself a too-full glass of wine. Quickly, she brought her lips to the glass before lifting it, and drank the overflowing alcohol until it was safe to pick up without spilling. Crystal took a seat in one of the bar stools in the bar area with her glass, and sipped the sweet liquid quietly. She was starting to feel quite romantic with the dim lighting and calm atmosphere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Quite pleasant was it to carry on a rousing conversation with His Majesty the King, but as much as Irina would not have minded staying there and speaking about all of Alegasia with the wise and humorously eccentric old man, she felt an urge to have to break the conversation short and make her way down the hall, the very hall she noticed her lady Crystal tarrying down with a merry bounce in her step....or as it appeared to the knight...a little more of a devious bounce. Ugh...by the Goddess, what is she up to now? Her brow furrowed in suspicion, her vigilant eyes upon the girl, watching her closely as her slender, petite, and rather cute figure moved down the gilded halls of white marble with a mesmeric and dancing sway, until she disappeared behind the corner, raising an alarm within the already flustered knight. Dammit Crystal, this better not be another ruse. "I'm terribly sorry for the rude interruption, Your Majesty, but I must see to your daughter's well-being as soon as possible." Respectfully she cleared her throat and bowed in due courtesy to the man, the King replying with an understanding nod, "Ah yes. While these will be times of merrymaking and whimsical irresponsibility, I am honored that you are still sticking to your royal promise, Sir Irina. Please, make certain my daughter is not harmed this night."

"I shall, Your Majesty." Irina bowed again. "You have a knight's word that no harm shall come to M'lady the Princess." And with her last adieus, the knight was off on storming feet down the hall, echoing ever bothersome to Irina the clack of her heels against the polished marble tile and bouncing about the gilded hall towards her ears, only reminding Irina of the slight discomfort she felt from wearing such...oddly shaped footwear. Honestly, why do women adore these things so much? My feet are sore and it's only been five or six paces down the hall. My sabatons feel much more comfortable than this. Grumbling to herself with a few incoherent mutters, she rounded the corner to the next hall, making her way down it as swift as her burning feet could carry her, now wishing she did have her sabatons...or at least something more forming and comfortable than these damned heels. "M'lady? Princess where are you?" She called out to the girl, no reply other than the echo of her own voice. Oh how I tire at these cat and mouse games of hers. As it seemed definitely to Irina, her the cat, but not the vicious feral feline of the forest, no...more of just a wee kit was the knight, especially when caught in those flashing, devious eyes of amethyst. I swear to the Goddess, if she ever pulls this again, I'll be asking decree from the King to put her on a damn leash!

Finally, after rounding the last corner, she arrived in the castle's kitchen...only to discover her lady...was already spoiling herself with liquor.... Why is this not a surprise to me?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Crystal perked up as the sound of clicking heels grew nearer to the kitchen. There was the shadow of her Lady Knight in the door way, finally stepping forward with an unhappy expression plastered on her made-up face. "Who spilled champagne in your cereal?!" The Princess giggled from behind her glass, taking another sip of her wine before hopping down from the bar stool. With her glass still in hand, she casually made her way over to Irina and stopped in front of her. "Shall we be going then? I think it's safe to make an appearance now." She said as she slid by Irina, pausing and looking thoughtful. "I have to warn you... " Crystal finished the last of her wine and set the glass down on the large island counter, resisting the urge to poor another drink. Geez. I'm turning into a lush... She turned to gaze at Irina and placed a gloved hand on her shoulder. "Lord Vaross may be there tonight, as well as some other people whose company you may find unpleasant, but try not to let it get to you. Alright? Nobles love to see others squirm..." A tiny smile formed on her lips, and with that...She was making her way to the doorway to leave, but this time she seemed to be waiting for her Royal Attendant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Just by her mildly slurred tone of voice and her jovial jests towards the agitated woman's face of displeasure and disappointment towards her, not to mention the voluminous amounts of wine Crystal may have consumed before the knight arrived to fetch her, Irina could well deduce...the Princess was indeed drunk, intoxicated beyond all resolve. "M'lady, what are you doing drinking wine before our departure? You know, as do I....you have trouble consuming alcohol." Irina saw no need to sugarcoat that little remark, as it must've been clear already to Crystal the lass couldn't hold her liquor as well as the knight, but that was only from many a visit to the village taverns and inns that Irina realized her potential for drunkenness may have surpassed a few burly sods here and there, but that was besides the point. The Princess was certainly going to make an entrance to this opera alright, but definitely not the grandest of entrances in this case. Giving a sigh, she cautiously wrapped an arm around the drunken lass, voicing her concerned opinion on the matter, "Are you sure we should be going while you're intoxicated, M'lady? I'd think it best if we wait a while for you to sober before making an appearance amidst the refined nobles. Best not to make a fool of yourself as with last night's feast." A chuckle of insolence escaped the woman at that mention. Though she was the victim of Crystal's inebriated tomfoolery, the lady knight would admit it was indeed hilarious, but all manner of laughter was quickly halted by the mentioning....of that foul and despicable name to Irina. The fiend.....of course he will be there.... Damn certain was the woman the Lord of Narsil would be making an appearance tonight...possibly with his...own guests attending... "Well even if he doesn't try to pull any funny business, tonight, I'm still staying on guard of you, M'lady." Firmly she stated, but only to realize...she was speaking to dead air as the Princess....had already left. "Uwah?" Damn! Not again...

Bitterly she huffed with a roll of her eyes, yet again off on another chase of her lady, but before she left....a glint of silver caught her by her ice blue eyes, pulling her towards it upon the counter. "Hmm...." She studied the object for a few moments, it being...a lowly, but a rather sharp and pristine kitchen knife. It's not a sword....but it's a blade and a blade of any will do. Irina snatched up the knife, carefully lifting her gown and sliding the blade into the hem of her stocking, a concealed knife to combat any insidiously covert tactics the Lord of Narsil may or may not pull off. Finally, she turned, but to her dismay....Crystal was standing there. "Ah um....right. Let us go now, shall we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Crystal nodded to her lady knight and giggled before leading the way to the carriage out front, the same one she was in when they were attacked. There were four new white horses replacing the ones they'd lost yesterday, and a new driver holding the door open for them before they'd even arrived. He helped Crystal into the carriage first, and would also attempt to help the ravishing young lady in the red dress in as well, except he seemed to be blushing furiously when he offered his hand to Irina. Is this what love feels like? He could hardly keep his eyes to himself when he looked upon Irina, but still, he was unable to say anything to her. Crystal noticed how the driver looked at her Royal Attendant and smirked, realizing this was the first of many for the night. "Irina, come now! You don't want to give the poor boy a heart attack!" She giggled, waving her dainty hand in a beckoning motion until Irina was in and seated.

It would take a little over half an hour before they were pulling up in front of the Royal Alegasia Theater. The driver knew to pull up in the front where the official purple carpet was rolled out from inside of the theater for only the most noble of the nobles, which meant anyone that held a title in any of the surrounding Kingdoms. The door was pulled open and the driver peeked inside to see the Princess was leaning on Irina...sleeping. "Princess, we've arrived." He said nervously, trying his best not to look at the lady in the red dress. Crystal blinked her eyes awake and smiled knowingly. She allowed their driver to help her out of the carriage, but not before adjusting her tiara and fluffing her white curls.

Once she was outside, she donned her most pleasant of smiles and waved at the attendees of the Opera, they had not yet opened their doors so everyone was outside or in the lobby mingling...though most chose to stay outside to see who would be arriving. As expected, several of the Princes...and Princesses rushed to her side with star filled eyes as an announcer for the event yelled about the Royal Family arriving.

"Princess Crystal!" A pink haired girl lunged forward and planted her lips against Crystal's cheek, leaving a pink lip shaped mark as she pulled away. Crystal blushed and tilted her head to the side, studying this strange girl that attacked her. It was clear by her crown that she was apart of the Royal Family from Avalon, but that didn't give her the right to kiss strangers. Being royalty didn't stop people from acting like crazed fans, though...
"Refreshments!" She chirped, her attention now focused on the server holding a silver platter filled with wine glasses right in front of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Already Irina was beginning to notice the surmountable attention her rather elegant and beautiful attire was attracting, the red dress practically seeming as a magnet towards most men. First there was the King, though he was more considerate and courteous, as the gentleman he was, to the matter and didn't make such languishing and leering inappropriate stares to the woman while he complimented his daughter's Royal Attendant's evening gown and hair and made light and cheerful conversation with the woman as well, but the opposite could be said for the oft longing and...sort of awkward and disturbing long glances the carriage driver issued unto Irina with wide, beady eyes as she boarded the newly repaired carriage, reluctantly taking the lad's hand he so bashfully but eagerly offered to the knight, slippery and a chill to Irina to grip, with licentious and anxious perspiration of the palm, a common reaction of any hot and bothered young lad when his eyes fell upon the dazzling sight of a refined young woman such as Irina. "Ah...thank you, good sir." She hesitantly returned with a sort of feigned glee, a false smile of elegance as she stepped into the carriage's hold and took her seat next to the Princess, whereupon wiping her hand briskly upon her dress and giving a stern glare to the girl after her little chirp, "Another one of your jests I presume, M'lady?" Snarkily she inquired of Crystal, but her grim visage at that point in the moment twisted into a smirk to equal her lady's. "You may be clever, Princess, but I'm onto your little tricks, and as cute as they seem, I'm not falling for any this night, so consider that a challenge to you." A bit playful and jesterly of herself, Irina flicked the tip of the Princess' petite nose with her finger before leaning back in her seat with a relaxed sigh and taking in the splendor of the countryside outside the window, bathed in the cream white of the moon's peaceful rays.

For a while or so, they had traveled as fast as the four fair white steeds of the Royal Family could carry the weight of the majestic carriage, a weight that Argo could easily bare alone, needing not another team of horses to aid him, but the difference...he was a beast, mighty and strong, bred for war rather than recreation, while these others who lugged the mass of a large and elegantly decorated carriage, plus the combined weight of the driver and the two women he ferried about the serene forest paths to Inner-Alegasia City were more of a simple breed of horse, mainly bred for the way they look rather than how they could fare, as it seemed to the knight, given her knowledge of horses from her father, the man who taught her...well..practically everything up to this point. Taking her eyes from the window for a moment, letting them readjust to the dim glow of the inner-carriage, she looked towards the weight upon her arm, a small sincere smile forming across her lips as she glanced down at the Princess, sleeping peacefully against her protector. Even if she is devious, I can't deny how beautiful she looks...even now.... It was rather heartwarming to Irina, this girl resting against her figure, as if the knight were her only stability to keep her from falling over....in literal sense yes, but also...in a bit of metaphorical sense. Unfortunately, as the carriage arrived to the very front of the Royal Alegasia Theater, the Princess was awoken by the carriage driver, a slight disappointing to Irina, but again those nervous stares were towards the woman from the stuttering boy. Giving a sigh, she stood from her seat and followed the Princess out unto the cobblestone streets of Alegasia City, but not before feeling a disturbing brush against her backside...mainly...her rump. She perked up greatly at the indecent touch, her eyes widening and cheeks becoming red, but not just a simple blush, no this was a full burn of the cheeks...her other cheeks... Swiftly she turned with a quick glare of anger, knowing well who was the perpetrator of this vile act, but the lad...was already to the safety of his carriage. If I ever catch that licentious cur again, I swear to the Goddess I will....ugh! It will not be pleasant for him!

It seemed as the doorman announced loudly the arrival of the Princess and her Royal Attendant, hundreds of noble men and women flocked to Crystal's and Irina's presence, acting more as a cheering crowd than the refined Royalty Irina considered them to be, and the overwhelming attention was getting a bit on the woman's nerves. There was this one lass, with rose pink hair and a dress to match, who made her way through the throngs of parading people and quite literally jumped at the opportunity to land a kiss upon the cheek of Irina's Princess, all before the woman could even reach the girl. Judging by the style of her crown atop her head, and the heraldry identified by the type of gemstones, Irina was quick to deduce the girl who pressed her matching pink lips against the cheek of Crystal was a noblewoman of Avalon, perhaps their princess, and as Irina could tell from her travels to the eastern kingdom of Avalon, the women were....rather affectionate towards one another, and while Irina herself had no taste in men whatsoever, she still found the notion...a bit unnerving to her. It was strange, a woman sharing feelings of such with her own, and what was even more bizarre to the knight, albeit shocking, was upon noticing the princess of Avalon kiss her Princess...Irina grew a slight....jealous? How so? In a kind of trance, she stood there, feeling of her own cheek, as if the kiss to the Princess was a burn to hers, but the trance was broken upon her, as she quickly caught eye of Crystal...heading for more wine.

"Ah! M-M'lady, wait! You've already had enough wine!" An effort it was to break through the crowds to keep her Princess from becoming inebriated again, giving her most sincere, "Pardon me's" and "I'm terribly sorry's" as Irina made her most desperate of attempts to reach Crystal, but it was soon for naught, thanks to her rather...stunning appearance as a noble woman herself. "I say by the Goddess, who might this ravishing dame be?", immediately she was stopped in the crowd by a young nobleman, giving her a bow and a courteous grin as he took the woman's hand in his and gently graced Irina's hand with his lips, warm and soft to the touch, though it was more repulsive to the knight than welcomed, giving in reply to the handsome man a nervous giggle and slowly retracting her hand from his as he bowed again and introduced himself, "Byron Pursebain, Duke of Iftenreld, my fair lady, and who might you be I wonder? Certainly beauty as graceful and elegant as the Goddess herself must certainly have a name as heavenly." Speaking of the Goddess, Irina might as well drop to her knees and pray for a way to get out of this damned embarrassing situation, and strangely enough, it arrived....but more by cruel twists of fate than divine intervention.

"Ah, there you are, my lady." Instantly....it appeared as time itself had frozen, along with Irina as that haunting and ever familiar voice of a demon soured her ears with ill terror. "Do you mind, sir? I must be borrowing this one for a while or two." And it was as if Byron couldn't react either to the sinister man, as Irina's arm was seized by his almost lanky and skeletal hand and the petrified knight was wrenched away from the nobleman, forcefully, but not conspicuously, dragged through the crowd. Finally though, Irina was able to gain a hold of herself and brake the cruel man's curse upon her, wrenching her arm away from Varros' insidious grasp with a snarl, "I knew you would be here." Varros snickered, his serpentine eyes, the eyes of a monster, glowing sinister amidst the shadows of his wide brimmed hat along with an equally sinister duster coat and vest. "Oh so you do speak, Sir Knight....or should I say, my lady? Quite rude of you to stifle your tongue at me. If you were my guard...that very tongue would be severed from your mouth and your lips sewn shut with razor wire." And equally sinister as well, his tone of voice he took with the fearful and angry knight, glaring deep into those yellow orbs of abysmal fire with the piercing blue ice of her own. "What are you doing here, you demon?" Irina growled under her breath to Varros, venom seeping through her teeth and burning like acid towards the vile man....who naturally scoffed at her biting comment, "Demon? My lady, you sure are quick to make assumptions of others. That is a bad habit for the Royal Attendant of the Princess....is it not? And second as to why I'm here....I'm here because of the same reason as you and my lady Crystal, to enjoy the opera....which I can assure you...is going to be quite the show tonight."

Such an urge Irina fought, the dying urge to grasp the knife sheathed in her garter and plunge it deep into the cold, blackened heart of this nefarious foe, but to do such...especially in the public eye....would bring ire to her, the ire of not just Alegasia, but all the Kingdoms, as many of their Royal subjects were indeed in attendance. So of course...the only rage Irina could inflict upon Varros...were mere threats whispered with clenched, bitter teeth, "I swear, you cretin of the abyss, by all of Alegasia and the Goddess...if you harm one single hair upon my lady the Princess...I will not hesitate to end your miserable life." Varros...he seemed swayed by Irina's venomous words, but only momentarily as he leaned in, that disgusting sneer upon his dry lips as he hissed to Irina, "Speak softly your harsh words, my lady, for there are ears present to hear them should you speak a little louder." He turned her attention towards the towering creatures, clad in robes as black as night without the moon to stave off the haunting shadows, their only feature contrasting against the black mass of robes...two sets of blood red eyes glowing viciously towards Irina. "And they do not take kindly to threats...as do I, my lady." Varros soon parted from Irina, his sinister entourage trailing behind him as he vanished into the noble crowds...leaving Irina.....paralyzed.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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Several steps here, a gentle push there...all so that she could get closer to the server before all of the drinks were gone. Crystal did hear her Royal Attendant's voice over the crowd urging her not to drink anymore, but she simply ignored her and continued through the crowd of nobles with no regard for Irina's wishes. So far, yet so close!!! It was difficult maneuvering through the crowd of so many women with such large hoop skirts, but she finally caught up to the server. After all that work, a refreshing glass of wine was much needed. "Wait!" She panted, prompting the server to turn around with his silver platter full of...empty wine glasses, only a bit of alcohol left at the bottom of some of the glasses. Crystal poked her bottom lip out and folded her arms like a child, frowning at the server. "P-Princess, I had no idea...I-I'm sorry, it's my fault! Please forgive me!" The server stumbled over his words, a sweat drop sliding down the side of his head as The Princess showed her disappointment with a glare. "Everyone was served, right?" She sighed at the nervous man, her features softening as she spoke. "I suppose I won't have you sent off to the dungeons... " A smirk worked it's way onto her lips, "Yet!" She made claw hands at the server suddenly as she said that. The server offered a weak smile and bowed to his Princess, but when he rose to lift his head...he looked terrified, paralyzed almost. Crystal frowned at the server. "Hey, I was only joking..." She said softly to the server, a bit of worry in her voice...but he only ignored The Princess and stood there like a statue.

Does he really think I'd be so cruel? Feeling a tad bad about her inappropriate joke towards the civilian, Crystal figured it was best she leave the man to his work, but when she turned to leave... no other than Lord Vaross himself was standing right there in front of her, holding a full wine glass in his hand and wearing his most pleasant of smiles on his evil face. "Ah, Lord Vaross! Excuse me, I didn't see you." Crystal appeared to be quite amused by his sudden appearance, and unlike the others, she did not cower in his presence. He looked down at the girl, lowering his hand so that she might take the wine glass. "For you, M'Lady..." He said coolly, a hint of hope visible on his face as he held the glass out to her. "You're too kind, but you probably need it more than anyone else here." She covered her mouth as she giggled at the tall, dark figure before her. He seemed a bit annoyed, but tried his best to hide his true emotions. "Excuse me...I should be going now. Sir Irina must be worried about me." Not that she really cared if her bodyguard was worried or not, but she just wanted to get away and enjoy the rest of her night away from people like Lord Vaross. Always so serious. Lord Vaross stepped aside to allow the The Princess to pass, though when she did skip by him, his serpentine eyes never left his Princess' petite form. Once Crystal faded into the sea of people, Lord Vaross turned to the server."Do something with this." He placed it on the tray of the petrified server and went about his business.

"Wine!" Crystal exclaimed as she approached a different server holding a tray of sparkling liquid. The server looked down at the Princess and blushed, nodding at her and taking a glass down for her. Crystal placed the glass to her lips, and as soon as the liquid touched her lips she knew that it was not wine, but water! The Princess folded her arms and glared at the wine glass, and then to the server, who was already serving the other guests. She finished the sparkling water, feeling surprisingly refreshed and smiling to herself. Suddenly, there was a voice whispering her name, though she couldn't tell who was calling out to her. Crystal looked around curiously, expecting to see Irina at least, but there was no one. It happened again and Crystal was left confused like before, but this time she went to seek out the owner of the voice that called to her. She walked through the crowd of people slowly, until she was almost past everyone and near the area where you could easily go to the back of the building if you pleased. There were still quite a few people around to see her, but if she went down there she'd surely be alone, though that's where the voice calling out to her was strongest. Crystal had no desire to go back there, and even considered it might be The Princess of Avalon attempting to get her alone and steal more kisses. The possibility of it being linked to Vaross hadn't occurred to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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She just couldn't place her finger on it, absolutely befuddled as to why a brave and noble knight as she would cower and squirm in absolute terror of this loathsome and detestable cur of a man. What was it? What was it about Lord Varros, this disturbing creature who crawled from the blackest wretch of the abyss, that struck such a deep pang of paralyzing and ill fear within the woman's heart? Why the very moment her eyes were locked with the demon's, she felt as though his glare alone hoisted heavy chains of iron upon her arms and legs, and a hefty weight was crushing her lungs, her ribs and her heart, making breathing, the most mundane and simplest of human tasks, a challenge, a feat just to inhale her quivering and burning lungs with air and exhale, instantly frozen at the sight of those fiendish, gleaming yellow eyes. But once the eyes were gone, along with the man, Irina unleashed from her tightly pursed lips a deep sigh of relief, a hand reaching over her bosom to stall her frantically undulating heart, threatening to burst from her chest should Varros had been any longer in the terrified knight's presence. She gave a few more deep breaths to relax her frazzled and tantalized nerves before gathering herself together finally and continuing onward through the crowd, finding it rather difficult again to traverse the sea of large, flouncy dresses the noblewomen adorned so flauntingly, and of course the dashing and debonair noblemen, all at once crowding over Irina, the same pick-up lines dashed here and there as they so elegantly and flowery boasted of the woman's beauty, comparing it to everything, the sun, the moon, the meadowlark, Irina had heard it all, a gruff sigh she gave with a roll of her eyes after escaping the men, possibly leaving a few broken-hearted, but Irina cared not for these men to go on rambling about how charming she looked, really she cared not for men in general.

"Princess! M'lady!" She tried her best to call loud enough over the rancorous banter of the men and women, their jovial and debauchery-laden laughter seeming to do all it could to drown out Irina's yelling over the crowd, only infuriating the already frustrated woman all the more. Damn! Where is she? Now that I know that bastard Varros is here, I certainly cannot let her out of my eye anymore. And for damn good reason she shouldn't let Crystal tarry close to the beast of a man, for Irina...again that paranoid and frantic ticking of her mind, knew certain in her flustered heart he was here...up to no good. She could deduce clear as day Varros was planning something rotten, something nefarious this night, just by his tone of voice, the way he carried his frightening self, slender figure and all, amidst these unsuspecting people, and of course...his two brutish guards in the black cloaks, lurking about the crowds as though vicious feral wolves stalking about the dark trees of the forest....awaiting their prey and the perfect moment to strike. It only made Irina more hasty in her traversing through the cheerful opera goers, and albeit a bit more careless. "Oof!" By accident, she bumped into someone, a heavy set fellow was he by the mass Irina felt herself unexpectedly crashing into. "I'm sorry, M'lord. Please-" She managed to stammer out an apology, but too soon did she realize who she collided into. "Oh dear Goddess...."

Suddenly, the tall brute in the cloak whipped around in a fury, his insidious crimson eyes flashing with a quick lightning of rage arcing about him as his thick and muscular gauntleted hand, equal shade of darkness to his obscuring robes, latched onto the fabric of Irina's dress and yanked the woman close to him, so that he could snarl to her viciously from beyond his muffling shroud, "Watch where you're going, you damn wench! I don't like people just bumping into me, and I certainly don't like anyone from Alegasia either! Begone with you!" Coldly the hooded creature in black shoved the knight away, turning sharply from the woman's piercing glare towards him and storming away into the thick of the crowd. "Well....he was certainly the charming prince, wasn't he?" Irina remarked to herself, dusting off her gown and smoothing out where the bastard's hand ensnared her. "Now...where is Crystal?" Finally she spotted the familiar head of white hair, beaming bright against the nobles. "Princess!" quickly she made her way through the crowd, and out went her hand to grasp the girl's arm and pull her towards the knight, relieved she finally caught up with the runaway. "I swear this crowd is so unruly. Next time I'll be sure to bring my armor." Irina was not aware though of the Princess also meeting the dark and mysterious Lord of Narsil.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

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Crystal spotted another server not too far from her and was just about to head over there for a glass of that sparkling water or some wine, but as she took a step to move someone grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her in the opposite direction of the server. She frowned and watched with sad eyes as the server moved farther away, all the while Irina was going on about the unruly crowd and bringing her armor. Crystal poked her bottom lip out and gave a soft whine as the server faded into the sea of bobbling heads. Hanging her head in disappointment, Crystal turned to face Irina and sticking her nose in the air, waved her hand around to fan Irina away like she was becoming a nuisance. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were drawn to the entrance of the theater as a voice spoke up from in front of the large gold double doors leading inside.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the doors have officially opened for Alegasia's production of Poponoriodestia Amour. Please make your way to the theater and begin taking your seats. We would also like to remind you that no one is to sit in box 17 but the Royal Family of Alegasia and their guests. Thank you." The theater director concluded his speech and opened the doors to the public. He was a nice man with a shiny bald head, a monocle, and an outfit closely resembling a butlers outfit, except he sometimes wore a top hat. Crystal had spoken to him on several occasions and liked him enough.

"Come, Irina!" Crystal chirped happily, seeming to have forgotten all about her missed opportunity to drink thanks to Irina. She dragged Irina along, assuming Irina still had a hold on The Princess' arm, and easily made her way through the various noble people. For once they actually stepped aside to let her through instead of bombarding her like crazy fans. "I'm so excited! I love Poponoriodestia!" She said as they walked through the giant double doors with Lord Vaross following closely behind the two of them. Crystal didn't even notice, but he and his guards were hovering like shadow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Caught her in the nick of time Irina did, as the Princess was only inches from garnering more alcoholic sustenance, and the last thing, the last damned worry Irina needed on her already frantic and frazzled mindful of stress, was more stress compiled from not only the presence of an evil and terrifying man amidst her and the Princess, but of course having to keep sharp eyes of vigilance upon a heavily inebriated and deeply disoriented Crystal in trying to stave and avert the drunken lass from further harm, and Irina be damned if she had to do that all night. But of course the Princess be damned if Irina's overbearing sense of protection of her lady was going to spoil her night of debauchery and freedom from the stone and marble confines of the Royal Palace. In a bit of a rash, and as Irina considered the action, childish maneuver, the young girl turned her nose up to her Royal Attendant with a glower unto the woman, frisking her hand about as if the knight were an annoying gnat to her, buzzing about her without a single notion of one's personal space, in laments terms, a true nuisance, and as if her hand's frantic and frustrated spasm was going to shoo away Irina from her.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the doors have officially opened for Alegasia's production of Poponoriodestia Amour. Please make your way to the theater and begin taking your seats. We would also like to remind you that no one is to sit in box 17 but the Royal Family of Alegasia and their guests. Thank you."

Finally the performance of this star studded and elegant night was soon to commence, and Irina could finally have a rest and at least enjoy the theater's production without worry, but again...as always, any notion of relaxation and calm serenity were tossed out the window to their fatal demise, as yet again Irina and the Princess were being observed intently and maliciously by that ever familiar set of serpentine yellow eyes gleaming upon them from beneath those sinister and inhuman shadows cast by Varros and his two bodyguards. The three nefarious men were trailing close behind as Irina and the Princess entered the theater, but for a moment or so, Varros retreated, backing away shortly and letting the two women pass him on. He looked towards the guard on his left and whispered to him in utmost discreetness, "Are the others ready?" His guard returned, a gruff snarl under his breath, "They are, my lord." Varros replied, "Good. Then our plan shall be put into effect after the third act, however....I want no bloodshed tonight." What? No bloodshed? The guard was bewildered greatly and by the shift of tone to his deep and menacing voice, he was outraged indefinitely by his Lord's request, "But my lord-" The hooded brute quickly exhaled, only leading to a swift and rather stern response from Varros, glaring deep into the blood red eyes of his questioning henchman, "You have your orders, Captain. To spill blood in Alegasia now is to spill blood in Narsil by tomorrow, and the last thing I need is for my country to suffer another decade of war. Now go!" And with that harsh sendoff, there went his two cloaked fiends, possibly away to join the other men for their lord's....plotting. After his men had gone to make ready, Varros turned to the usher and handed him his ticket, the usher looking to him and the ticket before giving an expression of confusion, "Box 17? Sir, you do realize this box is reserved for the Royal Family of Alegasia only, correct?" Varros, though his usual dark and sinister self, gave a light grin in a feigned jovial reply to the young lad, "Ah yes, I am an esteemed guest of the Royal Family, a...dear friend of the Princess Crystal and her Royal Attendant, come from Narsil on their behalf." There was a flash of light from the dark man's eyes, and it seemed as if this flash...had some sort of effect upon the usher, giving an equally joyous reply, "Oh yes of course, Lord Varros. How rude of me to doubt the grand lord of Narsil. Eh, right this way good sir." With a devious sneer crossing his lips, he followed behind the usher, his plan....already going as promised.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

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Crystal dragged her lady knight through the main lobby and through a door separate from the others leading to the theater. Box 17 had a door of it's own and a curtain, those seats were special. From there, anyone could see everything perfectly, though the staff still provided Opera Glasses to their most esteemed guests just in case they wanted an even closer look. They went down a flight of stairs and stopped at a red door. Crystal opened the door to Box 17, balcony seats appearing to almost hang off of the wall near the stage. She was expecting to see every red velvet seat to be empty, but to her shock, Lord Vaross was already there, looking to be quite pleased with himself. Ugh! What is he doing here?! The Princess tried not to let her emotions show on her face, but she had started to squeeze Irina's hand as the intensity of her own emotions boiled over. She didn't want Lord Vaross to think that his presence had any effect on their moods. In fact, she wanted him to think she was happy to be in his company.

"Lord Vaross, What a delightful surprise!" She smiled cheerfully as she looked down at the dark figure, "It seems we are fated to run into each other this night!" A gloved hand modestly covered her lips as she giggled at herself. Lord Vaross feigned a smile, but his eyes instantly went to Irina, recalling the threats she made earlier in the evening. Crystal noticed the way Lord Vaross glared at her Royal Attendant, but she was mostly confused about what it meant, thinking he might be lusting after the woman in the red dress. No, no. This won't do... She pulled Irina by the hand and lead her to the seats toward the rail, not even realizing she had been holding her hand so tight. It was really bothering her that Lord Vaross was sitting in box 17, last she checked he wasn't apart of the Royal Family of Alegasia nor a Guest of their's!

It would almost appear the theater was waiting for the Princess to sit down to start, because once she did, the lights in the theater faded out and the stage lit up. Crystal folded her hands over each other and glanced at Irina, hoping to get some type of reading on her. Suddenly, the theater was filled with the sound of music from the orchestra playing down in the pit. The melody was sweet and romantic, it made her heart swell with warmth...so much that she thought to rest her hand over Irina's. She didn't though, that would be too intimate. Crystal smiled softly as a woman with the most elegant walk she'd ever witnessed made her way to the center of the stage. The woman opened her mouth, and out came her beautiful angelic voice. Unlike others who silently critiqued her singing, Crystal only thought of how happy she would be if she sounded half as good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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She thought that would be the last they would see of that loathsome cur, but whenever did they see the last of the Lord of Narsil? Not much to Irina's shock and utter dismay, there the tall, dark and detestable fiend was yet again, but what really caught the knightly woman off guard was....what in the name of the Goddess was Varros doing in the Royal Family's private balcony?! He was trespassing no less, how indecent and ignoble of him to disobey the order of the Royal Court, typical action of a cunning and venomous serpent as he. "You!" Irina, quick to jump the sword at first sight of the bastard, snarled with clenched teeth, her eyes alit with an infinite surging flame of anger and malice towards the dark man. As on instinct, her hand swiftly trailed to the hem of her dress, ready and willing to pluck her hidden blade from her garter and stab it directly into the cold, obsidian heart of this monster, at least how she deemed of the Lord of Narsil, who...as with many of her empty and hasty threats made towards him, scoffed away at her anger with a curt tip of his wide-brimmed hat, "My lady Irina, there is no need for violence, especially amongst the Princess, and yes My lady Crystal, fate is certainly a humorous aspect, is it not? I hope you do not mind my...unannounced intrusion upon your private balcony, Princess Crystal, but I would've much rather enjoyed tonight's production in the company of two rather refined and dare I say...ravishing young ladies as you and Lady Irina."

With as much charm and wit as the bastard was pulling off, he might as well have been one of the damn actors for the Alegasian Theater Troupe, but as much as Varros rehearsed his feigned expressions of joy and surprise and his painfully obvious faking of that charm and debonair sense he tried to carry of himself, along with the flouncy but still notably sinister attire, he wasn't pulling the wool over the knight's eyes, those same eyes, as accustom, narrowing into a piercing glare of ice blue towards the man, putting on one of his best false smiles, his teeth showing to be as if sharp, glinting daggers of ivory in his mouth so full of venomous lies. His eyes of course betrayed any instance of kindness he tried to show towards the two women, equally burning with an anger as hot as Irina's were those yellow orbs of fire, glaring ever viciously upon the woman in red as Irina was escorted to her seat by the Princess holding her hand, albeit a bit too tight. Irina could sense within Crystal, just by the vice grip she had on her seething palm, that she too was bothered greatly by this....this ruthless cad being in the same box as they. He tries to pull anything tonight, over the rail he goes. Irina grumbled to herself, just as the lights were dimming in the grand opera hall and the stage was lit brightly with the rising of the large crimson curtains and the commencement of...quite notably one of the most beautiful and heartwarming orchestral pieces the woman had ever heard.

Captivated was Irina with the lovely and graceful melody, and when the first actress appeared on stage and her voice, as if she were channeling through her the angelic choirs of the Goddess, such a beautiful companion to the maestro's wonderful piece. Irina...in that moment she could feel everything leave her mind, no longer did she even think of the man sitting behind them, no longer did she feel threatened, feel paranoid. Right as the music hit her, along with that heavenly vocal....she felt at ease with herself...and rather romantic. Unknowing to her, her hand softly trailed away from her side....and found itself atop the girl sitting next to her with a soft rub of her palm, but upon realizing her faux pas, Irina quickly withdrew her hand back to her side. Why did she do that, she wondered. If anything, she would just chalk it up to being entranced by the lovely performance of the opera...and it was only the beginning of Act One. In her brief moment of hesitance, Irina thought of it quick to look back upon Varros, just to be sure he wasn't plotting anything in the dark behind them, but once she laid loathsome, glowering eyes upon the man....her features softened a little upon viewing his eyes.... Huh? There was no glowing to his eyes, rather they were....glazed over and dark with a sort of tragic nostalgia, and focused not were they upon the Princess and her knight, but more so....the actress upon the stage. Wait...why is he looking at her? And as much as Irina wanted to say this was another ruse of Varros....she couldn't deny what she saw upon his face....were true emotions, and....were those...tears gently falling upon his cheeks? I don't get it. Quickly she turned back to the stage, giving an assuring smile to Crystal in the dimness of the theater and resuming her enjoyment of the opera, still puzzled deeply by what she witnessed.

Varros on the other hand wiped the tears from his cheeks with his hand, giving a deep and indeed mournful sigh, his eyes...still shadowed and heavy....with regret. My dear.....if only....if only I could see you upon the stage one more time....if only I could hear your lovely voice again....I swear I...I would give my very lifebreath away....just to see you one more time... Forgive me.....my love.....forgive me....my Jocelyn....
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Crystal just couldn't take her eyes away from the stars below, or be bothered to listen to anything else for the whole entire night. She was too entranced by the angelic voices and the story they told about two strangers meeting in the island paradise, and sharing an unbreakable bond. The beautiful stage set-up, dazzling costumes, and sweet romantic melodies of the orchestra all brought her back to her stay in the tropics of Poponoriodestia, the exotic paradise where very few took the opportunity to travel. She wished that the next time she went there that some gorgeous and mysterious stranger would be there waiting for, calling her name like a lullaby. Crystal could see it now, but...why was the gorgeous and mysterious stranger replaced by Irina?!. Nervously, she glanced at Irina, and just as she did that Irina caressed the palm of her hand. Interal gasp! The Princess held her breath and blushed at the slight touch, but...She wouldn't think anything of it. It was an innocent girl-friend touch, that's how some women are. Nodding to herself, Crystal refocused on the Opera. She didn't seem to remember that Lord Vaross was behind her, so his waterworks meant very little to her. Crystal hadn't taken him for some cold-hearted criminal... She did however, think he might be attention starved and that's why he acted so strange. Secretly everything the man did was to get attention.

Act 2 has concluded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Even as captivating and extravagantly avant-garde and romantic was the lavish and well played performance of the opera before Irina's dazzled eyes, and the music ever enchanting as it resonated to her ears, the woman just couldn't seem to keep her focus upon the theater troupe's marvelous production in full swing for that long, her eyes skimming about the audience and the stage in hesitance of something, and every once in a while darting to have a quick glance at Crystal, just to make certain the girl next to her was still alive and that no harm had come to the Princess from...the devious and foul creature resting behind her and Irina. Oh...how easy, how simple it would be this very moment for Varros to slip past the firm and vigilant eyes of Irina, possibly to draw a blade to the Princess' frail neck, so eagerly exposed to him, and with one stroke...horror would unfold before the very terrified screams of the knight, or perchance a more subtle approach, such as a poisoned needle or something of the sort, just as dreadful but more discreet than a slash of the throat, and Varros...he appeared as the discreet ones always do, clad in black as if the tattered and menacing robes of the Reaper, dissolving his very slender and malnourished form into the shadows that lurked behind the two women, but....on a second thought, Irina did consider her viewing of what she deemed...had to be the rarest and most obscure sight she had ever witnessed, emotions showing from the man...other than malice. It was as though in that brief visage...she detected some sort of humanistic trace left within that festering mass of terror and inhuman quality, which Irina had to assume...was brought upon by a most painful and agonizing period of his life. Still...it does not excuse his malice towards the Princess and the Kingdom.

Before she knew it, Act 2 had concluded with one last fanfare from the orchestra and the rising cheers and applause of the audience catching her attention....the rest of the opera having been a blur to her in the midst of her troubled mind plagued with perplexing and bewildered ponderings. After the end of the act, there was a brief intermission, time for Irina to clear her head...once again...and stay focused on the opera, or at least keeping the Princess from harm. "I'm going to step into the lobby for a bit for some fresh air, M'lady." She turned to Crystal and spoke before rising from her seat, carefully making her way through the rows of velvet embroidered chairs and towards the exit into the theater's main lobby as the lights slowly but surely illuminated the performance hall during the intermission. Unbeknownst to Irina though...she had a follower. "I can't help but wonder why you detest of me so much, my lady." She gasped roughly, her eyes widening with an instant spark of terror through her heart. Hastily and with such professional form, she unsheathed the kitchen knife from her garter and whirled around with a shout, plunging the silver blade forward with all her adrenaline, but the knife did not pierce the sickly gray skin of Varros, well...in a way it did, but not of his heart or his neck, no. To Irina's debilitating horror, the blade of the knife....was clutched firm in his bleeding hand.

With a glower towards Irina's frightened paralysis and with his other hand, he wrenched the knife out of Irina's cold, fearful grasp and tossed it aside nonchalantly, pulling from his coat a handkerchief to wipe the blood away from his wounded hand as he spoke to the frozen woman, "Hmph. Honestly now, Lady Irina, didn't I tell you it was a bad habit to jump to hasty conclusions? I mean...I was only here to see if you were well, out of the generosity of my-" But Irina, able for once to overcome his paralyzing aura, snarled at him, cutting him off rather brash, "Liar! I'm onto you, Varros. I know what you're plotting and you can just-" But just as she rudely cut into Varros, the Lord of Narsil returned the cut in this verbal sparring of sharp tongues in bitter mouths slighting Irina with his signature sneer and insolent dialogue, "Plotting? Then by all means, Knight, humor me. Tell me what you believe I am plotting, because in all honesty, I have nothing planned for tonight rather than to enjoy the rest of Poponoriodestia Amour without interruption." But during his verbal retaliation, the man's voice lowered to such sinister depths as he leaned foward, inclining ever so close to Irina's pale white face full of agonizing terror yet again...his lips ever dangerously near hers as he hissed, "....and you my lady....are certainly becoming the hindrance to my nightly plans. Just consider yourself lucky that I do find you rather....attractive." With such a venomous smirk and that haunting gleam from his yellow eyes, his hand gently caressed the cheek of Irina, leaving a bit of red on her...blood of course from his open wound. "And now I must see to these wounds you have inflicted upon me. I suppose you should be seeing to your....appointed duty of protecting the Princess. I mean what were you thinking leaving Lady Crystal all alone this time, especially when you consider me such a threat to her? Fare thee well now, Lady Irina." But as ever, Irina couldn't move an inch, hardly half an inch either. Frozen was she again by that nefarious man's presence...and his touch...only made the paralyzing aspects of this curse worse...much worse. Finally though, she was able to break herself from that debilitating trance the man placed upon her, but...she did not return to Crystal, but merely collapse with her back against the wall, feeling of her cheek in a state of horrified disbelief. Even for just one grace of Varros' hand to her skin....she couldn't help but feel violated by it.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A smile and an understanding nod was all she gave to Irina as she dismissed herself, leaving Crystal alone with Varros in box 17...Or so she thought, until she saw Vaross trailing behind Irina shortly after and shutting the door to box 17. Crystal furrowed her eyebrows in suspicion as she looked toward the door. She was sure Lord Vaross knew very well that her Lady Knight did not like him one bit starting from the very moment she laid eyes on him. Perhaps he meant to go his own way and wouldn't be bothering Irina... After all, she was not one to be trifled with, and even he could see that. Still, Crystal did notice how he looked at her royal attendant with somewhat lustful eyes, and considered that may be he wanted to make himself known in a more friendly matter to Irina. So many possibilities... All which kept Crystal from going out into the hallway to check on Irina. Come to think of it, it wasn't like Irina to leave her behind when Crystal's life was supposedly in danger. A worried look worked it's way onto Crystal's face as she debated on leaving her seat.

The intermission would be ending soon and Irina still had not returned to her seat.

Swallowing nervously, The Princess rose from her seat and exited box 17. Immediately, her eyes were filled with horror as they fell upon her Royal Attendant. "Irina!" Crystal rushed over and dropped down beside Irina, her hands coming to rest on both her friend's shoulders. "What happened?!" She asked in her most panicky voice. The Princess couldn't keep her cool...Not when there was blood on her bodyguard's cheek. Trembling, she looked around the hallway, searching for Lord Vaross. "Who did this to you, Irina?" Crystal had a hunch, but feared placing the blame...
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