Ekho waited for the corpse to stop convulsing before she moved. With blood painting her, she approached Mother Fran for new orders - though she hated getting orders from anyone. To Ekho, Mother Fran seemed haggard and weary; Ekho didn't blame her, she also felt the creeping of exhaustion upon her breast.

"Thank you all for the help. The swiftness with which you all felled these creatures..." Mother Fran seemed to be searching for the right word and Ekho began to itch with impatience, "gives me hope that we may fully remove the problem. They very rarely come in great groups like this back to back, and so I believe we may have some time before the next brings danger to the town gates."

"If you also deem it wise, I believe we could attempt to search for Stitchenstein in his very forest."

"It must take a long time to create them, surely." Ekho commented, twirling her mighty spear in hand. "We should find and attack Stitchenstein before he can whip up more."

More was to be said upon the subject, but there was little time as gnashing steel grinded against their ears. Dread could be sensed from the Beast Queen's very sweat as she began to question her abilities to fight again; her style of fighting was effective, but required too much energy. If she were to scream, if she were to use the power of the Banshees, she might be able to defeat them...but it was unlikely she could muster enough energy for that. Breathing deeply, she held tightly onto her spear and her sanity, preparing for the new abomination as she took off behind Mother Fran.