Leon had already made his way to the door before Jack basically kicked his crew out. As Leon stepped out it seemed as if he was thinking things over, the drugs probably having more of an effect than he'd boasted about. Love lost, the dead and gone, close friends seemingly cropping out in his mind. Leon's attention was entangled so much so he didn't even notice Krista's obvious perverted remarks about the crew and her apartment. But the words 'Little Leo' soon threw his thought pattern off, allowing him to come back to his normal self. "Oi, course 'ah am! OI'm not gonna pass up some spirits!" Leon would reply before, giving a glare. "Ah'n who in bloody, fock'n 'ell is Lit'hle Leo!?" His yelling obviously back to its normal, make you want to beat the shit out of him, level. "So just us three?"