Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
Avatar of RyuShura

RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


A glimpse of the RP and the Of the World what it involves

Everyone and everything will die in the end. That is a fact that each person must accept.

There is a belief that though death, a soul is released from the mortal plane into a realm where spirits resides. The ones who've claimed to have seen this place call it "The Spiritual Divide."

While spirits are known to be mostly harmless, there is evil that exists in everything. Corrupted spirits look to scavenge and devour these souls, however are only able to consume the ones that have been tainted by a specific sin; as in demons of violence and war can only eat souls most corrupt with violence and war. This "feeding" is extremely painful as the very essence of the being is ripped ruthlessly apart, their fabric dissolved into these Demon's. These spirits need energy from a living soul to survive, and will go to no ends consuming it. Any gathered surplus will only make them increasingly stronger. With each corrupted soul consumed, a demon's life is extended and they grow ever stronger. With their ever expanding power, the Demons threaten to break into the Realm of the Mortals; enslaving the race to feed on forever.

While unable to directly enter the Mortal Realm, Demons emit a constant corrupting aura that can pass through the closely placed realms, influencing a human's mind and soul. And with each “sinful” act, a soul turns more and more tainted.
This is an explanation as to why Mortals “sin”, besides a tendency deprived from being innately imperfect. Some even say that very concentrated places of "sin" open miniscule cracks into the Mortal Realm, and few people even claim to see strange things out of the corner of their eyes.

This is the revenge of their master, Lucifer, their creator, their own “God” as we have ours. Endless torment to the blind humans is the main purpose of existence for each Demon.

That Day of Reckoning is called the Apocalypse, as humans have long forseen; the end of the world.

The present year is now 2021 A.D.

Humanity is advancing at the normal pace, and technology is reaching new lengths of thought. The global population is slowly rising every passing day, however, so is the amount of sinning. With the level of advancement, the convenience of technology is just another tantalizing offer. At a flip of a phone a man can order a batch of "graceful" ladies to spend the day with, or one can go to the nearby drug store to pick up the newest batch of underground installments. Spirits and the supernatural are subjects that people consider "wild fantasies" and "delusions."

There is nothing beyond what we see ourselves, the self-centered human nature.

While there is virtually no rate of crime in the high class world, they relish in their comfort of sins. In far contrast, the poorer nations struggle to survive under their already harsh and threatening conditions of the leftover world.

The only middle ground are the select few that have still a good heart in the world;

Such beings persist with the belief of the existence of "Good" and of other far fetched optimisms. Some claim Angels call from above, trying to safeguard the frail humans from harm. Though, such beings are exhausted in power, the amount in numbers too thinned to make a significant difference within the world.

There are no more angels, and there is no "God" to save us from what lies beyond.

Most people move along their lives, going through the grind of working for the things that bring them solace and building up the foundations of happiness; still unknowing of what will befall everything they love in death.
Some say the this ignorance is bliss, but those who have seen the excruciating pain of being consumed by Demons know otherwise.

The Gates of Suffering, the last creation the Mortal and Spiritual "God" left behind to protect his precious mortals before his death, is starting to shake for the first time in decades, signalling the rising strength of the powers locked deep down in Hell.

With humanities growing corruption, what is stopping the Demons from flooding unopposed into the Mortal Realm?

Simply, there is a force “Harvesting” these souls and setting them on their natural journey, rather than consuming them like a Demon would. Picked out, these Souls are granted with a heavy burden, but given a gift that many only dream of.

Asked to be reborn, these Souls join this organization with a new purpose and life.

"Do you wish to continue living...?"

They are the few that will remember the truth in death, kept secret from the still too naive Mortals for ages. These individuals will be the only thing stopping the armies of Lucifer from entering into the Mortal realm and destroying everything they have ever dared love.[/I]

Basic Information on the RP:

This RP is mainly focused on this particular organization trying to hunt down these demons that exist in the world, acting as the grim protectors of the humans race. Each member will have a purpose, one that gives them power to keep living and killing, whether in relish of the constant battle itself or an unrecognized wish when previously moralized. We will try to have a lot of different things happen in this RP, from action ranging all the way to romance, but the main goal is to make it all fun. This world is purposely attuned for many situations and possibilities, though don't do anything crazy without GM permission.

This organization is called the Redemption of Sin, and the ones working under it are known as the Wandering Souls and Lost Souls who fall under the four different types of branches they can currently specialize in.
To become one, you either have to die and be saved from another Wandering Soul, or have reached certain circumstances where you are picked out of the living to join the ranks. (Refer to the tabs below for more detailed information, also feel free to skip to the character skeleton unless you want to know more about the world.)

The Prominent Realms:
There are three major realms so far in the RP, but more can be implemented later if reasoned well;

The Realm of Mortals and it's joint mirror, the Spiritual Divide:

The Plane of Erro:

The Expanse of Demons:

*Information on how Souls traverse the world, and of how a Soul becomes able to*

*Below are instructions on how to enter the Mortal Realm and Closing of Rips*

*More Information on Magic*

*The Branches and Their Cities, along with information regarding the place where you get missions, titles/ ranks specifics, and how to obtain Currency.*

*Look under these Hiders for Information on the Operations Center and Currency of Erro*[/COLOR]

Corrupted Souls:
A Soul who isn't able to resist the taint of the demons, usually joining the forsaken ones as their thoughts are being clouded by a demon's, but this corruption can be mended and healed, if captured and caught. The process depends on the severity of corruption, some cases, taking centuries to revert back to their original beings. A specialized squad is sent out at the report of these Souls, but unlike forsaken Souls, their main goal is to apprehend for Soul Purging. Though still a being that has committed a crime of letting the Demonic forces change their minds, there is only one way one can repent, as with Forsaken Souls.[/hider]

Though this doesn't mean that I will not accept Antagonists or Forsaken Souls, so feel free to make one of your own! If you have a story or plot revolving around him/her, PM and we can start something fun. :3

This RP isn’t tied down to just demons though, and there can be inclusion of other magical creatures or spirits as well, as the world and its inhabitants were once all able to wield magic. But that’s another part of the story that’s a bit of a spoiler.

1. My word is Law.
2. I will respect any complaints you have and hear reason as long as you respect and do the same for me.
3. Standard RPG rules apply.
4. Have fun!

GM: RyuShura
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Interested will be making a character sheet sometime... this week xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
Avatar of RyuShura

RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Corwin Ross

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 24 - appearance (54 years in total)

Appearance: I would post a picture, but I couldn't find any that fits the image I had in my head.
Height: 6'3 Weight: 96 kg. (Approx. 211 lbs.)

From the first time you see him, he seems like a goofy careless individual, often smiling and hitting on girls, but never attempting to touch anyone. He has long wild shoulder length dirty blonde hair, and wears a thick gray winter coat on over his light brown work pants. He pulls his long front bangs back into his black beanie, or sweeps them to the side to get them out of his eyes. Underneath his average eyebrows, his irises shine with a dark green color, and his face is finely chiseled, having the countenance of the masculine handsome male. He seems to have the inability to grow facial hair, and is somewhat ashamed of that, as he views that as a distinguishing piece from male to female. His coat has white fur at the ends of the sleeves, hood, and bottom rim, often used purely as a cosmetic design, as normal Soul's bodies have a high tolerance to temperatures. Along with his red shoes, he has red gloves to match, hoping to fit in with the mortals that he walks around with. He always carries around with him an old fashioned brass watch with chain, as he's very terrible at telling time, and might ask people around him of the time periodically just so he has an idea. He's pretty tall, and appears to have a hobby of working out as his body is very toned and stout, but anyone that knows of him, would know that he's actually famous for his lazy antics around Erro.

Soul Branch: Fury of War, Mid Enduring Soul.

Soul/Cursed weapon: His main soul weapon are two chains with an arm hoop and knives at the end, the Kyoketsu-shogei:

These weapons are hardened, and sharpened, with the use of being able to be manipulated by his soul, easily fading out and reappear in his reach at will. The knives can change shape into many different types of tool, like a hook, for example, as well as the chain, into a chord, as another example. If he spins them fast enough, he can leave a trail of his soul's radiance and would be able to create an extremely dense field of it in the area of the motion, though doing this will drain drain his energy quickly. He has other tricks and traps, but that's going to be introduced later ;D

Cursed Equipment: He has a pair of dark goggles assimilated by a B-Class Greed demon, allowing him to be able to see through objects or armor up to 2 layers, able to detect a weak spot or hidden object. These are also able to detect traces left behind by soul's and the pockets they opened when they teleport or transverse realms.

Soul Radiance: His soul's main element is wind. But that's not the skill that Corwin commonly exerts; his soul having the unique ability to redirect force and momentum from both physical objects and magic (Soul Essence), at a point of choosing, for up to 4 things at once. Though he's capable of doing more, 4 is his comfort zone, and anymore will strain him considerably. If coming against something especially large, he can focus more than one of the points onto the object, able to redirect even gigantic sizes. While at that though, he is still able to manipulate wind, by either creating dense projectiles or blades of wind, though the uses are vast, those are what he's most commonly practiced with, thus anything different would put a damper on his energy quicker.

Personality: Carefree, often clumsy, and awfully friendly, despite that, he can be serious though, often when things piss him off. Normally cool and lax with rules and such, thinking that it's much more fun just to let loose than to follow some procedures. A flirtatious man, that still has a bit of shame, but he mainly views his flirting as an easy means to compliment people. He talks often a lot, often a wisecracker and loves to speak his mind even when it isn't appropriate, sometimes getting himself in trouble with others. He loves nothing more than to smile and hang around his friends though, and often goes off with them on missions or scouting. Although an agent of War, he's often in charge of leading the newer souls out for their first test, and is an Instructor, someone who teaches courses on exorcism and hunting of demons. He takes his role of responsibility sincerely though, and often makes it a point to bring everyone back alive, if possible. He often finds people with great facial hair something to remark, and would often stare at them with a bit of awe.


Name: Anelle Reid

Gender: Female (Though, that is debatable between people who've met her.)

Race: Human

Age: 21 Appearance, 74 Actual

Soul Branch: Wrath of War, High Enduring Soul

Cursed Weapon: War's Carnage; A giant pole arm that stands normally 8 feet in length, and has the ability to effortlessly change forms to her will. Here are some examples;

It was forged from a bone from the physical body of War, one of the Four Horsemen, and infused with a A-rank Demon of Wrath's Soul, resulting in the powerful cursed weapon, she has now. The weapon is able to shorten and extend it's length, also with the ability to be split into two shorter weapons when she wishes with a meager straining. This cursed weapon is made from pure cursed flames, the immense heat seeping into the weapon perpetually as it was forged in powerful magic. This magical weapon always sets off a seething mythical heat, that is also based on her willingness to strain her Soul to feed it, as so; this Cursed Weapon is able to slice through very powerful spells or powers with ease, even without exerting any of her own Radiance to boost.
There are many rumors of how she had acquired the tool, many say it's a gift, others say that she is War's love-interest, but none have been confirmed. The voices used to plague her mind, but in time, she's learned to get along with the foul creature, as it readily lends it's powers for her use and no longer fights her for control of their Soul. One of these lent abilities, is to ignite the polearm with the Demon's infernal flames, giving each swing a flaming stream, that she's able to leave lingering to trap and damage her opponents. Things damaged by this weapon and it's abilities, during this form, leave burning cursed flames that don't spread, but causes severe pain and dramatically slows the regeneration of the inflicted wound.

Cursed Equipment: Her Battle-Armor, Axelia;

The missing Helmet (Please imagine that it's the same color as the armor.):

Built from a very rare metal found in Erro called Titania; it was infused with her soul, as she's able to bring forth the armor in a fiery manner, from her body. It functions as a very durable piece of armor, which is almost completely fire-proof and doesn't conduct any electrical currents. It is incredibly lightweight, allowing her to move with just as much speed as she would normally, though bringing forth the armor constantly dampers her Soul, straining it heavily. The armor has abilities that not many have seen, let alone record, as she refuses to use them when it's not needed.

Soul Radiance: Element of Earth, Fire, and Metal, as at her radiance level; one is able to learn to attune to more than one element, though increasing it to two is amazingly hard, let alone three as she has. Has astonishingly "weighty" Soul Radiance, due to the sheer force of it, as even at her rank, her Radiance is along the lines of a low Detached Soul. When her Radiance is lightly exerted, the air becomes heated up, creating a dry, burning, and generally just painfully irritable atmosphere. When exerted to a higher amount, depending on the strength and distance of the opponents, will result in their bodies immediately or steadily bursting into very dangerous flames; this rule follows to the environment as well, potentially setting things within the field ablaze. This Radiance exertion is very unique, as even in light exertion; objects or magic (Soul Essence) that get anywhere into range of it will slow down in movement, and the closer they get to her, the more potent the slowing becomes. The intensity of the the trait and of her other abilities is also based on how much she is exerting of her Radiance, the slowing increasing or the heat and fire raising in temperature, while getting harder to extinguish as she further chooses to escalate the presence . The range of this "burning field" is able to increase or decrease as she wills as well, increasingly straining her Soul the more she extends it. When at her full potential though, this is incredibly tiresome to keep up, and she will burn out quickly if it reaches that point.
Anelle is able to manipulate the elements of Earth, Fire, and Metal with an expertness, easily creating large formations with her Earth, or amass large amounts of fire for an attack, though, her Metal being unique, as she is able to convert any of her elements into a very durable heat resistant metal or back at will. The conversion process is quick depending on how much she is willing to strain her essence, on top of it being already somewhat tiring. She is capable of even mixing two of the basic elements together, Fire and Earth, to make scolding magma; which is a little harder for her to operate, though doesn't lack the changeability or speed as her other weaker elements. She takes great caution though, as people near her that aren't somehow fire resistant will be easily burned, foe or ally, by her Soul Radiance. But she learned the ability to grant short temporary resistance to her Soul Radiance, only if they remain close by to her.

History: Leaving it blank, as it's classified, sorry! ;3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Impaala94


Member Offline since relaunch

Character Name = Jessie Paala
Gender =Male
Race = Human
Age = 19, 26

Soul Branch = Starts out independent, but when story progresses he will join the Silence of Death or the Fury of War branches
Soul Weapon = P90 shaped submachine-gun. Bullets are of holy water, arcane etchings and a bit of his own concentrated soul aura contained within a 5.7 mm bullet casing. When shot at demons the bullets are of holy quality meant to seal the demon weakening it until it must go back into the Divide or Hell.

Cursed Equipment = N/A other than the pistol
Soul Radiance = Jessie's soul has no magical abilities that he's discovered yet. He can concentrate soul energies into object(How he makes his bullets.) His soul is the color of light blue or sky blue. His soul is unbalanced and unstable. The state of his soul shows through his facial expressions. More naturally attuned to wood elements.
Personality = Stoic and devoid of happiness yet admirer of the small,beautiful, unseen things. Jessie believes there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but actively looks for sources to prove him wrong. Sometimes, Jessie's happy and foolish nature leaks through his now cold demeanor.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
Avatar of RyuShura

RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

... He's shown up... it's time to flee to the floodgates.

*picks up a rope and tosses it out his window*

I regret NOTHING!

Btw you're rejected. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Definitely interested. One of the most well developed concepts that I've seen in a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
Avatar of RyuShura

RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thank you, I hope you have an enjoyable time. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

That's the plan. I hope you get the players you need too start there s up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Checking back in saying I'm still interested in case your doubting and I agree.... This look very promising. Also bumpidy bump bump.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
Avatar of RyuShura

RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lol, thanks for the support! :D

When we have a group of 5, we can start it off. Feel free to ask if you are unsure on anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Impaala94


Member Offline since relaunch

There Kelvin I posted my character submission. I hope you are able to point out mistakes and if he's over-powered or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
Avatar of RyuShura

RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gladly Accepted. :D

A good backstory is always a pleasure to read, even with a few typos. ( I make a ton too.)

Powers are well in limits, as are the abilities. Hope to RP with you soon!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Working away at my CS, just to let you know. This may be the RP I'm most excited about in this plethora of new RPs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Reynar Smithson

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 25; both

Appearance: Long jet hair falls in waves just passed Reynar's shoulders, framing the lithe sharp features of his face. Keen silver eyes shine from the shadows of his pale visage cast by heavy black brows. A light grin usually curves his lips ever so slightly, it's intent unknowable. Tattoos run along the underside of his jaw and around his neck stretching underneath his clothes. Strong muscles cling to his tall lithe frame (6'0", 170lbs), carrying the posture of a king, never daunted. A black leather jacket holds his frame tight with a white t-shit that stretches over the endless tattoos that move across his body. His tattooed hands usually rest in the pockets of his black, fitting jeans.

Soul Branch: Hunger of Famine

Soul/Cursed weapon: White armor plating that spans the length of his right arm. Used primarily to guard, but also aids in strong hand to hand blows. It also helps to channel soul essence more effectively.

Cursed Equipment: NA

Soul Radiance: The radiance of Reynar's soul is powerful and adaptive, much like he is. It's attuned more to element of the skis as it rests calm, free, yet always holds the capabilities of a destructive tempest if the right conditions are seen. He is able to use the nature of the element to speed his movement, and even leap some great distances. This could also be used to create greater impact force when he uses hand to hand. The possibilities of the adaptive nature of wind and the creative nature of his mind seem to unfold endlessly. An affinity for barriers also sprouts from his need to protect. Again, he likes to rely on creative ways to implement them.

Personality: Reynar's strength of will surmounted any other quality, not letting anything stop him from reaching his goals, and his goals never fell short of perfection. In life he explored many creative outlets, music, art, etc., and everyday was a struggle to improve, to reach whatever it was he was looking for. To that end, he couldn't quite find what that was, but he never stopped. However, as a person he was far less harsh, opting for compassion and kindness, if not in his own unique way. However, pushing people to do better, be better, always seemed to be a priority, even when unwelcomed. Other than that, Reynar was described as accepting, caring, always ready for a new experience, a new day, a new chance to be better, and always ready to share it with who ever happened to be close. Essentially, the opposite of what other's assumed at first glance of his dark exterior. Another dominating quality was his need to keep moving, figuring if he wasn't moving, he wasn't going forward. Despite this, he always found people to care about and who cared for him, and he hoped to leave them better than when he found them. However arrogant, he figure his intentions to be good. He found a way to become attached to these people, and often he found himself in the role of a mentor or protector for those in need. This is one of the things that seemed most fulfilling to him. Then like the winds of change, he'd be gone. Still, at the end of the day, he felt empty, and even until death he couldn't fill that hole.

History: The resounding plunk plunk of water smacking a pot placed bellow echoed in the dull empty room, accompanied only by the zipping sound of a brush running over the deep ridges of a thick paint canvas. It's wielder's expression grew stern as he paused to observe. A chill in the air made the hair on his bare skin raise as he sat cross-legged on a worn wood tile. He had no reaction, the painting being his sole concern. Nothing else existed. A switch had gone off in his mind, one that caused ever fiber of his being to be draw to the canvas, and every detail became his world, every stroke like a breath that lead to another and another. A grin crossed his face and he quickly began to swipe across the painting again, each stoke he grew with excitement. Maybe this time, he'd get it. Frantic movements forced him back to his feet allowing him to reach the far corners of the large canvas. The air became electric and the dull room seemed to buzz with the bright colors of his mind. Suddenly, he stopped. He sighed. The muscles of his jaw tensed, and in one quick movement he tore through the canvas with a growl. The man turned and took a few measured steps as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. The energy died, and the room again became reminiscent of a prison cell. "Not good enough," he whispered. He gripped the copper locket sitting against his bare chest, remembering the moment he first wrapped his finger's around it. He'd opened it to behold it contents, and whispered, "perfect."

She gave it to Reynar what seemed like an eternity ago. A youthfulness still filled him, and eternity sat at his fingertips. Though, that hardly matter when she was there. He sat in amazement as she would work across her art with precision, never doubting what it would be, if she'd done something wrong, if it would be exactly what she envisioned for it. When she finished, the girl turned into the twilight sun flooding her small studio, and perfection never seemed more attainable. Reynar smiled as he stood and looked it over with awe. "Like it?" her voice carried with a softly but ever so sweetly.

Reynar chuckled lightly, "Yeah, but I think I hate you now," he joked. She laughed with him, and moved closer as he turned. Only a breath separated the two. With a nervous smile, he brushed back a lock of her golden hair. His awe faded as an odd sensation washed over him, consuming him and leaving only contentment, joy.

"What's the matter, Rey?" she asked, with a sincerity that he'd never heard again.

A warm grin spread across his face, "Nothing, Sky, nothing at all," and it seemed that things could stay that way forever.

Her head leaned ever so slightly in curiosity, but it passed as something caught her attention, "I got you something," she reached into her pocket, pulling the locket and raising it into the sun's brilliant rays for it to glisten as it swung in and out of the light.

Reynar raised an eyebrow, "Jewelry?" he chuckled.

"Open it," she said with playful exasperation, and pushed it against his chest for him to catch. With a clicked, it snapped open, and for the briefest of moments, he found what he was looking for. Sky fidgeted briefly, "You know, it's...it's," a softly laughter escaping him interrupted her.

"It's perfect," and she let the brightest smile escape her lips, the one he'd not forget in a lifetime, or more.

Plunk, plunk, the drops quickly filled it's makeshift container and began to overflow. A crack of thunder, and a flash briefly illuminated the room. The man peered at the trickling water, huddled in his dark corner, trying to keep his mind off the empty room. A needle and his removed belt rested at his side. He stood quickly and began pacing the room, trying to find new inspiration. As another crack boomed through the window, Reynar jumped, causing him to stubble back and fall over the overflowing pot. Now, he sat in the overturned water as rain leaking through the roof still tapped on the floor. He didn't bother to move, just sat forward and place his head in his hands. Finally after a time of not moving, he sprang up, put on a shirt and jacket to endure the full brunt of the pouring rain. As he moved down the impoverished neighbor hood, something caused him to stop. He finally realized, it was the anniversary.

On a day much like that one, Reynar sat in a white room. A faint beeping filled his mind. He ran his hands roughly through his hair as his leg bounced up and down franticly. Looking up, eyes red and drooping, a clock told him it had been almost a day. The day was far from over. His white knuckles had been wrapped around the locket for the past few hours. His heart hadn't slowed once that day, and it felt ready to burst. His eyes darted toward a man approaching him, wide, desperate. The man in a white coat came to a stand in front of him, and Reynar darted up. "Mr. Smithson," he said with a dull expression, "We've done all we could..." the rest was drown out as Reynar felt something deep inside crack.

"NO!" he yelled at the man, and turned away quickly gripping his head. "No," he said softer as his face warped with the crashing waves of grief and tempest of anger that fought to take him. He gripped the corner of the wall in front of him, leaning on if for support. The further reality seemed to slip away, the harder he gripped. Skylar was all he had, and now, "She's gone." The words escaped him. Lights filled his vision and everything slipped away.

He'd awaken several days later, and the only thing he could think was if he'd not fainted that day in a hospital, he'd be dead by then. He couldn't decided if that would be a bad thing. However, he knew Sky would not have wanted that for him, so kept going.

The rain washed over him as he looked up toward the sky. A scream brought him back to reality. Walking a couple paces forward, he peered into a near by alley where it seemed a woman was trying to fight off assailants. Reynar slipped around the corner, "Hey!" He called out. Five large men, surrounded her.

"What the fuck do you want?" he pulled a knife, "You got a deathwish." Reynar couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of his statement. It didn't stop him, though, as he barreled into the two nearest the woman. He called out for her to run, and the woman quickly obliged. A couple chased, but she seemed to be faster. He tried to escape himself, but the biggest one grabbed him by his collar. "Where you think you're goin'," he growled. The much smaller Reynar struggled, and managed a few well placed strikes, but with a white hot pain, he looked down to find the knife in his stomach. The man jerked the blade upward, and with a smile, everything faded.


What is your favorite part about RPing: Writing in general, but if I were to say my favorite part of writing, it would be developing characters. Not just seeing how they grow individually, but to see how characters grow together, how they connect and interact. It's really quite fascinating to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
Avatar of RyuShura

RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright, it's looking good so far, but I'll have to wait upon the history before I set a rank for him.

I hope the RP doesn't disappoint! Feel free to leave me a P.M. if you have any plot ideas or anything you'd wish to be doing.

As an ever-changing world, we have a lot of room to roam and dabble within different genres.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Will get that up ASAP. Whenever I manage to get the time, I'll crank it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
Avatar of RyuShura

RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll set up the first introduction post, hope those of you can get in soon enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stardra


Member Offline since relaunch

Will be making a CS soon, be ready punk
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Added a smidge to his history. I'm finishing it tomorrow when I wake, without a doubt. Then, FIRST IC POST!
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