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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by C W St J Nobbs

C W St J Nobbs

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lonan knew people would start showing up if he just waited. Skylar had shown up first, and even though he didn't mind hanging around with the girl, he found it hard to form a real connection with her. Probably because she was from a different house, and didn't spend very much time together. She'd never accidentally walked in on him like Nicholas had either; such experiences were bonding moments as far as Lonan was concerned.

“I didn't study at all this summer,” he admitted. “I didn't even play any music. We're going to win the Quidditch Cup this year. Not to...dash your hopes or anything, but we are going to win, or I am going to die trying. I'm not even going to party this year. I'm not even going to try and pull girls. I am going to win that cup.”

Nicholas showed up after that, and told him about Gryffindor's new keeper.

“Good. I'm glad that happened. I just...feel so bad for the other teams. They all think they have a chance to win.”

Lonan explained how he spent his summer, how he abstained from anything but Quidditch practice (the part about his dad giving him all that money on his own had convinced him that it was true, no matter how unbelievable. Nicholas had met Lonan's dad a handful of times and it just...all made so much sense after that.

“There's not even a little chance that we lose. Last year was...unacceptable, to put it gently. I'll just have a year worth of pent up frustration to drink away at the end of the year, so I'll get it all out of the way then and during the first few weeks of summer”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sky nodded her head in greeting towards the newcomer, a fellow fifth year she remembered to be called Nicholas. "I don't care much for who sits in front of the goals, something needs to be done about that Seeker." She frowned when remembering the defeats of last year. Ravenclaw had been Gryffindor's opponent before Slytherin's match for the Quidditch Cup. It was a bit of a blur to her, but one moment she was reaching out for the little golden orb and the next she was flipping over her broom to avoid colliding with Gryffindor's Seeker. The thought made her clench her teeth. "At least we can agree on one thing, that defeat was a nightmare. What if we could make it so it was our two teams in the end? Honestly, I'd want anyone but Gryffindor to win this year." She rested her chin on her closed fist, glancing out the window before back at the boys. "What do you say to making that happen?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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John looked out the window as the train sped past rolling green hills, and the sun began descending from it's peak. He could tell that this was gonna be an awesome year. His cousin, Sirius Potter, had already found a replacement Keeper after Nick Gerret, a 7th year, had walked out on the team. He was a first year but that would be fine. Sirius wanted to win the Cup just as badly as he and Teddy did and all the other members of the team. He wouldn't pick a shitty Keeper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by C W St J Nobbs

C W St J Nobbs

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lonan looked to make sure Pluto wasn't going to try to eat Hopper, and saw the cat had already hidden himself away. Pluto would eventually appear in the common room during team meetings, or would appear at the foot of Lonan's bed in the morning. It had concerned him the first two years, but he's expected it ever since. He wasn't sure what the cat ate while he was on his journey throughout the castle, but he was honestly surprised that more owls didn't go missing.

"I practiced too hard this summer to get banned for match fixing if that's what you mean. And we're going to win this year, so your 'anyone but Gryffindor' wish will probably come true."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheGreatBaggi


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Nicholas find Skylar's proposition amusing, "Why you can make a good Slytherin, Brookes." He said, laughing at the thought. But he shares the same sentiments, that it sucks to lose. He would do anything in his power to win, anything. If only he can get his hands on something... something probably not illegal or seem dirty at all, but would work the same result. But this is not the time to talk about schemes, not with a Ravenclaw around, they're too clever for that. "I say Lonan is right. We cant risk of getting ourselves kicked out of the game before it got even started. We should be prepared anyhow. But if it comes to that, well, who else could better pull such strings." Nicholas shrugged. He's a little worried about the new Gryffindor Keeper though, he knows whoever may have replaced Nick Gerret will have a whole lot new effect to Gryffindor's game. But what could go wrong?

There's still a lot to be concerned off aside from Quidditch this year, there's tons of tests, and O.W.Ls. O.W.Ls most especially. His future in the Ministry depends on his O.W.L scores. Unlike his brothers, Nicholas' goals are bigger. Though he loves Quidditch very much, its power he really wants. "There will be people from the Ministry at the feast, representatives and examiners by the looks of it." He said, bringing out a copy of the Daily Prophet from his book bag. "Sounds pretty big this year."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

With a smile Juneberry helped up the girl who called herself Kitten, standing up as the other girl held on to her arm. "Should I call you Kitten then? I love cats so i suppose it wont bother me in the slightest...." she looked around her and noticed that many students were now rushing the train and then she heard the lout toot of its whistle.

"No more time to talk Kitten, we need to get on that train!" she said, turning and grabbing her bags. She called for Sebastian who quickly ran to her side. "C'mon Kitten, you too. We've got to hurry." Juneberry went behind Kaitlyn and nudged her forward. She noticed the other cat Nyx following Sebastian. "Dont get lost you two." she added as they scrambled to get to an open door.

"All Aboard!" the conducter yelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

WIth the all aboard call she grabbed her bags with a simple levitation spell and ran through the doors of the train and began looking for a compartment. She was not attached to a single house and as such didn't have any idea where to sit so she stayed near June. "Yes you can call me kitten." Nyx had jumped topside of the flying luggage. She floated along on the luggage.

"Hey June where should I sit?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

June thought about her question as she walked through the isles of the train. "Well, now that you mention it. ....we should see if we can find one for ourselves." she smiled over her shoulder at Kaitlyn. As they neared the back of the train, she saw the biggest compartment had already been occupied by a group of people who were laughing and talking amongst themselves. Upon listening closer Juneberry shought she recognized a few of the voices. She turned and saw that the space across from it had not yet been taking. "I suppose this one is destined for us." she said simply, walking in and putting her bags in the overhead compartment, all but her purse that is. She patted the seat next to her and Sebastian jumped up and sat down, purring softly soon after. .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kitten followed her in and put her bags in the overheqd and sprawled on the seat much like a large cat would to keep comfy. After she was settled in Nyx jumped up and curled on her side. So what is Hogwarts like? Actually lets make it a game you answer about Hogwarts and can ask about Salem. And in return I answer about salem and ask about Hogwarts."
Virgil was bored of the party planning and remembered someone mentioning hightower. He approached the compartment he always claimed. "Heard about any good parties."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Juneberry smiled at the idea. "Sure, i suppose i could be up for that. I'm not very familiar with that school anyway, and it is a fairly long ride to Hogwarts." she watched as Sebastian hopped across the seats and went to stand on the back of her new found friend, if thats what she could call it yet. He made a small, playful mew as he pawed at the face of the other feline. Juneberry giggled and looked at Kitten. "I think those two are going to be inseperable sooner than later." she paused. "And you ask the frst qestion. I still have to think about mine."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She had to think about her question for a couple minutes while doing so she absentmindedly began scratching Nyx behind her ears. Nyx sniffed at sebastian before pawing back at him. "What is it like going to a school with boys." Realizing she had always gone to girl schools.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Juneberry thought about her question, going into a more comfortable position of crossing her legs under her. Considering she didn't mess with boys alot she didnt have much to say about it. "Well, i suppose its alright. Sometimes they can get cocky and try to make you feel weak cuz your a girl, but other than that its nothing too special." She looked at her lap. "I like someone...a boy... but he dosen't really notice. Its hard because guys dont think about anything but sports and food so if you have a crush, it might be kinda hard to tell that person." she paused and thought of what else she could say. "Well, i suppose not all boys are like that. Sometimes i see them sticking up for their friends who are girls and get into fights because they are loyal. I guess it just depends. You are likely to meet both kinds."

June looked out the window then and wondered about the boy she liked. He was in a different house than her, but she often saw him....she just hoped this year would not be different. Then she thought about her question. "Where is your school at, and is it as big as Hogwarts? I can tell your not from around here because you speak a bit differently than most foreigners i've met." she had to stop herself before she asked all of her question at once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Really that sounds so nice, but more complex." She hoped to meet some nice guys. They sound amazing. "I am from th3 Salem Witches Institute. It is located in the United States. I have heard that it is about half the size of Hogwarts. Never been to Hogwarts. What is the headmistress like?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Hogwarts is a great school, and yes it is very big! My mom is a teacher there and was close friends with our previous Headmistress. Her name was Miss Minerva McGonagall, but she is very old now and a few years ago Mister Harry Potter became our Headmaster. I'm sure you've heard about him before. He saved Hogwarts from a really really evil guy. We learned it in History but i dont really pay attention in that class." Juneberry smiled and reached into her bag to pull out her wand. "Can i see your wand, and where did you get it? There is a place called Diagon Alley where there is a shop most Hogwarts students get their wands. Its called Olivanders Wand Shop. Mr. Ollivander is a very nice man but he is old too. Really old...i like to try and guess his age. And anyway, it took him a bit of searching to find the right wand for me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Who is harry potter?" She was curious because appaerently she was supposed to know who it is. "I vot my wand from a place called the lost road from a man named Giles Corey. He actually had me help make the wand. Everyone makes their own wand with his assisstance. " she pulled out her wand which seemed to just radiate darkness from black holly. The grip on it was a harder oak wood. "I was told there is a teacher that people call looney lovegood. What is she like"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Looney Lovegood? Thats my mother and her name is Luna Lovegood! P-people actually call her that!? Why in the world would they call her that. She....she's not looney! " she said surprised, her face blushing with anger and embarassment. She crossed her arms. "I cant believe the traitiors at this school." she huffed, shaking her head. "Anyway....my mom is great! She teaches the Care of Magical Creatures class at Hogwarts. She's unique and light hearted...she's my idol and she is most certainly, no way in the world Looney. So...so dont call her that anymore." she said firmly then fixed her hair as if she'd just run a mile.

"Anyway, Harry Potter is also a friend of my mother's and he is apparently now the strongest Wizard in the world." she said excitedly. "He is very brave and kind and nearly everyone likes him. Like i said before, he had saved the whole school from....from...." she paused. "i cant remember the name of the evil wizard, but it was supposed to be an epic battle and all that good stuff." she paused and thought of her question.

"Are people afraid of witches and wizards where you are from...America?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by C W St J Nobbs

C W St J Nobbs

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“I'm going to throw a party tomorrow night. Ya know, to kick off this whole 'sober until we win the Cup' thing.”

“I thought you were going to abstain from sex?” Nicholas asked, hoping that he wouldn't have to walk in on Lonan this year. Yeah, there were curtains around all the beds, but just hearing someone have sex in the same room you're in is...disconcerting.

“Yeah, that was my original plan. And then I saw Zelda walk past two or three times and it has given me serious pause about that. Have you seen her ass?”

There was a slight awkward pause, the kind that always came up the first few weeks of school until people readjusted to how Lonan spoke and behaved after a summer away from him. And then Lonan remembered what Nicholas was talking about, and trundled on like nothing had ever happened.

“I don't want to go to the feast. I'm just gonna stare at that Quidditch Cup all night, up there with those damn gold and red ribbons when anyone with half of a goddamn brain stem knows that we should have won that Cup, but...”

And he stopped and took a few deep breaths because he could feel the anger churning around his stomach, and he didn't want to start screaming about Quidditch until the first practice of the year, or at least until the team was in the Slytherin common room later that night. He changed the subject.

“What have you all been up to this summer?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I am so sorry. I would like to takr her class. That is just what one of the instructor calls her. But oh well. I am sure she is amazing. But about Harry Potter, he might be the best in Europe but i think Ms. Ross would beat him." She thought about her question " Some people are terrified of the idea and would burn us at the stake thojgh, some people are excited about other types of humanoids like vampires witches and werewolves." To accentuate the point she turned into a large black dog closer to a black wolf with the two cats on her. Nyx was completely relaxed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Juneberry nodded and accepted Kaitlyn's apology. Then she listened to the answer of her question, it made sence that people who didn't understand would be afraid...though it seemed silly that they would prefer a werewolf over a human with a wand. She blinked as Kitten changed into a black dog with long fur. Sebastian stood up and hopped back onto June's lap, gazing suspiciously at Kitten...who was now a dog....

She understood why her cat was confused.

June reached out to pet the fur of her friend. "Wow that is amazing. I've seen people do transformations before, but never like that. It seemed so easy for you." she clapped then. "That's absolutely amazing." She then went back to the previous subject. "I forgot there are many other powerful witches and wizards out there, so maybe he isin't the strongest. Who knows? maybe he knows your headmistress and lost to her in a deul once. He'd never tell us about that. " she giggled then and from the corner of her eye out the window, she saw the tall towers of Hogwarts appear in the distance. "Oh look, we've gotten closer."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Teddy listened to the conversation of the newcomers in the compartment. After several minutes of listening he said," Harry killed voldemort." He smiled at them both then said," sorry to interject, but I couldn't help but hear." He focused on the large black dog and smiled slightly," my dad's best friend was animagus, looked almost just like that I've been told. I never met him. He was murdered before I was born during a fight with voldemort followers.." He trailed off slightly then shook his head. He then said," that's cool about the werewolves, my dad is a werewolf. It's never been very easily for him due to it." He shrugged again, running his hand through his bright blue hair.
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