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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


By the time Cat produced the motherboard from the iPod, Tony had dismantled a large chunk of the computer monitor. The odd wire now hung loose or stuck up in the air unattached, and small red-brown and white pieces lined the floor in front of him, arranged by order of size. He almost blacked out the world as he worked, lips moving as he silently counted, entirely in his element. He set another piece down and looked up at the other man.

It was the collected voice that drew him from his world, and the more time he spent with Cat, the stranger he felt. The man apparently suffering from insanity seemed so... calm, all the time. Tony politely took the motherboard from the other man, nodding in appreciation. “Thank you,” he said, his voice now somewhat clearer. He shuffled where he sat, adding the motherboard to a new line.

“I'm going to rebuild whatever I can to re-establish communications with the rest of the world,” he explained, gesturing the the equipment between them. His mind created blueprints before his very eyes, joining all the pieces together like a puzzle that only he could see. He twirled the screwdriver in his fingers absent-mindedly. “It won't be brilliant, but it will work. It's what I'm good at.”

At her comment, an image of Mercy doing her best to accumulate a 'hay hair' do in the barn sprung to the forefront of Christina's mind. She coughed suddenly, but quietly enough not to draw too much attention. Forcing that image away, a look of shame briefly etching itself across her features, she focused on moving her feet. Left, right, left, right... it reminded her of the militant way in which her team jogged around the block in the early hours of the morning, or whenever they were off shift. Watching her feet, she managed to school her thoughts again, though the shame lingered.

So consumed with scolding herself, she didn't hear half of what Mercy said about her debt. Chris lifted her head in time to see Mercy still smiling, and now inspecting the logo on her chest. The debt really never mattered, and Chris began to remind herself that she did not intend on staying at the farm for very long, though the idea was becoming more preferable. But before she could convey that to Mercy, the other woman was praising her work as a firefighter. Chris shrugged one shoulder. “I wouldn't call myself a hero,” she half muttered.

She returned her eyes to the ground as she listened to Mercy describe her working life... or what had been her working life. Chris couldn't help feeling somewhat guilty for making Mercy feel as though her stories were boring. Pulling it over her shoulder, Chris tugged on her dark braid. “You're no less interesting than I am,” she said, firm and clear in an effort to reassure her. “Tony persuaded me to put my recklessness to good use,” she explained in response to the question of her work, rolling her eyes. He had been right, though, the discipline and risks of being a firefighter both worked to benefit Chris. “Don't worry about that debt, you know. I was kidding, you don't owe me anything. Just keep smiling,” she added the last in a mumble before quickly continuing, “what did you study?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Dog was happily munching on some bacon as she looked at Olivia before laughing in embarrassment. "Awe your right. Sorry, I'm not really good at planning. I'm just used to Cat doing everything, so it's a bit odd to actually have other people. I'm not much of climber so he just keeps watch by himself. But I guess you all must be good climbers too mhm?" She chuckled before taking another hasty bite of bacon.

At Remy's and Ash's warning about Cat, telling her to keep him in line, she mearly laughed at such a statement. [b]"That's impossible. Not even I can tell him what to do nor do I have much of a right to. All I can do is deter him from... Doing worse."
she said, pausing a bit as she decided to leave out any details. Honestly, what Cat did to the dog was actually one of his more lighter punishments to something that provoked him.

These people probably didn't quite understand, but Dog would like to think he did that so the dog would more or less harmless as a walking corpse. Take away the teeth, the jaws, the claws, it basically would be a creepy pet. Some people have done that with people and animals that they have seen. The punishment was to make the dog live through it though.

Pausing in her meal she gave a soft sigh and looked at them. "Don't worry, just don't provoke him and he will probably have us leave this group soon. But if you do, then I hope your prepared to be just like him and show no hesitation in killing him. Because to kill a monster, you have to be one." Dog said softly, in a strange calm at the words she spoke.

Before she smiled once more and turned to the woman clad in blue as she volunteered to watch Cat. "Great, you should be fine as long as probably don't touch him, say anything that may be threatening, or the like. I dunno why but he mostly just ignores meek people. Like that boy with him now. Oh I better to check on them and give Cat some food. Plus techy boy probably is terrified at this point." she mused as she rambled, talking a bit more at a fast pace now. She was a talker, stupid, but a talker.

At the mention of the map, Dog grinned and nodded. "Sure thing! Cat was looking it over last night so I'll go ask him for it." she chirped before gleefully bounding out and headed up the stairs.

Listening the explanation and the lack of nerves from this boy's voice, the tall man slowly blinked his calm blue eyes thoughtfully. Before silently watching the smaller male work, his eyes focused on the current work he was working on.

"....Why? Is there much point at this time?" Cat questioned, his voice remain it's calm neutral.

It was funny really, the world was going to hell and more people were turning into monsters. Alive or dead, they were slowly turning into him, and he had many years to be the way he is. So it was quite funny how much survival, turned people into beasts. How long he wondered, would it take this little group to turn? It happened to everyone, eventually. The weak will die and become monsters of the dead, or they will become monsters in order to survive.

His twin, eventually will die as well. She was no monster. Killing was not in her system and he had to be the one to keep them both alive when no one else bothered. Yet not long ago, he was ready to do what she wanted. Run away from the life of monsters to try and live a more human life as she called it. Doubtful it would work, but he still agreed once they were old enough to try. Then this hell happens, and they have to go back to their same lifestyle. Only with zombies.

This time though, the world it being dragged into it. There was no longer a 'normal' way of life. Only survival.

So bothering to communicate didn't make too much sense to him. More people just felt like more trouble and a way to get a person killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Mercy –

The cough pulled Mercy’s attention easier than it probably should have, she cast her a quick glance just catching the shame etched across her features. She dropped her gaze back down to the basket deciding against asking her if she was ok instead she carried on with her current trail of questions. Mercy clocked the one shoulder shrug and the half mutter, she glanced away unsure whether she had crossed the line by voicing her opinion like that, it had sounded a bit like a generalization... Someone probably views you as one... “Oh I’m sorry...I just...” Mercy murmured, awkwardly lifting a hand up to rest on the side of her neck.

Mercy watched Chris pull her braid over her shoulder out of the corner of her eye, her smile easing away at the other woman’s firm assurance. “At this point that is debatable but thanks for the reassurance that I’m not a total bore” Mercy responded in a light tone, much the opposite of Chris’s. She felt like she’d manipulated that 'pick me up' with her momentary loss of confidence. Upon the mention of Tony she felt a flush of guilt pass through her, she still hadn’t thanked him for retrieving her arrows the other day. “He was right though wasn’t he?” She tested her mouth relaxing into a small softer smile. “Are you-“ she started but ended up cutting herself off as she almost cut Chris off, her previous question slid from her mind as she barely caught the mumble at the end it brought a fresh wave of heat to her cheeks.

She wasn’t quite ready for the sting of disappointment that hit her as she heard Chris’s question, it wasn’t the question that caught her it was the past tense ‘did’, it was a fact she’d never finish her studies now. She kept her smile but it was a little more reserved as her disappointment leaked into her expression. She shook her head trying to shift the feeling before looking at Chris apologetically. “Sorry...just that way of saying it” She murmured. “I was at Med school near Los Angeles doing a double degree on Medical Science and Medicine” She answered with a small shrug, all the work that had gone into getting her there and now it meant nothing. Tearing her eyes away from Chris she realized they were near enough at the farm house, Mercy nervously played with her necklace with her free hand glancing back at the other woman. "So...are you planning on sticking around for a while?" Mercy asked, deciding it was probably a smart question since it wasn't exactly set in stone that everyone would be staying...as far as she thought anyway.

- Lloyd -

Lloyd glanced up at the two woman who questioned him about his health, he lifted a hand to his forehead sweeping his long fringe off of his moist skin. “Yeah... nothing to worry about” He assured them both, offering up a weak attempt at a smile as he put his cutlery down to signify he was finished. He leant back in his seat keeping his eyes focused on the table as he was asked yet another question, he felt their eyes on him which brought another flustered flush to his cheeks.

“I think everything is running low on fuel, we were on our way out to get more supplies when...you know” Lloyd answered, lifting his fork and pushing his leftovers around his plate as he glanced up at the others. “You may be able to make up at least half a tank if you pooled all of the fuel together and put it in the car or one of the pickup trucks. But I’m pretty sure we’ll need more...” He put forward already feeling lethargic over the idea of the work involved.

“The basement has an exit out to the back of the house, it's padlocked on the outside though. You wouldn't want to go down there it's dark and full of junk" Lloyd murmured his answer, running a hand down the side of his face. ""Did...did anyone check down there when we got here?" He asked tentatively, his face turning ashen at the possibility of those things being underneath them without them knowing.

– Tamashii –

Tamashii wasn't exactly talented at climbing in fact she rather preferred keeping her feet on the ground instead of dancing about at sickening heights, it didn't mean she wouldn't do it if she had to. In this world the more physically active you were the better, that and a sharp mind was a good tool to have. She stiffened as Dog laughed failing to see the humor in this situation if this twin couldn't control the other they were going to have problems. "Then you best deter him from repeating his previous actions or doing worse" She told Dog with an acidic undertone to her voice. She wasn't finding the twin's words amusing and felt no need to hide that fact.

Dog's next statement took Tamashii by surprise, she lifted an eyebrow at the 'guy' as 'he' spoke softly telling them not to provoke him and he'd be ok, she felt the sting of guilt as she took in what had been meant by that. If I have to...I won't hesitate It was that thought that worried the brunette, she wouldn't hesitate to protect herself or her companion from Cat or anyone else for that matter. If that made her a monster than that's what she was...but then did that make her any different from Cat? She shook her head to clear her thoughts now she was spinning in circles and thinking over it all too much. "...You left someone up there with Cat alone?" She asked Dog hearing a few choice words out of the fast pace the twin spoke at.Techy boy? Who on earth is that? She frowned after Dog as 'he' happily bounded out of the door..

Tamashii frowned after Dog as ‘he’ happily bounded out of the door and back upstairs, she wondered whether the 'guy' would expect praise upon presenting them with the map. It was strange how dog-like that action had been...maybe there was a reason they had been given those nicknames or perhaps they acted up to those nicknames...why was she putting so much thought into this? She looked Lloyd over with a raised eyebrow, in a normal situation she would have asked him to let her companion look him over...but he would be used as another reason to stay and she really didn't want to stay.

Bad things happen in groups, too many connections, too many people to watch... She chewed the inside of her cheek as she allowed her thoughts to run away with her, she hadn't been this bad before the infection hit. "Unless you left the basement door open I can't see why they would be down there..." Tamashii shrugged, though he had planted the seed of doubt now she would have to check or she wouldn't sleep again. "A trip to pilfer petrol, oh what fun...we should plan that for sooner rather than later" She stated drumming her fingers against her chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


He continued pulling apart the computer monitor, lining up the pieces and silently counting, though his pace slowed somewhat as he considered Cat's question. Tony squinted, mulling it over. How much did he want to tell this man? Did it matter? Cat had plenty of chances to murder him already, and if he wanted to, he could kill Tony in seconds. If he was truly insane, then little or nothing would keep him from doing so. In the end, it didn't matter what Tony told him.

So he went with the truth.

“Because if we don't come together,” he began, forcing his voice to become firm again, “everyone will die.” He placed the latest of the electronics in the line, ensuring it fit perfectly in place before returning his hands to the monitor. He spoke quietly, but clearly. “Nobody can run forever, and even if being together creates more risks, it gives us more opportunities, too.” Though not practised, his tone promised sincerity. He thought about his goals a lot. “We can spend the time we have left barely surviving and die alone, or we can rebuild, and we can build a better world than what it was.”

He only hoped his faith in humanity was enough to pull them through. Tony wasn't stupid or blind to history, but it certainly was a miracle he survived – perhaps a miracle whose name was Christina, but a miracle nonetheless – and that meant he had to be useful somehow, there had to be a reason he was allowed to live when others sacrificed so much. “I know it won't be easy, but there's good in the world, there's something worth saving. Why else would we be trying so hard to survive, if we didn't value our future?” He set the last piece of the monitor down between them, the pieces forming a visual of perfect alignment. He begun to pull wires from the shell of the monitor and the box Cat had given him.

Guilt settled in her chest at the look of reservation on Mercy's face, once smiling so purely, and the apology both in words and tone. A part of her honed by Tony's close friendship wanted to explain, find some way of making it better. But a greater part only wished to reverse time and take back what she had said. Rather than do anything at all, Chris opened her mouth to speak, only to shut it again and frown at the ground.

Idiot, she told herself. Her social skills had never been the best. That's why she got along so brilliantly with Tony from the start; he preferred small groups of people and she lacked the skills to integrate herself with many. Chris pondered giving up on socialising entirely. After all, what need was there for it if she planned to leave? She made herself refocus on what Mercy was saying.

As if the woman read her mind, the question of Chris' unannounced decision came up. She scoured herself for the bravado she so proudly brandished prior to the outbreak; she needed the confidence to keep from stammering. “I haven't decided yet,” she lied, voice calm and steady. She didn't want to admit what she planned to do, lest Mercy's smile falter again. Chris looked towards the farmhouse and picked up the pace. She pulled open the front door for the other woman. “What about you? A med student, those kinda smarts... you'll be sought after wherever you go.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The tall man listened to the boy's words, watching him hunk over his words before answering. Every word, Cat's cold blue eyes watched, calculating this boy's body language, the tone in his voice, and analyzing the words. Searching for lies, uncertainty, deceit, or broken words within his answer. It was a common habit for him, examining people. Perhaps finding a excuse to kill, perhaps to just to examine. He hated liars, he wasn't quite sure why, but he hated them.

Yet he did not sense any lies from this boy's odd words. It sounded much like Dog's ideals. Surviving wasn't exactly everything unless it is spent with company. Almost all he knew was strictly survival... Human emotions that usually drove someone, such as love, pity, mercy, guilt... All were foreign to him. He never understood it or remembered feeling such a thing. Maybe he did at one point, but it would have been when he was just a mere child and even then he strove for survival.

At times, he wondered exactly what it felt like to be truly a human, instead of the monster he was. The cold man wasn't even sure how he would react if Dog died. It was expected, and they discussed what would happen should either die while the other lives... But he didn't know how he would exactly feel. If companionship and feelings is what made survival worth it, it seemed he was far behind true survival.

"Even if those people could be like me?" Cat asked cooly, though it was a question he did not expect a answer from since he shifted around the little electronic blockade to sit just behind the other boy.

A feeling of being cold overwhelmed him. And he craved warmth. Usually, he would kill something, blood was warm and had a addictive smell, at least to him. The only living thing here was him and this boy and he felt no need to kill this boy. He had told him the truth nor seemed the violent sort. Perhaps if he pressed buttons using that girl who was with him, but that required too much effort.

Thinking briefly, he decided to go with a alternative that he assumed would somewhat satisfy both of them. He would get warm, and this boy would get rewarded for being honest. Sounded reasonable to him.

So with that, his movements were smooth and quick, his powerful arms wrapping themselves around the smaller man from behind. His left arm wrapping around the torso, while the right looped around the neck. It looped around over his chest so his hand rested on the boys left shoulder from the front. Mhm.. Warmth.. Cat didn't make a sound, but his arms were gentle but firm, seeming not having any intent of letting go of the body in his arms.

One could compare this to a stubborn feline getting on its masters lap, insisting that it stayed there for both warmth and comfort.

Cat could guess the boy probably would freak out, but he also didn't much care. He was warm and he boy can continue to do his little technical work and that was all he cared about.

Dog raised a 'Really?' eyebrow at the acid tone. As if to say that whatever this girl did was no way near as threatening as the bigger twin. She highly doubt the girl had the years to get the guts to do enough to scare Dog. After all, he has done a lot of bad things already. Still, if she wanted to complain, she could do so to Cat himself, though the dirty blonde doubted that would end well.

"Nah don't worry about him. He looked like a docile guy so Cat won't do much to him. Maybe tease him a little but nothing really harmful." Dog shrugged before leaving with a happy grin.

Walking up the stairs, she paused at a bookshelf, examining it over curiously and thinking that Cat might like something to read to keep him occupied. Maybe he could even read to her a little if she found a storybook. With happy smile, she picked a few random books before heading off to the attic. Praying to anything in the world that nothing bad happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Mercy –

Mercy took the optimistic view on Chris’s answer; though she wasn’t entirely convinced she’d made a good impression on the other woman. She didn’t detect the lie at all, Chris had either delivered it flawlessly or Mercy had chosen simply to ignore it. She rested her hand back on the basket as the dark haired woman broke away from her and picked up her pace, pulling the front door open for her. She gave an appreciative nod at Chris for the chivalrous gesture feeling the color in her cheeks darken at the words that reached her ears, she hesitated in the open doorway to answer Chris’s question. Tamashii will want to run... “I can see myself staying for a while” She murmured with a small shrug and a characteristic smile “To be honest I’m tired of the constant running...I mean as long as we’re careful this place could last for a little while at least don’t you think?” She asked, biting her lower lip lightly as she focused her eyes on the eggs nestled in the basket she held in her hands, she waited a few moments before she allowed her warm smile to return.

“Thanks for yet another vote of confidence by the way” She murmured, although the idea of being sought after was an uncomfortable one in this new world lifting her left hand to her head she bashfully tucked a strand of hair behind her ear flashing her inked wrist as she did. “I wasn't very far through the course to be fair” She admitted with an apologetic shrug before disappearing into the farm house. What she failed to mention was she had been studying medical practice from a young age; she wasn’t purposefully withholding the information she just didn’t want to steer the conversation too far into the past. Upon entering the farmhouse her attention was drawn towards the sounds of multiple voices within the kitchen. “Sounds like everyone is awake...” Mercy observed with an amused tone to her voice, realizing Chris would probably want to retreat from her to find Tony she quickly turned back to her, a bright smile still dominating her soft features.

“Thanks for helping me out with...this” She dropped her eyes to the basket as if for indication. “I should probably go and check up on Ash” She was really hoping her companion was behaving “Say Christina? I don’t want to overstep the mark but your partner; I still haven’t thanked him for getting my arrows back the other day. Would you be able to pass on my apologies for that? I didn’t mean to appear rude...I just haven’t really had a chance to talk to him” She reached for her necklace again unable to comfortably initiate her usual nervous gesture; she was planning on waiting for Chris’s response before moving anywhere after failing to ask what she had wanted to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


The strange man's eyes fixed on Tony as he spoke, and he felt his momentary confidence fizzle out. His shoulders slumped some and his steel tone faded into distant memory. He never was that well spoken for long, not with unfamiliar people. He could talk for days with Chris, almost like he became an entirely different person when he didn't have her around to serve as his comfort blanket. He fiddled with the stripped ends of the orange wires, but his mind was only half on the task now; he turned so introspective he almost forgot he shared the attic with a worryingly unstable man.

He was pulled from his reverie by Cat's question. It struck him like a whip and left him with his mouth half open in preparation for words that would not come. Did Cat have a place in a new and better world? Tony's ideal society could never be a reality, no one's could. Humans thrived on spontaneity, their actions largely driven by instinct, and that made everything unpredictable. Tony's brows came together in concentration. “Yes,” he finally said, voice gone soft again. “Even people like you.” As terrifying as Cat was – the images of the bloody and beaten dog still floated in Tony's thoughts – perhaps he could be rehabilitated.

No sooner had he answered the question, Cat clambered around Tony's neatly arranged lines of motherboards and cards and wires, and came to sit behind him. Every muscle in Tony's body tensed, his hands, tangled in the box of wires, clamped around the cords. The skin on his back crawled. Had Cat been disarmed? Could he be hiding a knife somewhere? When he felt Cat's strong, imprisoning arms caging him, Tony's blood ran ice cold, pulse racing until the ice reached his heart. His vision blurred and the attic spun around him once, then again... he swayed a moment, before going limp in the other man's arms.

She watched Mercy for the slightest sign she could see straight through the lie, and found nothing. Chris relaxed somewhat, and when she saw the other woman blush again her muscles loosened and she smiled. Everything back to normal again. But when did smiling become 'normal'? “Tony will want to stay a while,” she found herself admitting. There was no harm in telling Mercy what Tony wanted, and it was the truth. For a brief moment she wondered if Mercy would care at all, beyond her natural concern for others, whether Chris and Tony stayed.

“Yeah, we could last a while here. It's a miracle this place survived, the animals, the food. It'd be some kind of rude not to take advantage of it.” Closing the front door behind them, Chris tossed her braid back over her shoulder and strode towards the voices. It still felt unsettling not to have her weapons on her, when the rest of the group were likely to be carrying theirs. She cursed her earlier sleep-dulled mind. She slowed again when she heard Mercy's thanks, and opened her mouth to respond before the sound of her name shut her up.

Few people used her whole name, Tony and her grandfather included. Usually the sound of it on another person's lips felt uncomfortably strange, but she liked the way Mercy said it. Though that she did enjoy it struck her as just as odd. “I will. Don't worry about it, though, he won't mind at all. He just likes to help how he can,” Chris replied, smiling. She shifted where she stood, then made for the kitchen again. As she stepped through the door, the sight almost sent her head spinning: people eating breakfast at a table, together. It wasn't something she ever thought she would see again. She shook herself. “Hey, any of you seen Tony? Dark hair, glasses, doesn't say much?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cat had expected some sort of sound, a yell perhaps, or a attempt to struggle from this boy. Instead, he just stiffened in obvious fear before going limp. Was he playing dead in hopes Cat wouldn't kill him or something? Gingerly, his left hand moved away from the shoulder to grip the captured face of this glasses wearing boy. Fingers lightly gripping the chin to shift it more to his direction in examination. It appeared this boy was either dead or sleeping. The tall man estimated that he simply fainted for whatever reason. Quite a silly move to do in front of a killer, alone in the attic and having every bit of opportunity to do something without terrified screaming.

But it seems the emotion fear varied the reaction depending on the person. It wasn't exactly a logical reaction most of the time really. Course Cat didn't really understand such illogical reactions, since situations like this got someone in trouble. One is rape, the other death. Despite the enticing opportunity, Cat simply pressed two fingers to the boy's neck, checking to make sure he wasn't exactly dead.

It seemed the dork wasn't, and simply confirmed Cat's suspicion.

With that, the tall man started to lightly poke the fainted boy's cheek with his left index finger boredly. After a few unsuccessful pokes, his finger curved over the glasses wearing boy's right ear. He wasn't exactly trying to wake him up, if he did then whatever, but he somehow found it amusing to simply poke at his boy. Perhaps find a weak spot. Everyone had one. Well, minus the more obvious one which he wouldn't bother with.

"....You're going to get yourself killed with that way of thinking." he murmured quietly at the odd response to the last question he gave. Having not really expecting such a positive answer.

After a few minutes of poking or mild rubbing, the tall man gave a gruff shrug, his fingers tracing up to the boy's face and gingerly gripping the glasses. Slipping them off, he started to examine the eyewear, curiously slipping them on his own face and narrowing as his vision changed a bit.

Just then, Dog busted in with a cheerful call, "Biiiiig Brother I got some fooooood~!" The dirty blonde cheered with two plates in either hand and a couple of books under her right arm.

Her happy expression instantly froze at the sight before her. What she saw was a limp body whom her brother was pretty much pinning against him, and was now wearing their guest's glasses. It took a few minutes to process this information before her jaw dropped and her rusty colored eyes widened. Just about dropping everything in her arms, she quickly set the plates down on the floor before waving her arms wildly.

"Cat! I liked that one! Man what are we going to do?! I thought for sure you wouldn't do that to him! Ugh oh for fuck... What did you do?!" Dog said roughly as she started pacing in circles in a panic while her twin watched her with his same neutral expression.

"....He died.... Figuratively." Cat answered calmly.

"He died?! How did he die?!" Dog asked, obviously having no idea what figuratively meant.

Cat rolled his blue eyes a bit before looking away as he took of the pair of glasses. "He just fainted." he answered as he folded the glasses gingerly before placing them on a box.

Pausing a little at this new information, Dog gave a sigh of relief, glad that Cat at least didn't kill the poor boy before crossing her arms and glaring at him, pointing a accusing finger at him.

"Okay then, how did that happen and why is he in your arms like that?" Dog questioned.

"I hugged him, he fainted. I was cold." the taller twin stated bluntly before closing his eyes, his left hand returning to its same position as before, almost looking the tall man was just going to go to sleep like that.

Dog face palmed and rubbed her fingers against her temples. "No wonder he fainted! You don't just go hugging people! They'll think you'll break their neck or something! And if you were cold, why didn't you just use that old blanket we found?" She barked, sounding much similar to one of those toy little dogs yapping and complaining about something.

Cat didn't move from his position, seeming having no intent on moving any further. "That blanket has been chewed through by moths, is covered in spiders, and isn't all that warm. This was the closest source of heat. Also, you said hugs were a good thing for people. I saw no need to question it. Logically it keeps us both warm and should emotionally feel satisfying." he answered in a calm cool voice.

Dog growled, rubbing her head and ruffling her messy hair. "Knowing you, you didn't exactly state your reason and just did it. That freaks people out man! Plus if a guy faints like that your not suppose to keep hugging him like that! I'm here now so switch!" she barked a demand, holding out her arms like some spoiled lapdog expecting its daily attention.

Cracking a eye open to glance as his twin, he closed it once again. "No." he simply stated.

"W-What?! Why the hell not?!" Dog stuttered, dumbfounded, before pouting and making a sad puppy dog face, seeming hurt from the lack of attention from her twin.

"You whine and complain and tend to end up laying on top of me. He's a quiet pillow." the taller twin simply stated.

"He's not some body pillow!" Dog scolded before sighing and walking closer, kneeling down to examine the fainted boy. He did otherwise seem fine, Cat at least hadn't harmed him in any shape or form. Well maybe scar the kid for life but otherwise fine.

"Anyway, can I see that map you were looking at?" Dog asked, looking at her brother who was now simply ignoring her.

Dog puffed out her cheeks and let a loud whine, poking at him before grumbling as she started going around the room in a effort to find where Cat put it. Obviously, he didn't feel the need to assist the people downstairs. Most of them he'd probably of shot on the spot or something. Ash was defiantly one Cat would have no problem in killing instantly if she made even one wrong move. Those type of people were usually the ones more interesting to kill apparently.

Finally, she found the map by the window and picked it up with a victorious cheer. Before looking back at her brother, trying to figure out how to exactly pry the large man off and wake up the smaller boy. With a sigh, she knelt down beside them, staring at the weird mechanic contraption before gently poking the fainted boy's cheek and shaking his shoulder. In some attempt to wake him up.

"Hey buddy! Wake up! This is no time to be sleeping! If you don't wake up I'm going to steal your assigned bed! And a scrawny boy like you probably would get a serious cold sleeping up here." Dog said, as if her little threat would wake the fainted boy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaylah eventually heard Dog reply to hear being on the roof with Mr Psycho though could CatDog be away from each other for more than a few hours. Upon hearing not to touch him from Dog the woman in Blue wondered why she would even do so. Unless he was about to fall of the roof she would not bother. In some way this kind of amazed her, if he did fall of he would have eight lives left unless he lost right already in previous events. When Dog mentioned not to bring up anything threatening made her frown a little. The last thing she would do is threaten a mad man who was in the attic with her so called brother who was in fact his sister despite what she says. She was in no way judging them though it seemed like it but one had to face facts that Cat was a psycho.

The meek people, who were the meek people? Was she considered one of the meek people? If he ignored her then she would get her answer but then again he had not said much to the others so maybe it would not be an answer at all. Dog was soon gone as Kaylah looked at her plate of egg and bacon. The fuel run sounded like it needed to be done and she was a little bored so maybe they could do it sooner than later.

Lloyd: “Yeah... nothing to worry about”

Lloyd: “I think everything is running low on fuel, we were on our way out to get more supplies when...you know”

That on its own meant they should get fuel before it was too late because in this world anything could happen and no place was safe for too long. The fact he was sick still played on her mind as she looked at him every so often, trying to see if there were any signs of him being infected or something. Since the outbreak had begun she had started to go down the road of paranoia. When Lloyd mentioned pooling all the fuel together to make half a tank she thought a run would be better but she needed at least a few other to agree as well. Lloyd mentioned the basement and if anyone checked it out but if they had been here for the last two days the infected would have got to them by this point.

Kaylah: “I suggest we do a fuel run as soon as possible, the longer we take the more chances of something going wrong will happen. I would not mind going to get some if one or two other people came with me. I think three people filling up a gas tank will mean we will be able to travel further. I have no plan on dying yet.”

She wanted to be useful, so far she had not done much, she helped here and there if they needed it, if not she left them to it. Ash seemed capable of doing these tasks herself but in this dying world help was even more important than it used to be. If they planned a route and a back-up route there and back they could get it done fairly quickly. At this point they needed everyone to defend the farm as long as possible and so the more that left the weaker there defense would be. Kaylah soon finished her bacon off and played with the eggs. She poked at it like she was poking parts of the human brain if one wanted to look at it that way.

Her eyes darted back and forth from Ash to Olivia to Remy and the others in the kitchen. Lloyd was the main person she looked to and she did not do it for too long either. She did have one job though, go into the shed and make her blades sharp again for her weapon and also reinforce the hockey stick itself. It was simple enough though eventually the stick would have had it so she would need to get a new one soon, maybe they would come across a mall or sports shop at some point. A new wooden one and metal one would help, the metal one would have to be self-made though but it would last much longer then wood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Tamashii –

Tamashii wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the new information she had received, firstly Dog had said meek people would be ‘safe’ to a degree around his brother, it didn’t make her feel any more at ease...she supposed to these people Mercy would fall under that category, obviously Tamashii wouldn’t, she was bound to clash with him...best to steer clear. Kaylah had quite a few valid points and the new information Lloyd had give her was also very useful. A vehicle would get us somewhere Was her initial thought, she had always planned on staying inland keeping away from groups maybe move towards higher ground somewhere less likely to be populated. She was pulled from her thoughts as Kaylah piped up again; she focused on what the other woman was saying nodding her head in agreement.

Though she didn’t answer straight away almost as if she were expecting someone else to, her eyes dropped expectantly to Remy who seemed to be waiting as well ...I should have kept my mouth shut Seeing as Lloyd seemed to be preoccupied as well she figured it wouldn’t hurt to take the reins on this situation. “Ok, how does this sound...” She started rubbing the back of her neck; she was going to decide a plan of action. “I’ll take you and one other person out to do a fuel run, though we don’t want to just fill the tank. We can take a few canisters to fill, nothing too heavy. We can siphon fuel from a few of the abandoned cars; I highly doubt pumps will still be active. Rena you can inspect the fence with Remy in my stead. Olivia keep doing what you’re doing...Lloyd” And that was where she came to a halt looking at the expectant face of the dark haired boy, ignoring the look Remy gave her no doubt in response to being left out of the fuel trip. She wasn’t really sure what to suggest for him, he was clearly ailed by some kind of fever what if it was the flu or something contagious?

She glanced up as another person joined them in the kitchen, she wasn’t entirely sure if she’d seen her before though she was aware some of the other residents hadn’t been up and about for the first few days. She was about to greet her as it probably seemed like the right thing to do, when she was distracted by the familiar face that appeared in the kitchen after her, her eyes automatically checked over her companion raising an eyebrow as Mercy merely smiled at her before moving over to Olivia.

“Hey, any of you seen Tony? Dark hair, glasses, doesn't say much?”

Tamashii’s attention shifted back to the new comer, she stood back up her frown deepening as she tried to recall who Tony was. “Tony...erm...” She mused folding her arms and tapping her forearm, her eyes subconsciously following Mercy as she zoned in on Lloyd. Oh wait, perhaps She clicked her fingers remembering something Dog had said earlier. “Not sure whether its the same guy but Dog mentioned that someone was up with Cat in the attic...Techy boy?” Tamashii shrugged as she offered up what little information she could before looking at Kaylah. “Speaking of Dog, once we’ve got that map we can plan properly but before then we can always go and find some canisters” She suggested glancing at Kaylah, suddenly far more amiable to be around...almost as if she were on her best behavior

. – Mercy – With Olivia & Lloyd -

Mercy took Chris’s admittance at face value and assumed that she really was talking about Tony rather than about herself through another person, though the thought had crossed her mind. “Well we’d be lucky to have both of you...if you decide to stay” She decided to comment in her warm way, she would have liked them both to stay around on first impressions they seemed to be good people and although she couldn’t honestly vouch for Tony having not spoken to him, Chris’s skills and knowledge would be invaluable to them. Regardless she didn’t feel right saying they both should definitely stay it was their decision, they had to do what was right for them...right? The thought caused her to chew her lip as indecision crossed her expression quickly giving way to a smile at Chris’s answer to her question. “Call me superstitious but I think some things happen for a reason, there are no coincidences” She mused aloud, her eyebrows rose as her smile faded into a small smirk a mischievous look leaking into her expression.

For a moment the blonde was convinced she had overstepped the mark having cut Chris off with her hurried apology for Tony. She was relieved when Chris offered up a reply accompanied with a smile, Mercy felt her cheeks heat up...again. Really got to teach myself to stop reacting like this She thought to herself, nodding her head at Chris before dropping her eyes to the floor until she stepped through the door and into the kitchen. Mercy followed through shortly after feeling Tamashii’s gaze fall onto her as she passed by Chris and made a bee line for Olivia, she threw her companion a smile before focusing on the redhead. “Well...you seem to be in charge of the kitchen, where would you like these?” She whispered to the girl seeing as she looked to be in good spirit as well as good health. Mercy placed the basket down on the counter as Olivia moved around the kitchen in search of somewhere to store the eggs. Her eyes wandered around the kitchen taking in the other people that were in the room, she couldn’t quite get over how nice and...normal it felt in here, and the pleasant scent of cooked breakfast hung in the air, reminding her she hadn’t eaten for quite some time. She was about to query about food when Lloyd caught her attention, her eyes narrowed as a frown crossed her features. You didn’t need to be a doctor to figure out something was wrong; she apologized to Olivia before creeping past Chris as she asked after Tony.

She came to rest next to Lloyd. “Hey...you don’t look so good, let me take a look at you?” She asked leaning down next to him so she could talk in a hushed voice. Lloyd predictably waved her off, looking embarrassed that she had even approached him about it. “I’m fine honestly” He murmured to her. “Yeah well you don’t look fine and you’re temperature isn’t normal” Mercy stated lifted her hand to his forehead, beneath his fringe, he was burning up though the moisture on his forehead was cool to the touch. “I’m just a little warm its nothing” Lloyd tried to assure her, sensing the hint of panic in the boys voice Mercy retracted her hand. “It’s probably nothing serious honey, but you should rest up regardless, I’ll get you a cold compress and I’m pretty sure I may have something in my first aid kit that can help. We can’t have you feeling under the weather, please I promise if you let me help you we’ll have you up and about in no time” Mercy murmured to him smiling encouragingly at the boy. Lloyd looked undecided as he looked back at her, he really wasn’t feeling great and she had helped him a few days ago...resting wouldn’t hurt him perhaps she could fix him up, nothing serious. Lloyd nodded his head in agreement smiling faintly at her. Mercy smiled in return relieved he had decided to put at least a little faith in her, she turned her head upon hearing Tamashii answer Chris’s question. Oh dear...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


She caught the end of the conversation as she waited for someone to answer her, fidgeting more the longer it took for someone to speak up. Tony was never much of a people person, but in times like these, he would not stray very far from the group. So where was he now? Chris soaked up the conversation nonetheless. There were cars in the town, though those probably already had their fuel siphoned. But a fuel drive meant these people did not plan on staying at the farm forever. Chris could agree to that.

Her eyes shifted to Mercy as the conversation slowed, and she watched the other woman approach the farm owner. Only when she could not recall the man's name did Chris remember that she had been unconscious for the past two days. She eyed him cautiously – did he look sick to anyone else? The flu was the last thing this place needed.

Finally, someone answered her question; that girl who Chris vaguely recalled hugging Mercy the day they found the farm. Her eyes followed Ash as she stood up, then darted to her fingers when she snapped them. “Not sure whether it's the same guy but Dog mentioned that someone was up with Cat in the attic... Techy boy?” A hazy memory of a brutal man and a tortured dog struck her like a bullet. A look of horror flashed across her face. She spun on her heel and darted out of the kitchen.

Chris tore up the stairs; Tony was alone with that psycho. The perfect target, her harmless idiot best friend. She whirled around the bannister at the top of the stairs and flew up the second flight. She threw open the attic door and her eyes fell on the sight of Tony limp in Cat's tight grasp, his twin hunkered over them. She absorbed the scene in the briefest of moments, horror quickly replaced by rage, before she threw a punch at Cat's face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cat watched as Dog attempted to wake the sleeping boy before he looked at the wires again, setting the boy to simply rest on his lap as his fingers removed the tangled fingers of the techy boy's from the wired mess. His eyes narrowing as he looked at the wires, his mind puzzling over this contraption before connecting some wires together in a some correct manner.

That was, until he heard thunderous footsteps storm up the stairs, most likely someone bolting. Immiedietly, his cold blue eyes narrowed and flashed to the attic door. Watching for any sign of movement and listening to the footsteps. Not moments later, one of the women stormed into the room. By memory, she was this this boy's companion, and not as docile. Interesting. By the look on her face, he just may get blood. Watching the horror stretched across her face before the look of pure rage.

So the logical thing occurred when ones emotions took over, she through a punch at him. A horrible move, it was predictable. People who get taken by these emotions were readable fighters. But a fighter was a fighter, and he was more than ready to rip that pretty little jaw from her face. By the looks of her, she had some sort of athletic required job in her life. Which made her a hard hitter, just meant more of a challenge and thrill to him.

His right hand flashed to catch the fist coming at him, his grasp hard and like a bear trap. He made to twist it harshly to strike a uncomfortable pain within the opponent before his left hand clenched into a fist and striked out to aim for the raven haired woman's skull. A deadly blow with his metal knuckles still under his gloves .

However, before he could revel in the scent of rust, Dog quickly grabbed her twin's wrist, trying her best to restrain him from punching. His movements held no hesitation and was as calm as ever, but he was ready to kill and his blood boiled for it. Course Dog was going to attempt to not have blood shed.

Hand to hand combat against Cat would surely get this girl killed. He was a master at it, and not too many people have the years of practice he has. That and he was a natural fighter, must come with the psychopath mind set or something.

The smaller twin pushed against the girl's shoulder before standing between the two. Her hand still shaking as she tried to hold her brother's hand back. "Whoa whoa whoa! It's alright your buddy isn't dead! He just fainted because a certain someone surprised him!" Dog yipped in a bit of a higher panicked voice before shooting a glare toward her twin, whom still was watching this new arrival and was mostly ignoring Dog.

Grumbling, Dog looked at the raven haired woman before prying Cat's fingers from her fist, much to his displeasure. Still the dirty brown haired twin, gave a nervous smile as she slightly let go of both of them and raised her hands up, both in a surrendering way and ready to grab anymore flying punches.

Dog glanced toward Cat with narrowed rusty eyes. "Cat please get away from him or something. This is what happens when people walk in to see something like this. They think you killed him somehow." she barked a order at him.

Blinking slowly he only brushed a few fingers through the boy's hair, though his eyes were still focused on the woman. As though to silently antagonize her through touching her companion.

Dog face palmed as he just ignored her. "I swear the dork is fine! He's still breathing and surprisingly doesn't even have a cut or anything! He may have had a possible panic attack but otherwise he's alive! Cat come on quit picking a fight and give him here!" she growled as she bent down to pick up the sleeping boy.

Cat gripped onto the boy's leg and shoulder, eyes narrowed in somewhat of dissatisfaction and the loss of the warmth. It almost looked like the twins were playing a game of tug of war, since the tall man basically had a vice grip on the sleeping boy and Dog was trying to get the poor guy away from her psycho twin.

"....Cold." Cat stated simply as he finally managed to glance at his twin.

With a sigh , Dog tried to think of something quickly. "I know I know but pleeeeeeease let him go. I'll go get a rat for you to kill or something or maybe a bug. Maybe find a blanket. But for the love of god let him go. Why the hell do you even want him anyway?" she asked.

A few moments passed before another blunt statement was uttered. "Warm." Cat said before giving a disapproving grunt, his fingers releasing their hold. The chill returning and the craving clawing his insides.

Dog sighed in relief as her brother finally released his apparent caught prey before picking up the boy bridal style and just about held him out to the woman almost like a peace offering. "See? He's just sleeping." she chirped with a nervous smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ash: “I’ll take you and one other person out to do a fuel run, though we don’t want to just fill the tank. We can take a few canisters to fill, nothing too heavy. We can siphon fuel from a few of the abandoned cars; I highly doubt pumps will still be active. Rena you can inspect the fence with Remy in my stead. Olivia keep doing what you’re doing...Lloyd”

Kaylah remained quite after she brought that point up and let her finish up whatever else she had to say. Blue looked at her plate once more to see the eggs she had yet to eat and her fork was still poking at it since she said something moments ago. By this time the eggs were slightly warm at best but she was not going to waste it as she felt it was a slap to the face to the person who cooked it making her look over to the person who did, of course this person being her roommate. Eventually she eat everything on her plate making her place her fork and knife on the plate showing she was done, she planned to take it to the sink when things were finished being discussed.

Chris: “Hey, any of you seen Tony? Dark hair, glasses, doesn't say much?”

Moments later someone was asking for Tony making Kaylah look over to the voice to see it was Chris. She did not know Tony but the person asking seemed to want to find him. What she had seen over the last few days with the group was that Chris seemed very protective of Tony though her brief description clicked the person she was looking for in her mind though she had not actually seen where he went. Dog seemed to not leave her brothers side for too long but they were siblings so they had some strong bond keeping them together like a magnet.

The thing that caught the stripper’s attention now was the thing with Lloyd who still insisted he was fine. After a little bit of what seemed like stubbiness Lloyd agreed to what the young woman told him to do. Still Kaylah would keep her eyes on him; it was nothing more than paranoia. It would be a shame if something did happen to him as it was his farm and she would feel a little weird being here without him because she knew he was alive and she had been in the same room as him despite not really knowing him.

Ash: Not sure whether it's the same guy but Dog mentioned that someone was up with Cat in the attic... Techy boy?”

When the question was answered Kaylah turned to see what Chris reaction was but by this time she was gone, she was like a cartoon character. The road runner came to mind as it seemed she needed to reach the attic where the twins were located and apparently so was Tony like it was life and death. With her out of the way she looked back to where Ash was before saying something.

Kaylah: “Well I think some canisters were in that gruesome shed, I may look in there again now the body has been moved and buried. If my memory is right there should be two big ones, three medium ones and several small ones too. I am fairly sure we can pick up one of the heavy ones. Maybe they are more containers then canisters, regardless they both hold stuff.”

She paused for a moment thinking something before going on.

Kaylah: “Might be easier if we have a cart and one of the horses, maybe both to stop the stress hurting the poor things. The weight will increase a lot the more we fill it up. I think it would be a good idea to get a better haul in one run but we still have some problems along the way such as cars, trucks and other things blocking the roads.”

She was not insisting they take the horses but it would make things easier and on top of that maybe they would like to stretch their legs on a simple run. If they could get a nice amount on the first and possibly only run they would be in a better position, who knew when the dead would show up and take it away from them. She soon stood up and placed her hands on the table, a petrol station would be ideal as a target place to go even if some had been locked or emptied by now. She would have asked Lloyd where the closet petrol station was but he seemed rather ill and so she did not bother doing so.

Her eyes soon roamed over to the three animals, one who was still eating and the other two lying about. The cat seemed to be on the counter where it was cleaning itself and Lloyd's Dog was just sitting by the table the group was using. Bruiser being the last to touch her food ate it slowly. Her eyes soon met Ash’s once more wondering what else she would say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Mercy –

Mercy turned her head to see Chris's reaction, catching the look of horror that flashed across her expression before she predictably shot out of the room. Mercy hastily got to her feet reaching over to press her hand against Lloyd’s shoulder. “I’ll be back” She assured him, feeling Tamashii’s gaze bore into her as she turned towards the door stopping for a moment to look back at her companion as she made to follow her. “I got this, concentrate on what you’re doing” She politely told her which in code meant ‘Don’t you dare follow suit’ Mercy jogged into the hall, taking the stairs at a swift pace, trying desperately to keep her beating heart even. She wasn’t one for confrontation...what if Cat had hurt Tony or Chris? Or worse... She grit her teeth as the hurried words of the smaller twin met her ears, climbing the stairs she was privy to the sight of Dog untangling Chris’s fist from Cat’s grip. She hesitated in the door, knowing full well she wasn’t nearly as fight savvy as almost everyone in this room. Her eyes focused on the still form of Tony held tightly within the cold man’s arms, she watched him willing him to move, breathe or do anything that might suggest he was still alive.

Flinching as Dog barked an order at his elder twin; she probably would have hit the floor if Cat had raised his voice in return. Catching the intentional look that Cat gave Chris as he touched Tony’s head no doubt to provoke her, Mercy decided to join Dog between the pair just in case Chris lurched at the man a second time. “Easy, he’s doing it on purpose. Don’t rise to it” She murmured to the dark haired woman, trying to appear strong in her set frowning at Dog as he slammed a palm against his face before he growled at his twin. She was relieved to hear that Tony wasn’t hurt at all, keeping herself between Chris and Cat she angled herself so she was turned more towards Chris unable to allow herself to completely turn her back on the two brothers.

“Panic attack? So he just fainted, we can-" Mercy started though was cut off as the twins engaged in a hair raising and no doubt particularly distressing (for Chris) game of tug of war with poor Tony. Anticipating a negative reaction from Chris and deciding interfering with the twins would not help the situation, she could only try to keep Chris from attacking both of them, by keeping herself firmly in the way. “If you go dashing in there it’ll hurt him more” She pointed out should she get the chance. Knowing the other woman was stronger than her, she was careful with her actions not wanting to become enemy number three but at the same time she wasn’t against using her own body or hands to try to keep Chris out of Cat’s grasp as well. If she hadn’t been pushed aside she was able to listen to the twin’s converse behind them, looking over her shoulder to watch Cat’s reaction to his brothers offer. He wanted Tony for warmth? “You want something warm? There’s loads of spare blankets downstairs that can get for you...just let Tony go””

Seeing him finally release Tony from his grip Mercy hesitantly stepped aside as Dog quickly scooped up and produced the sleeping man to his companion. She remained close by just in case she was needed, unsure of the depth to Chris’s rage or the impact the whole ordeal could have had on Tony. “If he’s just sleeping I’ve got something that’ll bring him to...” Mercy added in watching the nervous smile cross Dog’s face as he awaited Chris’s decision.

– Tamashii – Essence of Lloyd -

Tamashii was concerned with Chris’s sudden disappearance, she predicted there would be trouble where she was heading. She rolled her eyes catching Mercy begin to move out of the corner of her eye she narrowed her gaze and went to shoot around Remy to catch the blonde before she could away, she only stopped when Mercy effectively told her too. She shook her head but remained where she was, trusting the blonde despite the knawing sensation in her stomach their chance of leaving was edging away she could feel it...she had to focus on making this place as safe as possible. Hearing Kaylah speak up she turned her attention back to her moving around to stand beside Remy as she listened folding her arms across her chest defensively. “Great, we should swing by there and get a few of them...though I’d rather not pick up a heavy one, light and fast. We don’t want to be hauling anything around. And I was thinking more of actually taking a vehicle out rather than the animals, faster, quieter far more predictable for this sort of thing, don’t you think? We’d have to deal with blockages should we come across any” She replied, running her hand into her hair as Lloyd got to his feet unsteadily taking his plate over to the sink before excusing himself from the room no doubt to retreat back to his room...just for a little while.

Tamashii’s gaze hardened as Kaylah caught her eye, she didn’t avert her gaze but her body language suggested she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the eye contact. “If you’re finished care to show me to the containers?” She asked Kaylah raising an eyebrow at the other woman before breaking the eye contact to turn to Remy. “I’ll catch up with you later” She told him lightly bumping his shoulder her fist before she moved over to the back door, pushing it open and waiting for Kaylah to come with her. “Olivia, when the others come back can you tell them what we’re doing? Also if you can get hold of that map it would be appreciated” She asked the red head who was busy making herself busy with cleaning. “And thank you for all of this” She added shifting uncomfortably as she tried to offer up a small smile for the young girl whilst she waited for Kaylah to show her which shed to go to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

All sense evaporated in the seconds that it took for rage to tear through her body and send her fist hurtling at Cat's face. Her only thoughts were of vengeance, for what exactly she was not sure of yet. If not for her emotionally dominant state, she might have considered how dangerous this man was. He moved faster than she ever could and seized her fist in his hand. He clamped around it like a vice and twisted until pain shot through her arm and made her knees tremble. Chris ground her teeth to keep the cry of pain down and remained stood.

As she saw the flash of his other fist she feared for everyone in the building, should he kill her. The first time she cared so much about anyone other than Tony since her grandfather died. When Dog her, Chris remained precariously tense, her eyes locked on Cat. In the corner of her eye she saw how much the smaller twin struggled to keep Cat's other fist at bay. She didn't move until Dog released her from Cat's grip, again holding in a whine of pain. Lowering her hand only some, trying not to let either of them see the extent of the damage.

Only then did Dog's words finally register – Tony was alive. Relief became a momentary painkiller, but it quickly vanished. Her mind adjusted to the scene and she felt herself tense all over again when she realised Mercy had entered the room. She kept her eyes on Cat, itching to tear him apart especially when he toyed with her the way he did. Mercy drew her attention away, forcing Chris to look at her by getting between them. Instinctively, Chris reached out with her functioning hand to pull her away from Cat, fearing what would happen if he chose to use Mercy as well, but only let her hand hover by Mercy's side.

Her eyes darted from Mercy to Cat and back again, taking in every tiny movement and listening to every word either of them said. The need to protect her and Tony overpowered the need to break Cat's nose. Tony murmured and began to blink blearily, as if waking from a deep sleep. Chris lunged forward to take him from Dog's arms, and situated herself between Mercy and the twins as she did so. Shooting pains continued to riddle her hand and arm, but she refused to make a sound as she pulled her best friend against her. She fired a hateful look at Cat, for he would likely understand a threat even when it was given to him through another's eyes. “Let's go,” she told Mercy, voice firm, and waited for the blonde to leave before she followed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dog sighed in minor relief as one of the women, Mercy she believed, entered in and attempted to keep the raven haired woman calm. It seemed to work, since the angry woman managed to be more concerned for the new arrival than daring another strike toward Cat. Next time, Dog may not be able to stop a blow from Cat. It hurt even if he just shook someone's hand. His hands were like iron traps and his fingers like steely claws. It be no doubt it be painful for anyone he snatched like that.

It was quite scary how such so little restraint can cause such strength. Even now she didn't know how he can hold so little hesitation within his movements.

As the boy was snatched from her arms, she sighed softly in relief as the two seemed to be retreating to safety, though slightly pouted at potential friends were scared off by her twin.

Cat watched as the new arrival stepped him, looking at him cautiously while also trying to calm Chris down and deter her from making another aggressive move against him. It seemed to have work, since now she was more interested in this new stranger and the sleeping boy rather than trying to hit h. How disappointing. His cold blue eyes watched them, seeming to barely even blink as they stared coldly at them before glancing toward blonde who questioned his reason.

"...Doubtful." The tall man's voice broke out like a cold whip, yet still calm and icy, almost haunting in this quiet tense attic.

His words were vague in meaning since he said no more than that, but he had doubts these people would truly give up supplies such as warmth. Especially to someone they fear and probably wish deep in their hearts he would freeze to death. That and blankets isn't exactly what he needed by warmth.

Dog leaned closer and simply whispered, "It's complicated." she said before straightening again.

The black haired man watched them, the raven haired girl supporting the slightly stirring boy and was ready to leave. As the aggressive woman of the group glared a threatening glare, he simply gave the same calm expression before his lips curled in a smile. But it was not a smile of amusement, or happiness... But a sinister one. It was one would see a predator ready to rip the flesh of a living being and watch it scream in agony. As soon as it came though, it disappeared back to his regular neutral calm expression.

Seeing it was the end of a possible bloodbath, his cold gaze softened back to its neutral, calm and uninterested gaze. Yet his strong body was still tense, a few muscles even twitching . The craving was just getting stronger, and this possible opportunity only proved to be a tease. Dissatisfying... If Dog had not interrupted, this problem would have been solved for the time being.

It was hard to explain the blood lust, the craving to kill. The best he could describe it was like getting a mosquito bite under ones foot. By itself, it already crazily itched but the person inflicted knew it was bad to scratch. However, because it was under the foot, it was constantly scratched and made it only more itchy. Eventually driving one insane with the mere sensation.

As he looked at them, the craving only got worse, yet he knew he should resist the temptation. They have turned their back on the fight, resisting aggression. Leaving him with little excuse. Annoying. He supposed he would have to resolve this by his single solution for the past five years.

Seeming to now ignore the others, finding them uninteresting or simple didn't care, he reached into his coat and pulled out his pocket knife. Playing with it between his fingers before rolling up his right sleeve, his left hand holding the knife, perhaps noting that he was left handed. Hah, another sign of the devil according to superstition. The blade moved along his inner arm to make a small cut. His eyes watched as blood seeped out from the self made injury, slowly starting to trinkle along the appendage. Such a fascinating substance, that calmed him. Odd really. Still he moved his arm closer to his lips and started to lap up the thick liquid with his tongue. Running it along any straying strands of blood and along the injury.

Dog looked at her brother, giving a sigh, and yet held no surprising features upon her face. "You know I'm the one who has to bandage that up before you get infected or something . And stop licking at it you'll just get yourself sick." the smaller twin nagged, but her brother only ignored her as he continued licking before rolling his sleeve down and moving toward the boxes. Picking something up and walking to the window, opening it up before climbing outside.

He was too cramped just inside, so he simply sat outside the window, sitting on the tiny ledge of the roof.

Dog watched him with a sigh, knowing he was only going to ignore them her. "Fine, I'll be back later just stay there... And try not to go on a walk a bout. Freaks people out seeing a giant man climbing roofs or a sudden giant man landing in front of them. Your food is over there, it's not poisonous, the sweet little girl made it and it's delicious. I'm going to give them the map requested." Dog said with a grin, like nothing ever happened before humming as she walked out and headed down the steps. Seemingly back to her perky cheery self.

"Awe sorry for him, guess he was comfortable." Dog said with a smile, apologizing to the two ladies S well as to the sleeping boy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ash: “If you’re finished care to show me to the containers?”

Upon hearing that Kaylah picked up her plate and took it over to the sink like she planned too before heading to the shed. The sound of one plate touching another filled the room for a split second which was followed by a clung by the knife and fork she put in afterwards. Blue quickly made a 180 turn to face away from the sink before making her way towards the doorway to make her way to the shed. She did not utter any other words and remained silent as she left the kitchen and made her way outside of the temporary home the group were using. The light outside was very different from what it was outside making Kaylah cover her face so she could let her eyes adjust.

She paused for a moment before her eyes finally settled and allowed her to continue on. The home was not even that dark though it was a rather bright day so the difference was very apparent. Her eyes looked over the fencing in front of her which went all around the farm itself and a few other things were in her sight but she soon turned to make her way to the shed where she saw that poor soul’s body. The birds in the area made most of the sounds, of course some of them being the chickens with the odd horse sound here and there. Other than her light footsteps and light breathing she made no real sounds as they approached the shed.

Since the shed had been opened the day they arrived the door to the shed made a creaking sound every time one opened it though it was not opened that often even though the tools were inside. The shed was closed so the creaking sound would be heard, it was the rusty bolts mostly but some oil would fix that when on wanted to do it. With the being opened the light began to creep in to reveal the tools on the rack which held them, the work bench was clear and all the nails, screws and other tools were placed under it in three wooden boxes which had something in-between them to separate the various items.

The blood stains were still present; it had turned a dark colour and was dried on like print. The odour was gone, it took a good 48 hours to do so and the shed had a window in it which was removed to air the shed while the door was closed. Once Kaylah stepped in she turned to the left to see the two massive canisters, four medium and several small ones. A cob web hung in the corner of the room, it was recent as the shed had been cleaned mostly and sorted out. The canisters themselves had blood on them and it seemed to two of the four medium canisters were filled with something. The woman in blue soon reached down and tried to pick one of the filled containers up.

It was rather heavy but she needed to see what was in it and see if it was safe to dump, the medium sized ones were more practical then the large and small ones anyway. The shed still had a metal cup in it and she Kaylah would use it to see what the contents were. It took some doing but she managed to lift the canister and tried to pour some of the liquid into the cup to see what it was. At first it looked like water but it had a smell coming from it so it must have been something else instead. The cup sat there as Kaylah looked at it for a moment before finally saying something.

Kaylah: “Spirits……… I am definitely sure it is that stuff.”

A bucket was close by and it was empty, it was a rather large bucket so most of the canister would go empty and she could use one of the small containers to get rid of the rest. Three medium containers should be enough, if not one or two small containers would be enough.

Kaylah: “Grab those two empty containers and place them outside for a moment. I think I see some rubber tubing so maybe we could use it for our fuel run.”

The rubber tubing was rather long that she had no idea what it was for or if it was there just for parts but in any case they could use it. When the last medium container was empty she moved it and placed it on the floor. She then grabbed the tubing and started to measure it before grabbing one of the tools close by to cut it into several parts so they could each use it or if one broke another would possible cover them. The tubing was rather soft and easy to cut but it seemed to be rather resistance to splitting from what she saw at the ends of each tube. She soon placed them around her and tied in in a lit knot for easy use before grabbing the last container.

Kaylah: “Anything else we need before we get going other than a map?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Mercy –

Mercy could feel Cat’s eyes travel to her on occasion, it made her heartbeat increase despite her best efforts to remain calm and it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She was inwardly pleased that she was able to aid in keeping Chris from launching herself at Cat; aware of the hovering hand by her side no doubt in place to snatch her away from the cold twin should he go for her. She couldn’t quite express how grateful she was for the simple action, she had never been fond of other people protecting her...but when it came to this man she almost welcomed it. After bravely speaking to him she was quite surprised at his answer, his voice hit her like a ton of bricks the calm yet cold tone actually caused her to physically flinch into Chris’s hovering hand briefly as she dropped her eyes to the floor lowering her shoulders in a submissive gesture. “I-I’m sorry...” She breathed out, tensing again as Dog leant closer to whisper. Why doesn’t that surprise me... She thought as Dog was finally able to retrieve Tony from Cat.

The blonde felt sure that once Chris had her partner firmly within her grasp there was no need to worry about her going for Cat anymore; therefore she felt no need to move away from the safety Chris presented her with when she positioned herself between Mercy and the twins. Though she felt bad for Dog...he seemed genuine in his want to help, though she was unsure whether it was just for his brother’s safety or because he perhaps wanted them to view him more as friend rather than foe. Mercy peered around Chris, looking at Dog with a thoughtful expression on her face quickly studying his facial features she couldn’t help but think he looked rather effeminate...even if his mannerism’s and height suggested differently, she couldn’t really vouch for body shape considering Dog himself was well covered. And you’re studying him because... Realizing this the blonde turned her attention away from the smaller twin looking around the attic as she encircled her left wrist with her right hand gently rotating her wrist between her fingers, a habit born of nerves.

However, as Cat drew a pocket knife from his pocket, she jolted forward reaching out to touch Chris’s damaged arm unaware of her injury as she watched the cold twin play with the sharp contraption before rolling up his right sleeve. What came next was something she couldn’t quite bring herself to watch so she turned her head away knowing the blade would find his arm and blood would flow from the wound, she only looked back at the sound of lapping...rather wishing she hadn’t. The fact that Dog acted as if this was a normal occurrence made the entire scene far more unsettling. She nodded as Chris turned to her and firmly told her they were going, without hesitation she obediently turned away from the twins and left the attic before Cat made his escape to solitude. She hastily descended the stairs, checking over her shoulder to make sure Chris was behind her as she went. By now her heart was beating too fast for comfort, she could feel the familiar tightness in her chest and a labored edge to her breathing.

Mercy didn’t think that Chris may have wanted to put Tony down sooner rather than later and since she was in front made her way down to the end of the hall to the room she knew the pair shared, she pushed the door open and stepped out of the way. She hovered near the door frame, clearly unsure whether to stay or leave though she was concerned for both of them; that much was obvious through her expression. “How’s he doing?” She asked Chris just as Dog joined them, apologizing for her brothers behavior with a smile she shifted aside to give Dog some room in the doorway, absently folding her arms across her chest, feeling that apology wasn’t directed at her Mercy only gave Dog a small but warm smile in return rather than commenting on what was said. After all it wasn’t her partner who had been within the grip of the larger twin. After a moment her smile faded away, she wasn’t feeling the need to smile after what had just happened in the attic... instead she focused on keeping her breathing even as she awaited Chris’s response to Dog before speaking again. “...that was a little too close for comfort wasn’t it?” Mercy murmured to Dog, flicking her gaze to rest on Dog though she avoided his eye. “Cat, won’t do anything to the others will he?” She quickly followed up, a sudden flare of anxiety passing through her as she thought of Olivia and Tamashii though she questioned who would come out of the scuff worse for wear if Cat went after the latter person.

- Tamashii -

Tamashii watched Kaylah move across the kitchen to the sink, her eyebrow raised in a curious gesture as she waited for her to at least offer up a vocal response to her question. She relaxed her arms as the other woman made for the door deciding to simply follow her in the hopes she’d take her to the canisters. She didn’t really view the strangely dressed individual as a threat so she wasn’t as worried about a sneak attack...she glanced at Remy beside her, breaking the rules for a second time she tapped his shoulder lifting her hand she waved it once as if bidding him farewell for now before she trailed after Kaylah. The sun was indeed bright as they stepped outside though her eyes adapted quickly she lifted a hand to shield them anyway making sure she left her dominant hand free so she could reach for her firearm should she need to, scanning the terrain swiftly absorbing every detail it had to offer she fell into step just behind Kaylah maintaining the silence between them. She wasn’t exactly the best at starting up conversation...

She inspected the shed as they approached it, though it wasn’t noticeably different from the others on the outside. When Kaylah entered through the creaky door she hovered in the doorway, her body tensing up as she took in the appearance of the inside, she picked up on the dark blood stains decorating the floor and walls firstly before her eyes took in the very organized and tidy layout of the shed. “I’m going to assume you cleared this all out yourself...impressive” She commented, though her words suggested compliment her tone was rather mechanical in its deliverance lacking the emotion needed to seem sincere. Still hovering near the doorway her forehead creased further as she inspected the size of the canisters, more things covered in blood. The crimson liquid was becoming a regular decoration in this new world, it was a rare occurrence to find something not covered in the stuff. Watching Kaylah struggle to pick up one of the medium sized canisters she debated offering her assistance, deciding against it as the woman in blue successfully poured some of the liquid into a cup. Her nose was instantly assaulted by the smell of what she could only describe as spirits. “Agreed, keep a hold of it...never know it could come in handy” She pointed out, shifting into the shed, she moved over to the other canisters testing the weight of the medium ones before the small ones.

She glanced up at the other woman as she spoke, listening to her instructions she nodded her head slowly in response, she picked up the last small and medium canisters carrying both out of the door with minimal effort, even empty they felt rather heavy. This is going to suck... Was her conclusion on the matter, the idea of being slowed down did not sit well on her mind regardless of how necessary it was. She moved back over to the door watching Kaylah secure the rubber tubing around herself, she moved aside so she could leave the shed. Moving back over to the containers she picked them both up, jutting her head in the direction of the vehicles. “Firstly, lets check out what we’ve got for travel and make sure we pool together what fuel we can for the trip out and back. We’re also going to need at least another two people to come with us...once we’ve got those sorted we can go over the map. If Dog can find it for us” Tamashii shrugged as she reeled off her check list, moving over to the farms vehicles.

She placed the canisters on the ground before heading straight for one of the pick-up trucks, looking inside she realized the keys were inside it. “These guys were rather trusting...” She commented to Kaylah pulling the door open and hopping in, she twisted the keys smirking as the engine jumped into life with little to no resistance. Her face fell a bit as she realized it only had a quarter tank of petrol however; she turned it off again and slid out of the driver’s seat. “Want to give those tubes a test run? We need more fuel, could you see if any of these other vehicles have any in their tanks. The more the better” She stressed the last part of her question, in a perfect world if they found fuel they could top up the tank then but this world was far from perfect and she wanted this thing able to move when they needed to once they were through that gate. Going to check under the hood make sure it doesn’t conk out on us halfway through” She announced, her tone was a marginally lighter than earlier but still lacked a certain volume of warmth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tony blinked repeatedly, sometimes closing for longer than a few seconds, until his eyes finally allowed him to see. What he saw was his best friend above him, features tense and frowning in both worry and rage – he knew her long enough to read her exactly as she felt. He twitched, half wanting to move and see what else was happening, when he felt her arms around him and realised for the first time she was carrying him.

As the realisation hit, so did the memory of what had transpired. He could imagine what happened following his passing out. Tony felt a tremendous amount of guilt for it, though he had to settle on what his imagination could tell him. He could not help but think that this would hamper any small chance Cat had of rehabilitation within the group.

Chris kept her eyes on Cat even when she felt Tony wriggle and saw his eyes open from the corner of her vision. She could not let him make a single move without her muscles twitching, a sensation that made the agony of her hand, wrist and arm worse. She rested the majority of Tony's weight on her left arm, grinding her teeth to keep from whimpering whenever another lightning bolt of pain shot through her right. She didn't want to give Cat the satisfaction of seeing her injured.

Even as he moved away and cut himself, she remained where she stood, unabashed. She had seen worse, and wasn't the slightest bit surprised to see a madman such as Cat hurting himself. She did not expect to feel Mercy's fingers on her arm again, sending another shot of pain through it. When Mercy turned away and left, Chris followed quickly. On alert, her senses picked up the other woman's erratic heartbeat and unsteady breathing.

Chris slipped into the room she shared with Tony and immediately went to the bed to set him down. He looked up at her with tired, worried eyes as he laid down, initiating a silent conversation between the two. Dog's arrival cut it short, and Chris stood guard in front of Tony's bed. She knew Dog posed little or no threat to Tony or Mercy, but still she itched to keep them away from both the twins.

Crouching, she plucked her baton and rifle from beneath her bed, swung the rifle over her shoulder and held the baton in her left hand. “If he does,” she started, referencing Mercy's question, “he leaves or he dies.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Dog followed the three into a room which probably belonged to one of them. Giving a slight nervous smile to Mercy as she mentioned how it was a close call. It indeed was... Even she was unsure she'd be able to restrain him enough to calm down. As the blonde spoke concern for everyone, The raven haired girl spoke after setting down Tony and picking up a couple of weapons. Making a slight threat if he did.

"Well if you don't try punching him, you should be fine. He won't hurt anyone unless they are threatening. Otherwise he would have already used one of those fancy chemical things on the entire house and poison everyone here. This guy really needs to hide his dangerous things better from a professional killer." Dog mused a bit before shrugging.

"Really, if you hadn't tried punching him, you wouldn't have gotten hurt. To him, he didn't see much reason why you would be so violent since he didn't haram your buddy. I'm not excusing his actions or anything, but he wasn't planning on hurting him. He was just using one of his solutions to avoid killing him." the brunette said before scratching behind her head then giving a sigh. "I don't expect you to like or forgive him. Just to understand." she said.

"Listen, I know it really doesn't seem like it. He's still weird and psycho to... Well normal people like you. But he is trying to get better. Been trying five years. Just this now hell were in iiiiisn't making things easy. Going back to stage one at this rate. And to be honest, I've find myself in difficult situations too because of him. Like maybe it be kinder to shoot him, maybe just leave him, or maybe just give up and die. But the only reason I'm still here is because of him. And I think of the shit he had to go through for it. I dunno if that's what took away his humanity, or he was just born like that, but because of that... I think it's my fault he's like that. So if you can't handle him, just leave him be. We will probably leave soon enough . He's only staying because I want to. I know you don't understand, and you probably don't want to hear gory details... But.. We've been in this hell all our life, just replace zombies with assholes." Dog tried explaining with a soft warm smile, though it was sad as well.

She paused for a moment before glancing at them again. "And just like now, no one helped him. Not even me because I was too afraid. Sad that his own brother was too much of a wimp to help when that's all he's done for me isn't it?" She said softly, mostly to herself, as she went over some memories she had in their younger years. Honestly, she didn't witness too many of Cat's missions, but sometimes she saw what happened if he failed or was disobedient. There was one time she remembered that was quite terrifying, and they were pretty young too. She didn't know what he did, he wouldn't tell her, but it was apparently something that made Snake pissed.

Shaking the memories aside, the boyish girl gave a bright cheerful smile. "So yeah, he won't do anything if you don't threaten him. So I guess just leave him alone is the easiest. Just think of him like a cornered hungry stray cat. If they think your going to hurt them, they will scratch you all the hell. Think your harmless, then they might beg for food. Imma go give this to that other lady, um.. Ash yeah! Don't forget to get some grub gals and guy!" she barked happily before bounding out and down the stairs and to the kitchen, acting like a good excited dog bringing its master the newspaper .

It was dark... Complete blackness. There was rarely any true color in this place, this dark place. One could call it terrifying as a choking feeling seemed to clasp around the throat, yet it was somehow calming. Because it was only darkness, one of the things he knew quite well.

The calm did not last however.

Through the empty darkness, a thin white line emitted, slowly opening to reveal a large eyeball. It's pupil large and leaving no room for any further color that made up a human eyeball. It watched... Waiting... Staring.... It had been silent before, but now the beating of a heart started to slowly throb. Each throb opening up another eye through the darkness.... Until there was too many to count. All simply staring with their black pupils staring.

Blinking only occasionally.


After what seemed like a eternity, in the middle of the black pupils appeared to be its replacement, except this new pupil was blood red, a simple slit like a cat's eye. Widening ever so slightly as they moved ever so closer around him. Looking down, darkness had left his feet to be replaced by a sticky red liquid. Looking up again, he saw all the staring eyes crying, yet at the same time it almost felt like they were laughing.

Looking at the lake of blood that now stretched miles over the ground, he frowned as the beating heart continued it's ever noisy beatings. Looking down, he saw his chest bleeding. Absently, he stretched his fingers, digging into the open wound and pulled out the source of this sound.

Instead of a the expected organ, in the palm of his right hand, was a small bloody black kitten. It only gave a pitiful mewl, its fur puffing each time the sound of a beating heart emitted. Watching the creature silently, the eyes closing in and the bloody liquid rising higher, he closed his fist.

Opening his cold blue eyes, the tall man saw the peaceful green landscape before him as he lay on the roof, just outside the attic window. Another one of those dreams. He's never had anything much different. Not one those smile to or not even having none at all. They were always different, yet the same. Dark and horrifying as what Dog would call it. He had grown used to it and didn't often share unless asked to. Occasionally he would get a more peaceful dream, but they also were of the same events... And to be honest, those were the most terrifying to him. He didn't understand why... Perhaps because peace was such a foreign thing to him.

Grumbling, he closed his blue eyes again to rest, the sun against his skin making him feel sleepy again.
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