Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaptainCaptcha
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dave stood quietly in the less than usual company, listening to suggestions and weighing the ideas in his mind, while simultaneously rapping in his mind. It was a tough job multitasking planning and rhyming but somebody had to do it. He was reaching a nice beat when suddenly a lizard man fell from a tree.

“Okay I was fine with waking up on the ground with the rest of Peter Pan’s lost boys but lizards falling from trees? God damn.” He exclaimed. At least he wasn’t nakking like other reptiles he’d met, or trying to make him into soup. He might have greeted him or something but he fell out of his attention quickly. Arry suggested running into the woods and following that way. Seemed reasonable enough Dave supposed. Next Veronika suggested that they form a forward scouting party, placing only part of the group in danger. Dave thought of it for a moment before deciding he should test his skills first.

He walked over to a somewhat thin looking tree and stared it down for a moment before making his move. He reached back and grabbed the handle of his katana and quickly unsheathed it and brought it downwards in a quick and strong strike. It was so fast the human eye could barely register it, but surely the tree was cut in half at an angle and the top slid down and fell over. Of course it was a smaller tree but it was still cool and kind of ironic. With that test of his remaining skills out of the way Dave turned to face Veronika.

“Hey, sign me up for your crew. I’ll be goddamn loyal soldier number one as long as I get to throw down some beats.” He knew she wouldn’t know what he meant by throwing down beats, but that made it better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TunaticTyler


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Arya had taken it upon herself to explore more of this fascinatingly diverse, open, foggy woodlands that were before her. As the adults and pseudo-leaders of this band of misfits was busy conversing about having a scouting party and ensuring the safety of the group as a whole, the spunky young noblewoman had slipped quietly away with Needle firmly in her right hand. Finding an uncanny interest to even simple attributes such as flowers and basic vegetation, the lost Stark *boy* was more than overjoyed with this foreign yet familiar world before her. Even if she was insane, gone surely made from the suffering she was enduring, at least in her broken consciousness she was enjoying her moments of insanity.

Glancing behind her, the short-haired brunette made mental notes of her location. These woods, whilst vast and large, were very easy to maneuver as little shrubbery and spiny bushes blocked ways. Oddly, either by the work of man or by the work of nature, the trees were neatly spaced out to form makeshift *corridors* through the woodlands. Of course, there were some exceptions to this, and it didn't help that a slight fog had cloaked this shrouded forest. But, from a outsider's standpoint, it was evident that these woods had not been fully untouched by man. Knowing that this group was her only means of protection from the unknown, Arya set aside her ambitious pride as she returned towards where the majority of the group was still chattering. Standing on the other side of the roughly paved dirt-road presumably leading to Elyae, Arya bit the bottom of her lip for a moment as she casually twirled Needle in her right hand.

"I guess I'll stay in the back, keep an eye out for anything. I'm pretty fast." Arya blankly spoke to Veronika, still paranoid (and rightfully understood) of these strangers and knowing that her best friend at the moment was her beloved Needle. Letting out a soft yawn, the once noble wearing nothing more than a peasant boy's tunic and a dirty white blouse began to slightly wipe off the grime and filth on her face with the sleeve of her blouse. If anything, a bath would be more than welcomed at this point in her weary, confusing, seemingly endless cycle of constant traveling and sorrow. Feeling disconnected from the members of this group, the girl began to turn around to explore more until a faint yet distinct sound burrowed itself deep, deep into Arya's normally thick and resilient heart.


Silence soon followed, both from the source of the sound and from the young girl's body itself. Breaths were hold, blinking halted, and if she even realized that her own heart wasn't even beating to begin with, it too would have frozen at the horrifically eerie groan of what sounded like a feral creature. At first, she disbelieved what she had heard, assuming that her crumbling state of mind from this abrupt transformation into a new world and the losses in her own world was beginning to consume her. Disbelief was written on her dirty yet angelic face, looking at the other members of the group with shocked-filled hazel eyes. Gripping Needle tighter, Arya's curiosity quickly diminished as she crossed over the dirt road and grew close to those in the group she had quickly grown to trust, which at the moment was Dave (whom at the moment seemed to be pridefully boasting of his swordsmanship)

"W-Was I not the only one that he-"


Her soft voice was interrupted once again by the ominous groaning of this unknown, feral creature. The more she repeated the frighteningly disturbing groan in her mind, the more Arya couldn't help but shake the feeling of how human it sounded. Human or not, however, the mere feral nature of it was more than enough to unsettle even the brave and mighty Lady Arya Stark. Feeling her hazel eyes concentrate over the dirt road, staring within the lines between the Behemoths of Mother Nature, the preteen merely awaited as the light fog acted as a veil for whatever being lurked deep within these seemingly haunted woods.

They were not the only ones, and whatever was out there, it did not give the impressions of being friendly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

With the ironic remarks from the blonde boy came a surprising skill, in the form of swordsmanship. It seems that his blade was not just for show. Yes, he’d work for the advance party, and the fact that he volunteered made it all the better. When Arya mentioned that she’d stay behind, Veronika simply nodded. “Dave and I can go forward, and the rest of you can follow a good distance behind. If anything goes astray, hopefully we’d make enough of a ruckus for you to notice. Otherwise…” It was then that the guttural noise suddenly appeared where there was once human chatter. Veronica took a few steps forward, and then gave a glance back at Dave as if to tell him to follow. She carefully reached to her belt and pulled forward the chain sickle the girl so dearly cherished, ready to use it if the need arose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oskar DiLondra
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Oskar DiLondra The Eldritch Engineer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The dinosaur creature thingy didn't respond, and it was only then that Skulduggery realised it had passed out, so he withdrew his hand, and listened to the plans that were being discussed by the rest of the group, the forest sounded like the best option, but the fact that there was a path leading through the mountains tempted skullduggery a bit, but he supposed it wouldn't hurt to travel on the "road less travelled" so to speak.

"Yeah, the woods sound like the best to me. I would volunteer myself to go, but I'd prefer to stay here, and test a few things, I need to see what I can still do, I feel a bit, deflated so to speak. I will be following in a few minutes" Part of this was to show of to sword-boy over there, so he hoped that it worked, otherwise this would be incredibly embarrassing.

He also walked towards a tree, this one evidently larger than the one that the boy had chopped down, just slightly, and clicked his fingers. And out came, nothing. Well, this was awkward, where were the usual flames that would be produced, funny, maybe there wasn't enough oxygen here or something. Seeing as he was on the topic of air, he attempted to send out a gush of wind at the tree, and surprisingly, it worked. Not only did it knock down the tree, but all of the roots came out and it flew into another tree.

"Well that's-" Skulduggery fell to the ground, almost fainting, that had taken more out of him than it should, it wasn't usually that difficult, maybe he had to get used to this new environment.

"Yeah I'll just, I'll just stay here for a while" He panted, putting his hands against his knees and pushed himself up. He brushed the dirt off his trousers and corrected his hat, which had slightly tilted due to the fall.

That was when he heard the noise, a disgusting noise, a terribly, guttural roar, or gurgle, whatever sounded better. Roar, definitely. He looked back at the rest of his group and attempted to raise an eyebrow, realising he didn't have any, he decided what he was doing was probably quite terrifying.

"That wasn't one of you was it?" It was deadly silent, and Skulduggery braced himself, he couldn't battle, not now, he was too tired. He took out his .32, and checked the bullets, 2 in the chamber, 7 in his suit pocket, he had to use them sparingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Basically, everyone was going. That was the line that Killua drew. Well, he couldn't be the only one to stay behind so he had no choice but to go along. "Alright, I'm going to," Killua announced. He didn't know yet exactly where he would stand in the group's formation. They were such a perculiar bunch, the mismatch of their party caused him to consider if they even needed on. Killua was particularly fast so he felt that he would be probable either in the very front or back. In the middle he would have to worry about someone standing behind and in front of him, effectively restricting his movement in those directions. Of course, Killua could always jump above. He was a bit acrobatic. Feeling confident that they would be fine, Killua prepared to take a step and initiate the beginning of their scouting trip.

Then he heard it. A dreadful noise that attracted the group's attention as if it were a fireworks display.

At first the sound made Killua uneasy. He didn't say anything to express his concern, but he did tense up in preparation for a possible conflict. I haven't fully recovered enough to use nen, Killua thought, analyzing how he would act in the event that this was indeed a combat situation. I'll have to use another means. Killua reached into his pockets and whipped out a pair of rather unconventional weapons - two small spherical objects with strings attached. While he was sure that everyone else in the group would mock him for his choice in weaponry, Killua would pay the taunting no regard for he knew the secret of his weapons. They were reinforced with fine metal. While they were certainly heavier than standard yo-yos, a whack upside the head with their increased weight was potentially enough to crush a skull.
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